Project Review With Q, February 1, 2025
Project Review With Q
Reviewing listener projects and answering listener calls
Part 81
Project Review With Q

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alright welcome back welcome back my last hour<br> make fun of a nice a good god with a little people I'm around all right welcome to prq prescriptions subscriptions keep them coming in we're going to we're going to get you some help any help you need need some projects keep the projects rolling want want to see your ideas suggestions everyone call in chat with me any traffic today we got an hour might have a visitor she usually<br> hangs out on a rock suntanning but she might come in and you never know we love you so much we love you so much what is what is that cylinder I'm saying around the Sun so to speak and or the halo effect you might see from time to time<br> to first and foremost you can always play with the light so that the sun is<br> basically a tunnel from source and you're chasing it so don't buy into any horoscopes don't buy in into an e<br> any<br> way to attach yourself to planetary events you're on a planet that is a dark planet now and you didn't always have you have nice here now because you're in the dark and or you're participating with dark for proportion of your day so remove all good day and night and you'll see that your planet is doing its best to go to the light just like you are but don't Envision that you need to go somewhere else outside of yourself very tricky and that's how good the dark is because you keep being Fred you pray to things you admire those things you want to be thing do you want healing did you want all sorts of garbage<br> that are outside<br> thank you so much I'm ready to go there BBS I'll take any weight answer alohaz question what is that ring that you see the Moon tries to emulate the column of light that you're chasing so to speak in the Sun so the Moon is easier to actually see it because it's a little bit stronger only because your eyes are designed and engineered so you can't look at the Sun but you used to be able to and if you could look at the sun you would pull in the Life instantly so what I'm doing my best to explain is that Halo that she asked about and I would need her to help me with questions but that Halo and the ranger sing around the Sun is the sun light getting closer to your reality and you're able to bring it in thank you so much low off that question thank you for the last hour<br> two hours we had so much fun and and it looks like we're getting some work done BBS what's my first call<br> best from Washington that's are you there<br> I can hear you loud and clear thanks thanks for calling and again I have little limited visibility but I'm here loud and clear what do you think what you working on Beth well I have a different question from this morning my question today this afternoon is whether or not there are snakes on the creation Lightship<br> no okay I'm so no yes I'm really curious or a while about snake especially study in reims teachings about the alien forms that are introduced to a jellyfish and octopus and a while and parasites and I love sponge X conversation with you about spiders and how they don't have heart that's really helping me understand how the interface might interest and snakes has to do with how to use them to permeate every indigenous wisdom teaching through all the world and why they're so predominant<br> if you had anything to say about that<br> basically this individual decided to very very incredible question if you look at your medical industry you'll notice that if there is a snake twirling around DNA and or symbolism is that fair why would that be<br> well that is that stimulants that could you see us from Foster's way way back they adopted it<br> right so I'm going to play it and it is really to get you to keep re-engineering the belief system that we blended with another genetics some mammal ends are one of the degradations of this type of mammal in is 2 ft snake or reptilian genetics with it and still get sores to come into it. That's their roof they think that's the greatest game ever I can trick you into believing you're still a mandolin but you're not<br> you got it<br> so the reason you have a tailbone is because your part lizard<br> the reason your skin ages is cuz your part lizard reason you have scales your part lizard you're not supposed to be living in a static you can lose within it anything you want but living in a bisected genetic system is very unusual for you the same individual made robots with only a heart and a brain and eyes so if I could just put a heart if I can put DNA in you give you two eyeballs in a brain and makes the rest of you metallic that that is possible<br> and in the stop in formation we're not used to having this limitation of mammal and in us this is love<br> this is confusing for the genetic that's why we don't live very long so sorry for the information<br> super helpful there are reptiles so who I don't feel are are alien like snakes like turtles<br> I would not call a turtle a reptile though<br> thank you very much so the white ship won't keep a record of these as part of the library because once we got your attention they won't be here anymore anyways that right<br> correct so we would<br> creation does not have memory<br> as much as we're fond of it we don't have knowledge when let's do our best here unlimited knowledge me 100% anything is possible is what we're capable so you don't need to remember everything<br> I do my best to make sense here but if you have all knowledge which you do it's just whether or not you're going to get back to it Source knowledge why would you care about what's already happened<br> got it<br> I asked it why would you care about what's happened<br> my current experiences some of the things I've experienced does memories are actually happening now my experience of all of us together 2,000 years ago is is one of the most important experiences that gives me hope now<br> so to me that is a memory but it's also still happening<br> as opposed to something that is on a timeline that isn't relevant to me anymore<br> that would be very normal and then and then that's the opposition to Deja Vu so one of the only Technologies would be to get you to reinstall another memory where it's you are seeing a memory but you're not participating in is that okay to say you're going to be a great help her for many people I would have said<br> you're helping us figure it out your help yes it's just the way it is it's the weirder the weirder and then and even the word is weird weird<br> I command you thank you for all your love that's amazing. This morning I went at first day that thank you so much for the help I know if it's two or three weeks but expect time but I called asking about how we can protect ourselves from interference on timelines we prefer and I wanted to share this because I know it's such a thing for all of us than one of the responses you gave was about how important it is to stay in our knowledge Spencer's while we're participating so that we're not suspected to all of the mental health field around us in the time with our families and other people we love you weren't on the same page necessarily and my mom past two days after you and I spoke and I was with her and my brother<br> until all is Karma's on full thing now and I'm having such an amazing adventure by just staying in my knowledge Spencer and only participating in when I want to participate in and it's incredible so thank you and I feel like everybody is calling in it's just sharing so much knowledge and insight and we're all remembering together so thank you for that and my question is a long time ago you said something about pressing our light in the city and the city being really important to strengthen our life force and I'm practicing out and I love it and then I had help me find spirit and other people but you mentioned that you also cloak when you're in the city so you can press your light and close<br> at the same time and I just don't I wonder for those of us who are still in cities if you want to say anything about that<br> thank you thank you very much and it's important and I always want you to call me out whenever you can anybody and everybody who is tricky to communicate of these words the words are convenient<br> you don't really explain much of anything it's an alien technology so sorry to put us in this position but the knowledge that we all have should be more robust and would be represented by better words thank you thank you so much<br> when if I'm working with one of the P or Q team members or otherwise I'm doing my best to explain we're like a balloon that we press<br> the light through us but we don't let our Aura go out so we have tremendous amounts of power where we can feel every human being in a building and if you do that you're going to get all their stuff so I'm doing my best to explain I'm going to I'm going to be really firm in my my Oreck capability The Merc about coming in to buy but I'm not going to give it away that's what I'm doing my best to explain cloaking or putting putting shrink wrap around you I don't want nothing to touch me when I'm in humongous volume of people so you're probably never see me do another concert again because you're going to get that so if you do notice musicians they get totally overwhelmed with the the way everyone is attacking them in direct<br> by admiring them when they sing or play music very difficult to protect yourself if you're on stage with 40,000 people in front of you so that's what I mean by cloaking and how it works when you go out is be solid and firm in yourself as far as knowing you but not giving up you I hope that helps<br> oh yes it does so there's no need to like cover I'm just been practicing strengthening I like getting a strong as I can and having it not go outside of my body just keeping it intact and it's so much easier to find other light beings and recognize everything around me so that's all it is it's not putting another layer over me or anything<br> that's right I don't want anyone to be scared that's that's what language is I just want us to be ourselves really excited and that's what I'm calling cloaking don't give yourself away to the body of people may be participating with<br> thank you for clarifying though that's super helpful thank you thanks so much thank you bye-bye call I have no memory of who's next but BBS can I have another call<br> Susanna line 3 Suzanne best for song ever<br> beautiful nephew too high<br> greatness to you how do you want to play today what are you got going on<br> okay well I want to thank Sunshine Aloha for opening their questioning what a fun show and your your singing was incredible so beautiful and a very proud of you for sharing that I wanted to ask you if you don't mind if you don't mind what is in the water in San Diego because I have a question and found it very fascinating but I do have experience in San Diego in a different way<br> about 20 years ago did you give me any insight as to what happened in my spine in San Diego<br> say the say the word one more time<br> yeah of what could you give me any insight into what happened to my spinal column<br> in San Francisco okay so very very vast question only be able to get you a little bit originally as believe it or not I thought she would have a Heyday with this<br> the United States Navy was doing hyperbolic radio-wave energetics with the ship's many different reasons are trying to find aliens underwater and I shut it down and one of the ways I shut it down as I made them<br> I made them come to a relationship with the ocean very vast again subject but they knew that we would destroy not only the island we would destroy Miramar if they were going to keep killing a murder people<br> and it's very very old statement think you could probably find stuff on Project Camelot with Billy Kimber Billy's last name but they were part of a space space program there and the only way they could get Redemption is if they brought more light in there utilizing the technologies that are already naturally they're so if you do look at San Diego that ancient Vortex there is there to balance all issues like that so as Neptune or as many as that made come in there Miramar is really tough place the underwater systems that go into the military bases in land all the way to Palm Desert Sands<br> will say chocolate Mountains will they had they had an opportunity to come to Jesus allowing the natural border cease to rebalance the areas<br> you would be someone who would capitalize on that because of the organization and I'll call it recalibration area their populations very large there so we were able to recalibrate San Diego very easily because an alternator was made to stop destroying the the vortices does that make sense<br> yeah that's interesting cuz I feel very comfortable here with my Devore to see I found here and his legacy property but I did it there when I'm in California my spirit does feel lighter than the New York although I love it here<br> yeah and then the water is outstanding to they wasn't Disturbed as much as you like and that's why San Diego's probably the last city that ever got fluoridated<br> great fight to stop at the having fluoride in their water system of all the big cities in America that was the last one fall so that's part of it for the clues<br> but yeah<br> interesting very interesting thank you for that cute and may I ask you another question because you got cut off earlier so I'd love to just go back into that for you for every one you were talking about your body and being in the program is Baja the age request you advance your age and what not and I was wondering to connect it to could you explain more what's the importance of the Body for Ascension because you should have shared that if you can get us to 120 or 150 years<br> that means something edvan Armitron also mentioned that not only does our spirit want to expend our body also wants to extend their does that have something to do with a limitation of human vessels like in at another one to do we need time to procreate and repopulate our vessels<br> yes great question design designs limitation cuz we don't have any limitation so would we want to have unlimited this in our body ask yourself if you like would not be nice yeah be sustained<br> me somewhere wherever I don't really care imagine if you lost your identity<br> you wouldn't really care about much of anything if you if you didn't have ego what what you look like you wouldn't comb your hair do you think lions<br> look in the mirror everyday<br> no<br> they don't do that they have is the Lioness they're going to chase down that Day Cafe<br> and then he says I should probably be a little nicer to the lionesses cuz I look awful apparently or I should do something different and better be nicer and that's that's what's normal for us is being a good lion being a good meal lion<br> it is pretty obvious I had were the only where the problem looking in mirror but I would say<br> yeah yeah and they change actually I noticed my image changes does about looking in the mirror I look better upstairs and downstairs<br> I know how did my nose get bigger this is weird.<br> Regenerate it<br> that's all that will comes into your confusion with the body<br> yeah the mermaid and I we've been working on the last couple days to is okay so why do I have aches and pains in this type of body when I know I can self-heal and or why do I have to heal why are we not because we we have our memories in other bodies that are planets and so we're we're going what what is going on with this one how come I can't get more juice to it is probably the word xeleko with Ron is I should be able to sustain my light in a physical body and not have any day decoration whatsoever thus I can Ascend and or sension would be instantly anywhere I am in the universe as a light B<br> and that's not the case you are constantly dying here quite quite interesting and then that crazed another Absolution if I'm saying it but it's quite clear someone's engineer the body that does not want to stay alive<br> yeah yeah or countering it<br> exactly my point my point exactly is some more light I have you I command our spirits to increase our life force energy is going to make you stronger<br> yeah yeah. I feel it it's beautiful beautiful beautiful and we welcome you to be on the show it's for the interview so thank you for saying yes we are super excited whenever you come see us on Unstoppable love<br> endless love to you thank you for calling in and thank you for helping me with my truck today and thank you everyone for listening and thank you for the call all right vs let's get you another one. Unaware of who's next but I can't wait to talk to them<br> Yvonne from Oregon let's go Oregon<br> look cute thank you for taking my call<br> thank you for calling in your now a radio show host what are you up to my question is that<br> we're not supposed to be going with outside of ourselves for healing but yet we keep hearing about a solar wave the supposed to come through the help heal and reconnect our DNA that it's also being flipped as a fear tactic for a flash a solar flash I'm putting people in fear so is it is it really going to happen and is it really supposed to connect our DNA I don't understand<br> what's going to happen tell me you have to fill me in<br> a solar wave that supposed to come through the world all like a light wave of a light wave that supposed to come through all of our bodies<br> almost done. But at the same time it supposed to kill us every single cell within our body and kill all of our DNA<br> instead of going to methods are going to other sources to look for the healing is the solar is there going to be a solar wave that will come through and heal our bodies on our cellular level<br> okay very good thank you for the questions beautiful Ascension Cycles verse not people remove people remove you from the the analytical observation is<br> and or can be called<br> everything we created on the on the chalkboard white board<br> is erased everything 0 you start over your Rowdy here instantly if you are of the light nothing more nothing exists in the universe Multiverse your planet<br> with the end of Ascension cycle nothing but if you're not associated so speak with the life you're going to keep reincarnating into the same process is over and over again cuz you believe you have lessons to learn and and by the way Aunt Jude is mad at me for not going to her birthday Central second because she'll start indoctrinating yourself into I have to come back I've come back I have to come back so Ascension could be called erasing the chalkboard<br> does that help<br> a little bit of the Ascension cycle we are going through to make us more light then when it's over and done those of the light are just going to evaporate start again<br> it's so confusing this is so confusing I am experiencing what it's like to be a person<br> utilizing all the capabilities of the light source God whatever words you like there and<br> now I get to do it again that's it<br> so at the end of our attention cycle<br> that would also be the end of our life then we go to the planet we choose to go to while the people who are in their own limited light and darkness at the same time will keep coming back to play and play and play for another two thousand years for their opportunity to expand and Rocket off their ship<br> dark planets and life planets act completely differently but you're onto something there keep going while we work really really hard to gain the light<br> that we know that we are because we are Source when we preach that like this when you have more capability on light planets this is a dark planet you don't work very very hard at all in fact you're almost bored you're having so much fun<br> now try again please<br> essentially I don't if we're trapped here and we are gaining our lightness to no longer be wrapped here and we're not playing the games with the AI<br> my question is<br> how do we live to be that hundred and fifty years to help other people<br> where do we go elsewhere to the light planet<br> and help people to gain their whiteness<br> okay great question thanks a lot and thank you for the call BBS radio thank you for the call BBS thanks the golf what's my next color<br> Aisha from mystralia<br> are you there I shh and I've trained my friend please please we started this 5 hours ago please tell me what's a Bogan<br> tank tops and mullets so anyway I think that's pretty much that I can't get any farther. That's all she's ever told me so anyway<br> okay so I have a few questions first one is twin flames I'm so I guess I'm one of those lucky people who married to someone else from the other side of the planet and he is marriage of luxury connecting spirit is that breaking a governmental is that okay to do<br> yes it's very great question and the mermaid and I we played this a lot so I have met the mermaid and another body and she did not recognize me<br> so we we of course develop the system and understanding of how are we going to recognize each other if we can find each other but we're attracted to each other it never mind being being gas anyway there's someone who'd like to speak about this<br> hello how are you I'm getting threats make corsets of course it's right that you must do it you know you you already know how I really need you cuz you have day you were just have this completely overwhelming unconditional love for that person you'll just be having the man that is connecting to them and that Val feeling in one way or another so you don't even think about how you're doing it and don't have to feel guilty about it<br> you'll just do it I don't know if that helps or not that but that will reconnect you and it will I think<br> in doing that it'll just bring the it'll it'll just bring you a classroom class that I noticed that the engineered emotions around lust and greed were the same engineering to not allow me to understand I had met my partner because they didn't look right they didn't act right when the many many different things around personality<br> sensory so when my only clue<br> that I could stand when you can't help yourself<br> tell me a core seems to be the tools that fair to say that sounds like you don't even know where he is but I'm just that connection spiritually is the true connection anyways and get to Spirits connecting an anniversary. You know how it goes the universal make it on the line and you align some way or another but I think I think I'm just keep on loving you late for your hot and sending that to him and he will get it you'll get it I don't know that the source<br> and or we all of us created a model that we would all recognize and an eel to our relationship that is authentic and just cuz it's tricky here doesn't mean that's way it works outside and I guarantee you the merkabah house a match here just like you and it's here I don't prefer the word where you put that seems to be part of the merkabah he has a match here no doubt about it because all of these match one another back to the store so I assume I'm preaching to the choir there thank you very much any other questions<br> yeah I have a lots of pyramids in this area and down the East Coast of Australia of a dormant or active and are they admitting or attracting large or dark energy<br> yes so I studied all the ones in Queensland comprehensively last couple years visiting them and driving through all I want for me was inching cuz I had I would assume a thousand years ago two thousand years ago is the last time I would have is above them and understand them and I was shocked that they are still active but must have the technology so when I looked at the Queensland area above my gym but I saw all the treaties<br> they were all about a quarter-mile why these trapeze and then I'll cut off so that was 1/4 Mile tree circum Street I just couldn't believe all the trees were cut down but all the pyramids still active and compromised would be my opinion<br> I believe that planning to build a highway through it at the regional conferences story with a lot of it in Australia<br> yet one more mentioned a plant in Australia that is just with suspension can you tell me what type of plant is play<br> did not hear you can say one more time<br> there is a plant that exists in Australia that you said my assist with your attention if you ate or drink between your butt plants can you tell me what that is the place<br> I can't because then you're going to bottle it and sell it<br> not you but everyone listening will go grab it and one of them okay<br> yep when when were in the forest and I'll show you something only place<br> but when were in the florist and this was the way it was engineering design by all of us Source whatever you like and you just sit there the plants will tell you<br> you don't have a choice if you're truly an inch in the other day I hear an old lady who is in great room of yourself with a fir tree because the fir trees that I can help her as an example so if you needed more knowledge in your in the forest and you were truly associated with for the forest will actually so I prefer us do it organically and naturally and that that would be more authentic and or it's the only way you will get more knowledge is if you are aligned with that plant that does help you that goes for ailments cancer I can tell you Pepsi in Oregon grape<br> root cures cancer but I've seen many people did not cure cancer because they weren't alignment with their spirit<br> Pepsi Road and Oregon<br> Oregon grape root does cure cancer but if you're not in alignment<br> what what's your favorite<br> token what's your with your chamber<br> what's your favorite what's your favorite water that you take what's your favorite things do you have<br> Tim said that my favorite water is underground water from Wells bicycle cycling Mountain he has Nana Nana, it's not going to work if you<br> Nana some of water will not work for you that that that energetix is only brought to you by one place on the planet you're sympathetic but if you are negative and don't feel it's going to work it will not work and that goes for all the other things outside yourself just like bringing a knowledge but there are plenty of this planet<br> that will enhance your capabilities thank you very much for that question thank you so much I think I got time for one more BBS can I do one more I have no idea where my list is because well software doesn't like me today anyway<br> what's to genice if she's Nexus to Denise if she's let Denise Denise Denise are you ready Denise can you please tell me what into the material that has been put out by ashiyana Dean I've been doing when I do my commands I started doing I commit my spirit to show me who I truly am and also to show me why I'm truly here and really quickly after I started eating that come on I stumbled well my friend and I stumbled on her material and it just really really resonates with<br> and I'm just curious what your thoughts are on it<br> okay great great job that you get to see so much more is that is that fair to say you're you're seeing a lot more gets a little weird doesn't it<br> okay so let's do it let's play Let's play a little bit here with this okay I command my spirit to see the truth and everything 54321 now<br> and it's done instantly and the check the tingle you'll get now when you observe information will come right through your chest so I don't get granular I commend my spirit to tell me if Q's full of crap cuz it doesn't work that way because now you judge somebody something okay make it really open so that the the light can do the work for you without you you're not working at it so with all information if you let you observe it like you're already doing without directing it so your start at your your your attempting to directed a little bit based on your word you don't have to correct it<br> so before show I will probably go like this I command my spirit to give me perfect communication<br> and I'll have I'll have a better show if I didn't do that<br> when you're observing knowledge and information images is really fun you can wave your hand in front of your eyes and say so you wave it up and down and make the picture screen went you make yourself blank without blinking and then say I command my spirit to show me this person's true identity now if you're looking<br> at the guy that wrote Dianetics you're going to see an alien. That was a good okay if you're looking at George Bush if you did it correctly but you're doing it to your heart<br> the the break but the eyes will will show you good energy any other questions around this is some great great stuff thank you<br> well I do have a question that so I have tried to do a little bit of research on her and she's kind of fallen off the radar anywhere but I kind of feel like her spirit might be showing up someplace else<br> is that somewhere close<br> I'm going to let you decide to let you decide that you're something you're onto something so I don't want you to rely on me to prove that It's Tricky for me because I know the answer to your question but I know you know how to get really good at this I just want us to get super so we don't have any doubt we don't have any saviors we don't have any false gods I know you have this if you really start listening to your heart that make sense<br> I was going to say if you have<br> if you have that inclination I'm just trusted I always say that to people cuz I'm not sure if it's coming from just out I'll head thinking of a store or if it's truly knowledge but I'm inclined to feel nice likely correct I totally believe what you both are saying I think for a lot of us I feel like maybe we feel that way even though we're getting a strong feelings ourselves because we realize how much destruction there is done and that makes it a little bit difficult when the knowledge is coming through for us to be able to recognize it you know<br> in summation I ask you a quick question okay so I've known we were labeling this this and used and standardized on billboards so you'll get a billboard of a vision of information that was not consistent with what your true self could see is that how it works for you or are you getting are you getting fake movies or anything like that<br> well I'm not sure because q u cut out they didn't want you to answer that question so I really didn't hear the question how you get tricked or otherwise<br> I don't I don't think so I mean I don't I don't recognize that it doesn't really resonate with me I think it's just like I hear this information and really I feel it in my heart and but then there's time for my head to take over you know<br> thank you BBS radio thank you for the people that space thank you project to keep calling keeps grabbing a love you I love you I love you beautiful day to UB vs radio goodnight everyone<br>