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The Power of Synergy, December 31, 2023

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The Power of Synergy
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with Gabrielle Cardona

The Power of Synergy with Gabrielle Cardona

Radio Show December 31

Theme: Opening up the Lines



Introduction and definition of synergy

What is power? How do we wield it? 

Show overview how do we create synergy in an age of technology?

Segment 1

The Computer’s Gender joke: 2 issues (M/F & Technology)

Online dating and Mike Smerconish’s topic of AI dating

*My question is how can a man fill his women heart with an abundance of love?

Spyro at Starbucks: “Personality is where communication starts”

Segment 2

The variables of personality

Behavior is not our personality *What’s more harmful: doing what you’re not? Or not doing what you are? 

Colleague question: “What is the best way to build a balanced and successful Self- Identity?”

Functional Order overview

Segment 3

Okay, here’s one I get multiple times a day- “Do people have to be so critical? I feel like I am always doing something wrong in their mind.” (Who’s the real judge in your life?)

“The Sound of Silence” Lyrics! We need to actually talk. 

Next question from a colleague: “How to manage Emotions in a competitive and aggressive social environment?

Compatibility in all kinds of relationships is vital.

Segment 4

The party last night and my husband’s female friend; she’s a nightmare! And ugly. And miserable. She was the one who tried to break us up, several times. 

I look and feel 25. I feel like a newlywed. How long does the honeymoon phase last? 6 months? 2 years?

Appreciate the differences between men and women. Don’t try to beat them or change them or be them. 

Segment 5

Has Feminism really been good for society? I was lied to about men and motherhood and “Domestic Engineering”. 

What a romantic relationship must contain: A.R.T.

Our “secrets”: he lets me take care of myself! And I let him be the head of the house. I take care of him first! 

The chemistry of laughter and orgasm. 


*There is no neutral energy

*If you are not contributing to the solution, you’re propelling the problem

*Make your power positive and your synergy powerful! 

The Power of Synergy

The Power of Synergy with Gabrielle Cardona
Show Host
Gabrielle Cardona

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