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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 May 2021

The Power of You with John Williams

The Power of You with John Williams
Talk Show:
Show Host:
John Williams

The KEY to success is Your commitment to do the work. The TRICK to success is what you work on.

“IT” Won’t Happen Unless YOU Step Up!”

Context versus Content. My skill lies in ensuring you are operating at your peak, the best possible version of you so as you can honor the commitment you have made to yourself and Be the leader you were born to be.

With 35 years of senior leadership positions operating around the globe backed with an MBA in Leadership, Strategic Management and International Business I have your back and I know what it takes to push you to a new level.

Clients include Norcross Press, Roxcel, Oracle, Velocity Group, amongst others.

The Key to success is commitment. Your commitment to do the work needed to create the result you desire. The Trick to achieving success is what you work on; Context versus Content. My skill is to ensure you are operating at peak, the best possible version of you so as you can honor the commitment you have made to yourself.

Authenticity makes all the difference in an in-genuine world. Authenticity leads to trust. Trust leads to communication. Communication and Trust combine to produce outstanding results.

MY PROMISE: You'll get ME, the authentic ME! AND together we will Change YOUR life.

Supercharge your performance, Get a new perspective.

I will give you the keys to your new life by showing you why you are not already there.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

The Power of You , February 17, 2021 Guest, Helen Robinett, Helen Robinett Consulting, The Andreia Method, Conscious Action
The Power of You , February 10, 2021 The Andreia Method, Creating A New You with guest, Tanja Caprioli Co-Founder and Author of the Andreia Method
The Power of You , February 3, 2021 The Andreia Method, Discovering Your Default, why is that important to changing your life?
The Power of You , January 27, 2021 John is a Real world coach with Real world experience
John Williams
Executive Coaching, Business Builder, Leadership Development, Life Coaching



John is a Real world coach with Real world experience. He offers extensive experience in leading commercial entities to capitalize on opportunities to grow business in highly-competitive markets; small, large, local and international, with a record of success in start-up companies, emerging ventures and high-growth enterprises.

John’s strengths in personal development strategy, change leadership and management have been acknowledged by clients, colleagues and executive management in every company with whom he has engaged.  He has a robust background in international work environments with both individuals and businesses across cultures, throughout Europe, the US and Asia. 



Executive MBA (Strategic Management, Leadership and International Trade), Queensland University of Technology

Executive Education (Strategic Negotiation for the Long-term), Harvard Business School (Boston)

Professional Certificate in Arbitration (Distinction), University of Adelaide

Dispute Resolution Training incorporating

  • Mediation Level 1—Introduction to mediation skills
  • Mediation Level 2—Development of mediation skills and accreditation assessment, and
  • Mediation Level 3—Advanced mediation skills




John co-created the Living Consciously Course in conjunction with his business partner through their company Andreia. Their flagship course enables participants to understand what it is in their life that is holding them back from Inspiring, Influencing and Impact their world by being who they were born to be; authenticity matters! It is simple but far from easy.


John created Roxcel Asia transferring responsibility for regional leadership from Europe to Asia. The resulting rapid expansion in intra-Asian trade led to the establishment of new offices in Jakarta, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Shenzhen, Shandong, Mumbai and Chennai. At the same time, the existing offices, located in Shanghai and Hong Kong were revitalized.

Devising a commercial strategy for Roxcel Australasia John enabled this start up in Australia to carve a profitable position in the highly-competitive Australasian market, growing revenues to $AU35 million within three years. This company has gone on to multiply this turnover and has now been trading for 15 years.

In part of this involved identifying an opportunity to develop a high-value specialized paperboard for use in the US market. Over three years John negotiated with, and fostered the development of trust among, the relevant parties, including Nestle Purina as the end-user. These stakeholders were located across three States in the US, Europe, New Zealand and Australia.


Prior to joining Roxcel John instigated a significant change management process at Norcross Press which re-positioned the company as a market innovator but more importantly implemented John’s theory of goal alignment matching as closely as possible the attainment of individual employees goals to the goals of the company.  The resultant surge increased revenue by more than 20% and drove net profit to record levels.



Strategic Exports (2015) Pty Ltd                                                                             2011 - Present


Strategic Exports is primarily involved in the day-to-day execution and consulting in the area of international business.

RediAssist Pty Ltd Brisbane, Australia                                                                    2009 - 2013


RediAssist offered a simple and secure means to ensure that vulnerable members of our society were able to obtain assistance if they become separated from their carers or parents.

Roxcel Australasia Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia                                                   2003 - 2011

Managing Director

Roxcel Australasia is an international trader of raw materials for the packaging and printing industries. I was recruited by the Roxcel group to establish its operations within the highly competitive Australasian market and within three years. I established an international trade network across five continents, introducing Roxcel products into markets previously unavailable, and sourcing lucrative new product lines.

Norcross Press Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia                                                           1999 – 2003

General Manager

Norcross Press was a leading manufacturer of product labeling to the food and beverage industries. I was appointed to revitalize Norcross’s operations and grow revenue and market share. I overhauled operating practices and the organizations' internal culture in order to reenergize leadership. The company’s net profit quadrupled within two years at the same time as the company became recognized as an innovator in the market.



Featured Guests


February 17, 2021
Guest, Tanja Caprioli February 10, 2021
Guest, Tanja Caprioli February 03, 2021
Guest, Tanja Caprioli January 27, 2021

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