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Saving with Steve, January 4, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Andrea McGinty and Esra Ogut

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Andrea McGinty and Esra Ogut

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins-and-outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton Play Welcome to the saving was Steve where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun early do you having a happier healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us today I want to thank you for sharing with your friends or family or social with well over 600,000 listeners of you<br>here in the United States they were coming up on over 50,000 just left couple months and you're up so we're expanding its growing and I want to thank you for that today we got some wonderful Topic in the second half of the show you know what I just want to lead into the story we're going to be talking to a hard-working shoe sales girl in her own words despise money and then repent it not exactly the backstory want to hear from millionaire she now wants to help people become a millionaire her name is Ezra I'll get she's now convinced that the only thing that stands in people's way is typically the cell created limitations so she spells it out your new Amazon Five star rated book money doesn't grow on trees than this week Ray and live but I'm also going to be talking about money just for people in their 50s but now the big thing is coming I didn't know this but we're in the middle of cuffing season this year is going to be the biggest in history is Americans<br>emerging from the pandemic the lockdown the subsequent family online strangers craving human interaction and searching for that Prince or princess Charming now one of the cool things is if we have Andre McGinty she's a 25-year professional dating code is work with over 33,000 clients now she knows the ins and outs okay now she has a wonderful dating site called 33,000 and you know what helps people find their long-term that's based on online dating profile and preferences choice in your what Andrews here to tell us a lot of really cool thing she's got to talk about the things you wanted ask if you're looking at a dating coach how to prepare an online profile is it the right time to start dating right now so with that I would like to introduce you to Andrea McGinty she's cure Andrea welcome to the show I can't tell you how excited people are that you're here<br>see if I'm really happy to be here too it's me to know it's a busy time of the year and guess what happens to boil also looking for things for these parties and hence we going to something really weird called the cuffing season and if I could change the name of this cuz I don't know right or something like that goes through November and December and that's what people really want to get or attached to someone because you know we have Thanksgiving will Hanukkah we have Christmas we have New Year's we have all these holidays coming up and they want somebody special to share this so it's a season where online dating which is really what I do helping my clients have been like dating goes to the roof I mean memberships on and I'm not affiliated with any sites<br>not talking any sites here but the memberships just don't up and they continue through January okay so it's almost like the membership Workout Club or something like that exactly I mean if you're single usually you're number one resolution is meeting someone and then your second one is working out now if you're married it's probably the world's biggest thing A lot of people are looking at these dating sites in this little scary some people think that the profile that they put on there they're very very conservative and the profile they put online and you know might be a little too risque or they want to be a little more is day but they're held back what are the kind of like the do's and don'ts of getting your profile setup and how to handle yourself online I know you have like nine things that you see that people need to go over so let's start<br>going over those cuz I know people are really looking for that because I mean how does somebody become you don't like a Matchmaker / in a dating consultant and I kind of like fell into the whole thing I was in my twenties I was getting married and 5 weeks before the wedding she called it off so twenties this is in the 90s free internet so there's no internet dating yet and so I will ask for my best friend send me out on like some horrible face like yours my skill sets but it said here's what I'm like personally and you know basically let them choose to do something really low-key and that's how I came up with the idea for it's just lunch and that was the first company<br>and I started it in Chicago we would fix people up and we send them out of lunch date or dinner date which were like you do not scare your meeting and what are you anyway fast forward I sold out a couple years ago after we had 110 locations worldwide so let's private Equity I found it people especially like as we hit like 2014 2015 the internet was like normal it was considered like especially for like the 20's and 30's crowd like a normal thing to use okay I've six brothers and sisters have a big family and a couple people get divorced and they're like an online profile and I look and I like oh my God I cannot believe you did that or said that or posted that photo or you know did this so I really feel like it for now for the 2020s I mean navigating on my date its the best<br>way to meet people especially that forties fifties and sixties age group because they didn't grow up with this whole thing online dating you. They probably were married I got boars or they were widowed or something and suddenly they don't know what to do so there's three most important things about your online dating and that's why I'm a dating coach no helping people navigate number one you have to be on the right to site number to you have to have amazing photos that really look like you and number three you have to have an eye-catching profile I love travel and cooking like people start to snore you know and we live in a very very visual Society too so that photo has to be great so they stop and then they'll what typically happens roll through your photos and then they'll get to reading what you said about yourself<br>you have to be on the right site to its various by market in Boston and New York that you hot sites there they do nothing in Texas and California I get monthly research geographically demographically and then I've been doing this for over 25 years you know I kind of know the up-and-comers probably a sixty-year-old woman does not want to be on Tinder a hook-up site and then I know also which sites are going to be heavier if you're a female which ones are going to be heavier with men and if your mail which ones are going to have more women on it too so it's really really important that when you present yourself online you do it as a beautiful package you know it's like you're interviewing for a job of your dreams and you want a package up you want to look your best that day you want to present yourself the best that that day and you want to speak<br>and I even go as far as getting involved with photographers all over the country that you professional photos of my clients but not like the photos that's for your photos and then I also work with Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus in Macy's with stylus there to help people even choose clothing for their photo shoots the gentleman that she and of remarrying she kind of had to tell him how to dress it and it's so funny cuz it's almost like they have personality they don't that's the reality check for people in their dating<br>that is very easy to do to change their clothing and so I have my male clients the night before their photo shoots with Chloe sitting on the bed you know spread out with like the outfit so here's my golf outfit here's my athletic outfit what do you think the people all the way and then this is the fun part so now you're online you're on the right site you've got the right photos you got the right profile your profile is fun and it's really you know it's really you the fun part is then you start getting the messages and it's were people I think get scared off with online dating because first of all are not on the right side the begin with I had some Teenage Kids by their mom for Mother's Day Tinder and I was like what were they thinking you know they might think Ginger School<br>455 year old mom. You do not the right place so so now you're online you're all set up the messages starts row LED so then how to respond to skip through the block how to go through them it's generally not a people that message you that are the good matches for you it's you or me getting kind of down into the system and searching out the type of people you know that they're looking for you know somebody who's into horseback riding into the outdoors and in the hiking those are all searchable things because you want some things in common and I really believe the most important thing to have in common are the values you can have different interests but the values are really really important cuz I have people that get totally stiff and they'll talk to me you know if you and I are talking and then<br>I have to write a message on line are like hi how's your day I'm like no no no no we're not going to stay cuz he's just going to ignore that you know it's generic take a quick little break and get back the message response is gigantic because so many people just don't have a clue and I just you just brought me this flashback to even back then I would like a nice override what exactly I say when I call somebody for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br>don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money so if you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br>welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hello welcome back to where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money we have Andrew McGinty she runs 33,000 she's a professional dating coach and she's now going to be talking about how to respond to somebody you think wired online that was just tell her before how much anxiety and I haven't dated in all three decades so it's one of those things were even back then I had a tough time responding or even calling somebody in figuring out what the same imagine on lines even worse so Andrea<br>tell us what to do okay here's the first job I'm going to take so you see somebody who strikes your interest and you know what it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman a woman reach out first man to reach at first it makes no difference online we're all equal I would start by looking through their photos reading their profile and then I have like a five-point strategy has something like this hi Steve I saw you hiking with your two puppies they're adorable I have a Golden Retriever named Luna on what sort of dogs are yours warm Leandria what do we do there we did a little information about me I asked you a question so you have something to say back to me and it wasn't obviously a copy paste now that's where people get in trouble the copy paste the copy paste like hi how's your Sunday going how was your weekend and we all know<br>the copy paste and this person did not look at my pictures did not read my profile he did that to or she did that to you do 50 people this morning I guess you don't want to just send a heart or a like because okay Steve you get a heart you're like okay what does that mean do I write a bath is she going to write me back it's like you're in no man's land if you send her heart or a life make sure there's a message attached to it to go ahead and do that I wish I knew that like 30 years ago I brought my dating probably would have<br>know what's a good first date like what's the best way to connect with somebody on a first date I had a client but younger client and he said to me I'm doing great you know what we message back and forth over the weekend 12 times when you going out and I'm like oh no no no no that's not why we're here we're not here for a text buddy or a phone buddy we're here to meet somebody in real life so okay you and I've exchanged two messages back and forth and there's a little flirting and Venturi going on the right thing to do at that point is to say something like FaceTime and see if we like to meet real life! Because what that's going to do is I'm going to get to see<br>a potential date in real life what he looks like does he look like his picture how does he speak if he's somebody I want to get dressed up for and go meet on a date and I would say of those calls about 75% of them end up going out on the first date and a good first date is going to be it's going to be lunch is going to be brunch it's going to be dinner if you're both Avid hiker it's not going to be hiking cuz you don't know him you know so I don't want the two of you out in the woods together and you know some people think the internet scary if you use it right it is the best way by far to meet people and other thing I'm going to say don't listen to your sister who's been married for thirty years or so since your best friend who is going on twenty-five dates on and always wants to tell you horror story because it's her birthday<br>you don't I mean if your self confident you're going into this with like a sense of adventure a sense of fun you're going to really well with this but it can be helpful to have somebody guide you to I mean that's why I'm in business and that's why I love what I do in the last two weeks I had six marriages and I had three engagements you know why cuz it's like that time of year and I'm like okay knob you need to change your attitude really quick and have a good attitude about this because we're going to have fun with this and I know sometimes people meet somebody on the first date it might be the 20 update<br>that's why you have me as a cheerleader okay so one of the questions what we got on our viewers at saving with Steve. Us was but one lady she was at kind of felt like I was auditioning for a marriage she goes there was just uncomfortable either but she says the person was really nice and a lot going for him but it just felt like I was being audition for a marriage house is somebody progressed with that first date so I think she needs to change your mindset a little bit she is auditioning but she's auditioning for a second date she's not auditioning for marriage a second date for a second date with her to the first date everyone to be on their best behavior has the best tacos in Japanese<br>no just change your mindset because when people in the beginning and we go through their matches together and I'll be like I'm not sure about him and I'm like okay if your 50/50 and you're on the fence with somebody go out on a date it gives you a practice it's going to be confident and by the time you start at 30% chance you're going to like them or her you don't know so you got to go out of these days and not they can't check every item you have on your list you know six-foot-four not Baldi and he's aged 68 you know it's probably not going to happen so you got to be somewhat open and no like the values that are important to you I can see how the values are very very important cuz I know a lot of people that have been married for a long time but they suck in the marriage just because it was marriage and they have completely<br>different values and that's essentially the thing that destroyed the marriage and in the end so I totally get that we're coming here to the end of the year is this the right time to be dating oh yes it's a great time to date you know why everyone's in a good mood coming out of like a year ago I mean where we going to holiday parties and having like thanksgivings or friends don't even know we were like isolated now we're all out and about again so people are good mood people are festive there's so many things to do around the holidays you know when you get into your second and third dates with people you know whether it's going ice skating together skiing together or you know whatever it might be it's it's a great time of year starting Black Friday wow the numbers just like go up from there for Christmas because people want to meet somebody to want to meet somebody to take to a party they want to meet somebody<br>oh I had a client who went on a second date with a woman and she invited him to a party and he wasn't really sure about her he ended up meeting with one of her friends and they've been dating ever since and she's fine with it she's like there's no chemistry I like being uncomfortable sometimes and my daughter she's in college and she broke up with somebody and they just said datings like tasting food you're going to take something and it's going to taste okay for a couple days and you going to realize that it's not that good and then you're going to say okay I'm not going to have that anymore and then you move on to the next one and the next one and then you find something you love and you can eat for the rest of your life so analogy I like that I make you feel that<br>Andrea and this is gone so fast I actually have a whole bunch more questions but I also have another gas and a couple more segments but for you to do is tell us how people can get ahold of you so they can get your professional dating services and you know what it's a really good time to get ahold of me so I'm it's 33,000 like 33000 and you can also call me at 702-494-7344 and this is a good time because you know I told you I'm reasons why but my Black Friday specials at 20% off next Tuesday so hop on my site look around and I personally look at all the quizzes nice for you so you'll know exactly how you're doing<br>time to worry but he can hear it right again sure okay 702-494-7344 and it's all over 33,000 my phone number to so you'll be able to get in touch with me pretty easily I know a lot of people have been looking forward to this and I know we're going to get a lot of comments so the other thing is is somewhere down the road maybe towards through closer to Valentine's Day I'd love to have you back just to reiterate these things and maybe add some more content to it what you would be okay with that<br>absolutely I would love it beautiful and I'll look for preseason<br> no thank you Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for having me I have a great day we'll see if I buy cam chick with this will be right back with some more green stuff more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money I just want to let you know and thank you for joining us here sharing this with your friends and family are available if you're enjoying the story is a powerful information and insights on saving seat then I encourage you just described her YouTube Spotify Apple play channels so you never miss a show and check out a few of our fuel is it UK Health radio BBS radio talk radio New York City e360 TV and more all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom to follow us on Facebook at the same place exclusive access to a car show videos guest gifts to take your life in the neck<br> level now let's talk about some money tips for your 30 in your twenties you established a solid foundation and you know what he used the next decade of your life to put yourself on more solid ground what advancing your career if you're not in your thirties that's okay you might have kids or know somebody that is you have a niece and nephew all of them can use this information so in your twenties developed a marketable skills that's why you went to college it's time to apply those skills increase your earnings research potential Cruise past 44 workers with your skills identify the types of jobs and consider whether you should go back to school for an advanced degree you might even consider moving to the city where you can find more opportunities in your feel sharp creatures can be worthwhile but they're also risky you'll need a plan to keep your budget steady while your career changes also rethink your butt and your income and expenses as well as your needs wants and dreams will likely change from Euro to hear your budget will need to adjust the lifestyle changes to the<br> getting married having kids starting your own business it's a balancing as I remember when I first had kids we stopped going out eating as much as dedicated those dollars to pay them for baby supplies once you get in your thirties you have more money more goals so you need to spread it around you may need to cut some spending and reallocated elsewhere next adjust your insurance coverage you know what you might probably have Auto Insurance homeowner's insurance for the car that house he also might want to consider life insurance and life insurance because if you walk out online for any reason not of your own that life insurance could make sure you don't leave your family with a mess of them to stay in the house have a life redirect their life the whole shot that's why you have life insurance instead of paying non-mortgage debt you're in your twenties you came over the debt repayment play do you want to stick with it and do your 30 so why you getting to your forties you can build your next days for the future now paying off.<br> and also pay my bills from your past also increase your emergency fund you know what you maintain a 3 to 6 months worth of living expenses in your emergency fund you might even want to get to a year why do you get you a New York it's really simple the more money you have in the liquid available gives you more opportunity to make changes when you need we saw this with a pandemic many people left their job to go in a different direction and makes it a lot easier if you're not different in savings if you have an emergency fund next save at least 15% of your income in your retirement you know a lot of people started with their 401ks and they did the minimum start ramping it up if you can get to the point where you have 15% or more or hitting the maxim each and every year you know what you're going to have to be better off also you probably want to make sure it goes automatic so talk with your HR make sure you have money going in there every single paycheck and if you're to self employed go to the bank make sure you set up and director<br> into your 401k or IRA plants that way you'll be in a position where you don't have to think about it it just gets done for you last thing I want to share your nephews and it just got married and they were talking about saving for retirement set up a budget we figured out that they can put in the max when they added the Max Plus the company matches it was about $50,000 a year which is awesome and we figured out between their ages in the age of 55 if they did that with a 7% compound and live their life with the rest of their money it have well over five million dollars that may be in a position to wear in an option to work what a wonderful situation<br> you still have about 20-30 years to go before you're going to be retired this is the time to accumulate assets you don't want to worry about where the stock market goes down because of it does you just bought that change. That you like at a discount do when it grows back up you're going to be in a better situation also monitor improve your credit score hey you want to make sure you check your credit start each and every year that's what is so very very very important to do that because you don't want to have the Liquid account you don't want to be in a situation forget identity-theft also makes sense to make sure that you're not going to get caught up in a DNA test to find a service if you can pay 15 20 bucks a month or a year or whatever the case is so you can be in a position where if somebody steals your identity they have the money the resources to get it back for you quickly next make sure you have a will and trust your married you have a house you have a that you have people care about you who's going to raise those kids if<br> you and your wife are unable to what's going to happen with your asset if you don't have a trust they're going to go into probate I'll prove it is is your Estates going to file a lawsuit against itself and it's going to sell stuff on that to determine who get your stuff if you don't have a trust your state that you live in is going to tell your relatives who gets all your money or your stuff you also want to have a durable power armor health care of her financial because if you're incapacitated you want to have somebody that position you can make Financial Health decisions for you to save your life and keep her way going otherwise the state next thing don't worry about what your neighbors doing a lot of people know how old Joey next Stars got to BMW my sister's got a new house I need to go do those things that that pushes people to death don't allow that to occur<br> be happy with what you have focus on what you have and keep growing it and grown it and have a wonderful retirement we just finished my tip for the day you going to stick with us we've got a wonderful wonderful next gas her name is Ezra I'll get she has got this book has money doesn't grow on trees it's a great story and you know what you want to stick with this working to your wife back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hey welcome back to the same thing with Steve about the ins-and-outs of money my next guest she's got this wonderful book called money does grow on trees at Amazon as five stars there's an interesting backstory see and I'll just put it this way there once was a hard-working shoe sales girl who in her own words despise money and all that it represented not exactly the backstory you might hear from someone who became a Millionaire right now wants to help you do the same thing as is now convinced yourself created limitations and I actually believe that cuz I've lived all my life she spells it out in her new book money does grow on trees than this week create then live by so thank you for being here I love the message of the book<br> the whole message because having people crate limitations on me has been one of those things that has released me so to speak and I think when people realize the limitations that they put themselves it's almost like the monkey off the back so I just like real grateful you're here I want to thank you for joining the show<br> thank you so much so much for inviting me and you are so right I mean all the limitations we experience in life are the ones that we have bought into or the ones that we have concluded through whatever was happening in our lives we're just so powerful without realizing that the mix we do end up leaving whether it's about self-concepts or whether it's about money whether it's about relationship in a sense we write our stories very early on like a computer program against programmed in but where the craters were the programmer and then you know the screen or life exactly reflect back to her whatever programming we put in there but I really love to hear is your story you're from Turkey right now<br> job back in Turkey you know after I graduated I was working in a TV station but I was always so in love with America and everything that America the Liberty the freedom the freedom of thought the freedom of speech that it represented or let's say used to represent maybe and so I had to kind of burning desire to be here and I hadn't even actually come to the states even as a tourist<br> so at one point against the will of my parents I just picked up you know I found a scholarship that was again another manifestation store cuz I so wanted to go and I didn't have any kind of me I'm so once I made a being choice we call it a being Choice once you make a decision to belong to a reality not just intellectually but with all of your cells you're like this isn't this is what I'm going to belong to all the doors open all the support from the universe come so I was able to figure out a scholarship for UCLA and I had very little like savings and I just like to call myself and you know came to the United States of course being here or not I mean by savings I wish I had about $2,500 in my pocket so I am given many years ago but still even with that<br> you know when I came here while your students are not like really allowed to work and all these things and I just so wanted to be here I wanted to finish school so I just took any job I could just to make me pay rent has to be able to eat and it was very very challenging what was going through my head at the time was because really like it's not just about America because I had a bad relationship to money that I had decided earlier on money was always an issue in terms of coming to me it doesn't even matter if I was to somehow it either wouldn't come or I would blow it as soon as it came even as a teenager was hard to get pocket money from my grandfather then I realized as I have such a Negative relationship with money that there's an unconscious part of me that no matter what pushes it away I was a person feeling sorry for myself one<br> if I'm ever going to like graduate from selling shoes or spelling carpets here and there it was scary even in the United States. We see people who win the lottery they blow through the money in a couple years or you see professional athletes many of them were bankrupt within that the thing that you were talking about money and how you were laying that it's almost like you have a set point in being in the financial world that I'm in I've read a lot of stories I even know some people who done that I find out what they do is they say hey I got all this but I don't have the set point so they go through all that money and they're back where they were before because they didn't raise at set point and a lot of people who are listening or might not get that but the reality is sometimes you have to eliminate the limitation that you're talking about or that set point that you have so you can move to the next level and I'm probably telling your book for you but<br> sing from your point of view you know working so many people on their finances because also people make the biggest mistake thinking that well for which nose has anything to do with the money we have in the bank and it doesn't it has to do with who we choose to be in relationship to money rather than anything else in the smaller picture that's the case in the bigger picture that's the case so if we have negative belief systems lying in the background usually we find we found in our lives that we find in our clients lives these are decisions made very early on when we're just children do you know for most of this was definitely the case for me and many many clients and 7 year olds and eight year olds and nine year old point of view is running our financial life without us realizing and for some people is psycho if I have too much money I lose my freedom or if I have too much money you know I'll lose my<br> or in my case for something that happened I decide as a seven-year-old oh you know people either follow love and humanitarian path or they go for money and you know what I'm going to choose this and this means that I got to say no to money into something I decided as a seven-year-old it was the myth I created around money so no amount of doing doesn't matter how successful I was with certain things I did and I see this over and over again I got to have because I don't like money my or didn't like money my ego has to get rid of it's coming in and one way that people actually is that is what we call the Spenders law where they spend more than comes in<br> and if that's the case what happens if you create more money then you're spending matches it then you create more money and then you're spending matches it and then you crave more money and then you're spending matches if so then it doesn't matter if you're making 20 million dollars a year like some of the celebrities do you know they make 20 million dollars from a movie yet they're spending is two million dollars a month well you know what you do the math that's 24 million dollars at the end of the year your in negative cash flow so you're not prosperous in my mind's eye of people who've just done that you hear the actors you hear the athlete wow they made so much money in there now broke just about 4 months ago I was meeting with a doctor who makes almost a million dollars a year and he's talking to me about tax planning so we can have more money to spend but he hasn't saved anything and I'm thinking to myself<br> geez I actually told him I couldn't work with them because you have to have some assets and he has to deal with his issues does the post all the spending it's just really interesting and when you talk about how people have those things that says somebody usually has their financial a cutie you see by the age of 45 because they see it from their parents I know of people who have parents who pretty much pay for everything for Mom and Dad was the bank and they don't think they're ever going to run out of money even if it's their own money you know you're like don't you plan down the road<br> oh my gosh it's really interesting because my turning point was finding my story of feeling like always if you're in the spiritual world then you have to say no to money when I found out that Miss and I changed my mind I'm like okay you know what this is ridiculous wealth and love can decide together and that's where the turning point was for me from my husband we were definitely in the Spenders law and I meant or kept on telling us where the offenders law and being that Spenders law that mindset of spending just like spending without ever accumulating positive cash flow is like a being an alcoholic you're addicted to spend in order to feel good because there's a lot inside looks like a hungry stomach you know you spend you feel good for 2 seconds and then you're hungry and then you have to spend more and then you feel good for 2 seconds and then at the end of the month you're basically you know bro<br> so our teacher was our mental was trying to like awaken us to the that yeah okay now I began creating Prosperity but it would like sometimes go away before they've been hit the bank more than we were actually making a we weren't understanding him because it was such a habit and for my husband I remember the mentor said do you know where I supposed today you know where your wife is today and he's like yeah you know she went to lunch with her mom okay do you know how much money you have in your wallet and he's like no physical why do you know where your wife is and why is it that we don't know how much money you have in your wallet because you value her but always do you don't value prosperity and money because you don't have a clue and we got to think of prosperity like a Consciousness like a person if you don't care about it and you keep pushing it away and they're like oh I don't care about you just go away it's not<br> it's not going to come to is not going to stick with you because you are the one pushing it away is a quick little break so everybody we have more Ezra I'll get you're going to want to stick around for this has been wonderful it's like I bet you at your office in there going to be more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money so if you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton the same with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money oh by the way all the replays are available at skating with Steve. You ass and if you're joining the stories of helpful information inside on saving with Steve and encourage you to subscribe to her YouTube channel or a Spotify channel for Apple play chin check out a few of our Affiliates at UK help radio DBS Radio talk radio New York City 360tv all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit live a life of personal financial Freedom if you'd like to follow us on Facebook give Financial tips at look at these recordings over and over and over again by all means go to saving with you texting on Facebook you can join the Insiders Club get access to videos guest gifts and more now we're back here so let's talk about we understand how people create these limitations for themselves and it's just the way they<br> weather like in the reality is Milling where somebody's wife is cuz you value that and not knowing how much money you have in the bank or your pocket or new checkbook is a big disconnect for people that are moment probably told a lot of people like yeah you know I don't know that either and I have to actually found the best clans the most prepared clients are the ones that know exactly how much is in their 401K what's in their bank account how much they spend each month in the ones that have spending issues are the ones that say you know what as long as we have this much money going with your IRA I don't really know how much is the shop other than that we have a couple thousand dollars in our accountant I always know that I've got to talk to somebody about their fences and spending when they move into retirement because they don't have a clue and I've also seen people who have<br> 10 years into retirement<br> continue to spend like they didn't have a clue and they're like okay do I have to go back to work do I have to change my lifestyle to have to dance with my house I think it's a big time money issue here so let's talk about how people can get control of this and how they can move forward and grow and change the icon a set point that's my big thing it goes back to when I was a little but how they can change their set point so they can grow into the abundance Road<br> what you're saying about retirement how people kind of get into retirement and just start living as a flight there making money every month and again it's the negative cash flow situation here's the cool thing about saving when we do save it changes the whole relationship that we can have with money before Savings in a way where the slave of money cuz we have to trade our hours in order to make money when we do save and we beginning we get into that mindset of investing however small however beg the whole relationship the way we relate to Money Changes because now mine is working for us instead of us working for money just like a way of not being kind of the slave of Finance I think like three things are very important first of all I really think it's very important for people to ask when people come to us and they want to work on creating Prosperity what the first place we go is to get them to find what their gain is<br> staying in limitation what is the belief system that keeps you from that keeps you basically in your box one great example is I was conversing with a friend and it's tumble is the very recent example suspension my mind she was saying you know I'm going to so many workshops and I'm trying to pay Prosperity but it's never happening for me it's weird I never have too little but I never have more than that I always have enough<br> so I'm like well instead of thinking of it like oh I can't I'm trying I'm not understanding it's not happening why don't you think about it from the perspective of like exactly what you wanted<br> maybe you just want enough to survive you just don't know it just like don't be ridiculous like who doesn't want more money so I can eat that people can use you know what the coach and of course it's easier but you know maybe it works you close your eyes and I put her into a situation where she has absolutely prosperous she has like a couple of investment she doesn't have to work for money she just works because she's inspired to work not because she has to do and you know here's someone who's claiming she wants more Prosperity right you would think that that vision would make her happy but instead she just started sweating getting red and sweating getting red and sweating and I'm like okay what's going on and she was like like I just feel so much shame is coming up okay let's go underneath that Shane let's see what's the belief system that's causing the emotion and when she went a little bit deeper with a couple of phenotype<br> oh my God just like I believe that if I have more because of me having more others will have less<br> oh that was the belief system wow so if you have that kind of a belief system no matter how much money you think you want to create because of the surrounding in your relationship to money you actually have a game a big gain a big benefit from not creating more and so then it's about wasn't once we find the belief system it's about looking at the belief system run and and asking ourselves you know do I really do I want to continue believing this is this really true from me or is this just a conditioning that's coming I don't know if my mom from my dad from society is this my troops and to just question that because for me you know once I found of course my own limitations now I see prosperity and abundance Like Oxygen it's available to everybody to me whether I choose to breathe deep or shallow<br> it's already there and I can just allow it or I can allow it and no one's going to get less oxygen just because I have more oxygen and I'm being healthy and vital it's the same with prosperity so breaking those kind of belief systems is a very important part of<br> that's very interesting understanding the underlying cause of where things come from in time in a bed that thought that your friend have probably came from her environment when she was a little when I worked overseas and I had people who were upset with me because quite frankly I was the Catalyst I was building money and some people who shame on you you should make sure all these people are taking care of it I could see where that mindset would come from and it might even came from her folks who might have came from the news media that you watched every day they could even come from the way she was taught in school because back then you know most of the directors and everything they were kind of funeral more socially oriented it was like without exception all the good guys are the ones that are for and all the bad guys are the ones that are rich I just like always the poor ones are suffering because of the bad guys in this is like the kind of<br> do you know we watch growing up so you're like you know you look at the movie or like I don't want to be one of the bad guys and with that out the money has to go do and it's really interesting because he is a very very special country in the sense that it's one of like in terms of the natural resources of all kinds it's like one of the top 5 or 10 richest countries in the world in terms of potential but because of like extremely negative belief systems around money like I said, he's always like in a horrible situation because I cannot use the potential is a lot of people who believe in you know it's not okay to have money and it's like you just got to have enough and you know all those can't be starving when you have the thing is you know I have their own connections of the universe ones they allow they can all have as much as the oxygen as they want people to look at him from the view of the Joneses so to speak your next door neighbor<br> I not have everything but they're happy they don't have to stress I've met people over the years that they figured out if they can save $125 a week for the rest of their life they'll have over a million dollars and besides our social security Now little pension they'll be more than enough to cover them for the rest of their life and for this couple probably made $60,000 a year at best and that's not a big thing come here in California but jeez they have a wonderful life they have great kids everybody's well balanced and they're just flat-out happy and they think that the luckiest people in the world and I love the fact that you're talking about changing mindset look like one of those very common be<br> but also I had and I see this being a very common one is this kind of associations that if you have too much money you can't be happy<br> or the opposite happiness will come once I have a lot of money no happiness has got nothing to do with prosperity that's another individual being so I see if you don't make a choice to be a happy person or no amount of us like husband or whatever you know real estate is going to make you happy but also money doesn't have the power to make you unhappy not even related but you see we take these things and we relation with code and reprogram and the beautiful thing about it all is that we get to experience exactly what we chose so for me the most important part of this my journey and working with clients has been the discovery that you know we are such free beings and there's a teacher I love the saying and I'm going to quote you are such for being that you're allowed to choose bondage and that's beautiful so there's as many different choices of their people on the plan<br> I think the important point is not to get victimized feel victimized feel like license doing it to us all the economy is doing it to us all the taxes are doing it to us know nobody's side of us is really powerful enough to do anything to us we are writing that script wonderful what a lot of people don't know but I had colon cancer 15 years ago and like I told you before I was always told I was too small to show it wasn't smart enough in the reality is you just made yourself in a belief that you can achieve and accomplish as long as you have those two things it doesn't matter how smart you are a fast you are you just need to focus on what's important to you and forget about the limits or find a way to forget about the limits so that's so cool thank you<br> I know people get your book on Amazon is there other places if you don't get your book and the other portion is working people get ahold of you if they would like your help and Cam that is i k e a n d e s as in Sam or a now. They can buy the book from Amazon it's not like a Barnes & Noble is what I believe is that distributed in a couple of different places but the one I know for sure is we will start teaching in the u.s. in English everything we do is all mine very excited to open up these teachings in the English language that's been that's our goal for 2022 and so yeah anybody who resume please come to the website give your email and whenever we're doing something cool will make sure you know everybody gets their information great I want to thank you for being here<br> actually love us books like I said and I'm going to be sending it to a few people so you got a couple books out there just saying just kidding and<br> and you know what I'd like to do is possibly check in with you again sometime later next year and see how everything is doing and get some more insights from you if that's okay<br> I'm glad your own path that you have chosen to walk is a very inspiring also so inspiration biggest inspiration so I would love to converse again thank you so much and everybody that Sandra of it she's the author of the book money does grow on trees than this we create and live by I want to thank you for being here you might want to go check out her site that's it for the day I want to thank you all have a wonderful weekend and we'll look forward to seeing you next week bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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