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Out of This World Radio, February 26, 2022

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Out of This World Radio
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with Ted Mahr and guests Dr. Julie Ponesse, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Dr Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Dr. Julie Ponesse (about Vaccinations), Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd and Dr Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith, "Laarkma"

Guest, Dr. Julie Ponesse

Guest Name
Dr. Julie Ponesse
Dr. Julie Ponesse
Guest Occupation
Ethics Scholar, Author
Guest Biography

Dr. Julie Ponesse

Pandemic Ethics Scholar

Dr. Julie Ponesse has a PhD in Philosophy (Western, 2008) with areas of specialization in ethics and ancient philosophy.

She has a Masters in Philosophy with Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics from the University of Toronto and a Diploma in Ethics from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University.

Dr. Ponesse has published in the areas of ancient philosophy, ethical theory, and applied ethics, and has taught at universities in Canada and the US for 20 years.

In the fall of 2021, Dr. Ponesse saw her academic career of 20 years fall apart after she refused to comply with a Canadian university's COVID vaccine mandate.

In response, Dr. Ponesse recorded a special video directed to her first-year ethics students. That video went viral. 

Since the release of that video, Dr. Ponesse has joined The Democracy Fund as the Pandemic Ethics Scholar focussing on educating the public on civil liberties. 

My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates

In December 2021, Dr. Ponesse released a book, published by The Democracy fund, titled My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates. 

This is her account of the battle and its aftermath, written with passion and intelligence. But Dr. Ponesse's story travels beyond the personal and examines the ethical and philosophical dimensions of our pandemic response.

If there is anyone out there who feels alone in the struggle to preserve personal choice and freedom, this book offers some very human advice on how to move forward and makes it clear that your voice deserves to be heard.

You can learn more about the book and order your very own copy at


Dr. Julie Ponesse is the Pandemic Ethics Scholar for The Democracy Fund and author of the new book: My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid19 Vaccine Mandates. Dr. Ponesse's focus is on educating Canadians about civil liberties.




Guest, Alfred Webre

Guest Name
Alfred Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Futurist, Lecturer, Author, Lawyer, Counselor, Judge, Teacher and Researcher
Guest Occupation
Futurist, Lecturer, Author, Lawyer, Counselor, Judge, Teacher, Researcher
Guest Biography

Alfred Lambremont Webre is a futurist whose book EXOPOLITICS founded the science of intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse and expresses a positive timeline for Earth. Alfred's 1974 book THE AGE OF CATACLYSM integrates Earth Sciences and the psychic remote viewing of Edgar Cayce of a global coastal event and expresses the catastrophic timeline for Earth.  

Alfred is chairman of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) [] educating about life on Mars.  A graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School and a Fulbright Scholar, Alfred has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas.  Alfred was general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study), and is a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.

Alfred is Director and a Faculty member of ExoUniversity, a non-profit educational entity for continuing online education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Exopolitics.


EXOPOLITICS.COM: "Relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse"

Guest, Alfred Labremont Webre

Guest Name
Alfred Labremont Webre
Alfred Labremont Webre
Guest Occupation
Futurist, Author, Radio Show Host, Chairman of Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS)
Guest Biography

Alfred Lambremont Webre is a futurist whose book EXOPOLITICS founded the science of intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse and expresses a positive timeline for Earth. Alfred's 1974 book THE AGE OF CATACLYSM integrates Earth Sciences and the psychic remote viewing of Edgar Cayce of a global coastal event and expresses the catastrophic timeline for Earth. 

Alfred is chairman of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) educating about life on Mars. A graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School and a Fulbright Scholar, Alfred has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas. Alfred was general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study).

Alfred's new book, THE OMNIVERSE, transcends the MultiVerse, integrating empirical data from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, from souls in the Interlife and the Spiritual Dimensions.  What is revealed is a functioning ecology of vast intelligence in the multiple dimensions in the Omniverse...Trans-dimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars.  Validated and documented definitions of the major forms of extraterrestrial life are also covered.

Alfred is Director and a Faculty member of ExoUniversity, a non-profit educational entity for continuing online education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Exopolitics.  He has many groups on Facebook, where you can also interact and discover the latest research!


EXOPOLITICS.COM: "Relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse" "Continuing education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Exopolitics"

Guest, Dr Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith

Guest Name
Dr Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith
Pia Smith Orleane Ph.D. and Cullen Baird Smith
Guest Biography

Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith are extraordinary interstellar communicators! Guided away from using old paradigm terms such as "channeling", Pia and Cullen state that the information they share comes from an energetic "merging" of their hearts and minds to the hearts and minds of other Light Beings who wish to help humanity evolve. It takes a combined presence of both of their energies to bring forth the wisdom of Laarkmaa. As they join hands, the voice of Laarkmaa begins to speak, sometimes through Cullen, but most often through Pia, whose soft voice resonates with the musical Pleiadian tones. Pia, who has accessed parallel realms of Light and Love since she was a small child, also provides a voice for the divine feminine energies of Mary Magdalene, and the Great Mother Mary. Pia is the author of the literary jewel, The Return of the Feminine, and COVR Award for Visionary Fiction, Southern Piercings. Pia co-authored Laarkmaa's books, Conversations With Laarkmaa and Remembering Who We Are with Cullen Smith. Pia holds a Ph.D. in the Psychology of Consciousness and Spirituality. Cullen is a Visionary, a Sensitive, and an Energy Healer, as well as an Interstellar Communicator. Cullen has participated with non-ordinary states of reality under the guidance of Pan's kingdom and star family since early childhood. Co-author of Conversations With Laarkmaa and Remembering Who We Are, Cullen began supporting the healing of others through assisting energy movement when he was four years old. At age nine, he produced a "Findhorn Garden" in his backyard with the aid of the devic kingdom, preceding the magical Findhorn Gardens in Scotland by a decade. When Laarkmaa began communicating messages of love to Cullen and Pia, they were simultaneously stunned and excited! Years of interstellar-human communication were recorded and transcribed into the two books, Conversations With Laarkmaa: A Pleiadian View of the New Reality and Remembering Who We Are: Laarkmaa's Guidance on Healing the Human Condition. The Journal of Humanistic Psychology describes their work as a "must read for anyone interested in the evolution of human consciousness." Working with Laarkmaa accelerated Pia and Cullen's abilities to communicate with other dimensional beings, and now a myriad of other voices are presenting themselves in an urgent attempt to reach humanity and assist in humanity's evolutionary process of elevating consciousness. Acting as Ambassadors to the Pleiadians, this couple brings Laarkmaa's inspiring and heartwarming messages of hope, love, and peace to all those who are willing to listen. Cullen and Pia have dedicated their lives to bringing Laarkmaa's wisdom into the world, helping with the evolution of humanity, and living with Ahimsa (do no harm), by promoting peace, harmony, and responsibility for all our thoughts, words, and actions.

Out of This World Radio

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr
Show Host
Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

The program focuses on out of this world information, including psychic phenomena, UFOs, metaphysics, and predictions for the coming years in the United States planet Earth, and beyond.  The purpose of my show is to make this world a much better and happier place! Thanks to the internet, we are one of the fastest growing psychic, UFO and metaphysical radio programs with listeners in over 200+ countries worldwide, with over 100,000+ listeners! 

Suggestions and Comments
The purpose of this radio program is to raise consciousness and to bring love and light to our listening audience. 

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