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Saving with Steve, July 20, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Todd Palmer and Tony Zorc

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Todd Palmer and Tony Zorc

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton
are we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun to release of you having a happier out of the relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us again hey thank you for sharing with your friends or family or so she gets we just increase our listeners all the way at the 675,000 looser very thankful very humble for all that we have a great show for you today so the question is how are you going to survive and thrive in this post endemic economy we have Tony zorich author Taconic lazim a survivor's Guide to the post pandemic economy to help you thrive I'm going to be talking about financial literacy for kids it's never too early for them to learn and if your job is impacted by the second wave of budget cuts you really want to learn from the people who came before you to get a jump start on moving from being depressed cuz you got fired and downsize to empower and a top candidate we have Todd Palmer sea of Diversified Industrial Staffing with us now
an important his wisdom he's going to impart to us besides being the CEO of Diversified Industrial Staffing Todd is a highly sought-after speaker executive coach is it author the best-selling new book from sucked success a guy dictionary entrepreneurship he took a company from $600,000 in jet to being named one of the five thousand as a CEO on the fastest-growing companies in the US now you just once not twice but three times what's 6 * which is quite frankly incredible the other thing is y'all says it's a cool book on Amazon it's fives or star rated called find a job in 6 weeks or less is that cool or what Todd welcome to the show thanks for being here Steve thank you so much I should take you wherever I go I need you to just walk around and reduce me like that all the time all day long for 30 seconds to give the bio on your route just walk into my living room to be as cool as you just made me sound I love that thank you so much as a great intro
I think it's really important to understand where people come from and if you really think about where you were when you were $600,000 in debt to building an extraordinary company kind of a hero's journey I think people need to understand that they can have their own hero's journey could you come and tell us where all that came about before we get into the five tips it's an important point you make it is a hero's journey as an entrepreneur it's a satisfying Journey but I thought it was a happy journey and I'm living proof of that I started my company 47 years old starting for Italy next to nothing $15,000 which I thought was about a million dollars the time and 10 years in I was really struggling and I wasn't telling anybody my imposter syndrome I anybody negative Committee in my head was meeting on a pretty frequent basis telling me what a terrible Co I was I need to be all things to all people all the time about all things
and it was causing me to shut down in my passport center became very flared and I wasn't even going into my own business and recruiting company in metro Detroit and we are specific band with the service was Judy manufacturing specifically Automotive didn't know that you thousands 6 it was right before the mass of recession some would call the Depression was about to hit and our business was really struggling are the two main I'll run right I was $600,000 in debt for those of you who have financed background yes clearly I was upside down the only person who did not know that was me because you my imposter syndrome or so powerful that it was telling me like you'll figure it out you'll get to it you'll bring these numbers that you'll get to it well September 9th 2006 the bank called The Dope they were going to shut the business down there were going to take my house and I finally did Point realized I don't need to be the Oracle I needed to get help that's what I heard my coach I brought him in
I took a look at the team we took a look at the toxicity of the organization we took a look at me specifically as a leader and he said in order to change your business we have to work on changing you that's where inside out leadership became part of what I did shortly thereafter I changed out my team and if they're hiring people differently I start buying for DNA not for resume and the way I did think I talked a lot about that in my first book the job search process that the steps to getting a job in 30 days or less and how you can become that excellent employer where people want to hire you in oh by the way you know if you don't have experience in that industry there's a waste of pity yourself into being that ideal candidate they can choose from
a 2013 I was finally out of debt we are able to Pivot massively do lots of small things we use the active learning cycle to do our decision-making processes we made in 5001 America's fastest-growing companies as you said not one not two not three but six times I was pleased with with the accomplishments of teamwork but internally I said a lot of interest so I thought I heard my second coach name is dr. Danny Freeman is out of San Diego California you write a great book called living well from with it and she just leaves how to to create the life they want inside out not within their business. Extremely that with money that was poisoned all that fun stuff but becoming a better leader and so now that's why I do to restore your visors in through my new book from such a success I work with leaders to help him get on stuck around what matters most which is Italy designing a company that will serve them best illustrates the Life by desiigner they want it's interesting you talk about that where he got two million dollars in revenue and losing $600,000 it's so funny
people do that in their everyday household they do that small business owners they don't know how to manage their money properly or they combined their personal expenses with their business expenses and all that kind of stuff and you're probably in there cuz you like I did that a lot of people and the reality is early on in business I was in that same boat so I totally identify with that everything is very very interesting question is when you replace your team and you talk about hiring for D & J tell me a little bit about that my coaches times that you know you're wondering why do they hire you versus the core values of the organization and then a niche we want to really start which I end up being skilled trades channel to run the United States are sweet spot was high on welders you working oil Derricks in Houston we got a lot of Aerospace Manufacturing in the west coast lot of Metro Detroit Manufacturing skills
professionals here in in the midwest but in order for me to get people to come work for us we had to give them a reason in a purpose and core values which I've never done and we can set up a couple of core values it really matter with us the most certain hiring people based upon those core values at the time of me is beyond 5 years later you didn't refresh of those poor guys brought in her key leaders and we can create World ideas for the organization such as focusing on marginal revenue clearly I was crushing on him and I was a resident I wasn't making any type how do we put in those numbers how do we then deal with people recognize that what am I to the core values of basic in the Crux of what I do for a living I was my job is to improve lies I work assignments cynic to me two years to figure out those two words very expensive lesson and I figured if we focus as a recruiting from an improving life not about making money and remind you I'm kidding all the stuff around on 610 and that the money was Keith to my life
Bank of renegotiating the line with but we figured if we can figure out what does the kid it really need in order to make a job JCPenney jobs as one of the top five pressures and stressors for any and what is that company need in a position where you can make a matchmaking service I got lonely quiet I got a lonely cat if we bring the two of them together we get paid the inverse of the pyramid versus us at the top it changed everything so any interview we would tell people to give us some stories about matchmaking stories you've done in your purse Alexa tell me some stories about when you were dating people on how you all these weird questions like you place welders in machine is why are you asking me to stop because it or core values that we improve lies and however we do it so when we improve live we don't like kids to go work for less money we don't want clients making it into your kid it's called us to raise our game on the quality of the people we serve
it's so true a lot of employers just actually ate higher because the resumes a good fit because they don't know how to fire properly it's very true I think that's a great lesson for anybody cuz there's probably people drive around their car right now they've been at a job for a year and realize it's the wrong place and if they were looking at saying hey what's the right match for me they might say sorry this isn't a good fit move off somewhere else or have that company come back and say you know what I like that person cuz they're willing to tell me they're not a good fit maybe we can find another place for him
that's on the leader to create that psychologically safe environment and they do that by doing what I call a TV I'll send it transparent and vulnerable if the leader can put him or herself out there in front of the team to create a space where they can hear feedback from the masses your feedback from Key leaders your feedback from customers if we're in here feedback from Wall Street and they got they take that feedback in and they make the changes necessary to satisfy not only the shareholders but just as soon as often more importantly the stakeholders Who deliver our goods and services we deliver what we provide to our customers it's always people
we take care of the people we serve as a customer to take care of the people we serve as our employees are jobs leaders are actually believe it or not pretty easy is but we get all wrapped up in your own internal fears I want to be like but I'mma beat you like the inmates run the Asylum process is a lot of different ways nowadays where we can really
you don't hear from our staff figure out that recruit that psychologically safe work environment we work with Millennials not against Millennials and a lot of people do it and we allowed to have a voice in the room to be seen heard it working for being seen her they seen her known and accepted we can have an employee for life and not even realize it but we just changed the way as Leaders we do you say that's wonderful for going to take a quick little break tell everybody about a lovely sponsor scoremaster first the average American is 97.6 and adds to their credit score quite frankly have no idea how to get there the day that I insisted scoremaster of crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money and means fast loan approval huge discounts low interest rates on everything from buying or refinancing a home at leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one person raise their credit score by 33 points in just five days another 43 points at a couple of weeks for Masters so easy takes about a minute to get started and if you're in a hurry
you get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free see how many public points you can add to your credit score go to scoremaster / savings at score savings again that score ladies we're going to be back with more Todd Palmer so stick with us more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton Sistine sex that I want to thank you for tuning in appreciate you letting your friends and family and Associates know about the show all the replays are available at setting with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside on saving with Steve and I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel so you never miss a show and check out a feeler affiliate at UK help radio BBS radio talk radio New York City e360 TV Las Vegas TV network and all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit and little life of financial personal freedom and you can also follow us at Facebook and joined the shading with Steve sex and inside or club or saving with Steve Jackson. Us to get all the replays exclusive access for after show videos gaskets and more now we're back here with Todd Palmer we've been talking about his book sucks the success you can give us some great pieces of Wiz
but now I'd like to get into you know what you just got fired so it's just kind of what happened on the news last night we heard about retail companies they're downsizing because our Marchers are getting squeezed and they've got shortage of all sorts of things are occurring there causing companies to downsize if you get downsize are fired what are the five things said you know people should be doing if that happens great questions so if someone is currently displaced this place is far better than fired I'm sorry going to put they ask me a question about 6,000 how many people do fire sticks under some of them got this place and some of them are in the fiery so it was weird things for the recruiting process and you take a look at look at the data first there are more jobs United States and their people believe it or not so just kind of peel back another layer 3 covid there was 6 million more jobs in there were people in the United States for those jobs
post covid the last data points at Red work earlier this year and the data points are very clear in the United States we had a unemployment rate of about 6% Goldman Sachs products by December Ribbit 3.2% unemployment full employment has 4% so there's going to be again by the end of the other two more jobs than there are people so if your displaced hang tight second part is if you're just wasting your time looking for a job you're actually a great position because we are at a 53-year low of a labor participation rate in here in the United States it's been sitting for years and especially if you're not a millennial what year did Millennial unemployment rate as of February of 2021 was 11.2% filled or not going to work because your peers typically are going to fly their secondary early if you're not, like there's plenty of jobs that I have to figure out if you've been displaced say for example from retail or restaurant that happen a lot during covid is things. In jail
recognize it at a point second Point recognize what your transferable skills dark if you're great with people if you provide excellent customer service at a restaurant a retail environment where else can you do that well we could do it online you can go to Yelp you can go to go to the laundry places you can go work at everything I would tell you look at is 80% of jobs we knows to the recruiters 80% of jobs are never listed anywhere so silly apply the Odyssey online do the one click button through ZipRecruiter Indy 500 jobs in a traffic actually want to work for just because I'll look at it don't necessarily just live with applying to Human Resources Human Resources is great we need them but there's also what they call the hiring manager that's the person you ultimately end up working for go on to link it figure out if you ever get ABC company who's in charge of the department you want to work at contact them directly because they ultimately have a lot of power who works for that so if you contact them directly what you doing is your going around the system
what a what I want to work for you Steve and I send you a LinkedIn message my resumes on there and you're desperately need two people in HR is backed up at handling other fires and other issues chances are you going to give me an August because you're desperate if I do while the interview and it wanted one that one of a hundred I made your job easy you hired me I'll tell people to there's always room to negotiate my son wonderful name it is the CPA you looking for another opportunity that you applied for a job he's got to the interview process they made him an offer that he felt was below his worth in the marketplace is a thirty-year-old CPA he is a human unicorn and he's like looking at so we crafted a conversation going to go back to the HR person to be in the offer letter to very clear argument of why he was worth sizable amount more he was fully transparent is it by the way here's my pay stub here is currently what I got coming for anything less than that it's okay we can change his people still have this like this garage sale flea market then tell you like it is a great human being need I can get them in his room
I think that's great now one of the point of you make is moving past self hatred and shame when you have no one else to blame I love that phrase well when your $600,000 in debt in a company that you were there really was really good at that point in my life everybody else play me my employees but the reality was I wasn't allowing myself to move forward until I own my is called my part in this is a part of this is I a bad deals with client my part of this is I took the wrong Benders my problem is is I should have fired Bob and sales because he wasn't selling but I didn't want to hurt his feelings but that's my part in this is so we all have a part in that and then once you put it into what I call the E for active learning cycle and every one of the chapters of my book ends with an active learning cycle exercise the first part of the cycle is to identify was not working just go back to my debt situation being $600,000
not working for me that's where thing so that I created intention but not an expectation of what I want to see happen when we create an expectation is a winter loose thing psychologically Lily we operate in a Louis Park in part of my brain by creating an intention we see more opportunities we try things and it doesn't work with it to put it out of it much more quickly so then we created a strategy around the intention of what's not working and last we take Massive Action around that you get a psychologist Active Learning Cycle when we get into those positions we can have on our part of that was to control the situation, going back to the Imposter syndrome stuff out of the car I was just talking to him today and he's like my imposter syndrome is so bad I would think you would so much as it is it is just like with the active learning cycle is an iterative process it continually moves it completely pivots it can generally shifts in the ball we can use it to serve as well because now I'm going Luke they was imposter syndrome syndrome you're always going to have it I still have been dealing with this since 2006 I still have it. What happened imposter syndrome you should drive the car of my life and now sits in the passenger seat
advice but now because I'm aware of it because I've done the work around it I may be able to interact with it differently still comes up and sometimes it's actually right you going to be at the end of the day somebody sings at the end of the are designed to protect us from dinosaurs were putting their fingers at light socket so sometimes it does provide its value to me look both ways before crossing the street probably a good idea but if it tells me other things about how I'm not good enough for her and not enough work I made wrong choices of wrong decisions in my life I push that aside use Active Learning Cycle to get unstuck okay let's talk about this if you don't have experience in the industry I think this is key for people to understand cuz they can end up with her dream job even though they're not part of it I'm totally the first step in anything like that wretched complement of the job but they're so afraid of talking an interview just know you're going to get triggered any other. It's going to normal
worst part is to internally validate your probably going to get you and when you get triggered slowed down because if you start talking faster you start getting reactive the other parties going to pick up on that the other part of it is to recognize I wonder why I'm triggered so I would have awareness around my reactivity and it isn't very much a just don't fucking model I got this from my coach Dr Danny Freedman has a great book Living Well from within and they talked about extensively all these pieces and how to do work through them either neurosurgeon understands how our brains work and say we're recognizing and then should be practicing self-compassion Steve said something what is that mean to me takes me back to the last time I want an interview I didn't get the job because I said something what I consider to be stupid while I'm just not going to say that this happens rapidly within a rent hey I'm triggered what's happening yesterday? I'm still about the most honest answer versus
without being dishonest okay here's outside a lot of interviews it does come down to prep and the little bit of practice and also what reported you create with that person the beginning did you check them out of Lincoln do you know anything about the do you see them on Facebook where did you know that when you walk in you have something other than the job to talk about cuz it's a little tip is people make decisions based upon a time ocean and justify it with the logic on your resume people they like it have no idea why and then we'll go to Spears I know I thought Steve was a great guy was just something about him
I totally completely understand that because many of the relationships I've developed with people over the years is really a bit about developing that relationship with them prior to even connecting anything especially if I talk about something it's important to them or them and let them talk it's important for people to realize that cuz once a crate that relationship then they're just having a conversation is really great Fraser exactly what you're talking about it's more important to be interested then be interesting be interested in the other party let them talk as people love talking about themselves. I want to thank you for being here we have people that would love to get a hold of you how can they go back getting a hold of Utah. I may not accepting coaching clients or so yes I am currently accepting coaching clients since the book came out being so busy it's been awesome I love to say to people is this if you want to get ahold of me if you curious about working with me go to a from Stockton and download a free chapter of the book please mention in the comments you heard me on Steve show so I can give him proper
get back and if you're all about tired of your off and everything were talking about go to my main website extraordinary got me an email I answered my own email I don't have an assistant and I will if you have your schedule 30 let's talk about where we got you suck how I can be a service in of help to you potentially as a coach but again if you just curious don't get the free chapter the book and share with everybody because of my job in life is to improve lives so more people I can get better. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us today stay safe and stay healthy look forward to seeing you next time thanks for joining us to take care of the show it was just wonderful it again I want to thank score for helping people raise their credit score and stick with this we're going to be right back in just a couple moment more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the end is an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton. Palmer sharing the wisdom that he has his book from suck to success and guide your ship and also find a job in 6 weeks or less wonderful find Starbucks on Amazon you can obviously go take a look at those books if you're interested in talking with Todd next up we can be talking about financial literacy for the kids and on top of that we have Tony's or author of a kind of plasm you'll be with us right after that this is going to be outstanding so let's talk about some financial literacy for kit at some point in our adult lives often get started many parents have had to learn Hearts consequences about poor money management fact I've done many stalks and middle school and high school class
this is where parents are there and I started talking I just said hey you know what it could have fell behind when it came to rent payments are going over your head on credit cards the reality is I see a lot of people they look down look the laughter like oh my God that's me don't worry about it the key here is let's put your kids in a position so it doesn't happen to them so we want to make sure your kids are void the same pitfalls that we can start teaching financial literacy impact research suggests that many of our financial habits are set by the age of seven good habits aren't formerly it become harder and harder for you to point your kids in the right direction so question how do we teach him you're the value of a dollar and some other Financial assets but I'm going to walk through some of those steps where you give you some resources you can go to to help the ones that you love and care about first one is making her in there and one of the most important lessons you can instill in kids
is the money is a finite resource there's only so much okay when they have to work for the money as you likely do they'll learn to use it more carefully a lot of parents are they having a splendid kids a weekly allowance a there's nothing wrong with it in fact it promotes good fudge and he's killed even better would do me make them earn it by doing chores drawing the middle connection between income and personal effort is something that will pay huge dividends when they move out of your house these days you don't need to have a big pile of cash to pay him every time with a Jewish or you can get apps like busykid okay and when you get busy kid you can assign a dollar amount to every chore and that's how kids get money added to their allowance on a monthly or weekly basis
nexpart encourage your kids to get your part time job do something on the side you know what high school is a busy time for kids you know they are homework extra curricular activities girls and boys that they're chasing Sports takes up the substantial part of the week if they can spare just a few hours a day a few hours a week working for a coffee shop or retailer are probably better off for one thing it would be less less inclined to Boulder cash on frivolous things when they have to put they have to put some serious work behind a guy getting that money you don't need to wait until you're not quite frankly you don't need to wait until they're older or employment age you know what you can find your middle school early high school or you can earn some extra bucks my mowing lawns walking dogs you can use websites like next door or go to the homeowner association that isn't effective way to connect with local resident who might need some help at the point where they start learning and
actual paycheck this is really important you want to have to help them start saving how do you do that you can walk him into a bank and help me set up a savings account you can help you set up an IRA or Roth IRA and you know what you could do that with a little bit of their earnings also consider helping them out make it a little bit of the game that you put in five bucks I'll put in 5 bucks okay create their own little money machine that's another life lesson you can help them learn and it's a good way to introduce the concept of time value of money Jakes album contribute to purchases you know what nearly every parent has been that situation where they walked in the store with the toy store though the clothing store and have their child beat you in and ate them with requests for toy shoes blouse whatever you know what this shouldn't be a surprise you know what younger kids you know they don't yet understand that there's a
only so much money to go around in the month and there's only so much money allocated for discretionary expenses the best way to get this point across if it's not Christmas or birthdays it's have them pay half of that Lego set okay you know the kids will get a better sense of what things cost which is important also learn the best way to save their allowance for bigger purchases and it makes a prioritized just like you do quite frankly learning about finances doesn't need to be boring even board games can help kids learn about finances payday is one of the best
teaching games for kids teaching in the value of money management skills you know what they're always a next paycheck away players have to make their own their money last they can purchase items that will make them profit even take out loan but getting in getting it over their head is a problem even Monopoly can you pretty pretty good lessons next open bank account you know what the phone little piggy bank is a useful sitting feel full for younger children but when they hit Elementary School consider opening up a kid's account on an actual bank it's a good way to instill the importance of gradually building up the balance and give them the next in the banking industry there's more modern approach is to get your preteens a kid-friendly debit card
this is the one that green light or go Henry kids can earn money through chores allowance and then use the card to make purchases online or at stores will soon realize just how quickly our account balance due when they overdo it both produce put an emphasis on transparency given the ability control where the kids use their card sitting notifications after each purchase the next thing this is a biggie get them started on stock one of the key the long-term financial help is knowing how to invest wisely and stocks and bonds if your kids can learn some of these tools while before they start their first full-time job that is so much better one way to do it is open a custodial account it's called the ugma university transfer miners account can you can do it or brokerage firm you can do it directly there's nothing like a first-hand experience to teach them about the volatility of different Investments and the knee
the long-term Outlook eventually the assets will fall under control when they reach the age of majority conveniently have such a busy kid you know what green light go Henry let children purchase shares of a country now they're fractional shares such as dizzy Netflix right from the bank account making easy become a participant in the stock market now the cool thing about these apps just they have parents understanding of what's going on right you're so they can watch their kid now this is really more of a very important because you know what if they're making mistakes on 10:15 or $20
and they're beginning to make good decisions they won't make big mistakes Wentz 5000-10000 $20,000 when they're older now have an honest conversation about your about money quite frankly perhaps the most important things you can do is buescher booster child financial literacy has to be open and honest about your family's finances parents often to wear that being too can do only lead to work specially if they're going through job loss or somewhere down the line your kids will face their own hardships they'll be a Mesley immensely better equipped to handle them if they know how to respond that doesn't mean you need to share your bank statement with them but you might find it helpful to talk about the need to stick with your budget cut back on certain non-essential items during lean times you know what kids tend to be a lot more perceptive than parents realize if they see you making prune decisions they're likely to imitate those behaviors later in life bottom line
good money habits don't form all out of thin air they have to be learned by starting when your kids small they'll be better equipped to manage their finances when they get older okay keep this in mind when there is a lot more at risk I can't say it enough the early you can start teaching your kids even its grandparents teach your kids everything about budgeting money the holeshot they'll be better able and skill to handle it better able to deal with things later in life I'll have a better life because they want or have less Financial stress now and again this is faraci by score did you know the average American is 97.2 can add to the credit score but no idea how to get them the data science to scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approval huge discounts low interest rates and everything from
refinancing a home the leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member races credit score 33 points and just five days another 43 points in just a couple weeks scoremaster is so easy takes about a minute to get started and if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right try scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score go to score savings that score savings again that's score savings scoremaster for helping out all of our guess all of our listeners increase their credit score now stick with us we're going to be right back and you know what I'm going to introduce you to Tony zorich how to thrive and post-pandemic economy thank you more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
did you know the average American has 97 points they could add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist at scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discount and low interest rates and everything from buying or refinancing a home to leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise his credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster is so easy it takes about a minute to get started if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score go to score saving that score savings again that score savings
come back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back to the show this is Steve section was saving with Steve again we're talking about the ins-and-outs of money we just finished talking with Todd Palmer what a great segment that was we also talked about kids financial literacy and I want to thank score for helping people raise their credit score whatever wonderful sponsors and now I want to tell you about Tony Resort Tony zorich is it a kind of class founder and CEO of accountancy Technology entrepreneur or book author CPA for last 20 years he embodies a kind of class of the idea of challenging the prescribed way of doing things and coming up with a better more Innovative solution Tony's wrote this wonderful book called iconoclasm Survival Guide in the post-pandemic economy this is a book you're going to get I believe it's a five-star book on Amazon currently I saw today I actually ordered it because I wanted to have it it really is a guideline for helping people
deal with what they're about to deal moving forward Tony could you tell us what inspired you to write the book yes do you think sent me on the show Star Wars books approached me and asked me if I wanted to write a book about our business cuz it really thick kind of more of what they considered a disruptive technology and I'm like sure yeah I've always wanted to write a book right and then I was like okay great book about right and so you know in the process of writing a book I really kind of storm is going to write the book was you know I'm just out of vacuum kind of frustration and with with with a lot of things in and out came this book that I really realize that you know what what I was really about writing and I did write the book to which is a lot of business owners don't write the book I was being a first-time author I was I was going to try to write it with a Ghost Rider and that was a disaster I actually wrote the book The Road in about
8 weeks prior the book and when I realized I've been doing for a long time was applying this formula what they call an iconoclast formula which is this challenge design formula then I kind of class is someone who challenges the existing way of doing things they've designed a better way and they have the excellent discipline to execute that plan and I think I've been doing this since I was a teenager and I think it's a very proven methodology and the reason I wrote the book Steve is because in the pandemic it really became apparent to me that you know there's a cost to putting messages out on the internet and TV and television and radio all these different sources and all the cost to recruit that cost it's typically companies wanting to sell you a product is typically nonprofits wanting to donate to their cause it's typically politicians wanting to vote a certain way so all of the
messaging out there is to get you to convince you to do something that's best for those organizations and there's beer basically no commercial value or no messaging out there or you just think for yourself because nobody really benefit for but you when you start thinking for yourself and that's what why I wrote the books I feel like there's just not enough content on this or not enough influence is not enough people are doing that and I think the pandemic also revealed this if you really think about it there's so many people who were following others thought and it just doesn't work for them and then you can bring it back to the basic everybody's got that neighbor that Uncle that guy at the bar who always tells you how to invest or how to do this or that but you know what are the same guy that doesn't have any money that were lost all their money or or do you go their house is falling down even though they're telling you how to fix yours you know we all know somebody like that and that's just that blindly
let me file this cuz it sounds good without really thinking it through for yourself exactly and now now with the internet we can camp out your Wii tennis subscribe to sources of authority and used that we agree with me agree with that point of view and then we can just sit in that camp the whole time and then just let that leader or that Authority Source just take us down no Instinct for us it's really delegate are thinking to that person and just follow what what they say where is you know this is how I feel like everything that you know doesn't work well in our society doesn't work well for a person right is you need to be thinking for yourself and rather than you know what I think what happened with the pandemic is most people camped out in that looks familiar sources they've insulate themselves from outside media so they're not looking at alternative point of view 1 sub you they're not really dissecting the arguments from those different points of view and then making a decision or themselves
based on those other inputs you know I feel like that's just not what happened here you know because if you listen to a lot of people roll their hay tell me why this and all they do is regurgitate what somebody else said and then they asked him another question and they can't respond and it's just because you're okay you're not thinking for yourself and you don't really know the reason why you're supporting this and it just doesn't make sense if you really get down to it and it would make more sense if you actually thought through it and say here here's why it's important to me or write why I'm doing this so I'm just you know I think to get in line with you know a lot of the things you talk about there's a risk-reward a relationship to everything we do in life certainly financially and that seemed to just go out the window with with this thing you do I write about a lot my book and terms of you know I compare this pandemic to a natural disaster much like a tornado
hurricane you know when I was growing up I grew up in Chicago in the Midwest and we had tornado drills all the time and the tornado drill you know when it was sounded you went into the hallway you knelt down you put your hands over your head in the teachers came by and I'm pretty Cure techniques and you were doing that well not so we were very well prepared and then with me know when this thing it happened and you know we were clearly clearly unprepared like that's I don't think that's even controversial to say that so we all I believe is a nation we had a panic attack and so instead of making our own decision we we looked at other countries what they were doing filed suit there and then you know it without having kind of an adequate evaluation structure of this you know if we raided this pandemic on I-15 to wish there were people that were clearly thinking this was a one or two and people thinking this was a V and if they go out there going to be someone they're going to kill somebody and there is not any kind of consensus ER or what
inform way for people to make an educated decision on that because you know there's no official scale like that so they took no whatever sources they had and that's why people I think reacting to this so differently whereas we would all agree wouldn't walk out in a category 5 hurricane right you would get blown away or it's also not a reason to move for a category 1 storm you would hunker down and get through it
Tony I want to get started start talking about you know what the pandemic hate create a lot of chances for people okay and but also a lot of opportunities what are some of the biggest opportunities in your opinion that's coming out of the pandemic well I think from a personal level. I don't think we're going to see if we're going to go back at all to for knowledge workers I don't think we're going to be in life's not going to be the same like we've been working at home for this long there's going to be a huge opportunities to have just enhance lifestyle from this roster going to scale our infrastructure I think and you know we we figure out how to do that too and you know sit you don't do do things that make sense like not cut down on pollution and and use of things right and so there's there's huge opportunities there as well as just the overall change within a lot of this is things that were socially you know not acceptable prior to this are now
like the way we're using technology specifically in the in the business world we found that you know Virtual Technology like we're on now is is actually pretty good at it's good enough for the virtual the business World while it's it's it's horrible for personal relationships and we can't stand it it's actually works great for business so opportunities like my company we've pivoted to being a virtual company we hired people all over the us since this started going and we have no plans to return to the office like we did with the office you know really has three use case as it sits on boarding new employees it's a team projects and meeting with Outsiders and the rest is going to be a huge personal choice for employees out how often they want to come in and it based on you no trust in so trust employees proven to work well up remotely are are going to have fantastic options and companies who are thinking like you know what we're going to ratchet down and return
turn to where we were before they are going to have severe turnover problems because other companies will allow good workers to have this flexibility now so I agree with you actually provide this is once it started at I had multiple locations and Alicia's came up we don't have those multiple locations of all of her support and Technical staff I'm actually in other places and I'm trying to decide you know what like you said it's for clients who want to come into the office I spent most of my days on the phone and I'm going to bet you have a nice shirt but might be wearing shorts right now cuz run to exactly I got my sneakers on and you know it right here I got my running shoes so definitely saved on on on legwear as well and I
that's wonderful I actually agree that I think people need to understand that the way business is going to be done the way we're going to be interacting not on a personal level but on a business level has changed forever so you know what's Tony stick with us we're going to take a break right now we're going to be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
did you know the average American has 97 points they could add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist at scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discount and low interest rates and everything from buying or refinancing a home to leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise his credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster is so easy it takes about a minute to get started if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score go to score saving that score savings again that score savings
come back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back we've been talking with Tony's or they're kind of class we even discussing what's happening in this post-pandemic economy one of the revelations did Tony said is things have pretty much changed forever people are going to have more people working in different areas maybe not in the same town you're in but in other locations and that creates a different environment you know what one of the questions I asked was you know what are the biggest opportunities in your opinion what other opportunities do companies have you people have I think some of the biggest opportunities are a course around virtual expansion of the workforce knowledge workers it's it's you now now we're hiring it did rather than looking Where are car companies based in Columbia Maryland where we would circulate jobs just in the area now we can look Nationwide and find just the the best fit and also from a
workers stand point to I can go to work if I'm on you know I can really go to work for a company who I really am passionate about their product their mission and really believe in what they do and I can go to work for them is easy as I can you know that the company local here so there's just a totally going to have a much better matching of skills and desires and and focus and purpose than we ever had in the past so I think that's going to result in better service for for companies you know they never know there's a huge opportunity savings and things like commercial real estate obviously we're going to be you know you know going in there but even I would say in general Steve technology used in any creative way is going to be enormous I had a guy I got an electric car for example and I had the you know this was hired an electrician to come and you know put in a level 2 charger in my house and he called me
I missed his call I called him back you were trying to schedule a time for him to come over and he's like hey I noticed your on an iPhone can we just base time and I'll walk around and I'll just give you an estimate off of that I'm like yeah let's do this so we boom watch drop FaceTime Zach okay walk down stairs okay so me the fuse box okay walk around this wall show me what's behind that while okay and then and walk up stairs in the garage and this is where you want it you like okay great 10 minutes later I had a quote and we were done I'm like okay why are we not doing this how long has speech been around 10 years and not done this in the past this is wonderful but these are it's just whatever it's the it's the Habit right and that's what my books about it's about my book is more about the thought patterns in Breaking the habits that was based on a paradigm that if I'm a service worker and I don't come out to the field I'm going to I'm going to lose this business right where I think all these paradigms have been shot down by the pandemic in the big
this opportunity is the rethinking here that you can now introducing streamline optimize with technology it virtually any process and impasse on a savings to to the customer so that's just you know it's in a lot of technology has been around for a while and it's just you know for whatever work we get into habits and we don't break those habits and we don't think to challenge them and that's what the book the book kind of walkthrough how to challenge our paradigms and it have a systemic approach to this and that's why I think it's powerful Ford employees need to know this as well because they might have to retrain themselves a little bit to function and perform in this new environment that is going to be created with the companies know when it comes to some of those companies are you considering going back to physical offices you know what you've already talked to her about what you vision for the remote work but what advice would you have for them
I would say by my I think we're all this is going Steve is that you you'll have choices of to come you know in physically to an office most people is my third time around working from home and it's just like wonderful for 18 months just like you're like this is the best thing I'm wearing my pajamas but then you get lonely and sick of it right so what I think's going to happen is that people will come to offices you know on some kind of standard in a row little be monthly for some employees quarterly depends how far you away and I were talking here right you'll maybe Regional employees it'll be a weekly or monthly type of thing but I think the bigger change your Steve is that you won't be if you're a full-time work at home person you you start to develop a different way of success in to find a different way of success so you're looking for fulfillment in your evenings and even like part of it maybe
during the day or in the morning where your scheduling time and having interaction with other folks like I you don't have a church group I-10 I have a fitness class I go to I have friends down here at I'm connected socially on the internet around whatever you know whatever topic basketball card whatever and I think this is where people are going to find fulfillment in relationships that they can control that are really outside of the workplace and they're not going to really look for companies to fulfil that need they're going to look at a company's we're flexible that allowed them to fulfill those needs and have provided a good relationship of trust where they can you don't have that flexibility butt and you know that they're tied into the mission and the purpose and all those things I just think it's going to be a very different world and what people are going to be looking for from employees foyers is really different than it was in the past
Financial Risk in being okay with failure can you elaborate more on that yeah I'm in all the north Steve I think in what like really came out with the pandemic was that for so many people you know there was just a complete absence of a risk-reward thought pattern applied to the pandemic and just incomplete a lockdown in fear right show risk-reward is something as an entrepreneur you learn financially because you're forced to but it did the concept applies to all kinds of non-financial things like this pandemic and going out in in in in going on your way or you know it it just even trying to go deeper on a relationship or or or what not so it's it's a it's a powerful concept that should be considered in branching out and and undergoing any risk and it's something that we're not teaching Folk
I need something that's kind of hard to learn if you're not it if you're an entrepreneur a business owner it's easy because you deal with this every day but you know if you're if you're in a business is an employee it is something in your eye. You're not used to applying that concept it's something that can be really scary and something you're out of touch with that are out of practice with her having done in a long time but risk reward comes in that you know everything from Young going to college and you know what classes you choose or what path you take on the highway to get somewhere that means there's all kinds of you know applications of it that people should always be considering in the book you know the the executor in that kind of class formula of the challenges i n x q formula that executes the biggest thing and that's where risk-reward meet the rubber meets the road right because I call it it's time for The Showdown like in the old west movies when they come down with the guns right like lots of people can challenge the existing way of doing things
a lot of people can't even think of like a great way to do that that's way better but then it comes down to actually doing it right and and then when you actually come to say I'm going to go do this then you start revisiting that design plan multiple times because you're a safe to get scared to go do these but doing it defines the economy class from other things like even an entrepreneur or even a philanthropist or an inventor or a thought leader all these different things that that's different it's these three things that make the challenge design execute execute makes the iconic class and risk reward has to be taken into account in a execute staff with pretty much any anything that you're doing this wonderful hey Tony I want to thank you for joining the show today the information you provided is valuable for everybody's listening especially people who are running a business or just trying to be in a business in this post-pandemic environment teaches people hate you really need this thing because if you do you can take a lot more money and like to know our shows all about the ins-and-outs of money so I want to thank
for being part of this how how can people get your book yeah if you go to Tony's work. Calm or you can search iconoclast it'll take you right there and the books available on my site and you know it is it's it's easy to easy to buy Rite on Amazon or Books-A-Million Barnes and Noble and look to have it back soon thanks so much. Bye bye that was 22 work on a glass of the book you can get it on Amazon you can go to his website and it was brought to you by score did you know the average American is 97 points that they can add to their credit score but have no idea how the data scientists Cormac your crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discounts and low interest rates on everything from buying or refinancing a home the leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is score
cancer ate one member raise your credit score in 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple of weeks scoremaster is so easy takes about a minute to get started and if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right try scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score go to score savings that's scoremaster savings again that score savings I want to thank you all for joining this week we had one of them gas and Tony Palmer and Tony's dork talking about wonderful topics about the pandemic and again I want to thank score for help with everybody in the world raise their credit score look forward to seeing you next week stay healthy stay safe thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time
continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton

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