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Saving with Steve, March 12, 2024

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Saving with Steve
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With Guest, Gatsby Frimpong, on Doom Scrolling

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

With Guest, Gatsby Frimpong,

Episode 172: Doom Scrolling

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton hello welcome to the saving with Steve show and we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything in the sun relate to you having a happier or healthier relationship with my my name is Steve sex and first of all I want to thank everybody for sharing this with your friends and families were coming up on an almost a million listeners<br> worldwide now so that's pretty cool and again you can always go to saving with Steve exit or saving with Steve. Us for all the shows that everything for today we've got a treat for you want to set the stage right here and spending time with your family that you haven't seen all your am being forced into some uncomfortable small talk we all know this is been going on for decades why you won't be able to escape them at the table once you gather data living room searching for where to find a show or movie to finally agreed to watch there's an app you can save you time rescue from that small talk with your aunt and uncle or cousin you secretly destroy everybody and welcome guests feel pain in the crater and Co Gatsby TV Gatsby welcome to the show thanks for having me and I was talking to my wife about this and that dilemma of you have everybody over and it doesn't matter where they have a big family or small family there's always that one family member<br> to that you don't know what to say you're having that small talk and you're trying to think of something cuz nothing flows and then when you get in front of the TV it's like a what do we watch and it doesn't matter if it was like in the last 10 years when streaming was out we can go back 30 40 Years everybody have the same dilemma what do we watch a there's only six channels but what the hell what are we watched so I thought that was pretty cool let's start talking about what do Universal problems that people have are experiencing on streaming platforms and we'll just kind of go through there and we'll walk into a Gatsby TV codes for everybody to have a very similar story to you how he started the company was essentially at the time I was working at a major tech company in product management and engineering and every day just like millions of Americans and people worldwide billions of people worldwide I'd come home after a long day at work and you know can I have that time in between dinner and when you're going to bed<br> your partner your loved ones your family and you say okay what are you going to watch on TV and I wish you would have felt that this here. We started this contention between my partner I could she would want to watch something I'd want to watch something else we have roughly an hour or two to get something washed in heat spend half of that time I feel like I'm just kind of going back and forth and what we want to watch so I started to think myself you know I spend all my time at work trying to solve people's problems why can't I solve a simple problem like trying to watch the TV show and movie with loved one in the fast and efficient way and so I decided to start the app the app looks what it can change where to find what to watch all that kind of stuff so the Gatsby TV app is a mobile app available in either the Apple app store Google Play Store so you can download it on any phone essentially and said she would have supposed to be solving is that problem<br> trying to find something to watch and so when I was thinking about why it take so long to find something to watch I was thinking myself it's not a problem with choice because in the English-speaking World we've got about half a million TV shows and movies across Netflix Hulu Amazon Prime all these Litany of various TV networks and so again it's not a choice problem the problem is is that the write recommendation isn't there for the right person at the right time and where are recommended recommendations gently come from is your you know texting your friend or your after water cooler having brunch with someone and say Hey you know I just started watching this brand new show you should check it out until you make a mental note of it but when you actually sit down and hours later days later to find something to watch you you generally forget the recommendations So within the app what would happen now is that when you're sitting at lunch at the water cooler texting someone the person you can go into the app and send the recommendation directly to you as another user and so what this does is the next time you actually sit down and watch something rather than trying to rattle<br> reminder figure out what you've been recommended in the past you can actually see what your friends have recommended to you and you can actually see what they've currently watch died recently if they haven't recommended something directly to you so it gives you the sort of social way online to find things to watch that are interesting and see who's like them and then also let other people know that you'd like the TV show or movie also this is like deja vu right now if you really think about it while my wife really does cuz her parents watch stuff her friends watch stuff we like this series called alone we found out we're forever friends watch it there are season they had and all that kind of stuff and she would get six or seven things and she'll say what about this one about this what about this but if you have it on an app that makes it so much easier cuz everybody can see it so how does it help and the frustration cuz we've all gone on to Netflix and went click show click okay not that one now that we're not now they are even the same with the movies Eugene<br> keep going is like okay this doesn't seem like me don't like the romantic stuff need that needed actions things I want funny stuff how does that work yeah so there's plenty of features of the app but one of the primary features in the app is this Universal search so you can save yourself okay on this current TV I have Netflix I have HBO Max and I have Hulu I want to search on these specific networks for a comedy that is also a drama right that's also rated A+ within the app and so what that does for you that you don't get on a lot of other search tools is this Universal search right because if you're a Netflix you can only search for Netflix on tune if you're in Hulu you can only search for Hulu content if you're in HBO Max you can only search for HBO Max content so it first solves that problem then a second thing it does is when you actually go into a TV show or movie with an app that'll show you all the various ratings across Rotten Tomatoes IMDb and Metacritic so you know if it's a good movie or not and then lastly when you're looking at the movie you say okay I've decided on this<br> comedy-drama looks like it's rated and 93 on Rotten Tomatoes and now I want to find out what networks I can watch it on B then show you wouldn't have her if she can watch it either for free via subscription or where you can buy it and within the app once you let's say you have HBO Max you can actually click the HBO Max button within our app and we launch that's a game of thrones with in the HBO Max app for you so you can go directly in it so you can search all within the app and end this is really an end another point I want to make is for me I think one of the reasons why it takes too long to find things is that the search process is very convoluted right you're sitting there on your Ramon it's like GA you know you and so if you can do something Mobley on with your two thumbs and you can search that way you can search through a lot more content easily and so that's why we're trying to move the center of our entertainment World from the remote and a TV<br> back to the phone you say you search for something there you play something there and then you can cast it from your phone to your TV and so it becomes a much easier process and is no longer, that's easy launch the app staff this year it's something I've been working on his sort of a side project fraction a few years prior what does a sort of public version of the app that has been available since March of this year you got a lot of great feedback in both Apple Store is there a lot of people come to us because again this is a problem that I feel Century everyone has but none of the major companies are solving and part of the reason just to kind of give the audience a reason why is because if your Netflix or if your Amazon Prime or if you're going to name your your network there's no incentive for you to let people know what other good shows are on another Network right and so that's part of the reason why we had this problem like they Trio.<br> I want you to know that I'm Apple TV yeah there's actually a really good comedy on there that you should watch but we all have all of these these various networks and what sort of happen and unfortunately I remember the first day of the Netflix show me video of man the whole idea of it is that you would no longer have to have cable and then you could just sort of piecemeal okay maybe I'll just have Netflix it cost me $15 to $18 a month but what happened actually is that rather than people getting rid of their cable subscriptions they're just bolting on streaming video on demand so rather than lowering your total cost for the TV and entertainment from increasing it right into another thing that we do with a nap and other features will actually show you across your various streaming platforms how much you're paying and if you're buying or password whatever maybe you can actually put in 0.007 okay after borrowed password but we also want to give sort of our folks a single-pane-of-glass understand what their TV viewing is across multiple platforms<br> cotton how much is costing the things that we talked about what about helping people reduce their expenses and I do this all the time in the financial planning world is every little bit counts but one of the big things I've seen is something still have cable TV and then they have all those streaming sites and they're paying like 2 or $300 a month and I said which ones do you never watch and some of them go well you know I want that one in January want to keep it you know we're talking to me you know so it's like really we show people like if you just had the internet and then had the appropriate streaming sites that you want even if you have a live one you can probably get everything covered for almost half the cost so that's dozen for you be able to go and do that that's wonderful we're going to have to take a quick break I'm sorry I'm too into this everybody stick with this will be right back with more gas be here I sit in this seat<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show we're going to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hey welcome back to do shaving with Steve here I want to truly thank you for tuning in letting your friends and family know about saving with Steve all the rebates are available at ww.w saving with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside and saving Lucy then I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel so you never misses show check out a few of her feel it's a UK Health radio BBS radio talk radio New York City e360 TV Las Vegas TV networks all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve your problems uplift your spirit live a life of financial personal freedom if you like to go to saving with Steve or shaving with Steve Sexton on Facebook and there's an Insider's Club you can get gas gives behind the scenes you can see all the floods you can see all the little things that go on<br> with that I want to welcome Gaffey back here guess who's the creator of Gatsby TV if you just joined us you really want to check this out because we just talked about what happens during the holidays when you have people over and you got conversations that you try to create and then you get in front of the TV and they're trying to figure out the watch He's solved that problem he totally solve that problem that decade-old problem and I can understand what you were saying before Gatsby that there's a lot of places like Prime Netflix and someone they don't want to sell the problem cuz they don't want people leave their Network because that's a reduction in revenue from advertising says someone but basically you have the ability now to look at all the different streaming sites figure out what show you want to watch get recommendations from friends and family members and stock goes up as opposed to try to put them on another app that you always forget about a ride him down on a note that you'll never remember and it's there for you on top of that you know what I'm not even<br> Gatsby but on top of that you now have the ability to see where your expenses are and say you know what I'm not really using that I should get rid of that how how can I do these things this is wonderful to be welcome back in the shop I'm sorry I'm just crazy this because I think it's wonderful and it's not a streaming age problem it's a problem has been occurring for decades ever since I was in my teens and realizing that my parents and everybody else thought about what was up and went to watch whether we have 500 channels or back then I'm sorry I'm a little older we can have 13 or 14 watch the test pattern when your little could you just run past everybody again cuz I just got a note from one of the listeners would like to know how they would go about on your app to organize everybody timing in and say hey this is what I'm watching you might want to check this out and then how they can go about reducing cost when it comes to the different streaming sites<br> entertainment at but it's also a social app so think of it as if maybe you're streaming video on demand apps and Instagram had a kid so you can go in there you can have your own profile you can add friends and family members and then when you add them there then able to send you a recommendation so you're only going to get recommendations from the people you want to get recommendations from additionally when you go in the app and you're getting recommendations if you decide to watch something it's not something has been recommended to you there's an area within your profile where you can put recently watched so if people looking for something to watch it cuz I hate you no experts my family has really good taste let me see what he or she is watching what's great about this and why I put that in there is because I think one thing that's would have happened to technology specialist in social media this is actually made us less social right there's a lot of people I was actually having doing some research yesterday with some teachers and they're talking about how during this covid area with kids stay at home they're starting to see that their problems with the vomit when it comes to their sociability and have them talking friends<br> those types of me it's over this app this is a piece of technology which is not supposed to replace communication it supposed to augment communication so in a good example of that is looking for his since you're a printer to someone then they tell you to watch something they send you the recommendation what we found to be interesting is that window recommendation isn't and then you watch that show and then on your profile said that this recommendation that you said has been recently watched it sent a notification that other person and a while. There's a text message saying like oh my goodness you you watch the show I told you about what did you think about it right I'm going against this sort of augments this this social it really brings the idea of the social networks into the real world right again we're we're not trying to replace we're trying to augment so the next time you have brunch then you can sort of break bread over the things that Ben watch then on the saving side another great thing I didn't mention for is that not only can you see what's available with all your beer subscriptions for the one thing people forget is there's a lot of TV<br> get free still out there right so you can actually filter for free TV shows and movies which are available on various platforms that you may never have heard of right because like I said before the Apple TV is the Netflix is the Amazon the who's the world or not incentive eyes to tell you that there's actually free TV available and there is there is quite a lot of it so we make sure to make sure that you're aware that too and some of this and sort of to go out in a little pain in here is that why you're talk about TV and a pass in the way of all and the thing that portion that sort of happened is that people forget TV at one time was free so the reason why cable came to be is because the initial TV networks your local Foxy look like b c a b c excetera so we're supposed to be just reading that works you could watch they would have commercials and that's how they monetized right cable came along and the promise of cave I first was a premium content and no commercials. That's why you pay for it because it's supposed to be no commercial right and then slowly commercials<br> becoming a part of cable TV and this is where we're at now so we're we're going to kind of in the future would she be but again it's unfortunate but it's one of those things right it's they say those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it is that Netflix right now you're paying for it and there's no commercial the Netflix right now is having a problem with revenue and Wall Street trying to show this increase 3% 5% year over year and will enforce you you're probably going to start seeing is a even there they're releasing a ad-based Netflix version of Netflix but what's probably going to happen and mark my words and I want this recording now is that your papers of Netflix within the next 5 to 10 years is also going to have commercials so in what we're trying to do with the app is we're trying to give people this ability to really switch between TV providers and when you switch between teams and Riders what that does is it some thought to your existing TV provider which says you're not giving me the content I need or you're not giving me the value I need and so I'm going to switch over to HBO<br> whatever it may be and in doing this and having people actually switch rather than keeping things on in perpetuity the ideas that hopefully when they get to the point where they start to try to do commercials when you're already paying people leave those networks and I say I hold on people going in with their feet maybe we shouldn't do that so this is where we would become a part of the process in the solution the other part I thought that was really cool of what you said is about which one's free, she got to rent because it's interesting because we went and Source different movies on different sides and on some of them they want you to pay three or four or five dollars for others it is free so if you know that in advance why waste time now here's the other question when somebody finish this watching a new series do they have the opportunity to like on their app rate that series or that movie themselves within the app you can read a movie between 0 and 5 stars and then you can also write a review and one of the things that I feel that this is great for is that one of the things that bothers me and I think a lot of<br> I don't know about the internet and search Tools in search tools are biased right they they are actually buy things for for whatever reason people don't know this right and so what's great about having a ratings and reviews within this specific app is that we are not biased we are sort of the Switzerland of the streaming video of the man and why this is important right is because when we think about how that works work and how TVs work let's say for instance you're about to come out with a brand new movie a blockbuster you spend a hundred million dollars on it you are let's say NBC right NBC owns Rotten Tomatoes A lot of people don't know that right now that that movie will have no bad reviews are very few bad reviews does not like in the opening week of it being listed right and so unfortunately the thing about TV and video and and movies that I sort of different about the specific industry<br> an unfortunate again is that you don't know it's bad till you've consumed it right by you know that feeling of your mom are on there yeah yeah that feeling of you watching a movie and then you get to the end of the credits you like wait hold on. That's the end. That's horrible but you've already paid you already there you know they've already taken your time and that's one of the interesting things of this this specific so what we try to do it again and being Switzerland as we say we're not Rotten Tomatoes which is owned by MBC or knots on IMDb which is owned by Amazon or any of these things when you come here for reading some reviews to read them they're not going to be biased so there's a few recommendations we have like what the hell were they thinking you know and you're right cuz I've been to a few movies in a lot going on with you I'm with you so I guess we were pretty much out at the end of our time I want to thank you for being here but how can people be connected with your gas beetv app how can they do all that<br> in order to get connect to the app either go to the Google Play store or the Apple App Store and just type in Gatsby TV Gatsby Space TV and it will be one of the top hits there go ahead and download it and if you're really enjoying the app give it five stars if you're not enjoying the app then please do not bring it to free app so you can go and you can find shows you can search for shows we don't allow the user to view the show within our Apple we do give you a sexy the link within our app which will open HBO on Hulu or Amazon Netflix whatever you name it so you it's an all-in-one app and then you can go ahead and play it in the stream video on demand providers application afterwards it's very seamless and it's all connected so yeah that's about it that's great it would be really<br> cool somewhere down the road that when somebody buys a new TV right in there the next to Netflix and all those is Gatsby TV to get for being with us today if you're interested in Gatsby TV go to Guess Who. TV to learn more or go to the App Store and look at Gatsby TV again thanks for being on the show's I guess we will see you soon I thank you see you all in the future you have a great day thanks for being with us Gatsby and I wish you all the success all right thanks for your time and have a wonderful rest of your day everybody want to stick with this we're going right back with more shaving with Steve more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton everybody welcome back to saving with Steve show where we do talk about the ins-and-outs of money wasn't Gatsby wonderful again that was Gabby frimpong creator of Gatsby TV you can go to Gatsby TV or you can go to the App Store and get gas ETV Sol's many many many of your streaming problems now let's talk about what's going on here for the rest of the year right now is a wonderful time to take a look at your taxes in fact if you're working with a financial advisor are not having that discussion if they're not initiating that discussion you need to do that okay because what you do now could make a difference for what happens next year it also could make a difference for your taxes this year so let me make sure we're really close to check this out did you know there<br> 12% tax bracket most people do okay if it changes little Bittle to you 15 but if your income is in that 12% tax bracket you actually pays zero on your capital gains in your dividends to think about this we had one client they were just above that 12% tax bracket threshold they're paying about $5,000 a year in taxes and they're looking to fund their new grandchild Spike 29 program and I said what if we did this let's move some of this money and it's creating an interest income that's going to go on your tax return that you don't even spend and put into something as tax-deferred if they don't take it out they don't spend money on taxes by doing so it lower they're just too gross income to below that 12% dividends and capital gains were tax-free and as a result they won for paying over $5,000 a year in taxes if fifty bucks that's one thing you do many people are looking at<br> starting this year one of the ways you could do it if you're retired over 70 and a half you could gift through a direct charitable distribution from your IRA directly to a charity in get a tax deduction a dollar-for-dollar deduction and you can do it for up to $100,000 so if you're too high on taxes you don't need that required minimum distribution you want to make sure your church getting some extra money you could do a qualified direct charitable contribution directly to that 501 c 3 and all you do is you talk to your custodian and say I want to send $30,000 to this charity here is the charity number he was all that stuff and they send a check directly you get a dollar-for-dollar deduction at one of the big things if you're looking to reduce your taxes is that understand that you're getting a deduction here it goes on your itemized deduction list if you've got no deductions just now if you're married and you're over 65 the first $30,700 isn't going to do you any good<br> what if you're still paying a mortgage you got mortgage interest you got your local taxes and all that stuff and you're added $30,000 to it it could make a big difference on your taxes this thing that you want to know about the more important thing is just some people have the ability to write a check from their IRA and they have that ability because that's what their broker-dealer yo swab fidelia Weber gives you the ability to do with some people will write that check just before the end of the year from their Ira directly to that charity and send it to him no problem is if they do not cash the check before December 31st guess what you're not getting credit for the deduction so it's very important that you do that properly cuz you don't want to have that deduction disallowed for this year when you need it other things you should do now take a look at your portfolio you have winners you have loser that's what's happened in the last year or last two years this might be a wonderful time to take prophecy<br> Chessie system Market is trading in almost thirty three times its earnings okay and you got big people I'm Warren Buffett Jamie dimon the CEO of Nvidia and others showing off a lot of stock putting in the Cavs where they getting prepared for a downturn this might be a great time to sell off some games but offset those games with selling off some of those losses to your taxes are reduced or eliminated so on top of that if you're still working this is a great time and make sure you maximize your 401k or Roth 401k and so on if you're going to do a Roth conversion make sure you understand how it works and you understand how the five-year rule work so they make sure you not taking out money and paying taxes on even though you didn't think you have to Gatsby TV was wonderful I want to thank Gatsby for being with us today I hope you have all a wonderful day look forward to seeing you next week riding around 7 to see you then bye bye<br> thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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