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Saving with Steve, February 13, 2024

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Saving with Steve
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With Guest, Michelle Cooper, on Wealth Exploration

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

With Guest, Michelle Cooper

Episode 168: Wealth Exploration

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins-and-outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton flow welcome to the same thing with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything on the Suns release of you having a happier relationship with money I want to thank you for joining us today my name is Steve Sexton we just exceeded 700,000 listener so I want to thank you for sharing this with your friends and family and your<br> associate so keep doing that we appreciate it today we've got some really interesting stuff I'm going to be talking about things at the market that nobody's talking about that could affect your lifestyle to we have Michelle Cooper Michelle Cooper's the co-founder of alchemy accounting and bookkeeping it's a firm whose policy and suffering for entrepreneurs when it comes to bookkeeping and accounting the big thing about Michelle besides being a podcast host business Mentor author International speaker who specializes in refunding both the Practical Energon aspects of money and string businesses Thrive with Clarity of purpose were going to be talking about money mindset and money archetypes in if we get into it we might need to talk about a little jet Wellness are there a lot of people deal with this time of year as well as Tax Strategies as your go so with that Michelle welcome to the show glad you're here thank you so much Steve I'm super excited to talk to you today and congratulations on your success and thank you thank you<br> are the big things our listeners want to understand is money mindset when we're talking about being around here or just one with money what mine shaft should we bow kissing on an abundant mindset and expansive mindset right so a lot of times we have this conditioning and this culture that we live in of not enough of I don't have enough money at the end of the month or things are so expensive I'm not saying things aren't expensive but when we get caught up and not narrative it kind of backs that up some conditioning that many of us have grew up with personally for me I came from a hard-working middle-class family commercial fishing industry you have to work hard for my money my parents were immigrants from Europe so there was a lot of scarcity there there was a lot of like we got to get what we can get is when we can get it and they think and then there's this this mindset of like I got to hold on to everything that I can what I've come to learn through my own shifting<br> my relationship with money is that we can see the greatest growth in our personal wealth of our success with money looking at our conditioning looking at our beliefs about and shifting them to away from lacaster Steve to Abundant to expansiveness to there's more than enough to overflow a lot of people I do have that conversation with and there's a lot of social media out that that really messes a lot of the mindset of her as tight as I got to say when it comes to this yes you see all these people on Facebook your friends are going on trips & tours and all that kind of stuff in you would like to go and you don't have enough money for that but the reality is you don't really know they might have spent four years saving for that one little trip or dispense 6-8 months saving for that allows for those pants cuz you really don't know where they're at but the problem is you see it every single day and it kind of messes with you and you create that desire and I love the approach of abundance because then you appreciate everything that you<br> have and it makes life a lot easier so I love that absolutely and you mentioned something that it's really important that I just want to touch on gratitude so one of the things that helped me was really leaning into gratitude have a leak but it's easy for us to have gratitude for the money that's coming in the shift is when you can have just as much gratitude for the money going out and that can be challenging for people cuz they're like damn you phone bill right or like electricity bill or if the cost of cauliflower or whatever but if we can find some gratitude in the flow of money the in and out knowing that war is coming in so we can let this go and be appreciative of it that's the game changed from a big family and had to work really hard for things but there's times when you wanted to do other things with the money as opposed to buy food and let me put it this way when you were a little younger when you start realizing the food you buy nurses your body and you have a healthy body so you can continue to do what you're doing or how did<br> really do think about what you're doing that's something to be grateful for the things that I found in I agree with what you're saying about gratitude is if there's three things that you're grateful for every single day and just think about him review what they were last night it could be just making that one phone call that somebody said yeah I'd like to talk to you and that could have been the best thing of the day or being able to go work at 8 to deal with your stress be grateful for those things cuz you going to be better off for it I totally agree it that I love that mindset and that has a lot to do with the relationship with money let's talk about that I'm going to love really hate relationship that people have with money I was supposed to looking at hey I don't have enough to buy this this in this how should people really focus on the relationship with money so I think this is an amazing conversation because a lot of people don't understand that they have a relationship with money and they're just like oh you know money is this thing I love and I can't get enough of where I hate dealing with my knee and bad with math whatever that's just their belief system that is<br> maybe the things that they were told as they were growing up for their real live to experience and when we understand that it's actually a relationship with money and we can shift that relationship just like we could shift any other relationship in our life through curiosity being curious like I wonder what it would be like to have more than enough money I wonder what it would feel like to do earn twice as much money as I earning now but not having to work twice as hard cuz that was my relationship with money I thought I had to work really hard I'll never get to where I want to be in regards to the wealth because I'm already working at Max Capacity how could I possibly do more so when we can identify our current relationship with money and then also consider how do we want to feel because to me it came to understand that money is neutral it's not good or bad it's not right or wrong it's just as neutrals thing you can do really good with money you could do real<br> bad things with money money itself is very neutral we especially women attach a lot of emotion to money and we create a lot of meaning about it and we all know that identity like that that meaning becomes our identity one of my identities before that I have to shift was I'm bad with money because I was never a saver my dad used to say money Burns a hole in your pocket Michelle when I was little kid give me a quarter and I would immediately go to the store and spend it on Candy there was no saving any there was none of that and he would be like money but you can never have money in your pocket and that became my identity I'm bad with money it burns a hole in my pocket I can never say what I came to learn and understand is that because of how we grew up because of our belief system in our experiences we live into several money archetypes no money archetypes were saying<br> that was created by Kendall summerhawk it called sacred money archetypes and when I first learned this and did a program with her I was blown away and I was like this is a game-changer cuz in my world I deal with money all the time and I deal with my clients relationship with money all the time and I realize though this is a really big component it's not just our beliefs system it's our architect because it's kind of like a personality test once you know your strength finders or your Colby or your desk or whatever you can lead into those drinks and creative strategies for your challenges and for me I came to understand that my made money archetype was what's called a romantic and romantic lives in the now and they just took a very deep trusted everything is going to be fine it's all going to work out so they don't ever consider saving because it's all going to work out so there's no point like I don't have to worry about it going to work out however it's still good to have a savings account so I had to create some strategy<br> is for saving that felt good for me that works for me and didn't take away for this like I love the enjoyment of spending money now a romantic also really loves experiences They Don't Really value things so you mentioned a thing about trouble I love trouble I love the experiences money can buy and I love sharing those experiences with my friends and my family is important people in my life so I don't buy a lot of stuff I don't I wouldn't say I have a minimalist house but I don't have a lot of stuff around me that's just not what I value you right back with some more saving machine more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show we're going to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back to the same thing with Steve show when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money I want to truly thank you for tuning in appreciating again letting your friends and family know about the saving with Steve show you can get all the replays it sitting with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the series are the stories of helpful information inside on saving a seat then I encourage you to switch over to our YouTube channel never missed a show and by the way check out a few of our affiliate that UK Health radio BBS radio talk radio in New York City e360 TV Las Vegas TV network all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit a little life a personal financial Freedom by the way you can also follow said saving with Steve Sexton on the Facebook page you can get some behind-the-scenes videos see all the mess up like we just had and all that kind of good stuff so with that I want to welcome Michelle Cooper back to the show<br> yeah we've been talking about money mindsets money archetypes relationship with money and a whole bunch of more so Michelle welcome back to the show I love this conversation we were talking about the archetypes of money I would like to start talking about some of the issues that people are getting that first Little Bill December no worries in January and then all of a sudden bill bill bill credit card credit card credit card that debt hanging over here so I'd like to talk to you a little bit about your thoughts about that and I know your firm has a debt webinar that they have going on and I think you know people might be interested in that exposed to some of our listeners throughout the states that are dealing with that that little hanging over there yeah I love that you call it at that hang over cuz that's truly what it is right there's times in our year or lies that you know we spend more than maybe we have and you know it<br> I just celebrated and forgot all of her things that are going on and and this time of year and a January beginning of February people start those statements start arriving and they're like oh no now I got to come up with the money right and it could be that this kind of like piling on top of it already existing. And that can feel really strong like carrying that to me feel and I have carried lots of debt in the past several times I always described it as like a LED box it weighs you down it feels hard to move through life when you've got this Blood backpack on your back I realize that there's ways to get out of it I found myself separated from my husband unexpectedly I had about $80,000 worth of debt like Consumer Debt in my business money I had invested to grow my business and grow my team and just kept thinking okay the money is<br> come in and and then all the sudden life took a bit of a left turn and I had to figure out what to do and pretty quickly because I knew I couldn't sustain this on my own I had three kids to support I was on my own and I had my business so I did a lot of mindset on debt I did a lot of research all of the kind of Dave Ramsey snowball Avalanche all that kind of stuff really really valuable tools right but the first step is really having the clarity on how much debt you have<br> and that often with my clients is there like oh okay I didn't realize maybe I didn't realize it was so much all kinds of emotions come into play but again it then goes back to the meaning that you're creating about that Dad about yourself oh I'm bad with money and what an idiot I am I made such bad choices that kind of thinking isn't going to get you out of that you got to shift that thinking and then you got to have the data and that's why we created the jet Liberation Workshop because we support people in walking through getting Clarity on the deck and helping them decide what is the best strategy for them partly based on what feels good so somebody who likes to have more of an instant reward a snowball strategy could be really beneficial because you're paying off the lowest balance first right so you like I got out from under that one card right somebody who<br> if you do maybe what I would call like a tack you later archetype wants to pay the least amount of Interest possible and they want to get out of it as fast as I can so I learned this passed it on to my clients it's been a very successful for them and again it just having support and getting the clarity of the data and not spiraling into control because you've created some kind of meaning that isn't true about you just cuz you have some credit card debt it comes back to that whole thing about money being neutral I think debt is neutral as well it's not good or bad I know some people say they very strong opinions that there's good and there's bad yet to me that his dad is just a mutual thing I invested a lot of money and my business<br> my business is actually my retirement plan so why would that be bad at compared to I don't know what some people call good dad of having a mortgage on the house right so we can take that meaning that judgment that we're putting on Dad and money and take that off of us we can just look at it for what it is it's a number and we have a way out from underneath that number and get support on it but I was going to Echo that sentiment cuz quite frankly dead as a tool there's many people who used that properly and they make a tremendous amount of money and some people are able to get low interest rate Dad's or get a higher rate of return so they're able to Arbitrage it and make money using that in fact when interest rates were really low many people were using certain types of Investments that were protected and they're saying hey I've got an interest only loan I've two or three percent right now but I'm running 12 so I'm getting a netted nine and that's a great way but when interest rates<br> okay that's over it's a smart thing when you take a look at credit card debt the average person added $1,200 just in December to the credit cards and then they've got down on top of the other debts what you're talkin about that compound get with that snowballing a debt and larger Direction crates that problem and people just don't pay attention to it and I think the thing that you said was he really under need understand where you are with the debt cuz we had a conversation with a lady that's in her eighties and her husband passed away prematurely and she's got a mortgage and she's thinking about taking on more debt like a HELOC to get money to pay off a tax bill now we're able to get the tax bill remove talking to the IRS but if she move forward with that she would have further leverage your dad because she didn't understand where she was she was just trying to immediately take care of the problem in to satisfy it let me satisfy and kick it down the road it's important that people look at<br> I thought they're absolutely and sometimes you just a little bit to see it having somebody that you can talk through like that lady was really lucky that she has you go to walk her through this because often we can just get too caught up in it right and then we make Sometimes some reactionary decisions and reactionary decisions are usually our best decisions but usually emotional they lead to things usually that we don't want to experience I think sometimes it's really nice that's one of the reasons why aren't your debt Workshop is because sometimes somebody just needs to ask you questions so you can realize the craziness of your thought and have you okay I'm not thinking right way I need to Justice a little bit and if I do that I can put myself in a far better position feel better about myself the whole shot<br> we're trying to figure this all out ourselves we can beat by roll and we don't have anybody to bounce stuff off of and then we get into this kind of like hopeless state of like I'll never get out of this I guess it's just going to be here forever and another really kind of low-energy almost like survival State that's not going to move you into abundance it's not going to be with you too well get support whoever that is for you there's lots of people out there and there's books you can read and journals you can buy and our Workshop is very low price like $49 or something because they my eyes people are there already in debt they don't have a bunch of money to spend like we have to provide something that's highly valuable that the house some walk through this and create the plan so that they can start to get out from underneath it. Feels amazing. About a minute left Michelle could you just let Oliver listen<br> you know how they can go about getting connected with your debt workshop and where to go absolutely not on website it's me accounting. CA I've also got it on our social media so Facebook Alchemy accounting or Michelle B Cooper and Instagram is alchemy accounting or Michelle B Cooper office today and sharing your knowledge and I think it's really wonderful at this time of year you're offering a debt webinar so people can figure out how to reduce eliminate and their dad start feeling like they're doing something about it so they can feel like it's an abundance they're grateful for moving forward so I do want to thank you for being here with our show here on saving with Steve I wish you the best and possibly can have you back sometime soon much Steve I love what you're doing keep doing it keep rocking it out anytime you want me to come back and have you two talked money you have a great day will see you bye bye<br> backwards more saving whiskey more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton a little welcome back to the saving the Steve snow that was Michelle Cooper you're going to be able to go to the saving with Steve. Us website you're going to be in a position where you can get connected with her that webinar that'll help you work out how to get out of debt next I want to talk to you about some things that are going to affect your lifestyle and let's just get started talking about that right now you're taking a look at this little screen on the podcast Year everyone sings things are good today because they saw the market go up the reality is hope we spent the last 24 months and stack equation and for those people haven't taken with Ross from their accounts they're close to getting to even and there's a lot of people who have taken with Ross from their accounts and they're nowhere near where they were from<br> don't value 24 minutes ago we're here to talk to you about ensuring your next so many years and retirement are not affected I getting a full understanding of all the components which are affecting your income so let's talk about some stuff that many people really not talking about let's talk about those components that are going to directly affect your lifestyle so first of all I'm going to show you three different ETFs one is the S&P one is the down when is the NASDAQ the returns are shown are going to include dividends we're going to look at $1,000 investment in your 2000 BC over here that's called a nominal rate of return it just all the volatility and everything at in dividends we go from 1,000 to $4,518 and it's a nominal rate of return of 6.55 now what's even more powerful is to show the real rate of return which is that the return ending in sequence of returns fluctuation dividend and down the impact of inflation to that thousand<br> ours goes up to 25 24 so let me show you the next line This is the Dow Jones the number to return with dividends is 7.31 the real rate of return adjusted for inflation is 4.67 in less took the q q q or the NASDAQ you could see all the fluctuations here and then returned adding a dividends is 6.2 but the real rate of return over the last 24 years is 3.63 what's Starling about this is it that you have been taking income with Ross from these positions over the last 24 years you would have very little money left and would be worrying about running out of money because CVS - sequence of returns you just that income with Ross for inflation frankly you be pretty close. Either running out of money or if you retired at 65 and you could be dead or Deborah know another thing that's going to affect your lifestyle<br> and then a lot of people aren't talking about is the M2 money supply to let me share why this is so important to have the M1 money this is the money that you're spending every single day that you're utilizing okay it's your everyday money you know what the M2 money supports your lifestyle and stuff that's in your CDs the interest of your Investments and things like that essentially this money is harder to get to but they think here is when there is a disruption in the M2 money supply which means to drop significantly a recession occurs and you could see the depressions of Panax and so on the Great Depression and you know what you think that's a long time ago even though it happened a long time ago it is still has the same effect today the M2 money supply is contracted 2% in the last three months folks that's fast and furious see that's going to affect everyone's purpose money the money that you use to support your lifestyle and then there's another thing that's<br> the fact your money supply or your lifestyle directly called Commercial Credit there's been Studies by Yael USC Columbia many other places so let me just give you the background here and Commercial Credit Commercial Credit Market started 1973 with 567 billion dollars is 17 trillion and there's a disruption of 2% which is happened three times in this Century October 2001 it went down 2 .09 March of 2020 it went down 6.9 in between November of 2022 and July 2023 when it down 2.07% happy and in the Centre of the last 20 years there has been a significant decline in the S&P 500 and the reason for this is because the FED which is reduced over a trillion dollars off its balance sheet and the credit markets are trading up especially the money<br> did you know 22 trillion dollars is coming due and the next year in commercial credit and that's just for really says it's commercial real estate and then the reason why it's happening is you have so many people are not going back into the office the other the issue is because they don't have the evidence they have negative equity in those buildings and they now they're going to have to come up for refinance a lot of regional banks are going to have to deal with that was long term effect it's not going to be a little steam it's not going to be a headache it's going to be a lifestyle change the great thing here is there an antidote in this antidote is you have to look at your money with purpose vs. performance so let's take performance money it's your legacy money it's the money that has a positive return overtime cuz you see the market always goes up over time right time will always be the owl and performance even with economic viruses riding God gives you time you will endure because you have time to<br> recover from the virus of the market is down you have time just like you saw on those slides it keeps moving up to the right then you have purpose money it's your now monies that you used to support maintain your lice off the time is the enemy of your purpose money because you need it now the thing here is this folks if you don't have an antidote or protect your Purpose Driven money that supports your lice out of the viruses are going to get you because it's going to affect your lifestyle so it's important that you take the time to work with somebody that helps you protect your Purpose Driven mind folks I want to thank you all for joining us here on saving with Steve I hope this short segment gave you a little insight into what's going on with the lifestyle what you need to look at and how to protect things Michelle Cooper with Alchemy accounting and bookkeeping is wonderful you'll be able to go on our website with her signal errors and you'll be able to link into our debt Workshop if you're interested in doing that and went that I want to thank you all for joining us today right here on<br> play the newest Steve they say say how please look forward to seeing you next week bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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