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LetterZ From the Pen, November 30, 2020

Show Headline
LetterZ From the Pen
Show Sub Headline
Guest, G-Terra, reggae dancehall artist

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and acclaimed book writer star Radiah Johnson

Guest, G-Terra, reggae dancehall artist

Guest, Reggae Dance Hall artist G-terra

Guest Name
Reggae Dance Hall artist G-terra
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Music Artist
Guest Biography

About G-Terra: Born in Spanish Town Jamaica, Son of Elise from Claremont, St Ann & Anthony From Guy’s Hill, Jamaica. Coming from Humble Beginnings G-Terra is very passionate about music and has done it for years achieving a new level of diversity with Different sounds & styles of writing. Starting out at an early age, Terra wrote songs & entered Talent shows all over Spanish Town. He Consistently focused on Music as a Young man until friends became very interested & started asking to hear songs on a daily basis. The Word quickly spread around St. Jago High School where he attended & did most of his early songwriting.

LetterZ From the Pen

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee
RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

Letterz from the pen is a variety show touching base on new up and coming arts, entertainment, music, fashion, give relationship advice and analyze your letterz from the pen.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

I'm not in the mirror I'm so afraid

do you have a nickname

I can have the world

welcome to letters from the pin I am R&B singer Nakia I'm so sorry how everybody Welcome to letters from the Tennessee star

welcome sorry I was having a moment you guys all my goodness so if you are logged on with us right now patches up on the back and congratulate yourself because you are on our world premiere of letters from the bin and we also have a what's that you got on your lips be like that can you see that from here I can see that it's like this nice red color what is that I don't want you to that it's actually Aliyah Simone Cosmetics you guys didn't get mine

what we got so we can send you actually I got some that we don't give away to some letters from the pin yesterday she even had these two little ones right here if you go to her IG at Aliyah Simone Cosmetics Facebook and Aliyah Simone has made they are handmade and they have flavor and tell them the best part about the Cosmetic line the best part about the Cosmetic line is she is a 14 year old entrepreneur she actually hand makes all of this stuff with all natural ingredients and I was super excited she was no Glitter she's out of student 8th grade Aliyah Simone a very young lady grey proud of her super Queen in training coming up so y'all go to your house and we always want to come and then entrepreneurs

up-and-coming rising stars and right here on letter from the pan that's all we bridge the gap from Independence to mainstream yes so we have spring this find earthquake we have a fun hour for you guys so we are going to get into reading some letters tonight we're going to take some call we have some prizes and giveaways we also have a special guest tonight reggae dancehall artist cheetara we're going to get all up in his business and for the ladies out there that want to know we're going to get all the eligible bachelor or not

you know what I got some juicy stuff though but you got you were talking about lettuce a minute ago and I got the juiciest left her you want to get it really quick okay well let me get my little letters book you guys let me get my cup let me get my cough and let me get you some juice and sip take a sip honey cuz this one is good

2 years ago my husband passed away

give me one second I'm sorry

that death still haunts me on a daily basis I walked away from a 20 year marriage due to infidelity not because I didn't love my husband

I got a phone call one day and I didn't answer it was his number he calls again and he calls again begging me to come home and I told him I would think about it 5 days later my phone ring again it was his number but I didn't answer three days after that my eldest daughter called me and informed me that my husband was dead well so I know she was his mistress called me three days after that you guys and I just juicy that mess stress cause 3 days after that and says I told you if I couldn't have him no one would wow she said that no one can have him if I could she told me how she kills them and if I go to the police they would see me as a scorned wife

I have suffered for the past two years knowing that my husband's murderer is walking around with no remorse No Remorse walking around with no more about this issue so my husband can finally be laid to rest and stop haunting my dreams sign heartbroken

that's not to see you guys I don't know what is I mean that's juicy and kind of more but at the same time so I mean the first thing the first thing that I want to say is that our condolences for the death of your husband and now we're going to get up in your business and I sent this letter and tell you what we think you should do

so did she say not correct me if I'm wrong did I hear you say she said

that the mistress killed the husband yes she said the mistress literally called her three days after she after the husband died and told her that she killed them because she was a conversation before this because she said she had told him if she can have her no one could you know I'm assuming that that was that okay I told you so kind of phone call again like you said condolences to the family I think that's really awful to be actually living with that and going through something like that like I was like who this woman right so everybody know there is no statute of limitation on murder in any States of Whatever State you're from you need to go you need to you need to take the the proper channels and gather your evidence and go press charges because that's just to take her to take someone else's life because you feel like they're going to be with someone else that's kind of psychotic yeah just suck it up and keep it moving

was it really that serious I mean it really could have been that Siri and you decide peace like are we really going to go there I mean I haven't broken pieces of the variable these days it's not like it was back in the day where you know their place and they were quiet I mean these days they they want to be in the Forefront did they see if you if you have what they want they coming for it obviously and she was coming for him to because he's no longer here but letters you guys you heard that and we need you to give us a call at 888-627-6008 and tell us what you think give us your opinion and where I come from


this is what we do

yeah that's that's crazy yeah it really is very much though you know I might try to try to change the diet thing and everything you know even though you don't know I'm sexy but you know that's right I ate a lot my Lord what you doing

a friend of mine today and he was telling me they are so used to having like mounds of people for Thanksgiving and it was literally like nobody at his house this year so you know we want some letters about that to tell us about how your Thanksgiving was without being able to end the quarantine and how is your family doing right I need my my family is good you know we're coping I have a lot of people in my family that are essential workers so no matter what they still have to go out doctors nurses police officer they have to go out so I mean really in the MPC X all we can do is you know try to protect ourselves make sure we're wearing a mask in public in front of other people because who knows who make sure you wash your hands make sure you got your hand sanitizer with you and all that good stuff because you know you never know like who's coming into contact with who and you know we want if we want to stay safe and

I know that up there's a lot of people out there who who are going through some letters in defense face masks okay the lights that are that are going through the personal effects of covid-19 especially mental health is on the rise because of covid-19 because people are not able to see their health care providers as much is non-traditional there online doing tell her house but some people need at that face to face interaction so if anybody knows you know anybody that have that you know we need some kind of guidance or help or support you guys can always hit us up on ww.w. Letters from the pain. Com click on the you know I have a question and you can you know interact with us you can hit us up on Facebook let us through the pain. Com Instagram let us independence and we'll be happy to help you steer you in the right direction

domestic violence is on the rise right now

you know because of of people being in close quarters and not being able to go anywhere or anything like that and if there is someone who is in a situation with his domestic violence going to start let's give them some information on who they can call for some help if you or someone you know is going through domestic violence please do not hesitate to call one eight hundred seven four for safe again that number is one 800-744-7233 if you're in the Fayetteville North Carolina Air Support Center MSY p73 at With You are not alone you are not so now without further Ado the moment that all the ladies have been waiting for our special guest reggae dancehall artist G Tara

you are welcome said that is from the pain I'm super excited about this interview cuz I know he's got some juicy get stuff when he finally gets on here yes

Levi is welcome Sarah Mister Tara

you got to admit yourself

you might be on you take your pick your thing off mute my goodness

yes yes we are so happy we're so happy to have you here on letters from the pin on our world premiere tonight you're special guests Honore and we're so happy to see you and we're so happy to share some of your music and getting so what you got going on what's coming up with what part of the world are you at where you're at what's going on some of the Ladies Man hitting me up want to know what's the deal are you married or not married is taken

that's what's up I'm just learning how to use this app so I'm sorry guys I'm little bit slower than I didn't have the Zoom app with nothing but respect. Supporter why is this thing moving around so much come now I'm seeing both of your face LOL family finger pick up the wall letters from the pain crew Everybody that's passing through right now know some of my people are done I hope you know some Jeter lyrics that I want y'all to win a prize or are y'all need to win something

so you don't know who you are and are familiar with you give us a quick overview of who you are so everybody out there in radioland that's listening knows who you are as well

well I'm Jito representing straight out of Spanish Town Jamaica pick up Spanish Town people around the world global I'm representing from here right now I'm a musician artist song writer producer director of Jack of all trades with a mask of many that you know if the creative process and that comes through you know that consistency and time realize you couldn't get certain things people won't give it to you so you had to create it for yourself and see you after Entertainment Group and artist and one of your album

and what do you think he's doing really really well you have half a million streams on the album and this new single that you have to take my heart is doing phenomenal

so what was the motivation behind take my heart


that's what my my bro I got to get my bro credit on that and I'll say I got to get my brother credit cuz he definitely came up with the concept for that some particularly and had the female box for it already is kind of like something I do as well but that wasn't enough said I was his

baby you know what I mean so I got to give him credit to pick up Saint Michael for that because you know you already know by Emperor star you know about Emperor we were touring around with DJ how did he produce the song or we got someone that's been out since 2014 and it was produced back then actually that's a little star guess what you think about this new single take my heart I love it I love all the music or the dance called me why is it that I told you I might use my blood clot outside the night

I don't know no idea just started that Jamaican stuff I can't so I don't know what you're saying Flatbush we had English Queen of England so because me and the key and asked me are catering to the Indie artists and you know the people really really trying to get their music out there why do you think it's so important to not be so in tune with what the higher-ups is Black Rock Nation is kind of popular are doing and be doing your own thing right why you so I've known you and I know that you are shy away from deals and stuff like that I know that you like being in the

the why is that so important to you until the other is the artist that can help them

well that's going to discuss the ownership always well it's time I kind of got to pick up my mother but this right here my mother has a lot to do with that cuz my mom

ever since I was a child before all this music popping off a man out of that observe her cuz I grew up with my mom and I'm saying the most of my time most of my life my cousin then they were living with us my mom was raised in all of us so that the kind of observe somebody was always my mother so she was independent she had her own business though she had a job teaching to the teacher and school and she had a job pretty much so she ain't had to have no business but you still had a business right people at church she was making church gowns so much thing so I don't deserve that even though she probably think I didn't care as a young man cuz you know we get in trouble that was causing trouble of doing my thing out there but I was observing her

yeah I called her a Viber ownership how to own something

that was in my brain since I was a kid about owning something being up in all like a businessman of something once I got into the music. Loving it to the part where I said imma be a musician I'm really going to be a songwriter Laura Wright Mower and stuff and I started writing my own music and having all these Pages books on the pages of pure lyrics and that's what the owner should begin I figure if I'm writing all of these lyrics

I should be your owner is this mine song have it all the paperwork and everything so that's pretty good one more time started no she's not she asked me if it was exactly my bad but I pretty much brought me something when I got there it was with my management team I got a really powerful management team big up The Rock still in production you know rock Rob Doran from ATL that's so pretty much

my publishing deal and took me around the city to learn the business and Atlanta filming so they was connected to DJ Unk at the time he would imagine DJ Unk started shouting what was so fast in that little time and then I made that song Kawasaki DJ Unk jumped on the feature so that guy hot real fast the bubble and the bus was going crazy and then we started trying to do bigger collaborations that's how we started seeking out J Cole

a people without yo-yo

I don't know I was wrapped up with some woman or something I don't know what it was what I was like I don't care whatever y'all go and make make it happen. Go do that yet and they went out there they made a contact my management team got back with me and it all came around and we would we jumped on the beat everything and had to remix done and that's all that's all that happened with a connection being made for my management to you so we could have went through I Got That Remix that would have been big but Jake will that just blew up like major so

need to get one saying that's what happened with that argument comes up and do your thing or would you ever decide not to answer cuz I listen to the video but tell her I'll let you know what's what what's not the height about sign into a deal

well first of all I never said I wouldn't take a deal is this what type of deal and how they presenting it I always said if I'm going to take a deal I'm going I might have to get some some little what you call them think closet you can't grab my butt at no party

send no contract but grabbing I'm sorry I'm about to be on my ATL do they eat they will send women that you can say no hoochie mama at me to to come on tease me and try to give me the punany and then try to set me up a that's one thing they do to get you cuz you got to remember that a record label is invested in prisons so I'm not trying to disrespect our shutdown nothing but that's the reality we dealing with the record label perspective has been going to jail getting shot and killed getting shot and killed getting shot and killed like it's evident to me so I'm a musician

see my son in busiek is next on in your life away nowadays cuz you get a million 2 million hours and then you did your two later are you swallow that's not like they're not saying here $2000000 go go be free go play with the money

Bill from that angle I start to see that ownership could be really really great cuz if you're producing guess what you're going to own more and more and more great things you bring up like you're both already know that your credit is not sell itself

we're going to shout out some of our sponsors right now and I'm going to get off into your into your single all right talk if you got next for all your photo needs you can look them up on Facebook we got LHS Home Care providing personal care to your loved ones jrc clean out for all your housing clean up needs no job is too small and Amore Dior designs for all of your heat press needs and personal products you can look them all up on Facebook and check out some of the services the best thing about all of these

services are they are minority and women-owned and ran so let's support let's support you know that way mr. G Tara let's announce some let's announce your first single to the world take my heart go ahead

yeah check it out people just wondering if there is is a premier actually a done know if you know made by the ancient emperor has a Michael featuring to read take my heart right now hitting Spotify follow me a list of that check it out right now and let us from the bend


can you give me everything

Four Loko be able to would you do anything for me

develop give you a six of her movement in that sexy dress with her I was thinking about sex before I realized it was more than a lord has kept in touch with text messages I text you right back to me we smoking in Chadley when I hit a seatbelt it happen then that's what she said

free games

does she want them on the way you looking girl you're the new Top Model Lombardo surround me like a bandana anywhere anytime y'all come see what I got for you

how to do what you do

come take your fast come take your act like it's made it glass don't break it cuz I'm still to Infinity vegan virginity of a high-level my bedroom from Italy Rockingham on top of my karma sutra making that to the fact that I'm a producer and my troops don't need no boost no rain stripper maybe you would have been missing a medium proposition

free games

Jimmy John's

City Hall

give me directions to

cuz I'll give you everything

all right you that was the jam right there you have me over here Bob and I can't even dance but I was bobbing

star did you pass out over there from how good the song was

all right so check it out for everybody listening

we're going to do some giveaways now first five colors that can call in

and give us sing to us two lines from this song Take My Heart

will get a prize 888-627-6008

so we what we going to chat it up until we start getting some calls so what was your listen in on that on that letter that the young lady sent in yeah I was listening to that so I mean what do you what do you think about that killing a husband cuz she doesn't want the wife to have them I mean what's your perspective on that

right right right

call Target she kills him maybe maybe I think if the mistress killed him she is actually psychotic give the big she loved she can't believe she loved I'm trying to say this for me to call her and tell her that you are ready sleeping with the woman's husband now you just strike three to me like I don't know I think she should get on her on our damn awesome soldier sitting and go headhunting

now wait a minute do they let you do that in Jamaica nobody we just going to go ahead and we don't tell people go ahead

call on Deck know how about we go ahead and let this gift card winner winner she won for the quote of the day and she said in life we don't have a choice but pain and struggle can either become your prison or your platform that you can choose so why so mysterious you are the winner of the trivia question for the quote of the day I put your coat with jeans and your prize you have a few things so I have you appear who does everybody like some gold necklace and a pair of earrings to do, and you also have a copy of my latest group project I was rushing to heels coming to you so be sure to link up with me send me your email address so I can get your information and we can stay in your gift congratulations

the phone lines are going crazy right now so let's bring in color Dominique Dominique did you call and see what I see if you can win this this G Terra I did had to pick up what's up

from New York City is Long Island a couple lines and take my heart you going to win this prize

cancel a minute

you ready to give me everything good I could be everything now would you do just anything love me cuz I'll give you every team I'm at little mama is a 260Z Cara

did the oil Plants vs. Zombies 2 Long Island so you want a prize make sure you go to our website ww.w. Let her Send The Pain. Com drop your information on there so we can send your price to you and you're also going to get entered in a chance to win these two free round-trip tickets to Jamaica which we'll get into that later on in the show

but I thank you for calling him baby girl send you information we've got to move to the next caller but that was great thank you thank you and for next week what size is baby Dominique big up yourself

yes thank you

Hi how are you good how are you

how you doing you going to sing some detail stuff for us to come on baby while you work with what first telephone

oh I'm calling from New York

I had a lot of New Yorkers on me tonight New York

I'm sorry what part of New York

I'm in Thailand

Lotto Long Island listeners

yes alright let's hear it

all right I'm going to hook you gave me everything just take my heart from me but this is where I want to be. That's all you need to know

that's why you going to do list

that is that something that you could still be entered you're not going to win a prize this evening but you can still be answered in the joint that's no problem you did amazing I loved it yes

tell us the station that you going to come listen to when are your prices

right now right

she probably

letters from the pan.

The weekend you can be entered because you did call and you can be answered but I'm dropping information baby thank you

all right next caller was that Jonathan North Carolina

some guy named Jay it here I am just one

oh yeah all is well I just did you come lyrics

I bet they found them for me so they want the price I can't I can't do what they did I do you call me Lord Jesus I don't know what you take my heart from me I can't do what I do

I didn't know the rest of that part did you hear the letter

yeah I heard the letter of yeah she needs to go ahead and snitch and get that lady locked up

oh yes definitely an AG Care that's a great song man you know the

lovely keep doing your thing and it definitely thanks for having me on his health bro

oh yes definitely don't let him grab you but all right just let me clean up.

Black Tobias yes yes

and we'll see you on the 25th for our black Topia Christmas right here on letters from the pen

I was interested

all right so I think we should

we should get into our magic moment right now so I'm Magic Moment Aliyah Simone Johnson was let's go let's give her let's give her another moment where they can get her products from these lips

take that little popping today so you got you got to give him the visual of the lips

no baby I could kiss your lips

they can hear that on the radio to be enrolled in Early College super excited for her about that but the biggest thing about it is we love to highlight young entrepreneurs and she actually took some initiative and some of her mother's money and started Homebrew lip gloss line and she has different colors pink and has yellow he has different flavors some of them are tropical she has a banana once he has lemon you can go to Aliyah Simone Cosmetics s h l e a h Cosmetics on IG and Facebook and make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel cuz she has some cute little tutorials for natural hair and things like that so it's really really dope to see her in action on motivates a lot of little young girls in her class so hopefully she can

so we're going to organize working a dig in a little bit more right now G we're going to get up in your business a little bit will do

so for all the ladies that keep messaging me on my inbox yet I can ask me to ask this question do you have somebody in your life

oh yeah I do

okay why it take you so long to answer that how long would it take me one second is Arlington

we don't like women we don't accept that one second so when someone says like hey you got to go but yes I got to let you finish maybe it's the Woodlands Mall

maybe it's the herbal but I can tell you yes ma'am I answer the question but you know what I always do I always did I just can't go without a woman so I guess you won't be on our next episode 1 of the blind dates okay idea

how do you feel I know you have daughters so would you introduce would you want your daughter today too

what I want my daughter to date me you knew what you mean that you couldn't have met nothing else you could have

I would like the me now maybe the meeting but not the younger just a play or not but women are players to and women since I was there a terror

Miss Missy Sarah you done went all the way to the left there's no wait wait wait I'm just letting you know I'm just letting you know we going to texting you but it's too late he's here now School guess what I'm still got to be honest that's why I don't think I would tell my son to date my younger self soda I mean that's a that's a very broad question I asked you but I do have another one I know that you're familiar with dr. sebi so what is your take on on some of the doctor said because I've been reading some of it lately and I really am listening to you I'm trying to over the years with your philosophy of course the music too but I know that you're knowledgeable about I kings and queens and where we really come from in that

thanks but what I'm really interested in is he talked about a lot of these diets and a lot of these fruit so tell us about your take on some of that that's why I was like I was promoting and supporting the whole message with dr. sebi had for like

I mean it before he was really famous in this whole time we was already kind of famous from all of the cases that that he tried and put them trying to put him in prison and all that stuff for for healing AIDS and cancer and all that stuff what happens if I'm totally within reason why I asked cuz when you study the human body start to realize that you can reverse sickness you ever asks why you get better when you sick if you could you know you've been had a flu already or whatever you had the flu in the past are you at at called the reason why you were buying it from its cuz your body your cells regenerate and pushes away the bad ones and it replaces them that's why you cut you come back so powerful so the thing is when you're eating the right food you can always do that and that's the thing that the doctor is a lot of these people within a big Pharma they don't want to tell people if they have to take these pills because all of these pills and drug that they're putting out there are coated with not only opiates or whatever a heroin you know

there are layering natural herbs that's what they doing they use in certain type of herb that they know will treat things in it with drugs addictive so that's why I saved the representing that person that went against it he brought the natural way and we as Americans been on that natural way way before I even heard about the thing is he said himself he said I am not the only healer

on the skin that's doing it right now it's a lot of Heelys you're a dealer so

I know that you lived in the states over here and you lived in Jamaica so would you say that in Jamaica they live a healthier lifestyle than say we do over here in America some people do understand and naturally is going to be like that if you're eating from the earth and if you're like already just living in Jamaica naturally is going to be more healthy foods because you're around more fruits that grow abundantly all year and all season the fruit stands in the Jamaica and you eat the fruits according to the season so in America like I'm not down and how they do things but sir and some of those fruits are out of season but they're still on the Shelf

and that's the problem some of those apples I've been out of season for two or three months but they're on the Shelf but they got these coats and they look good but it's been there for months but they got preservatives I think that they actually I see your videos or know anything about that but it do a lot of stuff the fruits and foods to preserve it on the shelf so that's why it has these poisons that leech know you on your body and cause all these cancers you wonder why people getting all these diseases but all people do is eat these people are not drug addicts they don't drink they don't smoke these people of good night they really live good but they're eating every day and they're still catching cancer so you had to put two and two together is what they're either you're taking food off of the Walmart sell to Food Lion check for the food not necessarily healthy because those foods have been preserved and

additives you know saying all type of different stuff that's what the problem is is not naturally on Earth we need food from the ground and that's what it's all about having our own Vineyard our little farm that's that's all it is and you have a healthy amount of Life represent can you hear me yeah I mean that's what it's all about that's why I come through with the truth and I'm saying we're going to get into another song of yours on yeah we're going to play one of those okay so there's a couple of your songs that are relieved of my favorites but right now we're going to we're going to play look for me so tell us really quick before we spend that what was the motivation behind that song look for me

well the struggle the struggle that we go through as as as a people and nation and an individually to sometimes we trying to get something out of life and they just keep taking one step forward and you falling back I represent that song I'm very proud that's why I said look for me on the big screen because of the proud and see everything I have right now I'm building myself a family that was doing good and I could have Maybelline under my asking for help I never got any help from anybody to the point where I suffered myself I sold I can't lie and all the world know the feds know everybody know at some point I was selling drugs and I was doing things in the streets to survive that was

throughout the history

the music was in me and I kept on I didn't lie nor nobody my mom always say to me why you not get your family up for any help and I was always Independent song everything every investment is from me having a job or hustling and put my money up selling CDs on my truck and put the money up and flipping back onto the studio everything is from me and thanks for the people out there that help me along the way that bought my CDs people that inspired me thanks for the people that just gave me the little edges like brought me to show has invited me to her to perform in on me right there is a lot of people that play different roles I'm thankful for all of them pretty sure you know by now Nikki I told you about some of their mom it's a lot so I'm thankful for them but that's what inspired me to really do a song like this

you know I mean for a week or two probably two weeks to a month I mean sleeping in my Subaru iron bird

Adel Imam that's what I saw come from I remember when I was wearing the same shirt 3 days in a row so Cal Summer Long Way and look for me for me by GTA glitch on over with


okay I really like that song I like that when I was bothering I was trying to find

that's a nice nice nice

so you got a shout-out do you tell him where you can find your music tell him when they can hit you up differently and I'm so awesome pick up to the Big Oak Norm s m o s a r t g for Life Family Support I was hoping you can win the prizes but you already know this show is coming on every Friday every Monday right and you can follow me since this is our world premiere of letters from the pain

really so we can keep grilling you and here's some more people I'm not going nowhere you look comfortable over there that's my people listen

like I said so say everybody can follow me on Spotify iTunes Apple music Amazon 7 Title 1 China music is not located in available in China Germany anywhere any music store that's actually available where onions because we're distribution is why we disturb you while it's not the snow Facebook post we actually distribute World War I and I mean so big which is something that we even told you that I'm working on a distribution platform for us as as our people as our nation to own something that could Distributors just like title or apple music to get me right here like a platform you can put your book on and it's out there selling I'm going to make a platform right now we got we got we got it

we'll get back to that that's let's bring Amanda and from Pittsburgh

hi Amanda from Pittsburgh

Hi how are you fabulous what's going on

is G doing a concert

7 again hun you want to know when what

when is he due in a concert

when is Dee doing a concert next concert I'm in Jamaica right now you know I'm not sure right now to bookings are low because of the dependent the pandemic or pandemic or whatever it is really low and I've been getting booked online actually independently right now to throw online concerts but I haven't gotten anything physical right now

what color do you go find your stuff on YouTube but you still could subscribe to listen to me on Spotify. G - t e r r a

and you can find me on YouTube and subscribe and check out my music let you know when I got an extra or maybe in the US hopefully soon in the US are the UK I've been getting a lot of requests in the UK also so maybe someone somewhere overseas like in the UK and Germany are again cuz I've been in the US store in already so I'm pretty sure I'll come back and do the same to show the whole night

yeah Okay cool so you heard the letter that the young other young lady sent in

so what did you what did you think about the letter and what kind of advice would you would you give you know that other young lady

what the weather is like white deep but if it was me since she got away with killing your husband I think you should go kill her

I mean that's two for one cuz G second Amanda Meadows from the pain.

Nikita are you still waiting on Snapchat

but we don't we don't want to murder anybody.

I totally understand Amanda I totally understand where you're coming from but this lady I think it's not looking to murder anybody I think she's more along the lines of trying to free her spirit from that point in dream you know and I'll take care of somebody's probably won't make that DreamWorks baby I get what you saying but we don't I'm not going then she should go to the store. She should go to the authorities and then once he gets locked up that can someone get her in the inside Amanda Amanda Amanda you there


yes okay look where are you from

Pittsburgh Pittsburgh you cutting off a little bit

Pittsburgh that's what's up yo I'm with you told me you're like I'm I'm almost agreeing with you like everything you say because I'm on that g a g Rider lifestyle like I don't you know that, some real life like I don't even say that much no more cuz we got too much police I'll be watching us and stuff but you know I just want to say much love and respect to you and you keep listening to let us from the penny all this way sat on the small of your mind frame I love the way you think I like you if you're messing Spanish Town Jamaica like you

thank you so much for calling baby and we not mad at all the way real with elevation is key nobody told me just claim us you know we at we do not take on the opinions of others here but a lot of people feel like when I get less that's when you ask God forgiveness and you should believe in Jesus himself

so Amanda have you you sound like you sound like you've been through something like this before so have you been cheated on before

oh yeah I don't want it but he's alive he's alive okay. Shots are you all right

ask for forgiveness but go ahead and take him out you guys that was Amanda's invites we can use some more calling you guys if you got some more advice for the young lady about the situation we love to hear from you so call us at right now at 18886 to 76008

thank you Amanda talk to you next week

Friday 6 p.m.

that was too cute Amanda said she is about that life and our debut of lettuce or the pain I am going to cut up tonight and have a good time good information good company good guess good call him cuz I meant to say is she going to take her out if you need somebody to take photos of the crime scene you can hit up our sponsor for tography got next for all your photo needs I'm sure you don't forget to follow me that you love Amanda G Terrace e n g s t e r a don't forget big up yourself I love it I love it

depend on IG on Facebook

so what's up what's up what's up what's up with this project wet let's talk about that what y'all want to talk about with your favorite character who's been reading wedding can you call us want to call up and tell me what their favorite character is and I'll give you a free copy of the book and you also have to go subscribe to deterrence YouTube channel get a copy of what's going on today

I'm Anonymous I'm keeping my name Anonymous cuz of some real stuff to your New York or the stars that let her go in the Bible State eye for an eye on Snapchat that you love so badly she feel the hurt that woman

repeat that one more time cuz I heard it but I think it was a little listeners

okay I said in the Bible it states an eye for an eye what I would do is snatch something from her that she loved so she can feel the same pain that Woman film That's Heavy she said she going to make you feel what that lady is feeling

so so we got so we don't keep her alive

pain on heart in another way and let her live with that that's what she's saying that's her something that she loved something that she dearly Loved Someone close to this a child got to be a child is a mother's got to be a mother that your father sister brother got to be one of them somebody got to pay that ticket

wow do you think that we should wait for karma or like the way I like Madea talking about how it takes too long for God to get them I need them to go ahead and get gas so what you think you think I am karma karma karma karma is where like this is where how you see how the world is really separated in different in different cultures and different country because it's some countries in some countries they punished with an eye for an eye go to jail for life or whatever whatever is going to happen

in some countries that believe in that like you going to steal something

I'm here I want to see this till I'm not saying I might read now that's three people that kind of on my same. Thinking so far and I want to say it's not because of that we just think those are the different some of us realize that people won't change and and stop doing BS unless they realize that the karma is coming right away if then realized if you realize you about to get killed after you kill somebody you were thinking that I'm just going to go to jail go get three Hots and a cot some of the top they do go in their tree at Seneca

sorry sorry sorry, love what you do say something welcome to the world of the Grim Reaper

I know that's right she said she not having it she said she's not having it so young lady Anonymous that wrote this letter we got some we got some advice from first person calling this is going to be on you which which advise you feel like it's going to be meant for you I'm trying to go to do Nikki and that situation what would I do honestly I'm going to be really real because you cannot feel that until Ashley you we can sit here all day long and talk about what we wouldn't wouldn't do but until it's actually you with that loved one gone I can't say I wouldn't go with the eye for an eye. I can't say that I wouldn't want that I can't say that I want to take something from that person what you think what would you do

I mean I mean is it so hard to the wishes and it's hard for me to answer would like a clear head because I'm the kind of person when I'm angry I'm angry and and if you do something if you take something for me that I treasure so dearly I'm going to stop at nothing to make sure you pay the price however it may end up being so

I don't know I mean it's a hard letter it's a hard question and and it's something that is very heavy for someone to have to deal with it it's one thing when a loved one passes away because it was natural causes it was time to go they live their life okay but it's another thing when you would someone literally thinks their God and they played God with someone's life and think they have the right to go and kill someone for their own selfish means that person the woman who didn't she's she's going to rot in hell and I'm sure I'm sure she's beating herself up for because something that that heavy nobody can live with that unless you're just a straight of animals coming for them so if we look at it like me like I was saying you know he needs it. Like right now right now

the family but listen on the low low call me if we going to stop in the back door stuff we got your back. Just discharge

okay well I'm going to show up in my black sweat suit with sneakers with my letters from the pen cup

that could be used as a weapon please

what thank you so much an animus for calling up we really really hope that I get some clarity for the situation and my condolences go out to the family again

yes ma'am

okay bye-bye bye-bye

Saudi what's next to you who is one of your inspirational icon favorites that you would look forward to working with in the future who who give me somebody that you really want to work with

damn that's a long list right there

when I work with

right now to work with shenseea oh my God I wanted he was pulling me into working together so I ain't even had to say that we already working so

yeah I like to make a connection pep rally shenseea Jamaican artist who else I definitely want to do a feature with

maybe like somebody from that's been doing it and already been you know someone let me help you out who's your favorite American female artists and your favorite male artist in America in America okay I'm coming to see you better not say what's your favorite male artist in in America

my favorite to see who do I listen to

messed up too damn almost every rappers that passed away

it's great. You know what I'm going to do what you say Wacker do the school know I'm going to I'm going to spell the name that you you said I was giving you a Kendrick Lamar


J Cole


the game

are you alright Tyga

I do

come on 50 Cent

give me 50 Cent

you know like it does kind of like hitting a different siren

a name or word

Donald Trump

sucks Biden

I know

Jamaican music

okay old dirty bastard


Jadakiss hardcore that's my G big Taylor Swift

I don't know

Taylor Taylor

I know who I don't know who they are but when you ask her like that when she understand you have a lady at the house

oh yeah I thought you was all of your songs let me know that's my favorite song let me know so we're going to play that song and then is out there all of the ladies definitely normal with making music for you ladies cuz guess what you are my number one inspiration musically there's a lot of people say

you got a singing about girls now a song about latest but think about people what is a man supposed to think about first but instead of woman and that's the problem with the world that's one of the problems his men out here putting all type of stuff before woman when woman should come first

women should women have to demand women have to demand that and they have to know what type of man they're dealing with you can't you can't deal with the man that you know about the street selling drugs and expect them to work a 95 and be a businessman if you got a new you have to know your audience to know your your words to know what the what you know what you want

it's all about growth


and as for why the world announce my favorite song and when we come back we're going to do some more trivia we're going to ask you some more questions and we're going to do some more contact so announce let me know

what is the new people pick up everybody listening this one is called Jeter represent the name let me know if all the ladies out there listen up or letters from the fan


I like my song right there I love that song that's just that's my jam music video girl what you going to do I'm going to do this

and drink

okay so we got to give you guys a few minutes to call up a

800 number 888-627-6088 and a trivia question for today is 008-6008 to 76008 right now and tell me what is next Pride who according to Greek mythology who was the first woman on Earth


are you going to get a prize 18886 to 76008 that is from the pain trying to Google and find the answer asking Siri so the first quarter is going to be the winner

so are we waiting for somebody to call us up G I got a question for you about your next project what's next on your agenda for your music career got anything big coming up and down you think she would you want to do tell us about it crazy huge my album finishing up an alarm right now it's actually I drop BEP in August 27th August on my mom birthday I drop the beat Clockwork 3 EP 7 songs and now I'm working to finish up the full album is called Clockwork three fully loaded drop it and over the world could access it all over your favorite store Spotify iTunes you know Amazon download you know fully 1617 songs are more that's what I'm working all right what can what can what can the people expect so like if I go download that the album like what can I expect to hear on the album

you can expect to hear originality for sure authenticity original authentic stuff you going to definitely hear a different sound from probably what you used our what's in the industry based on my production the way I'm producing right now cuz I'm growing as a producer so I don't really have a set time that I producing yet you know I'm still trying to figure it all out like my sound you know I'm kind of playing around with a lot of experimental mixing and you know I'm not some kind of looking for engineer to work with on that still always available and very creative lyrically that's where I'm at with the music from the get-go is I was a bit about being creative even if it's slow song pass out I was I was about trying to make my lyrics stand out and be different from everything I've ever heard that's what I was my whole mission to be the stand though you know

a little advice for in the article you know we cater to them here on lettuce from the can so with G when you and I first met I was one of those people that was like climbing the ladder right so I had this event and it was like zero people there tell me what's an I'm just going to put it out that you guys see my feelings were hurt tell me some of the things that you that you would tell somebody in my situation you tell me what you said to me but tell me what you would say to somebody that that happened to the doctor hurting feeling the Blood Sweat and Tears and and all your coins into a project and nobody showed up like I mean literally probably four people were there so we'll have any shows and one or two people showing up some pushes give me some advice

all right I'll say it to you and all of the people going through that is to keep going keep on going reason why is this I've been through that exact thing exactly I have been through it after going on tour that's the crazy part about it I've been to a show where I put on like a event in the club and invited my people so we can party and I can perform for them for free so I was throwing myself with a friend of mine we had the food catering service and everything and we had the people we had to DJ connection

you know we put the word out there we made Flyers we advertised it but the people we knew a lot of people promise they will come and they wanted to come I'm interested but on the night of the event 15 people show up

and I'm there looking like that because we trying to make some money with the club and you got to pay the damn Club on a work sometime it works right away depends on the market and the people you're working with so just keep going cuz it happens it happens to a lot of the greatest the biggest watermelon is right now from music and throwing showers and parties they went through times when nothing is invested in it and it didn't work out sometimes

sometimes you got to

I can't remember that saying but I'll tell you this is something you just got to keep doing what you know best try it again but don't burn yourself out you know I'm saying if it ain't working out for you just try another way but just keep doing it if you believe that I you know that that's what you want to do

waiting on the on the roster for tonight we'll have to make sure we shoot at up next week


yeah Boomerang do we not getting any callers nobody's going to win this prize for the first woman on Earth according to Greek mythology +1-888-867-6008 give us a call up and you can go home with a prize

I did that I didn't see that call her we have a caller from New Jersey call from New Jersey

yeah you do

hello how are you doing how was your Thanksgiving

can't complain I had turkey

how can I pick up my G to answer the question

okay what's your answer


Al he's right it was Pandora we got from the Kia we got a gift card I Amazon gift card and something else I think she has over there you got an Amazon gift card

I wrote you are and you are also going to be entered into the contest to win the free tickets to Jamaica

oh yeah I'm definitely with that shit

congratulations make sure you get it

you're all right yeah you're fine ww.w. Letters from the pain.

Suggestion box with your information so we can mail you your gifts

all right no problem thank you appreciate it at 6 p.m. I would like to see the Jeep Cherokee I'll listen to love your music on YouTube and everything and it's just flat bro you got some good music I ain't said nothing but I know we ran into a big up yourself much respect subscribe

iww I got you already know I'm not I'm not I'm with the people you're not me

I appreciate that

Jersey man I feel like a real music check like at like somebody paid me to do a show that good in my life to do this music that's what I realized being independent is the shiznit because if you could just get hot and get on the road I need people pay you to rock the show

I bet you look like you want to come to right now by yourself all right so drop a tree fell on it right now, do you get dried lipstick Twitter frika by stomping about what we was talking about.

UCD coronavirus Flocka come down School in GTA represent in Spanish Town

no I'm going to repeat back to you what you said

this is all I heard

apple pie Bumblebee

what year did a shot when should I come for me play time I can get it no school labor some of our viewers and listeners might know some of the bigger artist album drawn like a child I listen to them on the radio and that's the fireman that's like my big inspiration right now

ignore your first first reggae artist I remember I mean, baby I know that's all right right right

clear Patra Patra back in them days when we was catching it in we was in school times when I ask you a question Lauryn Hill you know when you do when you think I shall do people be going crazy to jumping off buildings dropping down in the splits doing the Rump Shaker the butterfly all that stuff

some shows depends on where I'm at I've seen different crowds I've seen crowds that dance like they had at the prom I've done a show where the men and women holding hands and swinging on all done other shows where I seen girls doing splits and under the top of their head

and they doing crazy shit like a different songs like that with a fast beat that beat that be going crazy while out some girls run up to me and hug me at that shows I didn't America they just come up I'm just beyond the stage like I'll give me like that how does being an a popular artist

with a lot of fans a lot of female fans what is a popular I don't mean my pop music I'm saying you're popular you're being with your partner you have a lot of female fans how does your significant other feel about that like how did how did she take that hot is that how does that what role does that play in your relationship cheese burrito you know what I love how she moves with me cuz she's intuitive and that's why we're still together right now cuz she's she's actually the one that captured most of the footage of my shows in America when I was when girls are running up to me I'll give me she was one down the camera recording you still didn't answer the question honey you're dancing around the question that's why I'm telling you these things

she don't care she's handling it well yes she had a very well cuz she ain't she got with me knowing she was already like you know I mean I wasn't she said I'm going to keep running up on you you know play play me like that she does

it wasn't me

I'm having such a ball you guys let us attend we still waiting for some calls when a 867-6009 right now

what's your name calling where you calling from nobody's on the line guys

I thought it was somebody on there just look like to learn another voice for mr. Tara what type of what type of routine do you do when you get ready like before you go on stage or to keep your your vocals cuz I noticed in your in your songs your singing and rapping so like what's a routine that you do to keep your voice condition before you go onstage like what do you do

well I drink a lot of the honey and the line is pretty much one of the things I used to base my voice up and then clean up the the lower part down here in our drinking honey and some lime some fresh water not cold water but like this regular temperature water and I mean

get ready when I go on the routine is usually something to catch the crowd immediately immediately I'll talk to the people out there for like maybe 10 15 seconds. Comes in the crowd is like ye are here who you know are people loving what I'm saying I'll talk a little bit more and I hit him with the Run

Papa cornbread


bro song starts beats are playing boom boom boom boom boom what's the largest crowd you've ever performed for

South Carolina Myrtle Beach 2013 Ford rally it was a bike rally I took it over because it was just like a magic moment you know you have a woman exactly exactly probably I hope you had like a hundred thousand do you not listening to what you're saying do you think like when you're doing what you're doing these large concerts do you think like you're more nervous going on a front of a lot of people or like a smaller crowd

I'm not really nervous about none of it

I don't really never a moment there's no place like I'm about to eat these little five people in hell what's this for me it's the opposite of stage was like a large amount of people I feel like there's so many people in there like I can't really see them cuz if somebody lied so it's like let me just get it in when I'm in front of us I'm like they can really see what I'm doing cuz they up on the stage but I mean

how do you spell goes like I've been performing for a long time you know I've been in the store before my first performances was at talent shows when I was probably like 9 or 10 cuz I was out there in the streets and I'll be in the talent show and I was like I'm going to go up there I'm going to go up there but I was trying to maintain anybody want to come up so you know what kind of breathing by the now finally walked up there and finally lyrics I had in my head spinning over and over that I used to write back then

so I end up coming down I think I won that you end up winning that Talent competition

another secret is done and I went up Brian I got free food I was like I didn't know it was I think that's where it all you can really do this but it was still fun for me until I got serious about it at Masa 14 I started saying now music is real hip hop BPM

it's like a music flip on Saturday with Rachel that girl.

okay so I have a letter from you I mean a letter a question for you from social media

how long have you been doing music and when did you start to take music seriously pretty much

you know I've been doing it for over 15 years now for sure like I've liked being doing it since I was like 10 you know if over 15 because that's something that it seemed like it chooses you like it's something that just chooses you that's like how you become a writer or whatever that's natural that he want to write books and write book just want to write write rap. They have to put that out or have to release themselves that way

if it takes me away from all the stress and bird my life cuz I've been facing the burden since I was a little little young boy so we're listening to me and asked a question I want you to know I've been doing it for all my life because my life bencana pressure and being on this Earth is a lot of pressure pressure being in our families that we in not being treated fairly been doing it pretty much over 15 16 years now let me ask you a question what advice would you give that that have the misconception in their mind that there's going to come out there going to get signed they're going to blow up like what what kind of what can you tell them like what kind of Sword did you have to put it in to get like where you are and are you still growing you feel like you had a plateau

well you know people think it's comes over night that means it is going to go open I can remember anything that comes easily. Also cuz you don't really respect it see the work that you put in as a as a song called you look like residual income the work that you put in it has something behind it leaves a note this is like a picture you post a picture right now that picture will be here tomorrow or the day after and the day after anybody that looks at a picture as of that day they're getting the promotion of whatever you're doing forever as long as that picture is there so the work is also like that is represented by long-term so a lot of people think overnight successes something that's good is not necessarily good cuz if you don't know how to handle sub says you will not be successful or long do the thing you did you know I like watching the rock stars that were drug addicts they were popping pills and doing drugs before they became Rich so once they became Rich they OD'd cuz that's what they were in their lifestyle was about to your lifestyle

really what promotes success success isn't just a thing that you know you just have and it just have it forever if you don't don't know how to maintain such that they would be gone in a day or two what would you tell to the artist out here that are running around trying to get everything for free and thinking like they don't have to invest in a Cell for their career to go someplace

everybody is hustling so if you trying to hustle people you can't be mad if they try to answer you because we are all trying to make money so artist you need to invest in yourself and don't be shy to get and don't be shy to start an Internet online job are trying to sell something you know how to create our our whatever you can think of nothing else I was like you know I'm going to get me songs recorded imma burn a hundred cedis selling for $5 I did that for a while

for that time they had some store in Fayetteville that was giving away deals in Fayetteville off of off of Ramsey Street somewhere and I got a bunch of snack 500 CDs for like a hundred something dollars so I made a killing I mean like $3,000 out of the van and see these two people are giving me $10 so if you put yourself you will get money don't ever think you need that quick sellout money are people give you a deal but you got to remember you got to pay back that money so you got to be prepared disappear from you and then you said you heard it here first on letters from the pin from Doterra tell everybody wants again where they can find you at where they can get your music

well I'm already know you can find me anywhere once you put that name and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person

maybe an English word I don't know about expecting that the Chinese word subscribe and follow me a lot of these places or wherever your favorite place to listen to music to search me up if I'm not there you can message me and tell me cuz I'm pretty sure I've been working hard on that so everybody can find me on the family store Jeter back to hang out with us let us from the pain you already know spell it with a Z letters with a z u already know people you know you could definitely look forward to me again on this great great interview this is my first interview letter

but I just been puffiness little cigar

you know I'm saying you had an amazing time listen to the philosophy the music is awesome you guys make sure y'all go check him out on all social media platforms just Google G Tara that simple and get all up in his business and you can do a little whiny whiny and all of that good stuff and make sure you back here on Friday at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time 3 p.m. Pacific time and every other Monday 8 p.m. I'm star

call her all right we got we got one last call or she just made it and we got Claudia are you there

hey what's up Claudia what's up where you at

pictures of

where you at

what is ran it is rare Diamond wasn't coming through clear at first it sounded like you were you know I got you. What's up

you been listening this whole time are you just calling in now

we can't hear you baby we can't put them down here so we can hear you

do you hear me now hearing you

I just wanted to say hi

call Chad Kuhl

yes thank you so much for calling you still in what are you at you and you're still in Ontario are you at where you at pick up our listeners are more time to Joe I don't want to leave either but we got to get up out of here we are so glad you came to join us look forward to you coming back and hanging out with us giving away those two tickets make sure you go download boo hooray for your eyes only miss Nakia and gold Amazon checkout wet

and everything else we got going on Google start a Google Nakia Google

I'm a girl star

I'm R&B singer Nakia and we are out

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