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Mental Health 360, July 8, 2021

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Mental Health 360
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with Dr. Susan J. Lindner and guest Don Joseph Goewey, DeMello Center

Mental Health 360 with Dr. Susan J. Lindner and guest Don Joseph Goewey, DeMello Spirituality Center,

Don Joseph Goewey has committed his life to helping people understand and reduce stress, navigate challenges, and live happier, more fulfilled lives. Outside of his own coaching and writing, Don serves as the executive director of the DeMello Spirituality Center. In his role as Executive Director of this nonprofit organization, Don’s primary responsibility is to spread the teachings of Anthony DeMello across the world.

Throughout his career, Don has worked with some of the most stressful situations on earth – with people facing terminal illness, parents struggling with the loss of a child, prisoners serving life sentences, and refugees of the genocidal war in Bosnia struggling with extreme post-traumatic stress. These experiences led him to author the Amazon bestseller, “The End of Stress ~ Four Steps to Rewiring Your Brain” which is based on breakthroughs in neuroscience that facilitate the specific shift in mindset that changes brain structure to quiet stress reactions and amplify the higher brain function that predicts greater success and happiness in life.

Prior to joining the DeMello Spirituality Center, Don served as the director of a human performance firm where he focused on alleviating stress and elevating the experience of work. Don previously managed of the department of psychiatry at Stanford Medical School, ran a regional emergency medical services system, and for twelve years headed ICAH, which received the 2005 Excellence in Medicine Award from the American Medical Association for pioneering a breakthrough approach to overcoming catastrophic life events. He also spent six years directing a research effort that integrated breakthroughs in neuropsychology into a model that changes brain structure to extinguish stress reactions and amplify the higher brain function that enables a human being to flourish.  The model has achieved outstanding results in high pressure organizations.

Don spent six years directing a research effort that integrated breakthroughs in neuropsychology into a model that changes brain structure to extinguish stress reactions and amplify the higher brain function that enables a human being to flourish.  The model has achieved outstanding results in high pressure organizations.

Guest Name, Don Joseph Goewey

Don Joseph Goewey
Your Pitch
In a world where stress is endemic and depression is prevalent -- considerably more so since the pandemic -- Anthony DeMello's simple and eternal message is the light in the darkness -- a relief, a balm and a path to peaceful, happy and stress-free living.
DeMello deeply influenced Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne, Neil Strauss, Adyashanti, Thomas Moore and Paulo Coeho. A Jesuit priest, profound mystic and global spiritual philosopher and leader, Anthony DeMello speaks to us clearly today, during this time of extreme urgency and crisis, even though he left the planet in 1987. 
In the newly issued book from Beyond Words (publisher of The Secret), Stop Fixing Yourself: Wake Up, All is Well, Anthony DeMello's, simple and easy-to-grasp concept offers a new way to live that eliminates all the unnecessary struggle, stress, anxiety and pain in life. Leaving one to appreciate in profound joy every moment and everything. 
Don Joseph Goewey, who edited this collection of short essays, poems and parables from DeMello into this sublime book, and who is the director of the DeMello Spirituality Center, is reacquainting the world with DeMello's key message of how to simplify life to its core and return to a state of daily, ongoing wonder that we only experience in childhood. Goewey, who has appeared on The Today Show, Dr. Oz, ABC, and NBC, also served as chief administrative officer at Stanford University's Department of Psychiatry.

DeMello, born in India in 1931, was groundbreaking in his blending of Eastern and Western spirituality. During his years in the priesthood, he founded the Sadhana Institute in India and published two bestselling masterpieces Awareness and The Way to Love, along with 11 other high regarded books that have been translated into 21 language. He was considered one of the foremost spiritual teachers of the 20th century, traveling globally to deliver this simple concept, which takes a few minutes to grasp. And a lifetime to implement and practice.
DeMello's restoration to the pantheon of great spiritual leaders and the publication of Stop Fixing Yourself: Wake Up, All is Well are exceedingly well-timed. One-third of Americans are living with extreme stress and nearly half of Americans (48 percent) believe that their stress has increased over the past five years. Stress is taking a toll on people -- contributing to health problems, poor relationships, and lost productivity at work, according to the American Psychological Association.
So when you interview Don Joseph Goewey on DeMello's profound message, he can further address these topics:
  • The End To Overwhelm Once And For All
  • How To Live Happy and Alive, Even When Everything Is A Mess
  • The Secret To Feeling Fulfilled Even In Stressful Times
  • Loving Your Life Even If You Are Overwhelmed and Insecure
  • 5 Simple Steps To Rediscover Your Life's Purpose
If you would like to interview Don Joseph Goewey, please  send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Don Joseph Goewey is the executive director of the De Mello Spirituality Center. Previously, Don was director of a human performance firm with the mission of alleviating stress and elevating the experience of work. He is also the author of the bestseller, The End of Stress ~ Four Steps to Rewiring Your Brain. His book is based on breakthroughs in neuroscience that facilitate the specific shift in mindset that changes brain structure to quiet stress reactions and amplify the higher brain function that predicts greater success and happiness in life.

Previous to the De Mello Spirituality Center., Don managed the department of psychiatry at Stanford Medical School, ran a regional emergency medical services system, and for twelve years headed ICAH, which received the 2005 Excellence in Medicine Award from the American Medical Association for pioneering a breakthrough approach to overcoming catastrophic life events.

He has worked with some of the most stressful situations on earth – with people facing terminal illness, parents struggling with the loss of a child, prisoners serving life sentences, and refugees of the genocidal war in Bosnia struggling with extreme post-traumatic stress.

Don spent six years directing a research effort that integrated breakthroughs in neuropsychology into a model that changes brain structure to extinguish stress reactions and amplify the higher brain function that enables a human being to flourish. The model has achieved outstanding results in high-pressure organizations.

United States

Mental Health 360

Mental Health 360 with Dr Susan Lindner
Show Host
Dr. Susan J. Lindner


The need for mental health awareness and advocacy cannot be disputed.

Dr. Susan is a licensed, clinical psychologist, mental health coach, and wellness advocate with a doctorate degree in clinical psychology, an MBA in organizational leadership, and a master degree of social work. She has extensive training in Gestalt psychoanalysis and is a Level II practitioner of QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Dr. Susan is the author of, Reset Your Soul (February 2022,) a book written for those vested in optimizing their mental health and wellness.

Dr. Susan works within the framework of solution-focused, present-centered, and reality-based modalities. The blame game - pointing fingers and blaming others - are discounted and discouraged (strategies which serve no purpose other than to perpetuate already what is not working.) This inter-disciplinary approach can be extremely effective for those who, deep down, know that change is necessary to thrive - rather than simply, survive.

Ask yourself: 

  • Do you seem to run into the same patterns in life that hold you back?

  • Do you tend to meet or date the same kind of people?

  • Do you struggle financially?

  • Do you live with addictions? Compulsive habits?

  • Do you often attract negative people into your life?

  • Are you living with anxiety, depression, unresolved issues that detracts from your quality of life?

  • Do you simply feel that there is more to you and this world?

  • Do you crave the clarity and wisdom to give you that extra edge in life?

  • Are you satisfied with your life decisions?

  • How do you know if you are on the "right path?"

  • Are you content/satisfied?

  • What is your life purpose?

  • Do you continue to search for answers?

  • Has traditional psychotherapy failed your needs and expectations?


  • Mental health does not discriminate. It transcends our differences to our deepest core - our human"ness."

  • Impaired mental health deters our capacity to thrive. It impacts everyone - not only ourselves, but those whom we love and care for.

  • It is time that we – as a collective force – join together to support our own mental health and mental health initiatives that optimize and improve psychological health and well-being.


  • Let go of toxic emotions, behaviors and people that negatively impact health.

  • Reconcile differences and/or decide what no longer works.

  • Use resources and education to optimize empathy and understanding.

  • Seize the moment. Transcend to your highest potential.

  • Live the life you were born to live. 

  • Be the change.

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