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Saving with Steve, August 10, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Kristina Wise and Bernard Tan

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Kristina Wise and Bernard Tan

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K is risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthy happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton hello welcome to the shaving with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun it released if you having a happier healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sex in this is the saving with Steve show I want to truly thank you all for listening sharing it with
your friends and family and Associates we've exceeded over 675,000 listener so far and we've only been on the air for just the six seven months so we're very very excited for that and again I want to thank you we have a wonderful show to date we've all been hearing about renewable energy and it's very interesting the big question is how do you properly invest in renewable energy we have Bernard tan and use the CEO of re royalties to walk us through investing in renewable energy strategy renewable energy financing and he's also going to be talking to step out something is really important which is a Purpose Driven work like I may be going through how do you know if you're prepared for an early retirement now right now we're moving out of the pandemic some people are lucky to have good income or have a business with good income but you know what they haven't really committed any real well and people just like you are now reconsider retirement we're really in luck we have Kristy
wise she's a Real Estate Mogul millionaire Coast best-selling author crater several multimillion-dollar businesses she lectures teaches on how to i m yours on how to convert business income to personal net worth and passive income she's the host of The Wealthy wealthy podcast off of the best-selling book falling for money owners wealthy wealthy wise and Salve Regina County Christine welcome to the show thanks for being with us today but I think what's more important is your backstory it's such a hero's journey and I'd love for you just to share a little bit of your background we came from and your story a little bit with our listeners like when you say the ins-and-outs of money in money has been sent out since so that's a big part of money is understanding the ins and out and becoming educated money's not taught in school yet it's a very important
skill that we never understand those ins and out so a big part of my life has been studying just that is like what is it that I don't know about money that's kept me in a place where it was just Financial Devastation so I've had three different learning what I like to say I'm going to use type thing so you know but the point is the rags-to-riches story and that really is my life's journey I started in travel trailer sized trailer home in a very small town didn't have a stoplight it was just a lot of poverty mindset small mine said poor education a lot of conflict for my children let's put it that way because what I've learned is that we're all programmed our money story is program from the time or 7 so many of us adults were still running around in his seven-year-old money programming and so if we've never really looked at that or
kind of wondered what that is we tend to be trapped by these patterns is mine said since he's believed that we got from our parents or just what we saw and Witnesses my children so coming out of that I really had a breakthrough just the idea that if you start for your always bore but they decided that as a craving me to be quite the entrepreneur young age because I really wanted money because being from the wrong side of the tracks about the time I was high water Christina and I was very skinny and in school people thought it was genetics it's because I didn't eat lunch because I was too embarrassed and ashamed to be on the school lunch program and you just things like that where that really shaped you and I never felt good enough I never felt like I fit in I felt bad that I was a half knot versus I have to stay with me for a long time but that's where it all began and it just put a dick in me this passion or this like this desire to make money in to have money so I wanted to be somebody so that time I really so see to having money and being somebody or being important at the same time
but I was great in the sense that they pulled me out of those Beginnings on the other hand attached money and possessions to my value and what I thought of myself my own personal work and it went on for a long time the next thing is that I made a lot of money I got in real estate made a lot of money and then I found myself until this next life crisis where I couldn't feed my children and we were dead broke and now was a single mother I couldn't pay my bills could be my children I tend to charity in order to put a roof over her head and a child that I couldn't be my children and I was so ashamed to take handouts in or do so so that it's real pivotal moment for me my money and my money story is the head scratcher for me was how do I make hundreds of thousands of dollars I was number one or two and sales in my city every single year and I made more money to hear that my parents are making a lifetime how is it that I'm dead broke
feed my children and I have $150,000 of credit card debt how did that happen and couldn't understand it like how can you make that much money and be dead broke and that became this was like once I got through that existential Despair and feeling sorry for myself and I just had all right there's going to be some science to this money thing because you shouldn't be able to make all that money and not have it set up became this Quest To Learn money and get good at it and can really make this vow that I would never wanted to be in that situation again that's what I did on my public identity is as notice real estate and I was very successful I had many different businesses was really known as an icon in my industry had enormous amounts of public success and my business is as well I need to both financially and personally that nobody could say is I was building my net worth I was understanding money I was learning all these principles as reading every book I went to every Workshop I studied under Masters and men's work that's so bound and determined what I
turn to that process is what seems so obvious with money is like counter effective it's almost the exact opposite of what we think we know there's the truth about money that actually the truth it's on the other side of the coin in the more studying I did an application of this morning's the more I just realized how do we not know was why do we all believe these things are keeping a stuck on this hamster while and find themselves in a situation like I did this just not necessary moneys not difficult it's just we are financially literate we are naive and ignorant when it comes to money and we just think working hard is the solution and if we're good people and work hard you know it'll all work itself out and there's just a lot more the equations that really sent me on my money. I think it's wonderful you should some things there that I read a lot of studies on and most kids they have their financial IQ by the age of 7 because they watched mom and dad and my my colon cancer survivor so that almost destroyed us financially as well because I was selling played at the time
Insurance went away and I had to pay for all that going through chemo so identified with your story the biggest thing that you said was to educate yourself spending time every single day learning paying somebody to understand you have to do that you know we know every patient's typically for free if it is it's probably not worth it or buying books those three things are really really big one of the big questions I like to ask is why do people talk about money anything we want to get good at we have to talk about it right so emotionally charged what I mean by that is there so much emotion connected to a lot of people have Shimmer on Mondays I've had shame around not having it I've had shame around Hammond X I didn't feel like I deserved it cuz she and there's a lot of embarrassment that you know I can't find my bills or maybe it's an A or I'm in debt so people are embarrassed we probably show that we're doing really well financially but behind closed doors it's pretty ugly so they're sent that out of integrity
I want to face up to and admit to a different background when couples get into money it's not safe and remember it's human beings are whole biology's bills from safety so we avoid anything that doesn't feel safe it subconsciously so when we work be more conscious than we want to create safety but if it's is not safe conversation if you and I are married and every time we talk about money which of the screaming match it's not safe conversation so that's why we don't talk about cuz it doesn't feel stay in most of time there many times we don't feel safe because our nervous system still is carry with it the lack of safety when we were children so like we talked about do you know we have that Financial IQ by the age of seven if it wasn't a safe topic if Mom and Dad thought about it all the time or like I'm a single mom and she never had money and she's always complain about dad never disappeared and he didn't pay anything and I mean money with always and negative unsafe topics I was a kid we associate that much
You're Not Safe unless you know where sent part of the very small percentage where our parents it was a healthy conversation at dinner table they taught us the things that I felt good about it and then it's not something difficult to talk about Herpes 2 is that do we want to talk about anything where we don't feel like we know anything about it so if I'm going to go in a room with a rocket scientist I'm not going to open my mouth and have room with a bunch of water
you know if we really don't understand this thing much you know we don't want to embarrass ourselves by saying something that might sound stupid that's the why we don't talk about it because there's a lot of embarrassment shame here and it just doesn't feel safe for you to work we're going to take a quick little break pay I want to thank score for sponsoring the saving with Steve show did you know the average American has 97 points they can add to their credit score but have no idea how the data scientist scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money fast loan approvals huge discounts at low interest rates and everything from refinancing a home to leasing a new car to apply for credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise their credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple of weeks scoremaster so easy just takes about a minute to get started and if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit
so go to score savings at score dating again that's score dating now stick with this would be right back with more Christina wise more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending less your investment risk management retirement and everything is so she ate it with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton be a wise before we get started I want to truly thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends family and Associates know about the show we just exceeded 675,000 listeners and I really appreciate all the replays are available at saving with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside on saving with Steve then I encourage you to describe to our Spotify or apple channel so he never misses show check out a few more if you'll eat the UK help radio BBS radio talk radio New York City all these are networks are dedicated to empower you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal financial freed if we are back with more Christina wise I have a number little questions I have been waiting to ask what's the one thing that people get wrong with money that I knowingly Sabbath
any chance of Building Wealth crossed it it will all work out and the only way to build wealth is you have to have a very intimate relationship with your money know where every dollar is going what is earmarked Wars how much money is enough how much time do you have and you work towards that trajectory know that you're on track for off track and keep track and when we're afraid of money are we don't understand it and we have all these narratives you never believed snare does mine say that you know we've already in literature or talked about that it keeps us from being in a relationship with our money and he we have to have a healthy relationship and what that means is we want to spend time with that we want to understand that we want to have it organized structured we look at all of our numbers where's the money going where is it not going is it in is it in wymount with my future self planning or is it out of alignment and because when we're not follow
our money we overspend money evaporates it disappears you know we're living a lifestyle truly we can afford without knowing it and again we just think okay if we work hard and we have money to pay bills every month and maybe there's a 401k or something it's all taken care of and it's just also mean the truth is is that we build well with her own hammer and nails right where the Creator's the builders were looking at plans you know sometimes we change the plants little bit but we're going according to plan but yeah there if we don't have a plan we don't know her number for not afraid to give it the planners the bookkeepers or we're just afraid to open the bills every month and keeping our fingers crossed it'll all work out then that's what keeps people from so many people over the years I don't want to work anymore I said okay he look I need you to fill out a little form so we can do a retirement now it says I need to know all your expenses and I need to get detail they will kind of hemorrhaging mentally on that because they actually don't know
they're spending and sometimes they bring back a sheet and I go what what did you spend on food I want you paying gas you know what and then I said you know what could you plot your debit stay a bit and you look at that statement I said well did you know you're paying for this Fitness at this line Club at this money delivery service when's the last time you used it all three years ago oh you how long you had this Fitness membership 14 years and you never used it so I see that all the time and I see people are going I've got a great cell phone plan or whatever and they're paying $250 and if they just took some time to evaluate that they can have the same plan for a hundred fifty bucks the same cable bill instead of 300 for a hundred and fifty and they can have that extra money and I think that's part of what you're talkin about is on your numbers down there and then when you're looking at Investments you have to make sure that whoever you're working with if it's yourself or if it's a financial advisor that they're on track they understand the direct your
and you kind of put on autopilot how much you put in there but you also have to monitor those things on a frequent basis not once a year or once every 6 months have been on the right path are we don't understand something as simple as my bookkeeper I have more than one whole life insurance if I borrow a net worth of acid value Christina wise man and what I mean by that is I'm in my books I know my numbers I move money around
I think I would have made you can I go get advice for like I was at I was kind of going this direction before but I think I wanted me directions and I think you know where the insurance and it's next month I'm working with my strategy we talked about you know but I'm I'm the one that is not working with my team
I love it I enjoy life in a world with my Smart TV there's so much smarter than I am I get to work with it I think that's a big thing is because weird we don't think we know enough we're not smart enough or we don't have time for this or some pain in the ass you know I'm just letting you know I just a habit to you but know that you're the captain of the ship but also have a holistic approach by having
multiple buyers you can help you knowing that you're the one that's making the decision there's many times where we work with very very wealthy people and we have the CPA there the estate planning attorney the tax attorney financial advisor insurance guy and we're all having a discussion on the same topic and what it does is people post questions and give answers so you as CEO of your own money did make up fruit informed decision that impacts the quality of your life positively I think that's outstanding advice that most people don't realize and the marketing behind the Wall Street and dad keeps telling everybody hates trust in this financial advisor get the certified financial planner he'll do it for you he's got all this background but the reality is most people only have one or two Specialties at the really really really good at when they provide a service and you have to keep that in mind so you can have multiple
good for you in the first one of the first movie where the people don't talk about is very important that you know when it again the income game of the wild game or two totally different ones and how much income and another one is within the business side is positive help understanding business
number one word we care about is profit when were looking at wealth creation that I know one that's most important it's like all your Financial Freedom number like what is number that says you know you like to retirement I just bought 3. But what number and when I hit that number that you're actually financially free and know that number I love the cost of sale statement because I met so many business owners that have a wonderful income and all that kind of stuff but their debt seems to rise every single year in this because they don't really understand the concepts sale or obviously they're adding in their own personal expenses along with the business and so they don't really know how profitable or not their business is and if they actually had this conversation with a few people and they realized after doing the analysis and their cost of sale at their business is not sustainable and they went another Direction it became much more successful. Again people can actually take that into her own life
just not being a business owner I live in an area where do we have Indian reservations at big old casinos I know one of them she's getting almost $90,000 a month but you know she has five cars on blocks that she hasn't driven in a year and they're all really expensive cars and she has no well because she spends it all now she never thinks it's going to end like a lot of people don't but sooner or later it does and that's where the problem is not used but it's Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan what are the profit margin
leverage and there's another word as much money words that everything I'm ignorant when it comes to medicine for example my daughter's boyfriend he's in med school right now well I'm ignorant so can I go do my girl would anybody to trust me to go to them but there's a language that they're still made with knowledge of knowledge that the language these words have no meaning so when you're in that disappointed us can talk to doctors and you and I be in there and be going right over our heads right like we would know what these words mean
and what I spent all those years saying I studied the language of money that operation capital and margin and net worth and assets and liabilities and cash flow and passive income like to have you back soon actually but how can people get ahold of you how can people join your Academy how can people find your book didn't talk that class I teach my 10 years worth of studying to bring people wear
Google my name is pretty easy to find me Christina thank you so much for joining us today will be getting hold of you. We had to come back on thank you so much happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending left your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton that was Christine wise she was when she gray Pearls of Wisdom from somebody's lived it I've seen it it's just been wonderful now we have Bernard tan next to CEO of royalties and he's going to be talking about renewable energy how to invest in it if you have a project you want to get financing you'll be able to help you now today we're going to be talking on how do you know if you're prepared for an early retirement while many Americans fear they will never be able to retire a fast-growing group of people on the flip side are seeking Financial Independence in fact they removed from the movement to not only planned to retire but plan to retire decades earlier than getting their social security check retiring early can allow you to forgo the headaches along work-life all the stress I mean
me I'm losing my hair you can avoid hair loss just kidding but in the same token you also miss out on the additional earnings that might make your retirement a little more comfortable so it's important to understand that you want to be careful you want to make sure you have a sound financial planning hit now the key here is this you want to make sure you look at four major things then let yourself know if you have the ability in your completely prepared to retire early the very first one you have an emergency savings fund for you retire you should monitor your cash flow and have at least three to six months a personal finances Savings in an emergency fun now if you're hit with unexpected expenses and retirement you can get cash from your emergency fund that's a better option than you're pulling money from your retirement savings and that's awesome move that if you pull from your retirement things you're not 59 and a half you could get hit with penalties okay that 10% you no penalty
taking money out early keeping your emergency fund and a high-yield savings account or money market account earn you an annual percentage rate about the ten times the current rate on savings account now the deposits you do it with you do it through an FDIC insured fig a National Credit Union sociation Credit Union Savings and Loan insurance company you just want to have something that's been so protected is going to get you the highest possible rate of return on your money that you have an emergency funds K other places you can check out for high heel does Bankrate you can go to Credible for the next thing you have enough money in your savings account before you retire your savings account should meet or exceed the rule of 25 down what's the rule 25 basically says you should have 25 times what your retirement expenses are expected to be in savings so what we're doing here is this a hit if we have expenses of 50,000 retirement 1.25
billion dollars before we retire so we have $100,000 in savings and a half million dollars in retirement that's a significant savings for retirement you want to calculate your expenses as well as your expenses at expect in retirement than members will help you estimate your annual retirement expenses let's take a look at that you're going to put down everything for the gas you spent cost for Trip stores food gas electric energy what you spend on clothes would you send the shaving cream what you spend on Under Armour go to everything okay cuz you want to make sure you have that calculated in inflation-adjusted if it's not you could come up short so you want to be prepared just like Christina wise you really want to know your numbers okay next thing is Ru debt free it's always better to earn interest in paying interest dead is a is a dragon anybody's budget regardless of your retired or not mortgage is student loan car loans credit card
these deaths make it hard for you to save and invest in your retirement and if you were had to retirement with Dad it could negatively impact your lifestyle and your financial ever Comfort by contrast paying off your mortgage hang up your dad means you won't have to worry about those payments and retirement you have more flexibility in your retirement your goals your budget was money-related stress even a greater ability to enjoy your retirement when it comes to those yet considered consolidating mean paying them off one of the things that you could do here is refinanced US High interest rates if you're paying 79% on the student loans I see if you can turn it into a personal loan at 5% in a save you some money and make it easier to pay it down you want to look at your retirement life is debt-free and sufficient savings will better position you for the extra years of not working one of things I want to add here real quickly is how do you go about heading down your debt and you can do it in five or ten years so if you're in your twenties or thirties or
Ortiz you can still be in a position where you can retire early one of the things that you're going to need to do is put a plan together for the process into the you could do on a regular basis and enable you to pay down the debt so what you want to do what you want to list all your debts and you want to listen to minimum payments if the interest rates the payment dates in the balance I always like to start with the lowest amount cuz it creates momentum so for example if you got $1,000 credit card and your payment on this $34 and you making the minimum payment and everything else how much money can you put on $1,000 credit card yet on a monthly basis until it's paid. Let's say you put $300 a month and it's paid off for $350 and it's paid off in 3 months then you take that $350 and have it for the minimum payment on the next step and keep paying that until it's paid off and then add that next one to the next one you will Bill significant men like a snowball and before you know it you'll have your debts paid off one of the things that many people do and I advise people to do is look at what you're currently spending write it all down
what are you spending on that you're not using doesn't make sense or you could do it for less for example we have people that you know what they buy prepackaged salad $4 salad when they can go buy the lettuce seeds the fruit and the dressing for ten bucks and eat the same 810 South a week that you just paid 44 so you can save $30 a month doing that you can go to things like you have big cell phone bills $253 and cell phone bills years always a carrier that'll charge last and not have as long as a commitment which means you can pay less and get the same thing same thing on your cable bill your auto insurance for home insurance when you look at all those apps you got I meant three pick four people five people that had Weight Watchers Jazzercise 21 Hour Fitness they also an EOS Fitness and like five Fitness things we found out they're 24 Hour Fitness they've had for 15 years and never used it could you imagine paying $13 a month for 15 years and never use
that's a lot of money just going down the toilet they can go to paying off your dad so look at these things create your own Solutions you can make that happen the last thing that's really important you need to have access to the money that's penalty-free they so what do we mean by that what a big dilemmas facing people that are under the age of 59 and 1/2 by 59 and 1/2 because if you take out the money out of your for Wayne your IRA or Roth for that you're going to get a 10% IRS penalty cuz they want you to have it for a retirement so you have to diversify your tax Holdings attacks read your texts word you also have to have taxable this is where you're going to be taking your money from for the next number of years until you're 59 and a half of 54 and 1/2 if you use the equal payments provision at 72t tax code so the first by your savings and Investments it's essentially if you wish to retire early You may wish to open in digital taxable investment account since they don't have all those are tax requirements you can take out the money tax free look at investing for the law
using a taxable account and have it properly manage so you can grow up to the point of crate incomes are dividends or other things are you spend it down for 20 years however you do it before you get to those assets that are going to be taxable plus they have tax penalty to the bottom line here is early retirement planning comes down to saving enough money to cover your annual retirement expenses after we determine how much does expenses will amount to is a common obstacle for many take the time to calculate anticipated annual expenditures you probably want to talk with a certified financial planner and could your housing health insurance Transportation all sorts of things the other thing is you want to make sure you have a suitable investment plan from her wrist and point you want to do the numbers and say hey what kind of average return do I need to have in order for my money to last as long as I do specially my later years to handle health expenses and all that and like Christina said you want to make sure you have multiple advisors have your tag
Weiser State advisory tax planner your financial advisor your insurance guy or six people they're providing input the information so you can make a prude informed decision impacts the quality of your life now this segment was brought to you by score did you know that the average American has 97 points if they can add to their credit score but have no idea how to get them later scientists ask or Master crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money and means fast loan approval shoes discount low interest rates of everything from buying or refinancing home the leasing a new car to applying for credit card how fast is scoremaster one number racer credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in two weeks scoremaster so easy takes about a minute just to get started and if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and Sam
Fox Point you can add your credit score go to score savings that score savings again, we're going to be right back we had Christina wise we're now going to have Bernard can talk about renewable energy investing and renewable energy product also having a Purpose Driven work light with that stick with this will be back real soon more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending left your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton How do you know if you're ready to retire before that we had Christina wise talking into this about might have income but how do you create real well now I'm really happy to talk to you about Bernard tan but you know what started like this we've been hearing a lot about renewable energy for quite some time so the big question is how do you properly invest in renewable energy Bernards hands the CEO of Hari royalties he's going to walk us through investing in renewable energy financing renewable energy through Royal to financing it's a business model and the one that sings I really like is the importance of being purpose-driven at work. Bernard welcome to the show flash be on your shirt I'm really glad you here no one of the things that most people don't know and I'll start this right out front is Bernard Goetz away half of his salary to nonprofit organizations
he just recently gave a wonderful donation to line Beginnings by the love for you just to tell us a little bit about your story Bernard I'm a CPA by train so I love the encounter not too exciting you know obviously I do have some professional training on the national life with has really been about numbers understanding legal Raymond's and word excel and PowerPoint child like most new parents your life literally changes and you see the world in a story besides how do you say you look good you have more hair than I do I have two kids
it's slowing you do definitely a lot quieter than the video shows one of the things that really changed his view of the world that was really 8 my passion to help others and really to be a model not only for my children are growing up I really thought of that sort of life changing event really that's when I started and co-founded the company or he was he's more focused entirely on renewable what we do is help small emerging companies you really should have reached their goals as well so we are a financial company in short story being we started back in 2016 and since that time we don't have a play Seventeen by 300% and there's really a neat there and hopefully
help some folks along the way I like to do is just start talking to you a little bit about investing in renewable energy to help fight climate change cuz that's a big topic nowadays know there's some people on here that may not believe or not believe in it but what you people know what should people be thinking about how does it all work but I know we don't got all day to do this but I mean that's kind of the question that's been coming up in our blogs part of my purse on the climate change and when I started feeling some of the layers back I looked at you as I looked at individual companies and one of the things that really bothered me was that
I didn't really have any green company and I filled the top 10 Holdings of some of these sustainable fun what are you doing so far it wouldn't even included in the top 10 home and so that really bothers me what did I want to do if I start my own company will ensure that charity that I was really investing into something the other aspect as well was when I started looking at different companies that you're looking at the operating companies didn't really look like talk to my portfolio manager in the universe
Noble energy sector when you actually kill the lady is back with very small second is I are actually publicly traded companies that you and I are professionals have drove me into trying to create something that will offer a good meal third aspect is really begin to pack that we only focus on Google and really driving that change be able to help mitigate some of the world literally changing Southwest
well what we're trying to do is really small publicly traded company would really dry that change and ensure that I was going to ask when somebody is saying hey I want to look at renewable energy present and I Echo your point of people not realizing what's actually in a green fun because I was sitting with a financial advisor in their client cuz I was part of the holistic team and the client is an engineer and he started researching the green fun that they told me if I said versus any found out that he was well hold on a second what are they going to do with these batteries when they're all done that's not green upset at the manager and himself because he does this isn't really great I actually seen that a couple of times I kind of Smileys time because some people want something but they just do
no and I think it's really great that you actually pull the covers off it and said hey it's not what you think you need to really take a look as if it's oil and gas it's not really renewable energy cuz basically they're taking gas I'm taking you know the refining and all that and that's a great comment with batteries that sell one of the things we need you on an e s g you have a plan for us isn't that all The Nasty components gets reviews and into the next generation of battery so so those are some of the things that's important for companies to ask those questions and I think every investor working with financial advisors that are trained to ask those questions is absolutely critical
and they're provided a piece of information they think it's the right thing and they move forward out of trust and respect and then realize later or don't know what all that it's not what they thought it was Bernard we're going to take a little break we're going to be right back folks with more Bernard tan and how to properly finance and invest in renewable energy cam or sponsoring the show did you know that the average American has 97 points that they can add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approval huge discount low interest rates and everything from buying a refinancing home the leasing a new car applying for credit cards how fast is scoremaster one member races credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in just a couple of weeks scoremaster is so easy
it takes just about a minute to get started and if you hurry you get to try scoremaster for free that's right try scoremaster freak and see how many plus points you can add your credit score to go to score savings that score size savings again that score dating in part of the show today we're talking with Bernard tan and Bernard thanks again for being here sick with this will be real soon more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show
don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending left your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon
welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton they welcome back to the show again were talking about the ins-and-outs of money here we are we have Bernard can't talk is how to properly invest in renewable energy he's actually give us some great Hibbetts hear one of which is really in there are you looking at renewable energy or you're just really investing in oil and gas or something that's not really renewable so we just answered that question a couple other questions Bernard when your financing Renewable Energy Products how do you do it through the Royal Finance financing model of people don't understand what the rule financing model is to help you explain that and then how it's done I like to use the royalty financing model is a unique model actually used in a lot of different Industries whether its resources such as mining Pharmaceuticals
imagine an owner of a commercial building with Kenan and if you think about that older they would like to develop the building next door so where do they go in is going to come to the owner and say will give you that remaining 20% so it's basically a cash flow that we have buying from an existing building it's based on the top line or the nice thing about being based on the top line is you don't have to worry about things like operating costs increasing property taxes on the building that you
building and you don't have to deal with your tenant which is sometimes very annoying or building or yeah that's nice the ultimate should have been passive income next project that might be next door so it's one of those interesting things where it's a win-win situation when we win because we see a specialist ever interested in Walking as comparable
actually don't really have a very long life and able to get 20% on a cash flow and I don't have to worry about expenses it's kind of lovely so I think that's wonderful I'm going to ask you to do this now and then when I ask you to do again could you let our listeners know how they can connect with you and your company if they would like to be involved with in messing with you or in you that type of thing we have our website it's a r r o y a l t i e inbox with a LinkedIn page Facebook page so there multiple ways that you can read
if anybody has a project that they're looking to finance or if they're looking to invest personally they can go to those places and get in contact with okay perfect I just wanted everybody to know cuz I know some people in other countries that wouldn't be allowed to talk to me cuz I just noticed that you work with a new project in Australia and I have some friends down there and they're in that a similar business who knows they might need your help us and hear my voice that I want how do you help quantify before I get into my last question is when it says these long-term royalties are on over 470 MW of solar megawatts megawatts okay wind Hydro projects that says here you've displaced 321700 tons of carbon per year from entering the atmosphere what's the impact it's a lot really mean when
this place is carbon from coming into our atmosphere with a lot of renewable energy projects when it's very cold here whenever you put a 1 megawatt and I think that's pretty big though it is a fairly large what. Does is that in this place has the same amount of energy that would have been generated that's the importance of renewal do you need to generate electricity if you think of that from just add Pure Health perspective not a monetary perspective
you look at it and say hey we have hundreds maybe thousands of miners who are no longer getting Black Lung and we also have a number of people who live by that coal plant or the processing of that are no longer getting one cancer and that's a positive effect today not only the people but to the atmosphere longer live I think that's wonderful The Importance of Being Purpose Driven in your work I know you're making me do a lot of money you're giving 50% back to charity for future Generations so talk to us about the importance of being purpose-driven at work you mentioned that you wake up in the morning and you're excited to have a purpose that are what you wanted you never feels like war and that's really my personal situation when I first started the company operation behind it was really my head really trying to do something for the Our Generation and staying focused on you know what will happen down the line and there's two Financial
companies that don't make money to survive in the long term and that was really the inspiration that started my journey and a lot of that was influenced by my family my grandfather than he passed you about the impact that he was making a lot of that was really the offices that invested into our company we learn more about some of the things that they were Uber Canada and one of the poorest postal code in all of Canada is actually located in downtown Vancouver
no strings attached and they did and what platform share that story and then there was also the second piece why I've been a big believer that CEOs have to be completely aligned with shareholders interests so my whole theory was that I don't want to be making money from each I'm going to give half of it away but what really drives me is to create wealth and value in the sheriff's themselves I own just like everyone else
I just want to say I think it's really wonderful that you're able to wake up everyday go to work to be able to help people from a health and wellness perspective but also to give back to people that do you need that help and it's you can just look around and say hey how much am I helping people and it's just a wonderful feeling cuz you get back what you give and I think you're going to get back a lot from what you've been giving could you just tell everybody how they can connect with you whether they want to invest or they have a project they like to talk to you about absolutely our website as all our contact information same with our LinkedIn and Facebook pages and it's the contact me directly my email address is Bernard and a tar heel
I wish you health and Welfare and happiness and I will look forward to having you on again can't wait to see how much you've done in another five years earlier than that but I mean you very much thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton

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