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Saving with Steve, April 5, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Isabel Leong and Thomas Michael Hogg

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Isabel Leong and Thomas Michael Hogg

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton welcome to the saving with future where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun are you having a healthier happier relationship with money my name is Steve Sax know and thank you for joining us today and we have over 600,000 listeners here in the United States in our overseas audiences continue to<br>I also want to thank you for sharing with your friends your family members and Associates without a lot of people come and say hey look I'd like to get more information on this topic and ask topics we would love to help you so go to viewers at sitting with as viewers at saving was and you know what we're going to get you the information you need we just had so many requests the topic of divorce and taxes and you know what we've got a lot of requests for that so coming up you're going to get bread Casper's the family law attorney that is also a CPA for a Casper in loo guy and you know what you're going to steam up pretty soon they were definitely talking about money with all this going on right now companies are struggling people all over the US in the world are starting businesses to make sure we get you what you need I have Thomas Michael Hart author the book profitable growth strategies 7 proven best practices from German companies, says don't 300 + b<br>Master Chief 7 to 12 figures without 28 million dollars in US monthly recurring revenue and he's here to help us now I'm also going to talk about the how to use the 50-20-30 rule to master your budget we are all looking forward to the post-pandemic world many people are starting to put together travel or dinner is trying to figure out what to do where to go with Isabella Leong. Did you know Matt SEO coach Roman the world to one to provide us with financial Savvy just on how to travel in a post endemic world knows that I want to thank you for doing the show hey where are you right now what country are you in my travel experience really because I bought that one way ticket to France to do my school exchange for semester and that was what really Kickstart My Heart<br>the sword out as a kid my family we used to go on trips around Asia around Australia about once or twice a year so that really around Asia been around Asia has been around Europe must have sent you a Merry Christmas and Central Europe in West Euro I was doing that as a student and I was traveling solo and I have been around the US and right now I'm in South America this is my first country in South America and South America this year because it was totally unexpected like it and so really there was no plans for travel at all the being able to be here and spending the next few months around South America<br>New Zealand most of Europe Canada Pacific Rim a few other places but nothing where I've had the opportunity to sit down there and just hang out and get to know it I've done that a couple of times and it was a great experience I've looked at your website and there's a lot of great tips there we're looking at moving out of this post pedantic world I mean people are getting an itchy trigger finger to go travel are there trying to figure out what they want to do when it comes to World Travel what's the best advice for somebody who's looking to get started to do that are going on that dream Adventure the kinds of experiences that somebody is wanting to do like what it's going to say he's like or defend if he wants to do or maybe it's going to the mountains so you can narrow down the types of travel preferences you like and then figure out a budget that works for you because different countries have different cost of living in two different expenses and so you can narrow it down even more<br>a trick that I really like to use is to go on Google sites do they have this explore our future we're basically you have your Point of Departure with just wherever you are in now then you just click it actually gives you a white array of different routes line from your Point of Departure and you can adjust the slider based on your budget so if you want a flight to be under $500. And it will show you a different flight routes that go from your country that you're flying out so I'm saying is if they'll have the ability to look at all the different flies that are going somewhere so they can actually just kind of burned out put it up on the wall and throw a dart and say I want to go there and then they can say hey you know what I'd like to do it for less than $500 and they will show us the route that you can take these sick within your budget exactly that Thursday evening to see you want to go and how long the flight is everything is on that<br>what is recommendation that you talk about is everybody has a different language what's the best way to navigate that one way nobody speaks a word of English and then now and the Plastics Minds I've been traveling through Costa Rica and Mexico and now in Columbia I've had really travels with communicating with people because I don't speak Telugu language and so I mean it's kind of download the language that you want to translate to offline even if you're in destinations where there's no cell service you can just use it offline and there is this conversation button where you can just speak and it will translate and then the other person was speaking a foreign language translate that into English or whatever language<br>they also have the option where you can just point your camera at the label of a product of something in the foreign language and it instantly transfer and the camera view in the late 80s I traveled to Spain to help set up a big business deal I thought my Spanish was good enough but it turns out it's like you go to Mexico and the Spanish this a little more of a slain compared to Spain because it's the king Spanish so I did a very poor job of trying to translate with somebody else was saying and I didn't do to really well but when it came to food I was thinking you know what I'll just go make something you know the little flat they have for me and all that stuff and I didn't realize I got the wrong one I just thought it was the right one and it was the one that was really spicy and didn't work out for my stomach for a couple days<br>yeah you might end up in another County without proper translation<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money it was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> I want to walk you back to the saving which TV show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money we have Isabella Lyon she's in Columbia talking to is about wonderful travel tips you talk to us about white Google translations which could save your stomach just like it would have been for me too bad it's about 15 years too late but that's the way it goes now since I do have is this there's some times where I had a wonderful experience is where I got to know a couple local people how do you go about getting local recommendations where's the best place to find those recommendations so you find great restaurants baby Hotel Brainerd payment and or even travel suggestions and I try to stay in a local neighborhood I'll try to stay with a local holes you could go by Airbnb to find a local hose one travel to that I recently came across<br> some of the destinations at least in Latin America they they do a lot of renting of their properties on Facebook groups it's been really eye-opening has changed the way I book accommodation after I knew about this you can lie entirely west of the host on Facebook group and radio and so usually this is much much much cheaper than going through third-party platform like Airbnb where they were surprised with that question would be my first point of contact to find local food the best mode of transportation so far with this house that I'm staying with now everybody thinks that Uber is the cheapest way to get around but actually if you haven't been in America is pretty well known in in Mexico and Colombia<br> local Facebook groups as well for example in Columbia in a couple of sushi restaurants around I mean I could go research it on different websites but what better way to learn than from people that actually lives and have experienced the counter here when we were in Rome my wife did her best to speak the language because we had a Crazy Taxi Driver and my wife said an Italian I'm going to throw up if you don't slow down and he started laughing and he asked where we're going we said lunch because I take you to a place best lunch ever had their life with less expensive than most of the places we ate there it was one of those things where the owner actually met us and he's really nice and he just said I'd take care of you I've never seen my wife and daughters fight over dessert before at a restaurant but it was great so I thought that was a great tip one of the big issues is<br> things that I've used of specific credit cards and I actually prefer a debit card cuz it could charges aren't really there but what's the best way to handle the different currencies cuz you're in Columbia now if you go to Mexico or some other place you're going to be looking at different currency just have denominations different exchange rates but what's the best way to deal with that is it ever since I got the chance to use it I have been stuck on it because I withdraw money to this wise account account you ever since I started using it this car allows you to spend in over 200 countries in the local currency and so it's been very easy the best thing I liked about it and that stuff he's a very low it's one of the lowest when it comes to sending and receiving money and also they use the local currency currency exchange rate it doesn't match any of the exchange rate<br> in Mexican pesos and I had usdr Gyro in my account they would use the most cost-efficient exchange rate to to charge is the US dollar wasn't that way they would use my Euro to exchange to pay the equivalent of the Mexican peso look you know what we're better off using the Euro the US dollar or the British pound or the Australian dollar to do the exchange for you because it's going to be better for you on the line with multiple client of different currencies so it's been really very easy for me to transfer and pay money to even to my assistance from other countries in in Indonesian Rupiah Euro and US dollar different cards<br> talk about internet connections is it usually the host house that you're staying out has a great internet connection and that's where you do all your work or how do you operate that way people who work remotely good connection where is funny because I manage my own time and my own business and most of the time and work that I do I don't have to constantly be on calls though it's been pretty flexible the way I filled my business and so usually I'm able to work out of my home or if I fancy I'd like to go to the cafe to work for a different environment that was just such a case in the last 3 months I was actually in a Beach town in Puerto Escondido Mexico<br> + + 2 is going to be the bane of all remote the first location we had decent wife home so that was fine but then we moved our second apartment the Wi-Fi speed on a scale of 1 to 100 developed countries may be at least 50 Anniversary the current one I have is in meta-gene is 20 and the one I had in Puerto Escondido a difficult it was for me to work I was constant a straight up because things wouldn't load one way that I liked where I go get high-speed internet to get things done but apart from that I mean it's been good that most of my work clothes my businesses have been automated<br> I do have this down side where I actually have time to read because my Internet isn't working and Netflix isn't working so it's a nice break for me from having to constantly be on my computer when I wake up someone when I stink but I'm just thinking here I said there's so many people that are probably driving along you know it's 11 in the morning or one or two or three or whatever it is listen to her she'll go on you know what Isabella's living the dream she's traveling the world she's working she's making a living and she's seeing things that we all want to see but haven't and you've just told us this is how I do it that's how I make my life work and this is how I experienced my joy my fun so I want to say kudos to you and thanks for being of the kind of a role model and what I would like to know is how can people get ahold of you if they want to be use you as an SEO coach where do they connect with you to get travel chance cuz I know you're around and bloggers<br> to go get traffic jam on Bell around the you can find me on every single social media platform out there I'm most active on Instagram so if you really want to see my day-to-day Life as a digital Nomad ventures in meta-gene and Columbia and Beyond I'm going to learn how to automate your business I want to thank you so much for being here go to Bell around the world, if you'd like to get a hold of Isabel keep up the travel I'd love to have you back. Just to hear about where you been in the next couple months is that okay cars of course I love riding with people are going to let you know you have a wonderful time in Colombia they safe and stay healthy okay<br> just go to Belle around the world we're going to take a quick little bacon when you're right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome back to the Shaving whiskey sure we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun and it was you. Have a have a healthy relationship with money you know what I do want to thank you for joining us you know what the next segment is all about how do you use the 50-20-30 rule to master your budget hey the 50-20-30 rules and easy budgeting method that can help you manage your money effectively simply and sustainably the basic rule of thumb is divided your monthly after-tax income and it's free spinning category 50% to 20% for savings or pay off debt by regularly keeping your expenses and balanced across the three main spending your it you can put your money to work for you more efficiently and with only three major characters to track you can save yourself the time and stress of digging into the detail every time you spend one question we hear a lot about when it comes to judging is why can't I say more<br> what is the 50 30-20 rule is a great way to save the age-old riddle and build more structure in your spending habits if you can make it easier to reach their financial goals whether you're saving for a rainy day or working to pay off debt now how does this Justin work again that's 50 30-20 rule simplifies Bhajan by dividing or after-tax dollars income is just three spending categories need want and savings Ardex knowing exactly how much you spend on each category will make it easier to stick your budget help you keep your spending in check here's what a budget that it looks to address so that 50% on spinning on your needs okay needs to express that you can't avoid payment for all these samples that would be difficult to live without okay so 50% of your actions have to income should cover monthly rent or mortgage electric bills gas filter a tendon insurance for healthcare car pets minimum loan<br> and basic groceries if your monthly have to tax income is $2,000 you should allocate $1,000 to the knee this budget me different from one person to another if you find that your knees add up to much more than 50% of your take-home income you may be able to make some changes to these expenses down a little bit you this could be as simple as swapping to a different energy provider cable provider cell phone provider lower auto insurance provider looking at different ways to buy groceries at a lower cost instead of having pre-packaged to make your own find some new ways to save money with grocery shopping and also could be Deeper Life Changes such as looking at less expensive living situation next spending 30% of your money on what with 50% of Your Action Tax income taking care of most of your basic needs 30% if you have to text and kept giving use to cover your wants wants her to find is not essential expenses things you can choose to spend your money on<br> although you could live without you know if you had to this may include dining out clothes shopping holidays gym membership entertainment subscriptions next with HBO and so on groceries and other Essentials using the same examples above your for monthly after Jack income is 2600 on your wand if you discover you're spending too much on you want it's worth thinking about which of those things you could cut back you know as a simple side down<br> all the 50 30-20 role does it mean not being happy or enjoying your life it simply means being conscious about your money by finding areas in your buddy where in your budget were you can wear your needles the ever-expanding if you're confused about whether something is that need or want simply ask yourself could I live without this if the answer is yes then it's probably a want now when you're looking at that 20% your ear or utilizing it to pay off debt<br> the key here is this<br> pay off the debt so you can get the emergency money emergency fund once you're there that 20% should go into savings you want to set it up automatically so you can send it to come right from your your checking account or from your payroll that goes into your 401k or doing investment account you can really build because out of sight out of mind it just keeps building and that's a wonderful thing you know that concludes this statement you want to stick with this were to be right back with more Thomas Michael Hogg you got the wonderful things that how to grow a company so sick with this will be right back with Thomas Michael Hart<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money was Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> welcome to the saving with Steve show we where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun it relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with mine my name is Steve Sexton welcome to the show on a truce to this job coronavirus has been with us there's been a lot of things that have occurred to people who have worked in mid upper level management in Summit Industries where the company is trying to become more Nimble they come out that level of management a lot of people seem to think I need to go start my own business a lot of people or creating offshoot of businesses in there trying to figure it out don't worry we have Thomas Michael Hogs here he's the author of the book profitable growth strategies 7 proven best practices from German companies but here's the big thing Thomas has helped 300-plus businesses achieve a 7212 figure earnings and he is here to help helping business owners make a lot of money Thomas is the consultant and enter here with 20-plus years of marketing experience work experience in countries like Germany Mexico splitter<br> didn't hear the US you worked at advice for a global company such as Pepsi Adidas Campbell Soup and many others use the founder and managing director THM Consulting and Investment Group, this is also a columnist for El financeiro he's been featured on Bloomberg TV CNN expansion and many others Thomas welcome to the show we're glad to have you thanks a lot so nice to be with you I have a jacket on but that's where you come from and love for you to just spend a few moments on your store at I mean they actually kind of started my career in NBA in 2005 where I go to confirmation from Martinez to the word from them it was one year before that to the soccer or as we say the football work<br> in Europa and it was a great experience for me to start to work for it for his great company I mean for this is Sporting Goods Giant and it was one year before the World Cup when we repaired and then launched at all the products in the category in Florida at 2006 Germany getting in touch with a costume of a little getting in touch with that part of management what we are going to talk later with more about probably were girls and working with highly competitive are Professionals Day in day out at was was amazing and then it obviously see if it was what was for me it kind of dream come true at work for my favourite sport brand and then the weather for tomorrow at 8 a.m. I got into the business so there I work for some more projects as you said Campbell Soup and Pepsi Cola bottle<br> a B2B companies in some years ago I found a consulting firm am actually focusing on strategy strategy planning commercial strategy M&M analysis of of markets and the customer analysis in service so if it's kind of where my journey starts and then into where I'm kind of now and then it's kind of exciting times for me because I was really busy and Corona beer cuz of my many many company owners need some help to how to get out of this crisis when people found out that you were going to be on the show there are fewer started popping and comment and one of the things that I think there's people you know your book is based off some best practices German companies and I think people realize that there's a Japanese business model there is an American business model and there's a German business model<br> the difference of those three for for our listeners about the German business we all and I do admire the American business model I mean if we focus on marketing and it has focused all that also on our own investment than that you have are also I mean there this always a financial ecosystem where you where you cannot Venture Capital One where you can Angel investment for rental Route 22 Brewster business or no or yes. I've seen in the first years and then we always it will all the success stories of of of Google Microsoft Pet's Life coming up now and then actually the Japanese business model is kind of similar to the one in the Chinese business model which is so important because of that office of the power and at The Groves of thereof of this incredible economy but at the end of the day if it's all about the competitiveness so we can talk about country I can give you the<br> capital of Germany but the end of the day it's about how competitive is your business in the market and now I mean the markets are consolidating right now so you competitiveness is so so important in the drummer business model is really interesting the backbone of the German economy and the small and medium-sized businesses in Germany has more than 1,500 at Market leaders in different Natures are in the in the whole world is no other country with more Market leaders in in in in in different sectors are in different Industries where we talked a lot about engineering or we talked about the Paris and then. Delta motive industry is so successful not only because of the big brands with no Mercedes BMW Audi Adidas fire companies who are globally successful and are so important for for for economy and Society<br> okay so now what I'd like to do is start talking about you know your book profitable growth strategies you know what if somebody were to read that what would they be able to derive from it and how could that benefit the first of all understanding that the term of profit growth maybe when you go to the corporate business roll it into coming to robot but when we get when we talked about and are we when we talked to a business owners, so this is how to get in the sport because Brompton cross means you have at the same time top and bottom line growth is means you you increase your sales and revenues are seen and then they carried out only 25% of all the companies are achieving to be in the Bronx River Grove sun which means to having a constant revenue and profit growth<br> does it don't do this is what. The first I would say gold nugget to say okay what's about Brooke profit growth and heal so important and also for startups and then and for company owners intend to know okay what are the marches in the streets boy that what are the goals and objectives in the industry's from from my from my competitors and Pious and and and and and where is the first barn on on on this financial objective is to reach and then we can we can go on the Beatles how we reach the top and bottom line growth on the first one's quality is King so could you kind of explain that to do our audience are I mean we have kind of a reputation for German products that I can give you an example<br> walked in there that the testing I order R&D Center at we have to we have to certify the products or or soccer balls with the FIFA and there are I mean you text quality and say okay if I'm seeing a material's ability but they told me I compared to those they try to to to reach out to achieve the FIFA stand up with you can say it's 108 to tell me about here in our testing Sinatra try to achieve 150 we really try to achieve a superior quality and so we can be our competitive Drive is about qualities that you need to have we talked about a lot of stuff to my radio but at the end of the day I mean it's about quality quality about your product and tear it it's all about how you do you set the bar and a how how you say<br> your bar so basically the quality of the product whether it be software weather to be a soccer ball or car or shoe or whatever it's got to be the top quality and it's got to be over and above the rest of the rest of your competitors if it is you'll likely have a product that will last and you'd be able to proceed and what's what's the next step after I mean obviously there's Casa going to soccer ball are you able to do was it I don't remember what is Adidas able to achieve a higher price point by having that quality and make better profits or I mean we talked about that and we talked about pricing right so it is one of the most important thing that you get higher margins out of quality product obviously and that you will be a more profitable company so so this is why we talkin talkin about what is one experience or or or<br> do you need to do to be more profitable okay so so if your service company like a financial services company that whole process that you're taking from you know meeting a customer evaluator to come put the customer providing a Quality Financial advice and then an implementation that whole process has to be the best of the best of the best are the standard in the industry nowadays we all knew words that mean that customer Journey got some experience but at the end of the day it's the same it's the same as as as as a service to understand the customer and to serve a customer and a relevant for a customer and at the end of the day when we talked about finance companies or Services I mean dare you you need to give them a return on investment products and product<br> where do you get a higher return my pop logo strategies cuz he's in parting some wonderful knowledge do it so hold on we'll be right back<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show we're going to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> we're walking back to saving with Steve my name is Steve Sexton I want to thank you all for joining us falling on this recommending to your friend's family's Associates to come and watch this here on saving with Steve if you'd like to follow us on Facebook you can go to the saving with Steve Sexton Facebook page or go to the shaving with at saving with Steve. Us you can see all the recordings the shows if you're in the United States you can see us on Monday nights throughout the United States at 6 p.m. Tuesdays and England and many other countries in Europe and then we're off to the string B after that so if you'd like to follow if you can go Dr YouTube page is saving with c-section on YouTube again I want to think some of our networks as BTS Radio UK help radio New York Cheney band teacher as well as YouTube I want to thank them all for helping us spread the message if you have a problem we want to provide Solutions and help you with living a life of<br> Stone Financial Freedom where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money we have Thomas Michael Hogs author of the book proving growth strategy we've been talking about five critical Concepts that on hand any business achieving customer value employee value of his Willow solid top and bottom line growth numbers Thomas welcome back to the show thanks for being here with this again we just finished talking about how quality is King now let's go into the next one which is innovation is best so help us understand that why is it a mating a very important thing at the end of the day when we talked about in the way she not only the term Innovation at you need that for us and them are comparing a little bit about the drama model in 4 hours are functional products or or a functional services at the end of the day so so anyway someone you need a functional as there is a part and then and secondly you need a return on investment on each in relation to anyway so you need when you started<br> when you want to read any chore or your Market I mean you have to invest in R&D you have to have a budget for for no reason you have to do you need resources to be a company who is innovating and is accompanied by the end of the day of the German business model that they to invest in R&D and that not only the companies also are the government when we see if Germany is unless investing 3% of its GDP in Israel for example it's investing 5% of its GDP in in Madera a lot of countries who do not invest as much and not know. Only a talking about Country Companies who do investments in R&D this was a case when I work at Adidas we have seen at night<br> was spending a little bit more on marketing on at Saint Rita's is spinning a little bit more on our Rendezvous what what what it what is a focus for functional product and quality I see I see so it's important to look at finding the best product and continually develop it and getting those I want to say advancements in their products show athletes can perform better whether they're wearing clothes socks shoes or just kicking a soccer ball and when it comes to like us we saw the Nike their focus was more on marketing and spreading the word and making it cool to have their products so when you look at Brands like Portia and things companies like that obviously people pay a premium for the Innovation that they have the score at the end of the day it's about the performance and died I do remember when I started it. Did I say it it will read it when you when you learn about the history of the founder<br> Metro stop ID. He just had one Mission he had one purposes was helping with products to to to to help their asses to perform better and at the end of the day this would be our everyday tasks and then that was our company to service a product and then and then then then to make our clients better or 20 to help and support them and then and then this religious focus on product is focus on performance I guess sometimes we forget important so you have to spend time and money. If you don't do or make a mistake in doing and they don't end up leading the market selling too many products or services to too many segments are too many clients so it's not clear what your part is about and four for four<br> is your product so it's important that is is is is is coming really is coming through because I'm in there you have it folks product that you have a product for a for a specific segments used to try to be the best in this segment are in Indonesia this kind of again this is kind of this is deep is German business model or sometimes our culture is a little bit the black and white and lemon and then and we are a little bit richer than the things how we are doing but when it comes to strategy we will try to be the best in our Market we we we we in in your Market this means they've that you are you kind of you drive and natural demand for your product and your services when you do have the highest quality or specific segments German and European it so leave the country I mean it leaves the country has to do with with with<br> exports export we're still family business is focusing on quality Innovation being the best in your market price is not truly meant so they kind of export and import means more sales at Marcia's means that this in in your strategy plan your geographical footprint is really important I mean you can have extraordinary product. If you just staying in your town and you're not leaving your town talkin about I mean a national footprint or or like later on I mean you have to leave town and where is my my my charger Market maybe your target market it is because I mean that because we talked about Market size and all the big bran<br> talking about Audi talking about the German automaker's in China where I am the future with the battle about the electric car market will be in China and one point off of experience in my previous business working overseas we sold American houseware items and when we were in England under the Bulls and the serving dishes and all that worked out really really well but when they started looking at providing containers it didn't work out well because everybody didn't have the same sort of frigerator in the United States and didn't have the same sort of covered space they didn't have the same size house the whole shot so that that that division really has some issues and on top of that when we went to countries like South Africa or Australia that you know everything went really really well because I won by the refrigerator's to everybody loved American-made products and it was a very very very profitable for us in fact he was even more<br> so profitable than what we actually had in the United States just because of the Misty or the need for American-made items at that time that's right I mean that there's a lot of Great American brands at an end product and so I guess that's why we talked about about technology when we talked about Silicon Valley when we talked about the organization's coming from there it is it's right so I guess every country has kind of it it Sneetches as well and they had it in its drinks so it's important to know your strengths as well so as a country but obviously as a business owner and and and and try to take advantage of your strengths and then I find it in your business plan to 22 to keep growing now we just like to talk about how you go about working with a business owner when you're doing coaching and then where's the best place for people to get ahold of you your book and so on<br> I like and I really love to have a business owner a company owner or even after Premiere to get from from point A to point B and then I'm having a reason okay what's your financial Vision how big do you see your your your company talking about sales so helping helping on this company growth Journey having to take the right decisions have been to make strategies and also help them in the implementation part so we just left doing a deep analysis about your Market about your Patrick Market about your strengths and weaknesses and then we understand then we will make a plan and I hope you alone are talking about at least 10 months at 2 to penetrate this market and and to achieve profitable growth and you can reach me on my best of my on my website profitable growth strategy. Calm and I'm in LinkedIn Thomas Michael Hart I guess there where interact most with this business and come<br> no I will say this I want to thank you for being on the show today I have read a good portion of your book and I I love it for her my business and I saw how many parallels are what we did when we were overseas and I just smartness it okay we need a ride so I won't ask again thank you for being part of the show today if you'd like to talk to Thomas Michael Hogg you want to go to prove and growth strategies. Calm and you know what I wish you all the success in the mule maybe we'll have you out again in the future we'll see if Michael thank you thanks a lot I'll see if it was really great he was a great experience I'll see you in a few. You can't help radio BTS Radio talk radio New York City e360 TV for Las Vegas TV network will the life of personal and Financial Freedom again you can follow us on Facebook at dating with Steve Sexton for go to the website at saving with Steve. Us look forward to seeing you next week thanks for joining one<br> thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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