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The Power of You, February 10, 2021

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The Power of You
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The Andreia Method, Creating A New You with guest, Tanja Caprioli Co-Founder and Author of the Andreia Method

The Power of You with John Williams

Programme Title: The Andreia Method, Creating A New You

Guest(s): Tanja Caprioli Co-Founder and Author of the Andreia Method (

Each week I’ll be here talking with You about You. We’ll be exploring the issues and problem you face it getting your life to look the way you want it to Be. Working on why you are not already living a life where you inspire Impact and influence your world through being who you were born to be …and not who you’ve been told you should/have/must (pick your flavor of domestication) BE?

Today we are going to be talking about the 2md module of the Andreia Method “Create a New You”.

  • Create A New You, Speak Your Truth, Purpose, The Power of Words and Responsibility Tell us why these four lessons? How do they contribute to Creating a new Me?

  • Where do you start when it comes to speaking your truth, what is the first step?

  • OK so this relates to our self-talk as well, we have to get straight with ourselves and then the world?

  • Sometimes it is really hard to speak the truth because you might hurt someone’s feelings or you might even be in danger, how do you deal with that?

  • What does it mean to be on Purpose and how do we get there?

  • The Power of Words, just how powerful are the words we use?

  • In this lesson we talk about how we can use our imagination as our practice universe is this about exploring possible change?

  • OK the biggy here is the next lesson Responsibility! It’s a bit it’s tough getting these 4 lesson into one hour but… Can you talk about above and below the line

IN summary the Purpose of Create a New You, having Discovered Your Default is work out where you want to go, who you want to to be, would that be right?

  • Conscious Action

The Power of You

The Power of You with John Williams
Show Host
John Williams

The KEY to success is Your commitment to do the work. The TRICK to success is what you work on.

“IT” Won’t Happen Unless YOU Step Up!”

Context versus Content. My skill lies in ensuring you are operating at your peak, the best possible version of you so as you can honor the commitment you have made to yourself and Be the leader you were born to be.

With 35 years of senior leadership positions operating around the globe backed with an MBA in Leadership, Strategic Management and International Business I have your back and I know what it takes to push you to a new level.

Clients include Norcross Press, Roxcel, Oracle, Velocity Group, amongst others.

The Key to success is commitment. Your commitment to do the work needed to create the result you desire. The Trick to achieving success is what you work on; Context versus Content. My skill is to ensure you are operating at peak, the best possible version of you so as you can honor the commitment you have made to yourself.

Authenticity makes all the difference in an in-genuine world. Authenticity leads to trust. Trust leads to communication. Communication and Trust combine to produce outstanding results.

MY PROMISE: You'll get ME, the authentic ME! AND together we will Change YOUR life.

Supercharge your performance, Get a new perspective.

I will give you the keys to your new life by showing you why you are not already there.

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