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Out of This World Radio, December 5, 2020

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Out of This World Radio
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with Ted Mahr and guests Joanne Sheval Iskra and then Ole Dammegard

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guest Jo Iskra (Joanne Sheval Iskra), and Ole Dammegard,


Jo Iskra (Joanne Sheval Iskra) - Jo Sheval ~ Iskra

Building relationship through stillness and mindfulness

Jo has had an extensive history spanning over 3 decades in publishing, advertising, speaking, marketing, healing and equestrian pursuits. Jo started her first advertising business in 1989 at the age of 22, taking that business to a million dollar turn over in less than 5 years.

Raised in Sydney with a family farm at Forbes, Jo spent much of her time alone on the farm being with animals, horses and nature.

Venturing from Sydney to Alexandra in 1996, as an early tree changer to raise her family and pursue horses, Jo has spent her time in regional Victoria providing communication strategies for local businesses and governments whilst breeding and training Welsh B ponies and Warmbloods. Jo also co-run the Avalon Reign Training Centre in Yarck with her former husband.

Jo has a strong entrepreneurial and empathic spirit and has spent years studying with many world class, entrepreneurs and has been an avid long-term student of many subjects such as quantum physics, spiritual psychology, intuitive healing, nutrition, healing modalities, personalities,  human behaviour, animal communication, horse training, personal/self/professional development and inter-species communication.

Jo’s passion for understanding the complexities of human and animal/nature connected-ness is due to her highly sensitive and intuitive ability which shows itself in visions, dreams, premonitions and apparitions which started at the tender age of 6.

After years of nagging her parents, Jo was given her first horse (Above) for Christmas in 1979 and her non-horsey parents gave her a bridle and a brush and that was it. So Jo spent years riding around the family farm bareback, not realizing that she was developing a very handy independent seat.

When Jo move to Alexandra in 1996 she sought out a trainer that would help her get back in the saddle after taking time out for career and family and she also wanted someone that would teach her more than just riding. The universe answered her call when she was introduced to Kailie Nott. A strong bond developed and the two have worked together on many horse related projects and clinics ever since.

Jo was very involved with the Parelli programs in the late 90s and attended many horsemanship clinics, Buck Brannanman clinics and was riding her beloved horse, Bonnie bare back and bridleless. However, she felt something was missing and these trainers never really connected with what Jo was really searching for.

It was upon reading Linda Kohanov’s books that she finally felt her prayers answered.  It was refreshing and exciting and a very feminine difference to everything or anyone else she had come across. It was during this time that Jo also became an Equine Facilitated Learning instructor with Franklin Levinson and Elaine Hughes through program.

Jo went on to teach Equine Facilitated Learning programs with Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre, disability centres and one on one lessons with adults and children.

Developing your relationship and skills with horses is a life long journey and Jo has continually invested in books, online courses, training programs and all things horsey and healing, seeking out the leaders that resonate the most with Jo’s philosophy and ethics.

Along with developing and running programs with Kailie, Jo and Kailie are currently studying the  Trust Technique with Shelley and James French and were honoured to host them in Seville at Jo’s farm for 5 days in February 2018. Jo and Kailie have found their work the most complementary and empowering to the Holistic Equitation programs.

Jo believes we are all connected through the unified field and this connection was continually validated throughout Jo’s horse breeding years when every single foal that was born had visited Jo in her dreams or in visions before their birth giving her details of their colour, markings, sex and sometimes what they wanted to be called. Oddly enough they were often accompanied by other archetypal animal energies such as elephants, lamas, cows and even prehistoric creatures. These archetypal energies often depicted the nature of these horses and ponies. Jo would sometimes illustrate the ponies before their births which always astounded Kailie when she would get to meet the foals in real life.

Jo has rescued many animals throughout her life (including Matilda the donkey and Kirra Roo above)  and is a registered wildlife foster carer and to this day believes some of her deepest and most reward relationships were with the baby kangaroos she raised.


Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peacemaker Ole Dammegård, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, and adopted by the Apache Nation, is an author, International speaker, former journalist, musician (2 solo albums), composer (TV, and a short film), artist, inventor and investigator, who has dedicated the last 35 years to researching many of the global conspiracies. Millions of viewers and listeners around the world have taken part of his interviews and presentations. His main focus has been to find out the truth about the assassinations of JFK, the Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Lady Di, plus the hundreds of alleged mass shootings and terror attacks such 911, Norway, Oklahoma City and many, many more.

Ole has done some 500-1000 International interviews and is now considered somewhat of a world leading expert on false flag operations. He has accurately predicted (on International radio) 49 alleged terror attacks, up to 2 months before they occurred, and in addition stopped several planned massacres. With so many years of deep research, he has become so good at it, that his last name has now become a verb. To ‘dammegard” or ‘dammegarding’ is nowadays a term for searching for hidden clues and stopping inside jobs ordered by the Deep State. Ole has appeared as an International speaker in the USA, Mexico, UK, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Poland, Gibraltar, Spain and Sweden. He was chosen to represent the people of Europe when giving a JFK-memorial speech in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 2016, as well as being a speaker at the World Peace Day both in Spain and in Gibraltar.

He is an International Raj Yoga teacher and the author of 4 books, including what has been named a Master Piece; Coup d’etat in Slow Motion, Part I-II, as well as receiving awards for his air brush art work and custom car creation. In addition, as a young man he was quite an adventurer, who after having traveled alone on an old bicycle through Europe, helped to smuggle out some friends from war-torn Iran (1984), beautifully described in the true story ‘Shadow of Tears’.

YouTube Video Link Part 1:

YouTube Video Link Part 2:

Guest, Ole Dammegard

Guest Name
Ole Dammegard
Ole Dammegard
Guest Occupation
Author, International speaker, former journalist, musician and investigator
Guest Biography

Ole Dammegård, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, and adopted by the Apache Nation, is an author, International speaker, former journalist, musician, artist and investigator, who has dedicated the last 35 years to researching many of the global conspiracies. Millions of viewers and listeners around the world have taken part of his interviews and presentations. His main focus has been to find out the truth about the assassinations of JFK, the Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Lady Di, plus the terror attacks of 911, Norway, Oklahoma City and many, many more. 

He has done some 500-1000 International interviews (with a total of several millions of views) and is now considered a leading expert on false flag operations and is believed to have managed to expose and stop several planned massacres. Ole has appeared as an International speaker in the USA, UK, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Poland, Gibraltar, Spain and Sweden. He was chosen to represent the people of Europe when giving a JFK-memorial speech in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 2016, as well as being one of the speakers at the World Peace Day in Gibraltar.

Out of This World Radio

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr
Show Host
Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

The program focuses on out of this world information, including psychic phenomena, UFOs, metaphysics, and predictions for the coming years in the United States planet Earth, and beyond.  The purpose of my show is to make this world a much better and happier place! Thanks to the internet, we are one of the fastest growing psychic, UFO and metaphysical radio programs with listeners in over 200+ countries worldwide, with over 100,000+ listeners! 

Suggestions and Comments
The purpose of this radio program is to raise consciousness and to bring love and light to our listening audience. 

5 Following
Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

broadcast in the beautiful San Francisco listening today out of this world radio it is the purpose of the show that to make this world a much better place and I know that if we all work together we will make this world a much better place and I really want to thank Donna Doug CVS for all their fantastic support they're always so helpful and they're great people and I just want to thank him so much is $5 a month or $50 for the year you can go to my website that out of this road radio. Net and appreciate it I also have two other radio shows in Miami Florida on Fridays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. eastern time as well as in Vienna Austria where I broadcast

Monday nights from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Central European Time begin in Austria It's a Wonderful show its broadcast in both English and in German I also have my Spanish language program in in Spanish and English and I have a fantastic lady coming on like my Spanish old is down from New Orleans and she's really beautiful I hope you've been listed that you know what the Japanese call their 3:11 March of two thousand two thousand eleven and you know it's next next next year in just about 3 or 4 months since that happened

Pacific because they don't know what to do with the water and they figured well it's just dumped into the Pacific and then everybody will die I don't think that's a very good way to mention radioactive waste and how to explain that further in a few minutes but some dr. Emoto show we are you sending positive thoughts to a glass of water all these beautiful water crystals on the electron microscope level on the other hand if the water molecules themselves and it's a very negative I really appreciate your help

during and then this this during the first hour I'll be playing in the interview I had recently with only a fellow from Sweden on all kinds of things he's very much up to on World of Dance and I know you'll enjoy his is an interview during the second hour I have a wonderful lady name on Yahoo shows called awaken with love she's a fantastic I think you'll really enjoy her radio program on December 1st just a few days ago they were concerned what I wanted to clarify some things in the bases

for the past 45 years up until his last show at the end of September 2020 so he's not been on my show for over 2 months and I've hardly have any contact with him since them honestly don't know what's going on with him he mention me by name on his show on December 1st 2020 and there was an inference that I never have and I never will work with you any 3-letter agencies and I can't believe you said that I also have had any contact with him and I don't know where he's getting this information to me and I can't be a sacred Secret Agent Man because I can't keep it a secret my life is all about transparency and I've been working very hard for the over seven years now to do that my shows a non-profit listener-supported show show and that's all I do I wish Simon Wells and Endeavors whatever he doesn't and Goodloe

I've been I'll be going to Peru next January and again in March and April 2021 and if you'd like to go to concerts is 497 per person who is supposed to be opening up here very soon and if you'd like to go please send me an email to out-of-this-world 11:50 at or you can go to my website, and read all about the trip we always go to Machu Picchu and we're going to Costco very special place called it's a portal into the hollow Earth when we were there last January and February a group of children from agartha in the hollow Earth came out and they actually sing to us and beautiful songs rock face the rock actually started turns yellow and it actually became very very one friend of mine from

actually could see agartha beneath the hybrid human extraterrestrial skull long gated and it's a fascinating place I hope you can come I also will be going to Mount Shasta Circle X next year now she has a beautiful place there's been lots of Miracle healings have been there for example in last year and I'd had a blurry farsighted Vision in my right eye but when I came in and asked me if I wanted perfect vision

they also gave me a new heart and it's a beautiful place if you'd like to go to out of this world 11 1115 for many years should use to get around with crutches and wheelchair I say used to because the telosians gave her people underneath Mount Shasta gave her a new set of legs if the new it's a long story everything that happened but if you're interested please go to my website that out this world readings on, and you can register their I'm continuing for the

thank you for the Hopi Indians that I hope you are beautiful people they live in in northeastern Arizona but however they've been drinking are sneaking radiation-contaminated water for the past 50 or 60 years with the result that men on the Hopi reservation only lives about 44 years and women lived about 54 years which is about 40% less than the rest of the United States population I find this situation intolerable and I've been working hard the last since 2008 2018 to raise money for a clean water filters for the puppy so they can drink clean water we've already raised lots of money for them and and bought many filters but they need more help if you if you if you'd like to contribute to getting clean water for the whole Pizza Bistro in the home and the last four years and they ensure that the

nowadays button on the Hopi Clearwater is a rare commodity there's actually on the Hopi reservation at self there is a fear of Indian Affairs Hospital on one part of the reservation where all the people in the hospital course they have clean water reverse osmosis water but we fix that problem we have installed a clean water filter so that the locals that I can and tribal members can get clean water and I say it's about sign if you'd like to help us with that please go to my website about of this world readings., click on the miscellaneous Tab and you'll see more information about the Hopi as well with his fake virus situation many trucks have not been been going into the reservation with the result that may hold the elderly or starving so for the past I don't know how many months now

six months sound in fundraising money is for the Hopi six or seven hundred dollars will buy enough food to feed at least a couple hundred families for a week and I want to thank a special thank Walmart in Flagstaff Arizona for all their help in providing food to the Hopi Court of course I want the food is the healthiest well of course my good friend Liam McLaughlin of the Washington Clean Water Foundation and it is all the water filters include a copy of doctor about a beautiful little children's book the water like love and gratitude you can create your beautiful water crystals with your very very high vibration

I'm giving him that you said negativity to water the water itself breaks up into two negative you ask yourself well what kind of world are our governments trading bike written so much fear with the with the coronavirus and obviously they're not doing anybody any good scientist about the virus is not to wear masks not to social distancing but rather system and boosting your immune system is I think it's much much much better way to do that but if you'd like to help with that with the whole Peach please contact me at out-of-this-world

your health is beautiful people on it and do I know many people would like to help them I also different readings to people and have a spiritual coming out next year published on how to how to talk to the other side was going to be released this year but because of a lockdown it wasn't but I'm also writing a third book now on messages from with messages from Adama Telos in the audience on Inspirations for a newer that's so that should be done by writing is going extremely well and I'm so happy I happy about that finally Albert Einstein Nostradamus President John F Kennedy and many other great spirits on our beautiful bright future

Kennedy among others Robert F Kennedy in 2015 years ago that we would not have any five years my spirit has been 100% accurate they have a wonderful day in the higher Dimensions actually beautiful love crystals I have a force for those interested the vibration of Love is 528 Hertz and one of the places now shifting into B15

is Mount Shasta California it's actually about 4.3 4.5 in two dimensional scale it will ship fully into the dimension in the next couple of months after that it'll be followed by another beautiful place in Arizona which will shift into the 5th Dimension next year and Japan which is a very beautiful thing as well into the 5th Dimension next year I asked I've asked my spirit Prince many times with her where the entire planet will shift at the same time and they said no it depends on the Consciousness so I'm just going in first followed by Sedona and the other places following and that'll be an amazing time my friends I can't wait I actually can't wait when you hit this

Stony Fork 528 Hertz spread love everywhere and see what I like to do is hit a tuning fork my fist with one of these Marine crystals from Mount Shasta

beautiful that's the that's the frequency of love it's 528

the nice

everyone listening today robbing banks in love today so I hope you and I hope you like it if you'd like one of these just please go to my website is out of this world readings for the past Fukushima happened on March of 2011 and in about four months time will have the anniversary of it and you think by now that the that the Petco in the end the Japanese government one of the one of the best ways Dr moadel found was actually to say prayers to it and I'll give you an example in my book there is a on pages 76 and 77 under a microscope

see it kind of looks like a it looks like it's not just join the greatest jointed scientific studies so he didn't experiment he thought that we were powerful Spiritual Beings and if you send love and light to to to a glass of water it'll transform and you know because the rain has scientific experiment this is what happens to water after 48 Hours what he did is he wrote Love and gratitude on the on the on a on a bottle radioactive water from a nuclear power plant in Japan and he also put one of these beautiful this is what the water looks like the radiation was gone and the Beautiful of water crystals

tank supposed to clean up the water and how much money would it cost well the cost of a Sharpie maybe a dollar and somebody to go there to ride or not in theory according to studies he did back in the late 90s holding tanks of radioactive radiation of Hanford and all the radiation should be cleared up within 48 hours and I'm I'm up starting a campaign in a cup of tea in 2 weeks to do exactly that I think the world has waited long enough especially when Steptoe and I guess is Tokyo Electric Power Company is planning on dumping over 1 million tons of radioactive water into the Pacific I can't tell you what an insane stupid idea why would anyone to do something like that

if you could pick it show that some that water prayer now this is a water prayer that it's called a foul on a photo on it's from Hawaii and it's the one story how he ran across it but he said if you if you say this it will clean up the water it's very simple I want everyone listening around the world today to say this water prayer please say water we're sorry

water please forgive us

what are we love you and water we thank you and as you say that think of lots of healing energy and love going into Fukushima round the reactors there and the holding tanks million tons of radioactive water will be cleaned up let's do it again water please forgive us water we love you and water we thank you and let's say this one more time water we're sorry water please forgive us why we love you and will not awake thank you it's that simple my friends and dr. Emoto through his scientific study that what that the radiation in any water sample can be cleaned up simply through prayer the Moto office in Tokyo and Tokyo also has other technology including what they call vibration Auto technology which can also clean up water as well so in the two weeks I'm starting mine

anything except your time to sit lots of love and like to feel cuz she went to clear it up I think it's been almost 10 years we should all take a hand and clean this up and not let tepco dumped a million tonnes radioactive water in the Pacific Pacific my God can you imagine what that will do to the west coast of the United States to the world way to the rest of Asia I can't think of more insane idea but we can we can we can we can make a difference and we can actually clean this foolish enough to swell and I want to thank everyone from Sweden

I think you really enjoy it if we could do that interview now that would be great thank you so much. This is Ted with out of this world radio and I have a fantastic fellow North America where cold and chilly in Los Angeles or Miami. It's an absolute pleasure and honor to rain rain it's my personal opinion and I'd love to hear your opinion on to that this whole mess and social distancing and talk and vaccines has really gone way overboard I actually listen to a couple of signs

various leaders are saying that are coming up or Ashley coming from the testing kits themselves well I believe that you understand what is going on you know about order agenda this is the thing that they go from their gender is called New World Order agenda

the post Industrial Revolution end

over I'm answering your question but instead of them going from the back to the front sure. I think from as long as Humanity as at least as long as I am aware of humanity I sort of like the so-called civilization that's always been small group of people that I thought that they are so much better than the rest of us that they should be the chosen ones that the rest of us should be there and so I believe that you was the old Roman that came up a template on how a group of a very few Sokol Elite individual can control them and what they came up with technique of manipulation psychological warfare against the population so that the instead of just saying well you might think that you're so much better than the rest of us but we don't care we're just going to go over here and get my license redone I want to do whatever you want so you can play around with yourself

but are now after so what they needed to do was to find ways of controlling a population and the way that they found was the only weapon or two of control they have against the masses are fear is fear itself. And so is the population control so they need to keep the domestic sphere mode and the more people the better so one of the ways that they are one of the the psychological operations that they still on steroids today I mean it's just going up to an old problem reaction solution to our secret secret the problem

is this so-called problem is a analyst mass shooting an alleged the car running into crowd in a terror attack a financial crimes or they numb the viruses they love and that's where we going to come in here so the whole idea is it goes off over there the whole idea is to get to scare the living bejesus out of the population so that they just react without thinking and so this these psychological operations I always end at emotional targets like women and children nuns nurses or buildings that have an emotional impact on national identity like the Twin Towers the Eiffel Tower the Notre Dame.

really hit in the heart of that Nation Time Squares another state because then they day was emotionally connect with the target thing oh my God I was there just both in years ago it could have been me and so they create a problem they get the reaction oh my God that's the one they want so that we do not sync that but we just react by the way she has all my God oh my God you say well the only way we can we can keep you safe in this horrible situation and income the solution and the solution every single time

remote control your feelings out the window you have to pay for your slavery more more CCTV camera so I would strongly strongly strongly in my world 100% suggest that this whole covid-19 psychological operations of the biggest the world has ever seen it was part of an even bigger operation than we see now but thank God to I I think I was part of blowing the whistle on about 50 Cent it was being planned as an attack against the world that was stalked and then not now we have sort of a very strange operation being carried out with nothing makes sense because she was taken out so

when it comes to the virus the thing is what I do is I don't know about many things but what I do is I contact were leading experts that know what they're talking about that have no personal interest in Sharing false information I mean many times did people get their lives they have no interest except for signing up for the truth of the individuals rather than people that can you trust them or can you not so I tried to go to the stores and find out

what are the Indians going by talk people around the world is that this virus is a mild mild virus is liking it so I wouldn't say my butt is like a rough rough trolled where is your immune system is the way it should be back. Would love to be with you your immune system is it you got multiple to see you and your age is around 84 or 92 will be a target for what it called Corona stars to covid-19 has so many what they keep changing the name it's the same with like like Isis that changed into ISO I sell many many many many

you can find all references lots of references on the internet to a Google Search and you can find lots of references were Bill Gates have not only had them but also he paid for it took to create now if you look so I washed out all cleaned out you can't find anything on it so the narrative is trying to be controlled by it and they try to instill fear into the population of vaccinations 2019 so this whole thing was playing in the mask with the best antibiotics

I wanted to mention that to it it is Ted when you're when it's when you start looking at what is actually happening that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever then you will start to understand that this is a matter of control not a matter of the Seas it has nothing to do with the deceased so candy for these sources. I want golden pure evil is another name is that a virus works that's it has no bearing slang language barriers it works across borders and there's no you can very easily disguise any political agenda behind and it's so horrible but once you stop

if you listen to the words as well in lockdown that is a prison term lockdown has nothing to do with Healthcare is the Ted with every story you sick and if you call out there dangerous than whatever they they want to call them and that can affect the rest of your family and friends would you mind staying indoors we will we will keep you inside we will feed you or we will keep a distance until you're here and that is normally 40 days should be enough music thank you that before so this is hell are you so that we will not be contaminated we will get this virus a virus I want to put a big question marks around mouth virus again but anyway


what we looking at here all lockdowns where you knock down the whole population for absolute zero reason when it comes to the interests of the population when you come to the end of this so-called I want to say busy is a totally wrong where they call themselves that I have birds that we could drive in that is not so flattering they say they're at the top of the Pyramid of human human theater in June with we're looking at individuals that are super cycle class so you can't really blame them because they were born like that or sociopaths that have been destroyed mine

the families into coming to power positions where they could be rooster snuff to push this agenda forward but many of them are teachers for us because what is real reality and what is to become a truly evil if it's arendas for the Pink Door and nobody looks at the amount of suicides especially by young people in my home state of Washington state that skyrocketed thousand percent of our Democratic governor Inslee doesn't care he just doesn't care any recently and he's allowed big box stores like Walmart and Home Depot to be open

this is just that people of maybe put in 50 up 50 years of working too gone now and no amount of bailout money from the government

I think what you just said it's a very good description of what is actually going on Slaughter of the middle class and the tour tour of the tots and populate you look at the state's I'm here on Valley and where they just knocked for a month and this island has been surviving on tourism for decades since the fifties and now it's 85% of the income has stopped for the population is horrendous I mean we hear the board as a witness to get in here to renovate a Shinto company that was supporting us but

there's not there's no one here bear I mean one and a spouse is a door lest you know so many people have too many locals have had to leave the cities and go back to their home Villages and in the home Villages best starving starving to death and then when you see the logic behind this thing is this was for help if this was for your protection is this without a care is one thing but it's there's no logic what so ever

and Mexicans are sweet lovely people I love it there on my route to everyone who want to have vacation go there be country was never locked down they have no masks requirement no social distancing everyone's healthy sure we got some cases of the virus but guess what everybody Model United States where it's all gravel States and big corporations

you know the name the meaning of the name government it means government control the mind it's the real wording the meaning of the word government is mind control the meaning of government in countries in Europe like spaghetti on in German and we voting for them for them to rule us you can get this for me this is not what my tax money if I pay tax to do you are not meant to start a war on Ancient countries that have done nothing except having big oil wells or minerals Open Fields of whatever it is a lot a large population that can be

in the world and I say enough is enough and I'm sure that the window on the balcony are nearby once you unweld please don't I was up I was told them I've heard that Pluto is a beautiful planet they would enjoy it there or maybe nobody the singers

when when we are born into this world in our hearts we know what is chewing on Reno do not torture an animal that is pretty obvious don't cause harm don't you don't steal don't like and I think we'll be pretty okay don't take another person's spouse don't just live in honor and dignity and pretty good and I think that goes for about 95% of the population has gone around the world and we 95% of what people want is more less the same nobody wants nobody wants all of this horrible 95% of people just want to express themselves and just have a nice time with the family friends

education for the kids and then you got to read the thing up with people so that they will they will manipulate you into believing that we are enemies divide and conquer that's the whole idea with this theater play called all the ticks which is a must say every country that I see where there's not a dictator there's a political system so you can call them the sense of liberal

are not aware of is that the thing is State and all of these things that you can choose from belongs to me behind the scene so it doesn't matter what you choose the system and this goes I believe that at all it's from inside us that when you get into the so-called political the great intentions to start with but you get to the high level where you suddenly can't officially make a different you have to be corrupted otherwise they would not allow you in on that is so they will corrupt you somehow or if you cannot pick her up if you would only end up at a certain level in there any way they will take you out or destroy you or something to eat your work computer the day you leave oh my God that's a hundred fifty thousand petophiles photos images

in your work station you know like you just happened to forget them and the computer was left on you know everything was destroyed and individual forever from one of the things that they they do is they just transferred into your account and then yeah I'm standing for what it's doing right I will go out and and talk to the Press about this they say okay okay and you open up your account and where did they come from well it's up to you we can call the tax office you know and then they can do so many ways that a lot more brutal

I want to talk a little cryptically here but I think you'll get my meaning I have been harassed as well

but the individuals who were behind the harassment they come from a three-letter agency they have been taken out and eliminated and some of them are on their way to get mower as we speak that's what I found out yesterday so I understand what you're saying and it's happened to me they try fail but those individuals now are on their way to jail and so on times are changing and President Trump is cleaning up the swamp

I'm only joking about some experience you have seen it over the years and have cheaper chilled around me I've had so this is the second time where we immigrating here because of these things that I'm standing up for but it's still very grateful that you keep your that you were still standing on their grateful that I'm still standing you know it's dark Forces that they do not care you is just another day at the office taking care of people like me but we making it more difficult because the people are becoming a whistle blow back of their actions is becoming bigger and bigger when they're trying to destroy people because in the old days is not that many years ago where they can just

nobody would even know about it but then the explosion of the first one is from Robyn openshaw on my show the course of World War II Hitler found that if you stay alive long enough to control group of people they have every day for 2 months after 2 months about ninety 95% of the people believed it and there was nothing you could do to change their mind absolutely nothing and that's what's happening today is that many people are believing the lie that masks actually protect you when the virus cell is has Diana

0.15 microns and the best mass the end 95 made in China only protects does doesn't work so then you ask yourself why are they are they requiring these men have facial recognition cameras designed by Bill Gates you are less than you are at least six feet apart because the virus itself guess what a good can go out 20 or 30 feet if you're sick

so why 6p that's because the facial recognition cameras again another lie you tell people still work when they don't and guess what the mask themselves many are made in China and some have the coronavirus can you get the condition incurable 5 6 7 8 9 10 years old when they were these masks

short-term medium-term guess what they have permanent brain damage cuz you're not getting the oxygen they need to listen they will listen later when their child is the problem of everything and we have to kill them all so people are believing the same kind of work do vaccines themselves the new one advocated by Pfizer Ashley can you inject that fetus male fetus into a girl that girl later in life will think that she's a boy will try to become a man

if you if you inject a female fetus into a little boy that little boy will later in life think that he's a girl and he'll try to become a woman later in life is half male and half female that's what they worship at the Bohemian Grove and some saved by vaccines are designed to Mid-South of genders between the Sexes because not only does it decrease population

I'm showing the Cubs

it's like I want to go back to Premier action solution Davante the so-called vaccine has been there from day one they're saying that they're working on debit or isolated the virus they haven't they haven't identified is the solution but they need problem to get the population into believing that there is a justification for that I see your aura on steroid it is when you start understanding what's in it explained by dear mr. Bill Gates and all the people and how did he become the world's best

expert on viruses except for the virus was the head of the use of having a perfect butt

I mean when you look at this magnificent magnificent Old Dominion system it can heal the body I mean when you look at you cut your own you can look at it for days and you will see that the body is healing itself it's it's it's unbelievable What We Gone With The Wind in us and then we don't need to we just need to boost it with whatever needs which was being taken away from us to all of this crap that is being produced anymore old male High formaldehyde

or you got nanotechnology you got to do tracking devices that will change your DNA and RNA it would it would be there already here we have a few if you have something with mercury in it and it says issue I would as soon as possible here we haven't exactly three things that generates an electric turned into the body cells

here we have all kinds of stuff that bypasses all the fireworks of the body the different layers of skin and tissue notes that says cheap crap out keep an eye out for the needle is the one that bypasses everything and that is where real danger comes in and then when you start studying the companies that buy from the so-called CDC which is the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta Georgia always say that the misspelling is a creation day of the month

NCTC with create a 1947 at the same time as they created at the same time as the world military games was also created with that took place at the exact time of the ring on a message scale and they were created from Operation Paperclip import into the us into Latin America with some of them bioexpert and by weapon expert and they have still been working hard with the same agenda one thing you may not know you probably do we might all I want to buy a holy but there's been a persistent rumor that the belief that the free flu shot stuff that's been available by big Pharma in the United States for the past 5 years

started under the Obama Administration now where would they get that kind of Technology old style goggles step one step further and tell you what I think it comes from the reptilians with big eyes those are a slave species to the reptilians and they had at one time they were a free a free and free entities what I've been told from Spirits on the other side

Nanobots to obey their flu shots that already contains banana and already has the covid-19 was in the flu shot itself

Bucyrus I I don't know anything about on Moana street-level I'm actually did not say anything against them because I just don't know when you do when you get into the darkness. I have no idea what's going on why I called it just your evil because that that makes it easier for me to grab what I can say is that they do not want good for us and then

that's okay I want to share something to buy a perpetuating fear

my Governors like gum Washington governor Inslee Oregon governor Kate Brown California governor Newsom and Justin Trudeau and a host of other leaders around the world working with the cabal what they make the situation much worse I'll give an example of office in Tokyo in Japan if they sent love and gratitude with the virus the virus itself would go but if you're on it or hatred or negative things it would become much more dangerous to people do these governments are making it much worse by instilling fear and everybody in the media has the mass media in the United States

constantly constant fear the most people I don't know why I think a lot of people are in are turning off to me to take before you start understanding and I said well I I need to be a responsible adult so I need to keep myself informed that is so true but you don't need to keep yourself in doctrinated or Bowl being played at the different game and when you see the power structure and the ownership behind mainstream media in the US with very very obvious more than anywhere else and then

operation Mockingbird on a psychological level but you got the same awesome acid ownership of media in the US including all TV channels radio stations that even the book publishing companies and magazine 6th and companies are you with that are old working together as well just like why would you trust them if these people were beautiful individuals like to John Deere Martin Luther King these type of individual female Ted Bundy

that's so cool Syracuse because they are on a mass scale that is on her. And it's like they say no one no one mass murder I mean you don't even grasp the numbers 1.2 million 332 people die you only hear 112 minion you don't hear about 32 but the two of these Thirty could be that the two of us and this is also what is being used against the statistic because that is being used for sale

YouTube Bill Gates cold I keep your house and I miss the taste

with the more you start looking into the the body because it does not match up with the official version list Holocaust and the numbers not matching up whatsoever I mean on a scale that is unheard of getting public suicide because that was the story even on a 2-hour illegal and it is about the Holocaust it goes to the ER goes to the numbers and also the numbers that have now been corrected into

that whatever happened there in at the end of the second world war right now I would also like to say Voltaire many years ago he said to find out who controls you find out who you are not allowed to criticize the whole thing well that's fascinating that is fascinating but other areas is she stopped when they run out of the weapons that use that won against I'm running

Denmark in June of 1942 has all of the all these School teachers in Denmark every single teacher reviews and guess what not one with your concentration camp so I guess the lesson is the Nazis if you all band together we all remain strong is population let me tell you a little bit of this is an interesting perspective that in 22 other star systems this this tyrannical race called the reptilians have come into various human planets various planets and they've asked the elites

if you reduce your population by 92 95% we can extract resources and will will will will give you a lot of benefits to make you the kings and queens of the Plymouth population which they consider a manageable slave-like population and it's not going to work here I'm sorry we are going to benevolence truck joke about office Planet I'm in contact with them daily and has turned against the dark Forces a difficult time as Janis Joplin step back in the late sixties The Darkest Hour is Just Before Dawn and I've been told by astrology in the. From 2015

1030 will contain some of the most Remember December are the most stressful matzo ball thousands of years

I don't think it's bad at all I think it's fantastic something so many years I mean that's going on yes it's a bit well when you go to it that's a lot of pain as a lot of squeezing and screaming and and horror horror going on but on the other side it's a birth of a new life and a new you a new way of seeing reality because the world is like it's reality for not being there and then and then just a few hours late boom

very stressful very challenging and at the same time absolutely want to go back in, not what you said before you mentioned Denmark I was busy but he was born in my mole is my whole world has been my whole life has been around without me knowing it it seems like my secret nature agents all the way up until almost a giant you know I I had no idea what that it may be one has prepared me for the role of Denmark's to dump like that and if the need

the real with the population was doing and strew humor which is very important you know to to go through hard times but with a sense of humor now she way too it's one of the things I love with that might think they did was that you could know there was nothing you could do they do know that you could fire a bazooka commute they wouldn't be they would just continue but what they say they were no luck on the list for the time wasted after the diesel went with one spoonful of sugar you could totally destroy the engine and putting a spoonful of sugar and this death machine came to a standstill

so I say let's put a spoonful of sugar into the death machine that don't have to kill him a spoonful of sugar love and just Amplified open up your mind the whole thing is they are so few we are so so so so many it's an absolute joke that we would ever give them a kick in the butt and say, well you could well try but it's a joke we all know it's so just I mean everybody should just go back to working with you when you look at it there in the thousands by we are aliens real

best rental apps so that we the real Sonic and then standing you choose and the only thing you need to do is say no thank you but no matter whatever you want to offer me then you can say yes with the whole of your heart we got a couple minutes left I want to wrap up this wonderful near you're giving today if you were giving people to advise around the world that I do have a worldwide audience

it's very very simple they only got steer against but that's the only thing that I asked you where is fear is it hiding in the corner somewhere is it can you lock it into your state is it in your closet where is its own in your mind that's okay so what can you give me some of your I have I have my own I can only look at it it's always connected to the future is never about your back door is not yet it is an illusion and such a waste of time so fine way to get letting go of fear has worry ever sold any problems I don't think so

ask your intention so so free your mind free spirit the rest will follow every time they tried to scare you and who benefits the benefits from you being scared reaction fascism and may the entire universe be filled with peace and joy May everyone made it light up shoes overcome all done so big beautiful thank you so much

signs of people could do a follow you and find out more information my website is too many many years light on to piercing in the light into the darkest of the darkest corner of the belly of the Beast we just need to know criminality can continue if you're only in the shadows so we don't have to be a pull the Christmas Day I see you when we are done if I'm just say I see you right now I know you know if you can find me everywhere I'm being shut down right left and see what my whole life I'm not afraid of anybody or anything

turn on today and please keep up your good work

great my friend thank you so much again

alright thank you so much my friends are listening to this wonderful interview I have Joe and scar on now I'd like to I know she's been waiting patiently to come on if you record on if you see you there to see if I can find her there she is Joe are you there yet you've been so sweet to wait I'm so sorry to keep you waiting might be able to give you some time past the top of the hour at all to ask about that are you just on on audio today or do you have videos to is a little thing at the bottom where it says stop stop the video OK raised wonderful thank you so much I love my producers at BBS or such good people and

anyway anyway I still want to see you though but I guess you're there's a joke about yourself

to share I guess all of my experiences rest of my life and I'm on my journey corporate I spent a lot of time studying healing modalities and I'm now working is my life living in multiple dimensions for time traveling

even though right here for this for me to bring down that vile and I connected with you because I saw some of your work and we can run pass the 12th I promise I won't keep you more than 12 hours okay I promise

Rachel Attila Donner did I fall asleep and then they will have to shut her off then canvas beautiful country in Canada as well as protests course in Arkansas that the forecast by hundreds of thousands of people throughout Germany and especially in Berlin that the lack of Freedom are beginning to see that there is no especially when you have like here in the United

many big box stores like not to single them out but just as examples Walmart and Home Depot and other big-box stores are open Feedly open when maybe a little mom-and-pop restaurant that they pad for maybe a thousand years that they started their great-grandparents and she said that the number of really big arrest by you know by the international companies

and we had a lot of police brutality when I go shopping at my local and people riding the big supermarkets and we can't spot anybody else we don't have to wear them the mind control that people run to hear you know I just got a message from

is that we are sending on to make this planet a better place so all of us are powerful spiritual names and the matter what the government's do are the cabal does we can stand up to him we have the numbers they don't we have a power they don't but are you able to the police in Australia we can do it here in the States but can you do it there is there as well my friend news from France and she told me on Friday night the police officer who is turning brown

what is a great team we are really do smell from James and oh yeah my my guides and and my friends when they stay calm stay Facebook the light has already won and you will choose your world and that's the message that I mean I remind me of all the time you know I think that we just need to know that doesn't mean we just sit back and do nothing because we already have to spend is doing right now

yeah I couldn't I couldn't agree with you more this seems to be a separation now between the light in the dark vibrational states in the higher vibration but something to months ago he said no leave no leave no one behind you know

I think what's going to happen if this is a this is a time of truth and the truth about for example the deep underground bases the number of children who have been taken and put into horrific conditions to use for adrenal Chrome I don't like to discuss it but if I think it's fact and it is if it will be coming out here soon so many people who are asleep now will suddenly have to wake up in a hurry it'll be a little bit like that the Germans after and see what it off Hitler did to these poor people using other people in these camps at all when people want to find out the truth but it's coming and I know it is so we'll just have to wait and see what happens but it's going to be next year

many of the negatives will be gone the planets the vibrations of the planet Joe are actually Rising really rapidly could I have a message for the collection and it was like these cryptic clue he he just doesn't make sense right and so I started listening to

and the Word was once you were gone the darkness will be normal and I thought out of all this music in order that was the only lyric in the whole mix that we have and I thought that was a profound a profound message for the collective once you were gone there will be no more and I still don't feel that's what once we move into that 5D Consciousness we weren't have that Darkness anymore so I thought that was a beautiful message working on my third book now called Inspirations for a new Earth and one of the channel messages I've been getting is that the terminology we use today for things like power power hungry or a lots of lots of different terminology actually haven't has a negative connotation they will be used in the future so they've been teaching me how to talk that up there working with the

remind Angel Tower landfill psychic out of Montana but it was difficult because it comes back as a team of horses and located are you in North Korea now or whereabouts are you

I'm just about an hour and 20 minutes Northeast out of Melvin Cisco has the Napa Valley no one has Sierra Valley and we have a relationship with a voicemail and sharing ideas and stuff like this is how old

DC yesterday and this morning I just get a real alarm clock alarm clock till I get up I bet you two had gave me the wrong especially as I thought I was coming on and I had to be here at 6 a.m. album on Google because they told me the wrong time because I was working out

yeah that's what people tell you about your two things how you started on your journey and also about your radio program cuz I wanted to post that too but how to listen and having

outer body experience is very young as a child I would have premonitions of world events I would say these Spirits in my room I was always asking my parents are my parents are people in the house and you know her and they split the house. I could see them as you know I would ask my friends can I see this other person that's around and said did I say you crazy I had a lot of love songs that were coming to me throughout my teenage years and twenties and I was working properly as a light work and helping a lot of those Souls 2 trapped and so I was helping them so they move on to the next level and when I was in my early twenties I started Electric

alien abduction for a program and so I was a egg harvested the I had I did have greys and beans but I have found out that my hyper children mostly pot liron and I've been aboard ships made in those children I have a very close relationship with one of my children Sophia we spoke about this on my other show when you got a message that at some point we would be reunited probably 20-25 I was told that we would be as well yes it's a crazy world to know about a suggestion to me but I really just told her recently and she's 27 this is sushi city inviting Sofia to Christmas

you know he needs to mention she's very psychic my daughter very psychic but she's not on board with 80 stuff yet but that's being a lot of time hiding my studies it's the thing with the h a program or the secret space program you get your memory blocks with a lot of your experiences and then they just start coming back and it's a bit like you might hear musical smell something and you remember something from your childhood like this is just normal people write was the same for people that being the program all the sudden it's like something stimulates you and you have a complete memory of these hole

Galactic experience has someone I remember absolutely without have always remember but other things just seem to dropping around him as a child with my grandfather letting the lirin language do I speak like language and I drool like light as well and had recently I went into the akashic records and was given this beautiful crystal in the akashic records like I've got a very unusual Crystal

it was like a crystalline Crystal native like Crystal and quartz and when I went into the army and I'm really want to have that my dog so beautiful that was that the size of it and they said I can use that as a healing Crystal from that dimension in this Dimension that was really quite powerful in and really beautiful that's how to beat homelessness listen to your radio show website and you can find me I haven't got the Revolution series series with a wonderful man and and lady that work with all the original has has been given around

2000 used at original and I have the knowledge the wisdom all the creation of stories book this is why they are where we have these terrible things going on the last remaining sacred sites so this is really really at the Australian the originals from around the world

I'm around the world will based off this one to the 79 youth which is the solstice summer solstice he went to see my angels and my friends that this is a really important

sorry original Hibachi even off help from people all around the Northern Territory time Astoria we all need to be meditating and praying and they wanting as much light and love to help activate that on the 25th of this world because that means I prosecuted and

well we think we need to wind up a don't follow Google on your on your time thing to get your stuff so I can call you up in middle of the night and say this isn't the right time yet it is 8 a.m. Pacific time will be a little bit behind off against my property and have a group of people coming but 2112 is a really big date as most people would not watching your Story 4 for the solstice but nine years is a long time for elders to be in ceremony preparing for this event. This is a huge event for the planet

and there's going to be some pretty major shifts going on so that would be really really beautiful words to do it on those days I'm not sticking around broadcasting on that day this is Friday so it'll be Bryant will December 21st is actually Monday here 20 of this Sunday we can get a closer look

the 21st is Monday sorry Monday 4 then the it'll be on the 20th at your on your time at work okay well we'll work in the end I know that people

surrounding states and from a nation point of views from a galactic point-of-use Sarge the in Australian people want to look it up and and they doing there I'm running business female ceremonies and male ceremonies to work at Krystal's delivery so they don't leave that yeah so that's really quite you know the other thing that

I just want to tell you a quick there's a book written by Dolores Cannon some years ago and they crash it but it talks about and we talked about how they didn't happen if they were escaping

I'll let me see the receiving a civil war in the Pleiades and they were looking for a planet to populate and they had problems with their crap they made it to Earth they crash-landed they try to have children but what happens at the kids worked at 4 because of the radiation from our son and so they started Americans there and now I'm sitting in his throughout Native American people in North America and South America Native Americans in the states that have a hard time with alcohol the same here pay here as well

alcohol in the DNA inside what happened to Absolute genocide what happened to do a beautiful and very very sensitive and still coming out of the Heat, and that tastes like it has been around a long time and this idea maybe like to eat

these for an indigenous culture day the creation of stories and they had the ability to work respira and plantain plant medicine and speak to the list of things at a level that most people and they both have no idea I'm sorry this is why I was shut down because even back then they didn't want us to be able to understand how truly powerful we all really are these races. Noise and we've had that situation being a white woman

you know and and speak very much truth about a lot of stuff because you know what I said but I tend to be less tolerant and I was down there one one Friday night and nobody's going to see what what's a wombat that sounds great and they hold a lot

little girl complaining that the creek that runs through their property of happiness happiness Beyond head and communicate with animals and communicate the one that says I had that they could actually use parts of my properties of this together

when I try to have this conversation of course we in our area as well

you know who's got the purple here year old complaining that you could eat my property in the crate but I'm sorry what's the only thing that's different is why I had some and I don't know what happens over there but we have found is sometimes he they have these big loud and gums to scare the birds away from this Brute

want that going off just need you to not come around so that we don't have the morning to come stay and I stopped for about two weeks sorry that we actually have to communicate with animals and plants Sun

that's that's fantastic Sebastian I was going to say you know babe because that got over a million times radioactive water will eating a fish people get cancer anyway I'm starting a I know we can do it because of the

anyway just a real Amazing Project head and I think you're right we can I read a lot of books somewhere and absolute truth because he really just validates what I need you know it was amazing delegation to for what I already knew and I was like what I wanted to show the world c c c c i love to do that and put it at 2 to the Australian Community to do that because you know too. I had some premonitions about Fukushima for about a month before it happened it was.

Auburn Auburn and I know I know when I have that kind of intense type of warning we know that I was not an accident you know how many alarms are set up here we go again ball control submarine Israeli submarine that great this this effective looking like a tsunami with looking like an earthquake and tsunami resulting tsunami hit the four reactors at Fukushima Bentley shut off the safety steps systems 1 hour before the tidal waves hit so that when the Title Wave hit the reactor is all this radiation

to cause maximum damage to kill us off speaking to me the other day it's going to be 10 years in about three or four months now for the anniversary and we've got to clean it up and if you don't it's going to be a real mess and it's like it's just told him my friend Sebastian who has any of the hour on ground

organic materials and then you've got something else here to recycle materials from the USA states and I have had on my desk and the

sorry it's important for us to be a thing because of the as you would know the beneficial health effects of a circulation and keeping us alkaline and keeping us connected and thought of wearing shoes is breaking the connection between us and which means that were always cycling around within a cell which creates acidity and you know her health issues with my new ground that's the thing is every electrical looking around was a mention on this is why nature so healing you know just take off and put your feet on the grass but


I'm seeing a lot of majority of it emotional aren't even physical diseases are coming from our lack of connection is the 5G LTE you know that he has a special one he just designed for wombats have to design something to upgrade people's brain

spring point of saying ww.w Esq for if you'd like to Grant I mean you can also send me your address and I'll take care of you usually just realistic titles I'll give my friend a call and I'll see what I can arrange

send a package that would be wonderful look and and of course I really want to come write that on my my side because this is actually quite so strange know quite a bit about is a thing we have like I need some before we had these big events and with all natural healers and products will come out and display all of this toffee Melvin & OHS always the other things and I have time travel and I've gone into when I March Australia was couple of months ago and we first went

March and I asked her to open her computer she lives in Queens lamp.

We both live in Australia has been arrested put in jail that the parliament was meeting in camera electing a new prime minister for the whole country this guy this person's going to be honest and I think it's going to be a woman let me check

hold on

yeah it's going to be a woman who's very spiritual so it's going to be a dramatic change for the whole country and you'll become head of the ministry for wombat there's a speed test with the talking to Farmers and talking to the one that still love you anyway did you do in Iceland they actually have a government Minister who talks of the fairies there because they have so many problems if they have they just have children

sick and finally a psychic came in and said can I help you and they still we don't know what's going on I know what's going on I need a route for a room

I really believe that all of those Realms well. I had a very beautiful section of my phone said the Wombats with free to where I am it was a beautiful big belly that came and it was it was beautiful

can I can I can I can I give you a message from the other side there's actually have a have a lot of wisdom to share and so I'm you can channel that Ashley you know cuz the Wombats and all the animals and plants and this goes into a victim to that would be really good for you to do that Sunday

intelligence knowledgeable beans and you know

in Miles Dunning is I know the Native Americans hair talk about spirits in the wind they talk about clout people

piercing the clouds to talk about spirits in the Rocks up in Mount Shasta and energy coming through experiences the universe different galaxy sitting planets

there are amazing and big gum tree at my house and one night I found myself out of body with the spirit her name was Agnes could you please repeat we lost you there for about 1 minute and I found myself speaking with her out of body next to the side of the house and she said she said this to me what grows on a tree Spirits weed plants.

play going away and I have to say she said it in a frequency I understand what she was saying she was incredible living in this trailer my house so I just feel sorry I'm sorry what are we having today

right well that's a beautiful beautiful song you know I love to tell her like a big tree treats in general but especially Big Springs to have so much wisdom and I do put my arms around

incredible knowledge and wisdom and I feel a tremendous amount of drowning when I do that I feel calm, peaceful so in some anyway it's it's a beautiful experience and I've done that before and also to you can do the same with wind credible the last month off the messages in the cloud I sent a spirit I really want to see a really spectacular show of you know like I want to see a beautiful short

what happened to the sky started which was just like this this is how this guy started when I went out and started communicating so I stepped on my I just you know I communicated message please give me a beautiful message and then look what I just met this beautiful crystalline rainbow dragon in the sky that wasn't in the sky when I went out there but I sat there and I said please

play signal age that we have to mix it please acknowledge that we have the power to communicate with each other and please show me a spectacular connection and when when you text me having connection with the Divine Ashley and fully embracing Consciousness and and fully understanding that the clouds in the alarm and that's how I how I roll

that's that's that's wonderful what a what a great example there's just a lot more going on normally I've been told it takes several hundred thousand years to move from the 3rd to the 4th and 4th to the 5th Dimensions but we're going to be moving into the 4th months and then going right into the 5th Dimension and I think one of the 60s but he was assassinated in fortunately of humanity is inevitable

interrupt synonym for as long as possible in a fake police take thing but it's not going to work none of it's going to work out our destiny and their chance and yeah there's nothing we can do about it so they can try but it's not going to work so we don't have to worry about the light has one you know

sorry what was that

dority's great thing is we've really got to understand that we have to right now be here in our bodies and should be embraced that light right here right now and annoyed with my heart Ally has one we have to hold that it's so important that we do that because we are always creating a create this beautiful future

right right and it's coming for our children and our children's children is the most tumultuous and stressful years in Humanities. 4000 years and I love that in the forest as much as you know he said that we can we can stay on as long as you need up to two hours so I don't like 2 hours. I know you're probably sleeping but but we might get a cup of coffee here but but this is this is this.

the end of December or the most stressful and you know I felt we were told beautiful friends out there and think about how September was like I will be the hottest month for us there was a lot of energy in September but the lost weight really interesting how many people are in Asia and it's been going around song

what I said

I'm sorry I didn't see what you said

I just need this week has been particularly difficult for a lot of people around the planet energetically with the new life is coming in fluorescent bulbs so you know we just need to run to stay in the light

and remember to that a lot of times people who haven't dealt with like childhood issues or negative things in their past those things are surfacing only because I've known for years to ask their suddenly acting very negative but then I'm helping them to work down so I've experienced you know I am I don't know where you want to go next

okay well yeah let me look here anybody have questions for Joe you can email them to me at out-of-this-world 1150 at I never know what comes on sometimes I get so wrapped up in an interview but sound

the messages I've gotten from the spirits on the other side all say that next year will be Watership year in terms of thumb in terms of what's happening so that's that's good I'm for one looking

you know I mean all of us and all of us here chose to be here at this time you know I mean you know I am I've been here fifteen thousand years you've been here a long time that UPS in Superior

bouncing time 52,000 years yes that's running

set up alarm you know what a mini let workers have been here a long time since I've been here a measurement is to what's called a mind to cycle where it's it's the amount of time it takes for this solar system to go around the central sound of this Galaxy and one mind cartoon cycle is 26000 years or to be precise 25800 years and both you and I have been here for ten Cycles or which is a long time you been here fifty thousand years 6 months for 5 hours and 32 minutes and seconds I think I'm looking forward to my leaving of the planet

and I'm going aboard the ships and heading off to Jupiter

I would recommend Saturn is got places of a better Real Estate and nobody's there you know fishing's good I've been told so why you know a job interview last week and I'm not sure

Robert Harris a friend of mine and he's had he's been he's been friends with all the time that for many years and she's actually from Venus the planet of yours to go insane part of penis that still in the third dimension and there is a life there as well but it's not it's a whole different that's what that's all I know about it so I want to watch the photos of a guided by the galactic photos to allow them to come forward to assist Humanity with a slight beans and they appear in the sky and you know they can be sorry

that's very exciting what did I do he's acting out these beautiful life photos

trains on the planet right now with the extreme oppression you're not in the city but we're close to it so this is going to end soon if you do a if you study history none of the civilizations on this planet last for a long time for a long time and the light always prevails vibration on the planet vibration just before this negative energy it's just going to wipe it out that's why you know

it's going to be too high so we just really have to stay by three times. It's all just a bad energy boosting off the planet and playing out with you. There's probably more challenges to come for Humanity before it does before it does get better

but when everyone out there facing difficult time right now that this is the darkest hour just before Dawn and all you have to do is hang on literally a matter of matter of weeks and for a lot of young people I know it's been tough the suicide rates for example in many states in Washington state where I'm from has skyrocketed our Calvin around here Democratic governor just doesn't care but but try to remember that things will get better and then wake me up nail instituting these Draconian please stay tight controls will be in jail within a matter of months many of them were re-elected or elected with fraudulent votes and that will come come to show and so I've I've seen the future I know what it's going to be

and I'm not worried it doesn't mean we don't have to work for it but you know you got an angel around your neck


nice yeah I love jewelry I didn't Design This some of the jewelry by Design and set the crystal show me the messages are being given recently for people who are wanting to move you no wanting to access the 5th Dimension more is Crystal's play a really big tall in that so if you especially quartz crystal so and so I was told to tell tell him I view is on my shirt to just get yourself up a little bit more Crystal if you haven't got them yet some quartz crystals I Like Trains juices that hold and store and send and receive messages for us into the other dimensions for a little bit more eccentric than most I have a huge collection of

two rocks and crystals and an injury making and stuff so I'm very fortunate that my house is surrounded with crystals and and my whole house is still with crystals and and so it's really and I think that really helps in in why I have so much activity as well with the galactic Zone and enjoy every home with these beings from quartz crystal get a hold of some quartz crystal and surround yourself with that it's a beautiful is there a beautiful energy

there's some a friend of mine died and they seem okay alright I brought you aboard the idiom with the permission of Nevada putting that will house Taurus for healing I'm going to bring you out now put your hand over your heart thank him for the healing and for the for the help

okay well I'm going to bring you right back now

I'm integrating your soul with your physical body now from The 5th Dimension into the Third

you know you're going to take some time off this afternoon is going to take a few hours to recalculate yourself drink plenty of water

be kind of the Wombats

just kidding

yeah I'm just going to integrate yourself for the rest of the day okay I didn't want to just leave you there forever

yeah yeah there's a there's a part of you still left with him because your partner from the Pleiades that's one of them likes you have so there is a part of you there by the way but true purpose of the visit of this third density Earth existence you have now brought in drink reintegrated yourself from The 5th Dimension on the ship back in the good I'm glad I'm glad you're alright so I can show today I'm not sure anything else galactic's and understanding about

manifestation and myself and saw speaking to someone on Friday, radiation and so I have a lot of wisdom around you know how to do things in a Merle alternative way and a sustainable way for for us as well so there's a lot that I discuss on a my name is Jose Chevelle is so if anyone wanted to look me up with George about is Scruff

at some I am a little bit of a spot foul is it hey cheesy skrra

okay okay great alright great yeah okay wonderful wonderful will we have a beautiful world ahead of us I know we just have to hang in there in the hold the line to know the good things are coming for Humanity and all of the guides and spirits today thank you and applaud you for your wonderful work in the yarra valley but it's more than that for us showing in the world to make this world a much better and happier place in our sorrow and thank you Ted for all the inspiring work that you're doing and let you know we just need more tags in The Adventures of shining your light over there and I'll do mine down on and on us to be on your show and thank you so much I would love to have you back

I'm fine again as well to update of what's going on and of course Sebastian will get him on the shortest right away

oh yeah he's nice fellow really nice fellow I want to tell him I listen to that 3 p.m. Pacific today I'll be bringing you always have a lot of fun and she brings in all kinds of entities in and she's very sweet Brave benevolence she's done a lot of work at Mount Shasta and Brooke with the Masters for for a long time she's been on major television shows her the United States and she's white

yeah so if you're if you're awake it's amazing about two and a half hours will be going back up where can I buy my alarm clock

cute gel you're a great great person bring lady and I'm so glad you're holding the like there where you are bananas Nae Nae okay great I hope everyone enjoyed Today Show my website is out of this world radio. Net or you can also look at the readings another spiritual chips at out-of-this-world readings. Calm and Jill thank you so much again and please give you keep up your good work I'll be back on the Star Wars with Julie Calley one of America's best psychics and he's going to be in in both Spanish and English it's my Spanish programs

okay thank you so much Joe bye bye everyone thanks so much for listening to me that buy

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