Project Review With Q, January 18, 2025
Project Review With Q
Reviewing listener projects and answering listener calls
Part 79
Project Review With Q

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all right everybody here we are. Q perq is here please send in your projects please call in right now and we'll talk about anything and everything we had a good couple couple hours today and talked about aliens and<br> how<br> I will arrest mr. Schiff Schumer Pelosi Elizabeth Warren Jim don't want to be negative everyone<br> and we love you very much and will take any of the questions you have<br> do you have the mermaid with me but I will warn you the mermaid only participates when she's excited so let's see how she does today please any and all questions CBS Radio<br> I do not have a populated caller list and I asked so much of you and I hate to ask you for anything else<br> I was wondering<br> mermaid what did you think of those last<br> last calls what did you think about that<br> isn't it it isn't so obvious that we have a relationship with those two Spirits definitely and just feels exciting and I like we're just on the same wavelength as well that's that's what I'm cleaning is we can prove that there's like synchronicity be so when Lucci and you and I we speak on the radio everyone can see there's this fantastic relationship than five minutes old wouldn't you say that<br> there's a tool to understand that<br> yeah I what do you mean when you have just these incredible<br> when you have these incredible<br> legacies we assume with all of these spirits<br> and then we finally recognized similarities in the way we look at things<br> don't we have a wait one day you said that's the way you identify people as a child or now what is it that helps us identify these really high value relationships you just feel that you just like a tickle Idol Runner<br> about director it's always it's always led by some level of excitement is meant by whether it's an activity you're saying you're speaking to somebody<br> your level of excitement to your level of connection to that person on that<br> whatever it may be<br> that's your heart not your hot singing Nick Simon so exciting and fun and joyful to communicate with them and share with them that's how I would do my best to describe okay I'm going to take some calls out okay<br> all right see our first caller<br> Cindy from Luxembourg online for can you explain why sometimes for no apparent reason there is a feeling that someone is off when we hear the harmonics of a person Cindy Samberg<br> yes I am here hi<br> hike mermaid haikyuu<br> thank you are my question is it's the first question of the so I would just ask the first one so that you may be understand why I asked so I can you find out more about how we can feed you information coming to the harmonics of a person<br> can we see the light or the dark to the harmonics of a person if yes could you go more into theater to 32. How do we feel this pain that I wanted to ask today and you explain why sometimes for no apparent reason we have a feeling of something fits of that comes up when you get the harmonic call the person that was no reason for it to happen<br> okay very good hold me there if you don't mind you got a quite a few questions in their the why is is very interesting do you want to start<br> it's not necessarily just the harmonics of their voice is that it isn't many things that would would<br> would give you the feeling that though whether it's negative or positive about a person that has many things that would that would trigger your senses and intuition<br> quisto you probably got more on if I speaking purely on how many acts as somebody's voice is that what we named cuz that would definitely be a way you can read somebody<br> yeah well in in so it's fair to say call her that forgive me I didn't Cindy Cindy it's fair to say that you favor receiving information through harmonics and being able to attach the harmonics when you're communicating with people and so that's that's what you favor is at is that what you what you tell your primary primary focus on people is<br> could you repeat the question of participating with someone else is that is that correct<br> Okay so<br> When You observe Harmonix they are extremely valuable and they're also can be compromised you can be seduced with Harmonix if you don't pay attention in many cases so there are people who make music over hundreds of years that you can't notice how I can play a flute and make a snake dance out of the basket we're pretty much the same thing because we do have a lot of the same genetics as a snake or similar that can be seduced with harmonics so you can't favor harmonics in my assessment of this type of human<br> the other one from the year is my name I never heard you<br> voices of an Angel right into favoritism and such a so when I watch entities jump in bodies<br> and the volume of light that was in the body and then left is really the question I was I would favor you to ask me if that's what you're asking<br> interesting okay we have seen so much diversity of how someone can be compromised we've lost friends we've lost family they are not the same person from yesterday that story is relevant to us every day unfortunately<br> thank you any other questions<br> bye bye you have a good day thanks for the call he be a straight-up moving on here let's do a new collar known as Robin from Michigan<br> online to first-time caller hear new world religion P program is his first time Colorado<br> I love it<br> I love to both of you I'm so glad you're here mermaid cuz this question going to be kind of geared towards you if that's alright everybody it's going on<br> okay so recently I had I had a program stand up by Stewie swerdlow and<br> in one of the sections it talked about the the new world religion religion and it says this program is being implemented right now to impose new religion on a population Planet okay and then it says you have altered within your Matrix that are based on Lifetime genetic that you had in biblical days as well as the days the Magdalene in France<br> and then he goes on and says that the in addition I need to do deprogramming for this category you should do DNA opening exercises so my first question is<br> is there a connection between us for that for that time and what kind of the programming is he referring to buy just to be clear I did so I wasn't specifically you had had connections with us or no<br> okay so I'm wondering if I'm just<br> I'm sorry I didn't hear you<br> understand<br> my question is is that I'm not sure it was that was he referring to me in the times of the Magdalene in France<br> and once I connected at that time I'm just I'm just a little baffled on that<br> okay very good great question it is my show<br> estrogen okay<br> well first of all. You probably never give me to contradict Stewart dealers in his in his in his<br> observation information I'll probably only contradict his positioning in describing it very difficult to describe the information we can see so I'll probably just change the words in most cases he can see comprehensive knowledge in very good at it now are you represents his personality and expressing himself is it is absolutely up to him and so forth so that's a clue and how we work when we don't have the energy source of DNA can we try the question one more time with less words<br> okay yeah yeah sorry about that how does that relate to the new world religion the Magdalene in France because that part is what confuses me there's a billion people here<br> but there's only there's only 12 light bodies here<br> so the spirits okay. Sprecher's thousand thousand thousand thousand times over and over again what if what if there's only really<br> 12 people here that are populating a billion people could could you accept that<br> absolutely<br> and so the okay that's that's where he's he's leading you a bit it does not we would never use numbers so that those numbers are flawed all I'm saying is if you have Collective Consciousness and you favoured being the the emotions and expression of Mary you could do it instantly it's is the trickier we don't have identity as Spirit we just go Express or something else as the as as the player is the betrayer so unfortunately Shakespeare got it right we're just merely players in a play and we can change roles whenever we want is what I would probably reposition the words from Stewart whiskey<br> connect to correct the what was the father of religions of something what was that was what it was titled under and you know he talks about the DNA clearing and I mean it is there really a lot of clearing we have to do in regard to the DNA<br> not really because you're going to grow out of it anyway so your merkaba is going to see if you are favoring what we prefer that's the horsepower removes a lot of DNA restrictions so so I would never look at ourselves I appreciate the information. I think it's quality information<br> it's really a question in regards to I sent in this is up for the project I sent and some information in regard to allodial title company in I didn't get a response back and I just want to make sure where that I'm sending it to the right location which was at the project or the homestead program right there in the subject or you submit your emails is that the correct area perfect thank you<br> all right awesome thank you so much and my love to both of you<br> all right well<br> we're going to have to kick we're going to have to get you a with a surprise<br> I think we should do a surprise to move down a little bit and we're going to go to line five Susie Australia on continue conversation from being inspired with Q on Western Australia Susie are you there<br> conversation<br> previous conversation<br> but I don't know what to say<br> I found it and when I looked here in West Unity<br>Susie Susie thank you for the call thanks to call BBS rate I'm going to move on this is a great call Susie this is a great call but we're going to have to get a better connection here and and engulfing are the mermaids really upset with me now we're really good friends with the Australian government so I just want to remind you that that's part of it so you're getting a lot of interruption yes we can see what we can see what they do is they put a put a put a harmonic filter on it and it goes bing bing bing bing bing it has a rhythm to it<br> so I can see when her phone lines being attacked I'm so sorry Susie really really want to talk to you<br> I'm glad we missed the F-16 Viper<br> Community alright well let's see what else we can do here<br> yeah baby I said there is a poor connection I'm pretty sure I can trace it out<br> I was wondering if we could go start over here Thank you Bebe es Christine from New York online one is issuing commands for other people is crossing over into their Dominion this is Christine you must be like you<br> why your girlfriend don't know sir<br> okay so what's going on here what are we talking about here<br> I say all the commands that I've heard you mutter and I've added quite a few of my own and some for other people's this one specifically for my dog<br> and I don't know if those are valid or if I'm crossing over into their Dominion you know doing something I'm not supposed to be doing<br> that's a great that is a great question<br> that's a great question cuz it stinks really aren't really want to do everyone everyone deserves a consent<br> because we can do it we can blend<br> you can sleep with another individual human or or animal and you can blend your spirits pretty easily to what degree there's bound raise and support<br> I can say the mermaid die we would take a nap and we could merge and be one but there would be consent for that we wouldn't we wouldn't we would never say intrude on someone's sleep or in in this example or any event in their life<br> so animals are the same way but they're more open so it's easier to do so I would always the animals understand English if you're communicating with your heart so if you ask fluffy and everybody Hamilton when you work with animals they're brutally honest so you go let's just say you have a dog and you say hey do you mind if I help you with the tumor on your head it'll it'll it'll give you a blank Twisted head it'll do many things in the expression from it's hard though cuz they won't understand<br> intellect as a relates to articulation from the throat so they're they're only going to think through their heart shape on it yeah I want some help it'll go any farther than that is that makes sense. They'll give you the consent so if we're going to work or animal or human when I do healings on people spontaneously they just they just show up because they they broke their back or what have you will the dog is doing the same thing it'll tell you if it wants your help that's I'm doing my best to explain you can't tell someone you have to help them you have to watch them observe themselves and they'll naturally ask for help<br> does that help a little bit a little bit but then my dog had a deer ran into a closed door once a one-time and gave himself what I think is a closed head injury has been having seizures ever since and I just been tried finishing a command that he should never have another seizure and I don't know if that's valid or not and I don't got you three<br> okay so let's do this why don't you why don't you put<br> one finger in the middle of a paw I suggest you do the ladder Paws and one finger top of the forehead and now ask the dog would help it needs<br> and it should come through to you and then do the commands that helps a dog that way<br> can you do it now so you don't steer when you're healing you don't want to steer the healing that's the first no no you're just going to ask and then you can start participating with them to do healing it's very it's very dangerous if you're really going to do this you have to ask permission understand and then transfer energy is that okay<br> yes so ceremonies are very important so much much of our ceremonies have been stolen from us have to take great care we go too fast here if we're really learn about our patient this what I'm doing my best to explain<br> with silence<br> then we can actually help and support say can she do a healing on the dogs out and say I you know I came and out spirits to heal and balance you now how would you how would you give her of course<br> your patient needs to want to heal it wants to have helped what if what if the animal doesn't want help what is the human doesn't want to what if you want to go have chemotherapy you're not going to Spurs are you in their mind says I believe it until she can do the commands on the street to do in Biloxi now and the example absolutely endless amount of power you have with that relationship now the relationship said I'd like your help<br> I commend my spirit to heal and balance<br> us together is I prefer us to heal together or not tell somebody to go he'll we Commander Spears to heal and balances now if the relationship is is as intimate as you say it is. That's that is my suggestion<br> Hotel fire that happened<br> thank you<br> okay Susie from Australia's back<br> hello can you hear me now<br> I'm not really sure what I want to sign out<br>and when I travel through country with the structure for sitting here a little town that has no lights. Nola headache will be home and ready for this Panola and beer in the other three poisonous<br> where are there is in Perth tell. So I did something very special about this particular part of Western Australia<br> and I'm wondering is this the clay is this the birthing place of the world<br> Bay Area that I lose it<br> Pillsbury my body sorry this is a very long story how much time do you have<br> okay baby<br> so you come up with this information through your heart correct you know to be true<br> no one's going to change your mind either are they absolutely not so the reason I try is so coveted is the Legacy landmass that we would have deserve here<br> thousands and thousands of thousands of years used to have another connection to other land masses and there was some displacement but the core of that land mass still exists and what we would call a really condensed area vortices and your aboriginals know it very well they know how to bring in other dimensions so there's many many tools Wars he's can provide you<br> it's not fair to say the birthplace per say because we did it so vastly so voluptuously in your space in your time and your plants so I wouldn't get too hung up on time but the reason you have all these deserts<br> is because they were attacked they were destroyed you had a massive are now destroyed and now you're rebuilding them but the planetary energetic your Association in relationship to Planet never left and that's why you can feel those relationships of the vortices in your relationships are still there aren't they<br> yes<br> so that's my answer Nitra here it's responding so beautifully stunning now I just want to put this out to you and where am I and every was the Supreme Court<br> renal failure but you don't dial Division and still alive<br> I would love to join you and Mona Lisa Karina<br> Australia and the Aboriginal culture and sees the one voice that remembers the life and the spirit<br> play Ed Sheeran tell you something cuz I feel attacked through a house because its HD is Aboriginal and making actual changes they won't have any of that you know that I was going to attack her in the way you just described so gosh I love to go ahead and submit the radio show a message to me saying I talk to you on the radio show last week and make sure your phone numbers in there and we'll look forward to a 614 phone number thank you for your call I love you very much. You're a hundred percent right about a text thank you I love you<br> well that was Serendipity wasn't it<br> I mean up and down Australia more than once and I recognize the disc connection with the land and the people so he's the Industrial Revolution work really well it's always going to be in our hearts to help us the government in front of it we're going to give you another check start a start a casino that's what they did in America all right let's see where am I going to go but I think I want to do mine for<br> wait a minute yeah lines for Leah Leia Princess Leia from Georgia questions on omnipresent slay are you there<br> download Smule hello my lady I am here love you too and really enjoy experiencing remembering it reacquainting with the two of you each time I listen to him. This is a honor for me so just so you know that<br> my question is do in in the timeline today kill human scent on two different scenarios so I don't know exactly how it went I don't recall I didn't recall the end result so I say for example if someone is excited and they are excited about the land patent and they follow their hearts in church choices to go to the county clerk and you mentioned that your question was do you create the timeline or what the time I paid for you so my question is as we are excited making hearts in his choices<br> I'm feeling that we are creating the entire experience so if we are expand at the light is expanded and within ourselves in the people we are meeting are these people expanded version of us<br> Greg Greg question is okay thanks so<br> it is now standard that the more we participate with anything and anyone anywhere here on planet Earth you are participating with anyone and anything here never forget it so yes is the answer if you put your attention toward something guess what they get your attention so you're correct<br> I kind of figured so my beautiful kitty what does the cat do it it is stress and its tail out and says thank you for putting what if you touch another person would they go thank you for getting me a back rub or it's now more prevalent said it will show up if you give it attention out you have it right<br> this beautiful now I think even more clearly idea in conditioning a separation it's so we would not remember<br> absolutely right look at the earlier shows if you will if you if you listen to somebody like Aloha or myself we can put ourselves in absolute chaos<br> and still be present<br> in peacefulness and abundance of solutions because we don't focus on the chaos<br> if I focus on the chaos I will actually Empower it more and more and that's why you have a lot of media chaos here so what if you just focused on the benevolence of yourself what you preserve what you what what you really cherish creates your you're going to just going to get more of it more of it so your attention is the solution if it is Noble<br> thank you for that confirmation love you very much too thank you but I'm going to go to Kelly from Oregon inspiration and intuition Kelly from Oregon line one mermaids here too and she's wet my floor with her wet slippers and both of you hello hello alright this first time I chatted with you I'm so excited raw that's amazing<br>piano playing around with imagination and doing what I want and how to imagine that but then I was kind of playing around with inspiration and intuition and I'm just not quite sure how how high rounds<br> kind of me then I'm not sure the difference between inspiration and intuition<br> it's a show sorry it's not the way she feels<br> yes so<br> a studying and being observed what watching the test done on me and then then myself vice-versa from outside this plane so coming in the body what I observed<br> over and over and over and over again in this type of body the dreams are authentic to your true manifestation so I can't wait for this okay careful with my statement though because I can forge dreams in your head<br> but if I'm truly dreaming in my creation process if I'm truly creating the dream the outcome shows up<br> so did you understand the different sir<br> when I was writing about a dream second in most cases<br> you can't have one without the other<br> but in many times they're so quick you can't eat yours is so fast you wouldn't actually be able to put a sequence of events to it cuz they're almost simultaneous<br>so fast you can't recognize how fast you are that's that's before you turn around there was nothing there<br> try that one<br> remind me I'm not coming to get it<br> right<br> I guarantee you there was nothing big before you turn around<br> so put all of those put all of that observation into play when you make decisions<br> how are you processing decisions are am I doing it with great care<br> you're not thinking great care would be I don't think anymore like I only live an Inspired Life versus what happens if I do this<br> either way you're making it reality I wouldn't I would suggest you don't overthink this is that okay I tend to do that sometimes that I've been feeling into the higher Realms being involved in this whole process<br>it is<br> really fun to hold more light here<br> you got some beautiful days here having you know<br> I'm sure today let's make everyday that way then<br> any other questions that do I have a soul overlay or am I feeling<br> are you are you on a computer right now<br> no<br> how are you talking to me<br> on the phone<br> what kind of phone you using<br> eating like a smartphone or an Android so yes it is<br> when I'm not around any devices yeah it's okay<br> I'd wondered if I could get a barcode at a minimum the barcodes are the implant that I would suggest us work on your the sequencing all of us all humans on the planet have a barcode sequencing tool to hook us up to many many many different agendas and I don't care if you wear a Buddhist cloak and sit on the Teton the Teton Pass it doesn't matter we all have some kind of epigenetic program in us I'm sorry to inform you but that's the way it works here we can release it by not participating<br> with timelines just use your heart to make decisions and they all go where thank you for your call thank you beautiful for this call all right we'll see if I can get one more on here thank you thank you thank you that was a beautiful call that's very very promising person right questions for the mermaid how do we push back to make the ball of yarn completely collapse<br> Michael and I are you there I'm here thank you for taking my call just wanted to speak to both of you<br> right on up a show I believe I heard mermaid say that the yarn is almost no just barely hanging on if we just push back a little bit it would just collapse and I was hoping that she could give us a couple examples of that<br> everything to do with the false Matrix that we've been living under her very very very very very good and it's it's it's just barely it's barely it's barely holding together and if we just stopped participating in things that we think a real like getting fines for not doing what they tell us to do<br> it would just do fall apart cuz it already is the highest level everything how do you give examples of that life but it's all been collapsed on the high levels it's just us as a people<br> holding it together that giving them palliative and have rules over us like as if we're children<br> you know all these ridiculous rules we have to follow and we're afraid to not do it because that's why that's going to happen to us whatever it may be that you were going to get punished but it's not real sorry it's just an illusion control I dress as a complete solution has nothing real to have to be careful with nuts<br> we got to talk to her as well so I don't want to be it's all an illusion so if we just push back and stop following their their rules does not feel right to us like a school of fish told how to behave as well if they didn't we were allowed to<br>stuffing participating in the TV shows has all behind setting stuff of people owning a house but still having to pay taxes as an example of huge amounts of money when they are in the the house in the land how is that how is things like that getting by still it's just crazy<br> for me yes please when I don't have any more questions now I'm this puts enclosing may I say commands for all of us know thank you okay what what I understood is the ball of yarn completely collapse do you understand what<br> are you filled out at the end do I understand the ball of yarn completely collapsing do you understand what that means to UPS when you state that to BBS radio do you know what that means.<br> mine is standing The Matrix that surrounds the planet is what will be gone<br> Define Matrix<br> the energetic I guess overlays that they put around a planet to keep us here and interfere with us coming and going as as we desire will be gone<br> thank you so much do you mind if I ask you some more questions absolutely<br> okay so how did they do it<br> by getting us to create it<br> how do we do that<br> we think about it<br> we believe in it<br> because<br> because that's what we've been indoctrinated into doing and as far as our ancestors and we inherit their beliefs and their experiences<br> and the solution is<br> New Creation Lightship clearance get rid of the genetics clean out the genetics generational do the commands and live from your heart and not your mind<br> Michael I never get tired of hearing you call and thank you so much you realize thank you you use. Millions of people tool dear beautiful I love you very much<br> definitely not<br> to fix things so great to hear from you always thank you I love you both very much thank you all right<br> goodnight sweetheart it's time to go<br> I'm going to be famous again<br> I want to be famous again I like I won't leave you I won't love you<br> CBS Radio thank you so much for all your love everyone keep calling in get your subscriptions so we know where you're at phone numbers please phone numbers please I love you baby I will be the last face prq team everybody had a good day good day everyone<br>