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Saving with Steve, June 13, 2023

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Arvee Robinson, International Public Speaker, Ep 129, and Tom Hamil, RV-ing, EP 130

Saving With Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Arvee Robinson, International Public Speaker, and Tom Hamil, RV-ing

Ep 129 - Arvee Robinson, Internation Public Speaker

Ep 130 - Tom Hamil, Rv-ing

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br> Steve sure when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything of the center lie to you having a healthier happy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us today we have over 600,000 lizards here in the states over 50,000 listeners overseas or so thankful that are listening to chief keeps growing want to thank you for sharing this with your friends and family and Associates you have a topic that you would like us to talk about or have a guest on to go to viewers at stating with Steve. USS viewers and saving with Steve. Us and we're going to look at those topics maybe have one of those topics on here in the future or maybe even a guess if you like to hear from today we're going to be talking about five things you can do financially right now to put yourself on a better footing now next so we can't wait for this one it's the new year right your ability to effectively communicate will make all the difference in your future success your income and so on how would you like to learn how to<br> cheap persuasively Decor your boss executive team that potential new client or group of people whom you want them to utilize your service if you don't speak well persuasively you might not get the promotion board on onboard a new client or get your project for the planning committee don't worry we have Master speaker trainer International speaker and author Arby Robinson teach you how to speak like a speaking superstar in your industry millionaire speaker podcast re I just want to say hey welcome to welcome to the show me because I didn't plan on being a coach it wasn't something that when I grew up like I'm going to be at Publix to chinto and happen by accident my degrees in information systems on<br> and I went to work at a college for a company by the name of Deloitte Haskins & sells now Deloitte one of the big CPA firms and if I wasn't a CPA my job like to set up financial accounting systems on microcomputers we just got micro computers in and teach bookkeepers and controllers how to automate their town and because up until then they were using manual accounting systems for the Revolutionary time and my boss came to me one day and said RBI want you to get out there and start speaking and tell people that we're offering this brand new so I'll talk to myself and any clients I didn't get any any projects nothing that I knew that I better do something fast because I could lose his job but I didn't know what I was doing wrong I just need going out there and speaking<br> no clue I'm so one day this woman comes up to me out to go to my house and she said honey I hate to tell you this and I'm like they didn't do it right get a job and she said tell me do you know that after every sentence you say okay and I just like Jaw drop to be okay but I gotta leave in that moment that I was the problem did you think if I could fly up my job didn't make me a public speaker that I needed to respect this thing called public speaking right beside that moment that I was going to get traded not only came to I was going to master I took classes anything with public speaking of communication in the title I took and I hired a coach and I read books I did everything I could and then the most amazing thing happened the better I got the better of my clients got on the more clients I got and then my colleagues wanted to know what I was doing<br> Regional in the big boss wanted me to teach these group communication skills to other Consultants of what we're of public speaking is born with in Corporate America for me and then I used it throughout my 23-year career not only could get clients chipper upward mobility within my own firm that is great I'm so then once after 23 years I was at the Hyatt I could go shopping a CPA and that was a senior manager and by then the industry was still full of Consultants it just wasn't any fun anymore I wasn't trailblazing anymore so I decided it was time to make a change but I didn't know what kind of change to me so I prayed about it and God said public speaking the 17 years ago I left Corporate America started my own business and I since that time I've trained over 5000 doesn't go to Consultants you name it and given over 3,500 speeches all over the world and I don't take him trust anybody took impress upon everyone<br> that you can do at this to can be a lifestyle if you choose but you two can you speaking to change the world save lives and make a difference because I have a sign he's a senior he's top of his class of electrical engineering his worst class was public speaking he got to be he was so happy that thankfully got to be but you just said she know what all these other people look like they're on TED Talks you know engineering friends they're they're afraid of standing up in front of people and talking but the reality is there probably could be better at it because they already have a process just like you and I T because once you learn the process your golden public speaking Arena I look for systems and processes already there I recreate the will will there wasn't any the closest that I found one speed with Howard beginning men are men don't know<br> tell you what to put in the beginning that other one so I came along and I'm telling you exactly what steps to create a persuasive presentation that will get you business and change lies and get people you know if you're just trying to get people to think like you do don't like you do whatever it might be this system will do it I want to help us understand the process by how you would go about coaching somebody to speak well in public that you just get over and over and over to get business but first of all I would teach you how to do your core message which is also another formula that I put together the core message is what some people call me elevator speech but I called the car message because it's the essence of what you do and from there it's like your heart and from there everything else comes your professional story<br> the title of your toxic everything stems out of that core message the once we've got that right the very hard and what it is you do for client then we start in the formula and Oracle system for developing actual speech putting it together step by step French how does somebody get used to a room and get comfortable being onstage practice practice training training K T first of all get drunk because a lot of people step on stage especially business on her because business owners don't look at themselves as speakers so they think that they can just get away with murder and you can't because if you step on stage when you're a not trained be not practice see not prepared then you're going to lose this if you have the opposite effect so you were<br> make sure and reputation and future opportunity so if to cost me to go out there without being trained rehearse and of course out well prepare once you learn once you've been trained then I recommend that you practice one hour for every two minutes of presentation so that means if you're going to do a 30-minute speech they do you need to practice 15 hours that would make you good that's what actually makes you go from good to great that's what helps you. Always know your speech you become the screen still get nothing to throw you off you won't forget what you're going to say which is always a beer and you will have that kind of confidence to deliver I'm not only a great speech for yourself but really for your audience when I talk about practicing and talking about practicing it out loud not reading it not writing out your speech I am against riding out here<br> visitation because then you become a prisoner of your own out of the word so dull outline O'Lakes<br> and then just say it so many times out loud that you will be coming it's like that song Steve when we're in the car I was listening to that popular song on the radio and it was like we never set out to learn all the words we know all the words that's what happens to our brain when we hear something over and over and over so I recommend you speak it out loud walk around your office walk around the park walk around wherever you need to go wonderful you're driving your car going to work do you need to hear this stuff to stick with this will be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be cost me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex another saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back we're going to have some more with Arby Robinson I truly appreciate you letting your friends family and Associates know about her show all the replays are available in Saving with Steve that us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside on saving the Steve that I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel so you've never missed a show check out a few of our Affiliates that you can help radio BBS radio talk radio in New York City New York City as well as a E350 TV show Las Vegas TV network all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit live a life of personal and Financial Freedom and you can also follow us on Facebook join the saving with Steve Sexton insiders Club sitting with Steve. Us and get all replays exclusive access to her after the show videos guest gifts and see all the behind-the-scenes we're back<br> Arby Robinson we were talking about this is like a muscle and you were just talking about practicing and practicing and practicing it but it's like working out I thought to myself you know what I written all that kind of stuff but it was really interesting that when I started thinking about how much time I expect going through it was a lot more than 15 hours and it's one of those things were and I'm going to miss everybody it people told me that that was outstanding when I've been completely prepared but had some sort of thing happened just before like horrible day the whole shot in your Russian and grinding through your day and all the sudden you're there you got four minutes before you walk on stage and for some reason that's the best editor and sometimes for me that's the most authentic things go very very well and people like why my God I can't believe you just did that you know I'm curious do you have a free-speech routine as I do have a priest<br> Beauty and I recommend that everyone stays our own this is mine I'm not recommending that this is for you but I've been on stage with lot of speakers and I seen their priests key retains also and I can share that with you my personal want is a mantra I swear I do two things first before the monster before I step on stage I do one thing I pray about it and I think God give me a shower. Give me a shout of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit and then before I step on stage I say I'm the best I'm the best I'm the desk and I don't say it out of Eagle I stay up because my audience deserves the best and so does your audience every time you step on them I know things happen like you said something happening you're like all jittery or whatever that's going to happen once in awhile but for the most part we can control<br> happens to us another words if I have a speech I'll make sure that I have a light morning that I can just you know get up at ease and get ready at ease and I'm not rushed and frazzled I don't try to cram so much stuff in my schedule like today Steve I have three speaking engagements you're one of them love to more and so I created my day so that I can come into those school on energy full attention playing my AJ so you can plan your day like that around your speaking engagements then you'll be left frazzled and there won't be time for these other things to come come in and bother you and that you are because life works that way it's going to try to knock you off your feet so again a mantra of some kind that gets you propelled into speaking not seen a couple other speakers that what they do they taste that gets them gone they pasted before they go it and some of them you know pray or whatever whatever propels you and it's going to be different for every<br> that's what you want to do but still talk is so important do not step on stage or even close to the stage and tell yourself you're nervous or you're not prepared as you're not ready you need to get ready because that audience deserves the best from you. It's funny my little Mantra is I actually like to get there about 45 minutes early if it's a 30-minute talk and I like to walk around the stage look out the stage and say hello like my old sound check and then I go off in my corner and do my speech not to myself but out loud to the wall and and I practice everything from my hand gestures to my jokes try not to laugh at myself right now is speaking virtually an entire Lee different environment because people can look at the TV their cell phone they can go all different directions there's a process to that<br> I'm the chips that you can help some of our listeners when they're dealing with that it's not like the speaker you're in control of everything now see when we would go in the live room we would maybe speak and I do know speak on a stage or maybe in a restaurant we had no control no control over the sound no control over the environment no control over the crowd or anything really just only are nothing but in this environment we're in charge of everything that is very important to make sure you have lights I've seen so many speakers present in the dark if it is going to be on some video you have to make sure you have a professional microphone so that people can hear you and it resonates with you that's the world we didn't have to worry about unless it was a big crowd and it was always provided for us then we the PowerPoint or the computer it was provided for us now guess what if you're going<br> use PowerPoint video or anyting else during your presentation you better make sure you have a strong internet because there's nothing more frustrating to the audience than for you to be frozen in mid-sentence number one you were in charge of everything and just know that you're going to speak in this environment you need to invest in some possibly some new equipment number to to keep your audience engaged because yes we are so competing with emails and people that have two screens in their half listening to us and have nots you have to bring on your A game every single time you left it in what I do to help me is I stand up so I have a stand-up desk because if I spoke on a live stage I would be standing up that's going to help you to have that kind of energy you need to make sure you're well practiced in your well rehearse do not read the screen we can see you read right or a teleprompter<br> speaker and know your material and just think of your I mean even you know your material than you are free where they can go to watch and see your million-dollar speaker podcast the holeshot and I'm talks podcast so you could go and see them anywhere to get ahold of me you could just email me and that's r v a r v e r b or reach out to me on LinkedIn Facebook I'm everywhere again it's r v a r v e Robinson, I'd love to hear from you ladies and gentleman if you're listening take your life to a new level what are the business personal public just learn to be a good speaker it'll make all the difference in the world and since his money this shows about the ins-and-outs of<br> this can make a big difference in the ins-and-outs of your money for join us day thank you so much for being here I hope you have a wonderful week and stay safe and healthy okay I was already Robinson she's an international speaking trainer and if you want to make your life a little bit better because you learn how to speak of right way so you can get more clients that promotion and so on do you want to go check out RV Robinson I think that was wonderful helpful hands especially that that close never even thought of that stick with his will be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show host Steve sexton in this is what we talked about the ins-and-outs of money right now we're talking about money right now household at overall cost of living increase while median household income decreased setting up Grand big gigantic financial goals may not be realistic for every budget but they're still Smart Steps you can take strawberry spider finances so the first thing is examine your spending household expensive change drastically for many Americans over the past couple years pandemic relief the stimulus program as well as reductions in certain expenses because of the restrictions like commuting travel have added money back into somebody on the other hand the overall left to cry<br> the waving as we just recently heard that on the news is up 7% while medium household income is down 3% and that's putting the squeeze on a lot of them I knew your is an ideal time to examine your buds you don't have a budget start pulling all your bank and credit card statements for the past 3 months add up your spending a different categories like house food eating out vacation self bills utility bills everything listed all out there k.c. what the average monthly budget looks like for you know how much you're spending now is great and creating a budget because once you built your budget you can now compared to your income to see him at some room there is to progress toward your financer goes like saving and investing you can then determine whether you need to increase your income or decrease expenses one of the big things about increase your income is you can simply do that by adding a job or a sidehack and what I mean by that is you can<br> I work for Home Depot you can be a tutor you can drive for Lyft or Uber or one of the other drivers services and you know what you can make some extra money to bring money at the house while the other part is expense reduction you want to look at everything that you're doing whether to be your mortgage hey can you refinance to get a lower payment look at your credit card can you know she negotiated with the credit card company to get a reduction of Interest chart can you look at how much you're paying on your cell phone bill to see ways to reduce that by changing the carrier Special beer with a big one looking at your cable bill and say hey you know what I'm not using all these but I am using this app Services cuz there's a lot of people who just went in but they have services in a live TV program along with their internet they're saving 57 $800 a month that you have at the end of each and every month next<br> look at Consumer Debt paid off your credit card revolving housing credit card yet his credit card balances are carried monster Munch a 14% during the pandemic but you know what some Americans attacked many Americans have leaned on the credit cards to get through the pandemic 20% said their overall credit card debt increased during the pandemic say they relied on their credit cards to pay for this cesanese during this time do a lot of time my people feel like you're not getting anywhere paying off his credit card balances are or anything like that so the key here is how can I add a little bit more each and every month but there's a path to doing that and that path is called the snowball meant all you need to do is lose all your creditors but valances highest to lowest interest rate payment date in minimum payment the key here is as you pick the one you want to pay off first I like the one with the lowest death why because it allows me to get some<br> and all I'm going to do is make the minimum payment and everything and that is as much as I can each and every month to that men of that that one I want to pay out once it's paid off I take what I was paying their and add it to the next one and the next one pretty soon you're making bigger and bigger payments and each one of your dad's and you got him paid off next investment and you know they've got that for the last 2 years 10% of people use that money to invest in things like cryptocurrency that might be in line with your wrist or gold but the thing is you want to take the time to review your overall investment Holdings consider diversify your Investments to reduce your risk increase your potential for returns over the long-term if you have a workplace retirement plan like a 401k or 403b make sure you're contributing to it cuz every time you're contributing you're not paying taxes on it gives you a short-term gain cuz you're not paying taxes but I'll also give you a long-term game because you're earning interest<br> the money you should have paid taxes and next for your workplace has a match put at least enough money to make sure your company matches cuz otherwise you're giving up free money next during the last two years feels medical bill they've gone up they've been significant and if you're in one of those situations where it sees I've got those medical bills I understand and people are afraid of those has gone up almost 30% over the last 10 years when you have those bills paired with a pandemic you have reduced health and hospitals it's pretty frustrating now the thing to understand is this medical bills are negotiable negotiable so there are options to break up or even reduce your cost if you're in a low income situation or financially strapped it makes sense for you to give the hospital call or the medical center call explain your situation ask if there's any Avenue is where they rebuild kit<br> reduce and you could possibly set up some sort of a payment that's better than putting the whole bill on your credit card and paying those large credit card interest payment okay you could do it at a lower interest rate by negotiating and setting up a payment plan one of the biggest things you want to make sure is this okay you never want to avoid paying your bill Kay if your medical providers sells your debt to a collection agency you're going to have 180 days before that collection agency will put that collection bill on your credit card report now could that hurt your credit card store at making Financial moves in the future or a whole heck of a lot harder next save for something don't care what it is forty percent of America is every Steve amick Farms the stimulus plan and they saved a little bit of money would it be for emergency a home or something else so regardless of how much you can say what your specific goals are<br> look at ways to save $5 10 dollars $15 2500 whatever the amount is your goal might be an emergency flood it might be to stay afloat so you can stay afloat the next time an emergency hit or it could be staying for that dream vacation but no matter what your goal is putting money aside regularly gives you the option you want to try and find a way to make it automatic robotics you don't even have to think about it you already have a checking account we have funds from your payroll go right into it or third distribution from your payroll so think about this besides having a distribution go to your paycheck for your income once you set up another one for vacations emergency fund and doesn't show much money are each and every month to go to his other account that way you'll be fun in your travel account for your purchasing fun and won't even think about in fact you won't even miss the money because it's already in the<br> look at these things that can make a difference in your life especially if you start doing them right now I want to thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the same Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br> everyone has their own unique views and need it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K is risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with the money now here is your host of saving with Steve Dave Sexton that really see you having a happier or healthier relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to welcome you today our viewers and listeners are growing we have over 500,000 listeners throughout the United State<br> a hundred thousand more overseas they were cheap running creek going I want to thank my Affiliates at MFM 247b vs Radeon UK Health radio for sharing the word and making sure people can live a life of personal and Financial Freedom by the way you can go take a look at all the episodes behind-the-scenes stuff get your guest gifts and more so check out that saving with Steve. You asking if you have a topic that you would like us to talk about like this next one coming up hey go to viewers at saving with Steve let us know what your topic is and you might be seeing that pretty soon now I'll be talking about you know how to retire during a recession which were dealing with right now today let's just get to that top one of the best ways to see the US and the rest of the world is through an RV go on you take your own pay enough to worry about booking a hotel and Air flight you know what using an RV as an alternative travel to a car a plane or hotel to help you save money<br> create more relaxed travel experience we have Tom Hammel he's the RV director Kuni Auto and RV groups of Tom welcome to the show guide you here you know what one of the cool things here as we've got a number of people that we're looking forward to this cuz we kind of breed Dupree did it cuz we have a lot of listeners that like RV and I have a lot of relatives of arving so you know why I'm looking forward to this a lot so you know what in your experience is it going to hit you with a question here I know that Coon Auto and R&B group you know you got 40 locations there's 13 specifically just set for RV so you guys have a lot of experience as you deal with a lot of people they have you know what everybody probably talks about their travel experiences they sell stations are involved with any events that they have but you know in your experience as an RV director<br> Harvey Industries that exploded the last couple years after covid we've had we saw a lot of lot of girls in the business that I think would be the key to that was you know people were wanting to still go out enjoy their lives lot of the country shutdown I just put a lot of businesses things but RV parks are open and the reason why is because it's outdoors and safe it's it's it's a great time to spend time with your families when people had some time to work via the selection of Barbies with good weed Brandon deliver the bombs last year cuz we sold some money to do a lot of Manufacturers couldn't get in a big connection on family spending time with each other more the last couple years than ever before which is been really kind of exciting thing for us Brothers of fifth wheel there's 32 ft motor homes that are 42 ft motorhome send you know what might have relatives out of 45 footer you know could you<br> and let's get into assume you know what does it make sense to read purchase What's the ups and downs with all that because that's how you know a lot of people are wandering Rental rent to own the last 2 years is growing up is going up there today we carry a pretty good Fleet of rentals and all across the board and people that didn't know if they want to take the initial jump into jumping into spending the money on will there be a smaller travel trailer all the way up to a class a motor home did you some rest of the try it out to see if it's something that their families can enjoy their life to the lifestyle of the Rich and with that are cells that helps heals as well but yeah we carry a favor from you know what is 14 ft trailer all the way up to 45 ft motorhomes and it's kind of interesting to see that every segment over the last several years this is actually grown is a significantly as people we know when you talk like that<br> I thought you are in town and be with your family so it's something we see across the border and he's been really good for us to get up get all hooked up and the next thing you know the lounge chairs are out you know I think it's not like that if you're flying in a plane cuz you got to get off the plane and get your luggage get the rental car go to the hotel check-in and then you're exhausted so if they would like a lot of staffing issues at hotels we've seen a lot of people come in complaining that things haven't been quite the way they want to take care of what's the best recommendation you can make for somebody who's looking at hey trying to<br> Otis is right for me and then you know where is it become make sense to actually own as opposed to wrap I think that's what it's right for them is just that they've never done it before you like a lot of people in our own still I feel it grew up with RV & camping with your family but we also get the new the newcomers that are and have always done Hotel traveling and then it's lights that are okay we do want to try it out soon maybe a weekend or two or whatever that the child is their families and then and then look at that long-term parking else when you're purchasing an RV with a lot of different things like that and down payment whatever but you can go a longer-term with a shorter interest rate and he knows it to him a lot of states in Wisconsin's one of them's allows you to text me right off the interest of your lawn there's a certain percentage interest you can write down soon actually need your payment range 2 to your budget your money list<br> I'll try them dry them for a week or two and then they come back in the Bible that I am to finally sees her the next week he's in a lot of times and then they upgrade from one of the small travel trailer with a 5 or 6 years or up into a nice big fifth wheel some people go all the way up to a big motor on the tip line but it's something work your way up on as you chose your budget increases throughout the ownership of one of the other questions that we have your traveling on you know basically you have a house and you have a big vehicle and those houses in vehicles do you have problems from time to time why do people need to understand if their vehicle has an issue how would they handle that when they're out in the open road service technician mobile mobile service companies will come around and do things<br> a roadside assistance to help people with her and you do have a tire around on the side of the road you need to do you need to get that changed we have we offer mobile service and I'll come on Ashley send roadside service to the most change the tire before you get your back on the road they are you know what the house on Wheels you're going down the highway you are going to have some things go wrong with a service technicians will come out the campgrounds in 66 units have campgrounds for customers it's something wrong with trying to expand sometimes you know the future or the past we didn't have as many of that doing on this many technicians were able to do that if something as we grow our business or really focus and I'm trying to get that extra service outside of the sale is a bill to help people when they're on the road at the red a campground has any issue come up there camper we want to do the trying to give the best service we can to get him taken care of but there's a lot of that we do offer the extended service contract things like that Across the Nation have to travel across the nation there are different manufacturer or different<br> is it offer roadside assistance wrong across the country with our service contracts to get that part of the deal we will actually help find that that company for you to come to you which is better we try to be as much as business perfect improve upon our dealerships along we're trying to expand their service facilities and every one of our dealerships that we own and in we look at it by a new dealership something we look for it is a service what is the service like right now how can we improve its to give our customers a better experience across the board Catholic trying to improve that that portion of our business everybody stick with this will be right back with Tom Hamilton were saving was Steve more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be cost me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show host Steve Sexton we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything other than early to you having a happier healthy relationship with money signs club like I said you get gifts gifts review shows get the behind-the-scenes stuff with a lot of people love and with that let's jump right back into Adventure months here we have Tom Hammel he's the RV director Tune Auto and RV group you give us some great information about the RV industry we've been talking about the ins-and-outs of everything from getting her your rig fixed if you're having a problem on the road weather raining or owns the right thing but now let's talk about when it comes to reading how does it compare with travel so if you're you know you got a family and for what size motor home would you<br> a man for somebody with a family of four small Class C motorhome with wood handle a family of four without a problem is to get the bunk over the cabin that are over the cab you got the bed in the back so the small Class C anywhere from 24 ft 2 speed We Rent Out up to 31 ft Class C motorhomes you can able to get that kind of the cost of that it's going to be under $1,500 a week for people who need a couple rooms of the airfare you're spending money on you to spend thousands of dollars Above & Beyond in significantly less when you really look at Facebook is price of gas going up obviously gas is expensive but they are actually more efficient than an airplane<br> value with it being able to grow your own food in traveling when you're wanting to travel at Leola at the time that you want to go versus in a working around everything else is it seems to be a little more cost-effective I hope that answers your question little bit cuz I was just going to share it you know what we recently put together travel plans for your way of childre kids but weird look at travel plans to go to the Grand Canyon and you don't worry I'll be safe out there so here we are we got four people on a flight just you know there and back we're looking at more than $2,000 then you know a week in a hotel bar but a couple of rooms and $400 a night and then you got eating out three nights out 3 times a day for a week and we're looking at $5,000 where we're looking at 31 ft motorhome have 1500 a week plus gas and then you buy your own food there's a bass shavings there<br> wow you know what there's a big difference in cost there and if somebody's on a budget cuz you know what this is all about same it was Steve a class E license pretty much everybody has one of those in California or other states you don't have to have a special license for a 31 footer which means as long as you pay attention while you're driving you should be okay but you can actually save a tremendous amount of money if you're on a budget and RVs not a bad way to go like I said the big the big things also get it every night and you get to prepare your own things and it almost there is cheaper than Hotel it works out to be a significant savings over line and hotels and everything else like that for sure not even questioning people<br> two hours early and start in line and hang out with people you don't know and all that kind of good stuff so I get it I did I totally get it now I want I want to talk a little bit more about the financing if so if you're looking to purchase my understanding and obviously depends on somebody's credit as you could do 5 year loan 10-year loan 15-year loan is that correct done and you're bigger things in 20 years at a house right now there's a lot of credit unions are given better rates than some of the banks unfortunately but the rates are still good through a lot of our bank that we use that you can take these things the average term on an RV right now it's a hundred eighty bucks so 15 years again like I said some of the place you can actually from the interest off of your taxes to again<br> a lot of people who have their RV in other states so they can avoid some of the taxes that go along with the RV you know we're not going to tax advice but you want to talk to your CPA about the best state to own an RV in and you might want to find a bit way to be some sort of a resident there or something like that talk about these RV groups there's manufacturers that have associations for people have certain certain types of coaches could you talk a little bit about that cuz that's what there's a big Community out there that keeps growing and growing pretty busy and manufacturers in winnebagos got a big one of bagel in which group of forest Rivers got the Frog ruppersberger Owners Group next and the rally next week down in Elkhart Indiana for the strawberry people are involved in that which is not as fun but the groups are fantastic customers that are involved in some of these groups and then they're able to help each other when it's little help you with scripture that tricks and tips on how to maintain things and<br> are we we have three groups of our customers are getting involved in more and we'll try to help them when I go to the store owners meeting at some of her dealership once a month will invite our orders come in and help out with different ways to help our customers if they all get together the stories and then for a long time Family motor coach association which has been a big thing for a lot of big motor homes across the country have been involved in a few of their rallies and it's it's really kind of fun to see what you know all these orders come together and it's just people sharing ideas with each other in the manufacturers and dealers will we get involved in those groups and we actually like to listen to her cuz it helps us understand what our consumers are looking for and the guys on the force for Resaca done a lot of great things to say about some stuff that new products are launching their coming out on time do new products are coming out of what customers are looking for in the Arby's and they're listening to them if they're going to make<br> open up make sure we have those that talk to that we can Dad or whatnot so there's a huge thing right now a lot of people looking for solar panels at United States<br> what's what's the what's the must-have what's the new thing with RV right now is it solar panels and batteries AGM batteries in a huge right now and text you two more solar we're getting wi-fi boosters are a big thing I just took the consumers younger buyer now is the average age of the initial a is coming down to what's important the younger group is you know they have to have their their mobile devices that can connect you look it's the one connected 20 once I get out there all day enjoying nature and outdoor stuff Wi-Fi Sunny huge thing you know all the new chairs that are coming out on all the new math different fireplace stuff to take them all with somebody stole stole those different things like that Band Wi-Fi so there's a huge deal you better still expensive but that does is it helps people expand their there camping capabilities off-grid a little bit so if you had asked me know if you go to a lot of The Other Nation and our national parks aren't all left her side<br> somebody site that he should Eddie Campground State Park National Parks I'm on the board of directors for the wrbj Wisconsin RV Dealers Association and we're trying to get Wisconsin to add more electrified State Parks books look at that truck the other group is only so big it most of the national parks so that's where solar comes in really big and looking better to hold a charge longer think like that it's so people can extend their trips to Cancun Auto and RV group and you know start asking some questions see how are we sitting rent an RV or purchase an RV you know how can I go about doing that Tom email addresses that Tom. Hamill and kuna start time is k u n e and my cell phone number if you my cell phone number 608-345-5259 by those with numbers the best number<br> you told us that if you people reach out to me I'm going to get in contact with my people that you're the best place to put them in that we'd welcome in every one of our customers as they have my cell phone number so I told me we try to be very transparent on things and help you out as best we can but against Tom. Hamel it's Hamil at and then again 34552 you got it anytime I want to thank you for joining us this is Tom Hamil he's the RV director at Tune Auto and RV group want to thank you for sharing that you're the experienced here for adventure month year in August and you know what be safe be healthy and have a wonderful day we will both lie heavy on soon sometime in the future I appreciate you thanks so much and have a great day for sure your times more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of his saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show host Steve Sexton when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the satellite to you having a happier or healthier relationship with money that was Tom Hamil he again is the R&D director at Tune Auto and RV group now they're also the Midwest have a whole bunch of different 13 different RV groups but you know what are being is one of those wav bounces when it comes to Travel and Adventure if you're looking to share some wonderful experiences with your family and friends so on I've been to some of those RV rally with my in-laws I know they had one if your golfer had it one of the major golf tournaments they've been to places all over the United States it's turning the old home week every time they wanted to go to the RV rally<br> check it out and see what you're thinking they are now that I want to talk a little bit about our next segment they do what we're in a recession where the politicians want to say it or not okay we're starting to see inflation just subside a little bit but that might be the rise before the storm depending on what's done now that said I think it's really really very important to understand how to deal with retiring in this recession let's just talk a little bit about how to go about doing that if you're planning to retire to your fine an uncertain future if you're ready you know if you're still ready to stop working or need to reduce your activity because of health conditions retirement might be the best route moving<br> looking at your financing setting up a plan to help you get through a bear Market create a sustainable future you might even find ways to increase your income by making a few adjustments okay during a reception it can't be helped or never one to look at your financial protection okay you can use technology to keep track of your available financial resources and make the software available that can tell you how much your assets need to average to provide you a desired income and then factor in things like inflation Social Security sequence of return if this is your best interest to work on it and ask for you you know if it's in your best interest to work an extra year to wait for the economy get better you'll want to know what important information at now there's a wonderful group whether you're 35 or 65 it's called planswell that plans well. Cam you can basically answer about 4<br> question she answer the questions they can create that plan for you surely aware you need to approve what needs to happen so you can make an adjustment again you know what you'd go to the shaving with Steve jot Us website look for resources the plants well there's a link and there's also QR QR code they're all you got to do is put your cell phone to it and you're good to go and you're Off to the Races so think about that make sure you look you're going to fight get some Financial products tax you want to buy me what your portfolio if you've been saving for retirement for several decades and have various investment accounts look at how your funds are allocated to remember you moving into a new season of life for new stage in life you're no longer on the wealth accumulation phase the Y if you moved into the distribution and preservation phase you know what there's many parts does it need to be back by minimizing risk can always talk to a financial advisor about how to go through this in the coming years you know what to get what you expect from your vestments go moving forward next consider work options<br> Sprint originals are healthy enough to continue working stay employed for another year to date that may be an option every year you work and help you build up more retirement day using a potential increase of your social security benefit older boys have extra games just to catch up contribution to a 401k you do it for one case you can actually contribute $20,500 plus another $7,000 if you're over the age of 50 in your 401k or your IRA or you shall fire a look at doing that cuz the more money you have the better off it is for your retirement understand your health experience expenses if your age 65 or older you're eligible for Medicare however there still will be helping me to cost you a retirement medical cost for significant expenses for many and they always seem to go up and retirement will be prescriptions, you'll want to think through how much you spend on Healthcare before signing up for Medicare this is key because certain health care plans they forgive all y'all know I'm a cancer survivor<br> turn help your plan the chemotherapy treatments was just a 15 or $20 copay hey that's pretty good on other plans you're paying 20% of the bill now my chemo infusion drops during that period of time cost of health insurance company $25,000 a week imagine if you had to pay five grand a week for 6 months just to cover your own Kemah so make sure you look at these things to the last thing you want is your money to fall through the cracks cuz you don't have the right plan could you just selected something that was two or three dollars a month cheaper than the other plan review your Social Security benefits the next one if you worked and paid into Social Security Programs are going to be eligible for retirement benefits you get a personalized estimate from your Social Security go to my social security sign up if you're at least the age of 62 you can start getting your cell security now you're going to collect their reduce benefit but when you get your full retirement age with either 66 or 67<br> your full retirement benefit in fact if you wait every year you went past the age of 66 or 67 you receive what's called delayed retirement credits what you want to do is you want to look at creating that plan to see when the best time for you to take Social Security so you can maximize your income number one maximize your asset so they last a long is for you and retirement and get that plan done look at where you stand cam at if you go to the website you'll see the plans under resources you'll see the link and you'll be able to create your plan if you just put in 40 pieces of information really simple really easy hey you know what I want to thank you all for joining us here today again<br> Health radio BBS Radio AM FM 247 look forward to seeing you next week right here on saving whiskey be safe be healthy see you next time bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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