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Saving with Steve, August 24, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Jim Carroll SADD and Christopher Klesh

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Jim Carroll SADD and Christopher Klesh

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you a thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton
hello welcome to the shaving with Steve show before we talk about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun or they say you having a healthier happier relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us and by the way we have well over 600,000 listeners and I just want to thank you for sharing with your friends family and Associates nothing we got something special for you in the second half of the show how would you like to go on your dream vacation those three vacations are typically daunting lot of times while Beyond budget don't worry we have told Chris year the teacher The Insider tips and tricks to going on a dream vacation without breaking your bank sometimes as much as saving ninety cents on the dollar you want to stick around for That interview today hey I'm going to be talking about financial literacy for kids coming up the 2021 school year has been challenging 14th
significant life events like prom graduation ones out of the different again this year than ever before with some celebrations on hold or cancelled altogether teams find themselves even further isolated from friends and communities we have Jim Carroll former drugs are for the White House senior adviser to students against destructive decisions team have to share educational resources and teams to make Positive Choices Asian we've got Jim hear that you're welcome to the show appreciate your being here thank you Steve it's great to be with you I'm glad to hear now I'm sorry I throw you a little you're a great guy typing let's just talk about Jim Jim serves as a director in the White House Office of National Drug control policy beginning in 2019 very distinguished career in public service he worked and was committed to saving lives as defined by the national drug policy submission now he did those who are suffering from
listen to views ensure they are providing presented a pathway to recovery has been an education stop the flow substance in the United States now under Jim's leadership the number of deaths overdose decrease for the first time in thirty years that's a wonderful accomplishment Jim well thank you so much it wasn't just me I have both blessed with a great team of folks at the White House or committed to this end up working at the White House meant that I could pull in experts from around the country among all the other departments and agencies and resent a entire government to make sure that we were doing everything possible to save lives well I'm just going to say to this this is wonderful I provide Financial consultation to many many people and I've seen how substance abuse bad decisions is teams you can college students had to adversely affect the ability for their parents and sometimes even their grandparents to act
they have a retirement are shows about the ins-and-outs of money and quite frankly this affects that and I thought this was a very very important to share their organizations called sad I know it's a forty-year-old organization could you help us understand what's sad is and share that with our listeners sure I'm really proud to be able to partner with sad and you know you talk properly didn't want to respond by parents who have really had their finances impact you don't I have a family member who is now in recovery it started with an addiction to opioids prescribed by the doctor and my family members chosen not to go public with their story to tell but I was at work and got a phone call from my wife inside come home right now and we had no idea what was going on and that day we brought a family member into detox and into first short-term recovery
I want from recovery by the grace of God and of course it doesn't pack your finances even you know with us being very lucky and very successful with one stint I'm going into rehab, it still takes a financial pull on all families and of course there's the financial full but sadly there's even an emotional pole and really just a grease sadly for way too many people and that's why you sad came into existence 40 years ago 40 years ago people realize that students need to connect with each other and see maybe you are I'm sure you are a perfect student in a perfect style I'm the middle child not even close to other kids students needle want to hear what their other students are going what their peers are going and that's what that is all about in your parents get her to talk on and on and blah blah blah
we think the students learn the best and have the best pool when they learn it from other students and so that's what's sad and worrying over 7,000 schools across the country 300,000 kids usually at any given time to million alumni 2 million kids have gone through a sad program we are well it's in school and there's usually a teacher or parent you know who's the moderator if you will is really all about the students learning from each other learning the dangers of drugs as well as learning techniques on how to say you know what I'm just not interested in me and you're going to Middle School's not just high schools and colleges but middle schools is the research show that it's better to start younger so teaching kids how to deal with peer pressure and things like that yeah absolutely it seems like we've been getting younger and younger to make sure that we're reaching these kids really a tender of critical ages when their first kiss
learning about that and we want the first voices that they here to be able to say I'm strong enough to be able to say no I know the danger your show is saving with you it is absolutely appropriate we are saving lives with Steve today because we're teaching these kids about how much to learn from each other but also we teach parents as well about the dangers interesting you say that because I'm a product of Catholic private schools the first part of Catholic private school which is the Middle School through 8th grade I mean we were very very very sheltered but then when we got the high school it was completely different and yeah I'm going to say I drink in high school and you know it wasn't it was more out of trying to fit in and I could see how that pressures there and I think that's it's really really important and you know the thing that really woke me up is I know of somebody in high school who ended up wrapping their car around a telephone pole
lucky to be alive but the the impact of the the DUI and all the stuff that went through that kind of scared us all straight and you would hope that there's enough education I think this is what's dad's doing is providing kids enough education so they're not the one that wraps their car around the pool because they've been drinking too much
right and that's inside of her name says students against destructive decisions because there are really some decisions that you know students make that really can have life altering impact before they realize it and so it's you know it's not just you know when we talked about the rug you know it's not just for the hard drives it's also things you know like alcohol which they should not be bringing you said you were drank alcohol back in high school to sort of fit in and everyone was going it and that's what people think I need to be cool I want to fit in in the reality is and you know we both saw it in high school is it sometimes you're just not cool at all you're in a corner throwing up you're doing things that you'll later regret and sound like you can lose your life in an instant I'm going to send a shout out to our sponsor here and then I want to come back and I want to talk about a few things such as guidelines for not drinking how to identify
alcohol-free environments parent advice which is gigantic and help people Identify some warning signs what I like to do is I want to thank score for sponsoring to show you know the average American has 97 points they can add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data science at the score matter of crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money and means fast loan approval huge discount low interest rates and everything from buying or refinancing a home the leasing a new car to applying for credit card how fast is scoremaster one member races credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple of weeks scoremaster so easy takes about a minute to get started if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right by scoremaster for free and see how many points that you can add your credit score of go to score last savings that's score
again that score savings now I want you to stick around we're going to go through a lot more stuff with Jim will be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come I'm the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hello I want to welcome you back to the show again I want to thank score we're coming back with Jim Carroll gym again thanks for being with us today and sharing the information how we can help kids but covid pandemic is been a big big deal for a lot of people is affected businesses affected live Prosperity I'd like to understand to help her listeners understand the impact of covid pandemic on our teams in college students that it's really been horrendous what we have seen across all age groups not only adults but really where were talking about today or college-age high school and even Middle School suicide rates have risen dramatically we're seeing sadly suicide after suicide in our school because kids are cut off their isolated they don't have the connection which are really all human beings want to thumb levels the ability to connect with someone else and when they're suffering from issues and they're cut off sadly
no can have project consequences and so sad what we've been able to do is try to do it in a virtual environment just like what we're going so it's students are stuck at home they can still in to you know through some of the technology that think we know exists to at least have that but really the pandemic has just been brutal we've also seen what appears to be an increase in drug first-time drug initiation yes and really what we have seen horribly is a rise of fatal overdoses in near the last 12 months it's probably going to be the highest ever in recorded history I can see that especially when we're talking about drug overdoses when you're looking at Middle School's teenagers kissing the reality is
call drug uses self-medication and if they don't know how to do it properly or do it at all there's going to be overdoses and I'm not saying you should learn how to do it but I'm saying it's one of those things where I can see that happening now I think that's a great point but sadly there's we don't even know what's out on the street law enforcement can't tell whether a pill out there is legitimate tell that's being improperly diverted from its intended use to being used on the street or whether sadly it's the illicit films that were made in some Warehouse not to any standards and we're seeing more more fatal overdoses by teenagers young adults who think that they're taking a prescription pill when in fact is the pill containing Dudley Fentanyl and they don't have a chance I just would like you to share real quick and we'll do it again at the end is how can people get involved with those virtual fellow
chips that you have going on right now at sad sad s a d d. Org and you can find out about programs in your areas or in your school or talk to a principal talk to someone at the school and if you know that the school doesn't have one there information on our website about how to create one there's absolutely no cause whatsoever all the material is given we rely strictly on donations to be able to reach the kids and reach the students and so that's what we need is students to go to the website also parents to go to the website and hopefully help contribute to the cause let's start talking about warning signs of underage substance abuse cuz you know what I'll to have been in some of the clients have been talking with it I'm just going to say this they didn't realize it was a problem until something happened and when it happened it was more of like when they went to the doctor there so I can weld how long you been doing this and they found out their kids was involved
drugs for a year or two or three or four and they're like wow how did they hide it from us so help us understand what the signs are really your parents need to be observing it and just really interact with their kids and you can see it sometimes you can see you know lack of hygiene disheveled appearance on they're not taking care of themselves losing weight bloodshot eyes and really just a dissing trust in participating in either normal family activities or even normal social activities no be coming with Ron you know keeping odd hours things like that you know it's hard to put a specific you know there's one thing it's really the totality of all of those things that I mentioned that you know is really what parents should look out for it and it's okay to be open you know what the kids are growing up you know there was a subject that your parents hated to talk to kids about and parents realize you know that if they need to have that conversation
this is another conversation there is no one like the conversation but you had to have it the same is true about drug use alcohol use tobacco use underage there's the conversations you need to have with your kids to parents on how to have that conversation that we have lots of information for every situation is different you're on the west coast I'm on the East Coast there is World areas there's urban areas so what we do or sort of gift some of the highlights but really let the parents tailor it to each individual student and that's why we're trying to let this be a personal conversation with in the family first and if your child comes out and say yes I'm having a problem it's okay to get help it's okay to seek treatment the last thing that you want to do is stigmatize this more and more often kids have gotten into this unknowingly no one starts out in like saying
I want to be addicted to Crocs it happens you can be like we did take your kids to detox to help the treatment talk to your doctor almost all insurance plans are required to cover treatment for an addiction and so that is one of the things that we've probably when I was running the office of National Drug control policy at the White House and so we had more and more people getting into treatment than ever before and so don't be scared to ask for help guidelines about not drinking in consequences for breaking those guidelines yeah you know I can't is so tough right every child is different every person is different but you know it's having those realistic conversations with your kids and if there's a one-off situation where a child did drink some alcohol have a beer with a tion have you don't have to lower the broom and lock them in the house until they graduate from high school but you do have to do is have that conversation
how to be able to say you're the stupid things that can happen when you're under the influence and here are the deadly things that can happen to you could happen to someone else because you're drinking and so these are the things that parents need to have so that when chance to graduate from high school and they're in those years were there between 18 and 21 that they're prepared for their parents that's what we're all trying to do it's very hard to Lynchburg that's what size is going as well he kind of bring flashbacks when you listen to that and how it can affect other people I remember one person in college that I was on a ski team do you like to drive his motorcycle but he also like to drink and he basically was drinking and driving and lost his life and you know I just thinking about those things over 5 or 10 year. I actually know somebody who he was the CEO of a company and he lost his position but he started drinking in high school that just continued he just did a real good job masking until something happened with one of his kids that's when
lost it so it's just one of those things I think that's really great now helping identify alcohol free events for your kids how do you go about doing that you know working within the school environment able to have sad create event either out of school or in the community that is designed just for that it's designed to be alcohol-free drug-free but still have a really good time and I are some of the activities that we're going and that's really how we've been able to be successful with three hundred maybe close to 350,000 kids this year were able to be effective because we still make it fun it is part of something that is important and also let's face it when you're applying to colleges to be able to have that on there that you're a student participant or student leader in an organization like side it shows that you're going to be a good student you're going to help others and you're going to enjoy and learn
while you're at college there's all positive some drinks at oh yeah and you're going to be a A+ representative of that University when you leave I going to receive that so we're coming close to the end I was wondering if we could get our beer some resources for a resource page how to start the conversation as a parent identifying warning signs things like that that way we can spread the message also this show is actually shown around the world whether it helps people in the United States around the world I'd love to help people and we could share that resource that be wonderful we shall be able to help us with some of those links or White Pages or things like that I'm so late visit sad s a d d. Org and then Steve also slipped use for so you can put on your website not only our website but some other website for parents and students to learn about this issue and so we sincerely appreciate the honor of being on with you I know you're reached all over the world through every
medium write your own Radio podcast you name it on television is there anyone in the world can find Steve they can do it and that's why it's so great to be on with you just save lives with saving Steve I appreciate that Jim I appreciate your sharing your wisdom with the show and I appreciate what you're doing it makes a difference in the world and I think the impact that you're making is enviable because if you're saving lives and you're saving kids it just makes life more prosperous for people so I want to thank you for joining us stay healthy stay safe and hopefully we can have you back again and be great thank you everyone all right see you more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hey wasn't Jim Carrol Gray he's outstanding go to sad as ADD get more information for your Middle School's your high schoolers and your college students students against destructive decisions is a big organization that can help some of your kids or somebody you know that might need some help before we go off here I'm going to be talking about some financial industry for kids and then we got coach Chris was going to talk to you about how you can still save $0.90 on the dollar with your travel so let's talk about financial literacy at some point in your adult life often when people start out many parents had to learn the hard consequences for money management it could be when you fell behind on a rent payment or got over head with credit card Dad if you want your kids to avoid the same pitfalls
then you need to start teaching financial literacy sooner rather than later study suggests many of our financial habits are set by eight 7 if good habits are formed early it becomes harder and harder to point your children in the right direction the question is how do parents cheat the values of a dollar in other key financial lessons there's one of my do I'm going to walk you through some basic steps you can take a minute late to make sure your kids are on the right path first of all make them earn their lands regardless of their age one of the most important lessons you going to still make it is that money is a finite resource when they have to work for the money as you likely do don't learn to use it more carefully a lot of parents are they having a stud in their kids with weekly allowances which in itself can be great because it helps budgeting skills even better would be making them earn their money by doing chores drawing the mental connection between incoming personal effort is something that will pay huge dividends when
grow up and move out these days you don't need a bundle of cash in your while to come stent in for odd jobs that they perform around the house such apps as busykid highlight you can assign a dollar amount to eat packs and added to their allowance but then you can watch and monitor with her spinning on reality is they can learn quickly from errors that they make which is wonderful secondly first part time gig high school can be a busy time for most adolescent with homework extracurricular activities eating up substantial portions do we still if they can spare just a few hours work at a coffee shop or a retailer they'll probably better for one thing they'll be less inclined to blow their cash on frivolous things when they have to put some serious work to get it you don't need to wait until they're old enough to form an employment you can find that your middle schooler or early High School can earn some extra bucks
launch walking dog sitting house-sitting website such as next door even the newsletter from homeowners associations can offer effective way to connect with local resident to get those little job at the point where they are start earning a paycheck you can also help them open up a Roth IRA with some of their earnings if you can consider helping out with some matching money that's another life lesson that can help them learn early it's a good chance to introduce the concept of time value of money think about it S&P 500 on average gross 7.2% almost 8% every 10 years imagine doing the math for one of your kids and showing them how much they have
next them contribute to other purchases nearly every parent knows what it's like to take their kids to the store and be inundated with requests for the toy the shoes the glass is the blouse whatever it is perhaps that should be surprised younger kids are putting your don't understand that there's only so much money you have each month to put down on discretionary purchases it one way to get the point across is make them contribute towards these non-essential items if it's not their birthday or Christmas tell them they have to pay half of the cost for the new Lego stick or that blouse or whatever your kids will get a better sense of what they actually have to cost which is really important so awesome learn that they have to set up their allowance to make bigger purchases saving up their allowance to make Victor purchases isky causes him to prioritize
just like you do make it a game who said learning finances had to be boring you in board games can help kids learn the importance of financing hate he's one of the best teaching kids money management skills with the next paychecks a month away players have to make the money last they can purchase items that they can make with a profit and even take out loans but getting in over your head can create problems especially when there are other bills to pay too pay Probably sounds pretty similar doesn't it even Monopoly can eels are pretty important lessons which with participants choosing which properties or buying strategy will yield the biggest profit and measuring risk-versus-reward on every move as many apps highlight you know many others have Financial dealings the more kids understand how money works that better it is for you and them open a piggyback piggy bank as usual sings vehicle for younger children but when they hit a
Elementary School consider opening up a kid's account at an actual a bank and it's good way to instill the importance of gradually building up their balance and give them an introduction to the banking industry a more modern approach is to get your preachings kid-friendly debit cards and such as places like green light go Henry offer kids even more money through chores on the allowances they can use the cards purchased online or in-store so soon realize just how quick their balance Windows when they overdo it both products put an emphasis on transparency giving parents the ability control where kids can use their car sending notifications after purchases the other thing is get them started on stocks one of the keys to the long-term Financial Health is knowing how to invest wisely in stocks and bonds or other Financial products if your kid can learn some of those tools well before they start their first full-time job so much
better one way is to open up a small custodial account or Brokers for which they get to help direct with investment there's nothing like first-hand experience that teach him about the volatility of different investments in the need for long-term Outlook events these assets will fall under the control when they reach the age of majority
conveniently out of such as above-mentioned busykid green light go Henry the kids purchase shares of companies such as dizzy Netflix right for their baking can't make it easy to become a participant in the stock market this is very big because they can make small bad decisions now but we can work the bad decisions out of them now so when they're older they don't make those decisions and that goes into the next with having an honest conversation about money perhaps the most important thing you can do to boost your choice financial literacy is open honest about family finances parents off and worried that being too candid about will only lead to worry especially if they're going through a job loss or other stressors the realities of it somewhere down the line your kids will face their own hardship and they all do they'll be in Mensa they mentally better equipped to handle them if they know how to respond that doesn't mean you need to share your bank statement but
you might find it helpful to talk about the need to stick with your budget and come back on certain non-essentials during lean times kids tend to be a lot more perceptive than parents realize if they see you're making prudent decisions and they'll likely to imitate those behaviors later in life bottom line here is good money habits
don't form out of thin air they have to be learned as parents we have to teach him by starting when your kids are still small now the better equipped to manage his finances and adulthood and by the way when they're in adulthood as you well know the stakes are a lot higher with that I want to just say thank you to score did you know the average American is 97 point socket add to their credit score but have no idea how to get them the data scientist to score if crack the code on how 97 points to your credit scores I found money it means fast loan approvals huge discount low interest rates and everything from buying or refinancing a house and leasing a new car to apply for a credit card how fast is scoremaster what number raise your credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in two weeks scores master so he's hit it takes just about a minute to get started and if you hurry you get to try School
answer for free that's right scoremaster for free see how many plus points you can add to your credit score so go to score that's last saving savings again if and Kayla we're going to take a quick break and we're going to be right back with some Chris Jazz that's coach Chris going to talk to you about the inside tricks and tips for travel help you save 90% on his dream vacations stick with this will be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hey welcome back to the shaving with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money and I want to thank Jim Carroll that senior advisor to students against destructive decisions It's a Wonderful organization and again you know we just talked about childhood literacy the early you get talking to him about financial things the better off there going to be able to be a better decisions are going to make financially now you know I've been waiting all day for this okay it's travel season people love to travel how would you like to travel the world for pennies on the dollar we have coats Chris year to talk about the benefits of travel he's going to teach you The Insider tips tricks that will show you an Amaze you and get you going on vacations you so well deserve I just want to make sure everybody is listen you're going to hear some things here you go ahead and maybe that's not true but you know what when I was having a conversation with Chris
he said here go use this code go sign up for this I signed up for this credit card it gave me sixty thousand American Airlines points did you guys do realize that's enough to take me and my wife to Europe for free so I'm so and the cool thing about it he doesn't really make his money on coaching individuals he makes it with corporate speaking gigs and things like that so we're really thankful he's here Chris welcome to the show thanks Dave it's a pleasure to be here I listen to a lot of your episode since I got connected with you and I know you provide value to all you all your listeners your shows growing and that's what it's all about providing the value of money we're all struggling a lot of us are still struggling in this hard time yep that's true but if you can go on vacation for a lot less than what you thought people can go on more vacation since my listeners haven't heard before you're an AT&T marketing executive
and then you transition and now you're the number one travel Guru and Coach so tell us about that transition has been in my blood I was 12 years old spending four weeks you know if my parents in Europe my golfer I got to travel on business it's in my blood I live in Florida now but I've always been a part of New York and Broadway seeing is the next conduct that I was part of my military service conducting a military band so I just love the aspects of travel one of my mantras I say are the best things in life aren't the material things are not this hello this is out of $35 Costco watch it ain't no Rolex but the best things in life are your friend your health your family and those precious memories and experiences and we all know a lot of those precious memories and experience to revolve around travel where there be a wedding graduation of family vacation a reunions excetera and it's
play now when we've been with this covid situation a lot of us have been stuck in our homes for 14 16 months now with the vaccinations we now can travel so becomes that much more important to reunite to get these precious memories and experiences with our families and friends cuz we really do travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us but wasn't a problem like you said that's what your shows all about why don't we afford it it's expensive so that's what I speak about on stage you don't have to be rich to leverage that's what I'm all about I love that and I also agree with you a hundred percent on you walk out in the box and in many cases you can't take the watch and the belongings and you really only reflect upon the memories that relationships that you have so I'm a cancer survivor so I totally agree with that so let's get in the travel money on their travel
sickly the most expensive aspects or travel or airfare and accommodations so I'll hit on those two number one air fares now it's supply and demand or in the capitalistic system the airfares are rising there but to take a family on a vacation whether you go to Hawaii to Caribbean Europe excetera is expensive well with Coach Chris this is the truth I haven't paid for a flight and fourteen years I fly for free and I'm not married to a flight attendant and here's the background every Airline is associated with a bank has their own credit card and a lot of these Airlines have huge signup bonuses you get their credit card is you're in the financial business you know obviously you pay the credit card off at the end of the month you know you don't pay interest on any credit card number one number two you do got to keep a decent credit score and your plight of credit
but yeah they have a credit score 700 so every airline has its associated credit card for instance Delta is with American Express they have about three credit card options where you spend $2,000 and 3 months to get 70,000 Delta SkyMiles United has a credit card Southwest Airline is with Chase bank and they have a variety of credit cards we could actually spend their minimum amount over a. Of time and wind up with enough points now they called rapid reward points where you and a companion and fly for free even the cheaper Airlines a low-cost Airline Spirit Frontier etcetera so my advice to your audience and listeners I picked the airline where you want to fly to your destination and investigate what credit card options they promotions are available to get the signup bonuses I mention to you and our call the best one out there on fly frequently is American
I'm here in Florida I go I have a place in Lake Tahoe or I go to jail I'm a ski bum you could actually fly free like I do want American for buying a pack of gum that approves you that get you a credit card one billing cycle like you said I showed you 60,000 miles roll into your account that's the round trip ticket to Hawaii you leverage this with your family your wife or your grown children that that just multiplies and you're flying first class around the world and you take it one step further even if you have a business like I do you're not tripping or solo entrepreneur you get the business card okay you might have to spend $1,000 but he'll that's the all gas restaurant money for a month or two months and get another 60 or $70,000 so every Airline
is associated has a bank as a credit card so my advice again just to sum it up choose your destination what airlines fly there were you want to vacation where your travel to with your family or on business get their credit card start up these are promotional bonuses they changed a lot of these things are on resources that I show people on different blogs was a change I recently just re-upped on another Delta card I got seventy Thousand Miles that's the round trip just about anyplace for spending mm I put my homeowner's insurance on a credit card which is like 2500 that made the minimum and I fly for free so in other words you're already in myself yourself you ever credit score 700 don't overdo it get a few of these Airline credit cards and then you wind up line for free your family flies for free and if you have a business to get the business version
the credit card and you don't have to worry you basically said hey look you can get an individual and a business card you can get sixty or seventy thousand miles each but the important thing that you said there is you didn't you didn't have to go and buy travel or dinner out or whatever you could use that credit card for your everyday expenses and obviously just pay it off at the end of the month by doing so you're not buying anything special you're just using it on your everyday expenses and you're gaining a hundred twenty thousand miles it goes a long way so if you're doing it on Florida where they charged with multiple Airlines I mean three hundred fifty thousand miles just on doing that on three Airlines wow you could fly a lot of places for know which is one that's what I've been doing eyes Burns to give you another idea like I fix this lineup I had before covid is goal
we should take his son to his many baseball parks in the summer wanted to travel and he loved baseball and I tell her to plan for him we could get a few credit card spend a minimum put the always Insurance on there is car insurance is homeowner's insurance any large expenses as utilities except he wound up with enough credits or miles to fly him and his son to five or six destinations for free with Southwest and also with these credit cards another Advantage Rent since I mentioned the American Airlines you don't pay for baggage check-in that's the benefit at the credit card you also get free baggage check and see if your family would say 30 bucks times $420 each way and in addition you get priority boarding up the first class boards they allow the credit card holders with that Airline it's like royalty the board so you're not fighting for that overhead compartments space when all the planes are Bill that's another Advantage these promotions change you have to stay on top of it but you can
Dai due and I showed you how you can fly for free I don't want you to go anywhere we're going to take a quick break and we're going to be right back everybody with more towards Chris more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton
hey welcome back to the show we have Chris Kresser coach Chris you give us wonderful travel tips already that if you just follow that one you could be fine for free pretty much wherever you want to go just like he does it's just not too good to be true which is awesome that was one day travel tips next one is on a combination cuz that's the other big expense so what tips do you have four combinations yeah that's the second biggest expense I travel vacation before covid-19 weeks a year and I'm not a Motel 6 guy I like first class do you know 4-star 5-star resorts in here's the biggest tip when you go in on that typical family vacation I'm not talking about a two-day trip her so I try to show you how to stay in hotels for free that way I do but they are the typical 579 family vacation reunions forget the word Hotel strike it from your vocabulary
forget the word hotel for your site why because Mary got Hilton Hyatt Weston is the Starwood Wyndham even the Ritz-Carlton they all have timeshares or Vacation Club type products and you could get on the internet here's a resource for your listeners redweek calm and rent a timeshare from an owner why not stay and a one-bedroom or two-bedroom three-bedroom unit at a luxury resort get a full kitchen flat screen TVs three flat screen TVs washer dryer full resources amenities and here's an example I set it up for my friends I do it for myself I'm a ski bum I've been doing it for twenty or thirty years let's do you spell is example everybody here. They all number one
country ski resort a hotel room from the Marriott in Vail ski season 750 a night okay and by the way another $50 to park your car
half mile down the road you go on the internet and you could rent one or two bedroom unit Marriott same beds Marriott standards sleeps 4 6 8 3 flat screen TVs a wood burning fireplace to Woods for free underground parking it sleeps for six or eight full kitchen washer and dryer and you're going to pay half that price for that night that you do from the hotel and you're going to get a Clubhouse full Resort amenities in like I do and they out indoor-outdoor pool sauna steam room free Transportation you don't have to own these timeshares you could rent them from an owner that's not using him and the best resource for that is in these timeshares will hotels now because of the bad aspect people think so high sales pressure and X yours they changing the vacation plus and here's the other thing safety
we're all concerned about safety now in covid some people don't want to go out and being proud and dinner you have a family excetera by having the full kitchen and all the amenities you don't have to go out to restaurants another savings you could cook their they all have balconies resort activities I spent I spent literally months nice timeshares I live in Florida and my son comes down we're in the oceanfront on the beach overlooking the ocean with full Resort amenities for 4 Less Than Motel 6 prices so for that family vacation now go to any destination they all have whether it's Hawaii the Caribbean your Disney World if your golf or Hilton Head even New York where I am and Palm Beach area Florida ski resorts think about some of the hotels rent somebody's timeshare Vacation Club you're going to get Triple to space
triple the amenities for one-third the price of a hotel room in most families your listeners you know you want to take the kids to the grandkids are all there you got three TVs my go to jail I feel like I'm Donald Trump I got a wood burning fireplace I bring the damn luggage cart down to the garage and I loaded up with firewood help for logs in at the grocery store cost $5 I probably burn $100 worth of firewood at night there it's all luxury and you don't pay tax on this Resort fees you live in pure luxury it's the only way to go for travel when you're looking at families this alternative and the hotel change there's a lot of time she was out there I said I would recommend staying with the major Hotel change the Marriott's the Hilton's the highest you know the westons and this way you're going to get that Perfection sanitization that that cleanliness standards that you expect
you talk about to go find that now what other block or travel sites to get the current best deals for travel at the album a day they're all out there one is if you want to learn how to fly for free with your family travel gal. Calm she is a program she's the expert in Southwest that she showed you how to take your family really anywhere in the world travel y'all. Tom there's miles to Johnny Jett has a travel blog that's very useful there's another one called 10 x travel
dot-com 10x you could Google it so I think it's 10xtravel that has all these travel deals travel pulse p u l s c is another blog there's about 20 of them and I'll make it simple for those families that are traveling that plan on a lot of vacation another one if you use a timeshare that I think it's excellent is tugged I'm sure use a t u g. Org de lis timeshares for rent or sale and if you get into the timeshare routine and you know the ins and outs and you get into the system you could buy a Timeshare now for a dollar just paid a maintenance then you part of the exchange program they run all sorts of they called and get away specials we could stay in Las Vegas for a week a week now in a one-bedroom unit with the kitchen for $300 it's a game you have to know the inside secrets and other words it's possible out there really the tribe
in this luxurious surroundings these are all Luxury Resorts now for pennies on a llama golf or two I live in golf resort I shoved some of my clients that I've done it myself Hilton Head everybody knows Hilton Head they play if your golf or the week after the Masters they played a Harbortown classic that helps eat pie you can stay at a Marriott again times your vacation club resort sleeps eight okay take all your buddies golf in your family's golfing that golf is free the cards are free you get $2,000 worth of golf expenses for free by just stay in there and you don't have to own just rent from an owner that's well that's that's that's another tip you could basically do whatever you want in the luxury by utilizing
timeshares or vacation clubs in new garbage now is vacation plus so they're the key here is to just look for the deals find the best places but stick to the ones you know and don't go off into the Crazy Ones cuz you know exactly what you're going to get yeah there's a lot of time she was out there but I I believe in a luxury I stick to the major the westons the Marriott you know like Marriott has like I think 40 locations excetera and you know the standard another word of warning lot of people are in the Airbnb now but with this covid pandemic lot of times you don't know what you're going to get somebody's home you're not going to get full Resort amenities are you staying at these Resorts you're going to get the whole plethora of Resort amenities you're going to get the TV's the washer and dryers the Privacy you're going to get a workout room Etc Transportation it it's going to work out for you a lot of reviewers had is how will travel change in the next 12 months
and the other part is how do you plan for your dream vacation I want to let you know we have about two minutes to go before work for we're closing out the show but I'd like it if you can fit that in there yeah I think traveling again you have to plan in advance you got executed three aspects of travel planned it damn trip you know when your children's vacations are got a plan in advance to save money to get that accommodation if you want to go Christmas time excetra that's number one and now obviously you get the adventure and experiences and with all these gadgets now we share when we got your experiences build a legacy some plan as far in advance do you want to go to a destination pick it out travel is were calling it Revenge travel now that the pandemic starting people are back so you going to be seeing more people that have been cooped up now try to be more expensive you got to plan ahead to get the best deal cuz Chris how do people get ahold of you how do you work with people I know you're just there to help so how does that work
yeah I normally like I said I'm a professional speaker so if any of your listeners have corporate Avenged Association events really think this topic would be a relevant by all means give me a call my email lifetime Leisure. Nap but I'm offering your listeners are free consultation with Coach Chris cuz everybody's travel needs and dreams are different so if they go I set up a separate URL coach Chris book a 15-minute call with me and I'll be glad to answer any of your questions guide you in the right way give you a resource I repeat coach Chris speaks. Org answer a few questions about your where you want to travel how many in your travel party with the call I'll give you a call back and we'll take it from there to see anyways or I can help you because you know that's what we're here to do my mission statement is we're here my company lifetime Leisure experiences
we look forward to service in your dreams and bringing your family together so they're memories last forever and a lot of that is through travel and Leisure Chris I want to thank you for being part of her show today in fact like to have you come back very He travel season just so we can get people excited about it and show him how to save some money so hopefully you'll be able to do that if you're not skiing or golfing going somewhere else and enjoying yourself again I want to thank you for being part of the show I wish you health and safety safe travel and we'll look forward to seeing you next time I love to come back like I said I could speak ours on this again the benefits to travel for your health
your Wellness that taking that vacation you're better at your job reduce stress Etc it's only a better relationships how important travel and Leisure is but it has to be affordable you don't want to break the bank so you have to know the deal that's why you have me weak coach the deal thanks coach Chris have a good day and we'll see you bye bye all right thank you you know wasn't coach Chris wonderful you listen to this again and again cuz he gave wonderful chips now I want to thank score for sponsoring the segment did you know the average American has 97 points they can add to their credit score but have no idea how to get it now the data scientist scoremaster crack the code on how 97 points your credit scores like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discounts low interest rates on everything from buying or refinancing a home the leasing a new car
applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise your credit score 33 points in just five days another added 43 points in two weeks scoremaster so easy it just takes about a minute and if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right try-scorer Master for free and see how many plus point you can add your credit or go to score Masters last savings at scoremaster savings again and score savings I want to truly thank you all for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends and family members and Associates know about the show all the replays are available at saving with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information and insights on saving with Steve I encourage you to subscribe to our Spotify and our Google channels so you never misses show and check out a few of her a few looked at UK help radio CBS radio talk radio in New York City
headed to empower you to sell from uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom also you can follow us at Facebook and join the saving with Steve sex and insiders Club all those episodes are there is saving with Steve. Us gas kiss a holeshot look we had Jim Carroll of students against destructive decisions check that one can make a big difference for your middle school and high school and we had Chris class that hit the theme of the show ins-and-outs of money talk to the tips and tricks about save 90% on your travel look forward to seeing you next week we're going to have a wonderful show be safe be healthy thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that
lights to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton

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