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LetterZ From the Pen, January 25, 2021

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LetterZ From the Pen
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Guest, Indigo Virtuosity

LetterZ From the Pen with Hip Hop artist Dee and RnB singer Nikia

Guest, Indigo Virtuosity


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LetterZ From the Pen

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee
RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

Letterz from the pen is a variety show touching base on new up and coming arts, entertainment, music, fashion, give relationship advice and analyze your letterz from the pen.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

welcome to letter seven

what's up with the Mickey Mouse hat listen to I am and what do you call it I'll talk to you because we're doing music reviews today and I'm excited even brought about how brat

can you try at Tropical Smoothie so I will not be eating any meat or trying any Baja wrap

we are going to be doing some music reviews of and

let's get this party started a good one for tonight


why do we have tonight is from a man and it's so interesting because we don't really get that many men riding and it's usually mostly women but it's okay because we give them advice to so I may get off into this letter

are letters from the PIN

me and my wife have been married for two years I recently found out that she's been having an affair for here and that our son may not be mine

yeah that made me pause. I felt that that made me fall asleep

I recently found out that the possibility that this child might be my neighbor's my neighbor also has a wife I really want to beat the crap out of him and I want to say something but I don't want to break up his home as well as mine is already broken up

I'm going crazy on a daily every time I see this man I really want to attack him and at the same time I'm thinking in my head maybe it's not his fault but we've been neighbors for two years since me and my wife has been married

are letters from the pain please tell me what I should do confused and not wanting to go to jail

users you can tell his wife and then you'll end up with his wife and he'll end up with your wife

I was just playing the first of all how did you find out how long has this been going on a year

I didn't hear that part and their child and their child might not be his

get a DNA test they have girl singers all that sound like some Backwoods sleep with your cousin stuff that's what he stopped know he is not as dark honey it depends on what state is okay each state has a different set of statues on the laws when it comes to this type of situation so it depends on what station ran

so I would suggest that you should go talk to an attorney and figure out what your options are okay and then get a DNA test because first of all you thinks it's not right if the child attached to you so the child thinks and knows you as Daddy so it is it's going to be heartbreaking but this is something that has to be other is that other man is this child's father that child's does deserve to know who their father is now on the other side of things like I don't understand about people if you're in a situation you're unhappy why are we eating why are we not just being adults and saying like you know what

I'm not happy


I I want to be in this relationship or

have an open an open marriage sometimes people love each other but they're just not fulfilled with one person so it could be a situation and I'm not judging anybody or whatever I mean I can never do that because I'm too jealous and I'm too selfish but there are situations where people are like you know what

we can have an open relationship and at the end of the day things are fine right so it works out that way sometimes our people but what doesn't work out is the line and then you got to sneak and then now you're not only disrupting one family or disrupting another family and it's just not right

answer like I really hate to say this part but I say this to women all the time if you're not happy and they do it once again it was quite so if you're not happy then you need to leave me to figure out that child as yours are you asking me perfectly happy and find co-parenting okay you can call parent in a way to where it doesn't affect the child so much that they feel like they are missing a parent

now the other side of things had to go girl okay so we just addressing this little right now so the other side of things is what you didn't mention in the letter but

we need to figure out what to do with the house like you both on it together is it someplace you're renting


this is something that can be kind of like whoever is going to have the child was designed to stay in the house usually most of the time the courts always usually make the man leave but if you're not financially secure enough to

separated Avant could live in the same house and be cordial but you got to be cordial about it and sure don't go next door to the neighbor I know it's going to hurt to see his face every time you see him but don't go killing neighbor because then you going to go to jail and it's not it's really not worth it if not for the neighbor like sir she going to do the same thing to you. Just is just not it's not right so y'all need to grow up get it together cuz there are children involved and get your life like stop doing this nonsense because it's just not right and we don't got time for this cuz we're asleep it was me I will probably with brushing your hair while you sleep or something like stop playing with me

what we don't condone violence all letter show the game but I was just saying what I have at my done okay cuz I'm one of them people

do you probably would have been Petty and cut the shoe strings or something all the less you baby cover all the last Pockets out drop that check

can you hear it until you connected can you hear us

we we can't go and

the little microphone

are you still mute it

she probably has to go up hit them tonight and then we still can I can't hear it

she probably didn't hit audio whenever I want you know you know

where's my son of this man that he's been married to his wife and two years he found out she was with the neighbor for a year the baby might not be here and I was just saying like girl she lucky because you know a lot of people don't handle that type of stuff too well that's what he will be on snapped and stuff I mean I've been watching that but you know but that's okay

a real people crazy

what advice would you give this man

keep going in and out of this thing is

yeah that's good advice we going to beat your face in and out so then you can go your own way

I'm just having a smoothie chicken wrap cuz baby they knew what they were when they made it

are we going to get we're going to get we don't get out he's already started for the night cuz you got some you got a few songs to get through we got some good ones I think maybe some not-so-good ones are we going to we have to be the judge of that

the song of the artist he dropped the sponsors for the night

are you talking to sponsors cuz I'm bored

letter to the pain is brought to you by LHS LHS home care for all your home care needs for your loved ones in a New York Minute

what's the name of that smarts you got on your shirt and braids

native breed clothing line UCD she's she trying to model and I don't know what she doing

note turn faster you look like you ain't got a neck

she crazy she has no job is too small or too big they don't have their bodies only calling for that Adam or your designs for all your person needs they make letters from the pain possible okay if you guys want to comment on this letter or you have a letter that you want to go to the website ww.w. Letters from the cam drop that letter and we will read it and give you some ass

okay anyway so we're going to get into this music review way to get back if you don't be trying to write us later and call us later and talk crap okay cuz fans can call in 888-627-6008 and let us know if you thought the song was hot or not okay so boom we going to get the first song so

the first time we going to play is by Jeanne Cooper man Anderson now he's a glued Legend okay he he he played with George Clinton and the psychedelics and everything so he's doing his little solo tank so we ain't going to beat him up too bad you know but we going to play his new single respected for his new single is called put your face mask on

not giving 6 feet distance with all this cold is going around put your face to be my theme song

Five Nights at Freddy's 4

okay so once again that was put your face mask on by Gene Anderson I actually kind of cool because he wanted to put that damn face mask on I'm tired of it so I was in the grocery store yesterday and and and this do you like he's up to make sure they were doing that to me and ladies are kept pushing a car back and I was like okay so I fart in my face and she going to back up now you want to back up

download of this song and I'mma put it on my phone and every time I see somebody without when I'm a play that shit put your face match right okay face mask on right panel box and kind of milk

I know it kind of made me think like put your face mask on pop your face like. So tell me you were you can dance if you want to buy somebody face put your help over here

okay so the next artist yeah we're going to be going to play the song I'm and I know it ain't listening so trap open by low-life mojito

the world famous Dallas

motherfuker Harley Facebook

open open open open checking out of focus

DeMar DeRozan grabbing a ticket at Chosin I was just broke as a bit right back. Read My Tribe electronic open open open until

PetSmart open

okay so that was low life molido Trap open so which I think about that

the only thing

Safelite City I ain't calling from

my name is Margaret I'm calling from New York

okay thank you for calling in

are you going to comment on one of the songs they where they hot not face mask on trap open

fast money fast face masks on they had a nice jazz funky Vibe a nice beat you can Bob 2

the second song they need to go back into the studio and scratch that try again

gave me a headache. Not hot exactly exactly

oh okay Margaret thank you I'm here let us in the pain you know we like to keep it real so low life she thinks to go back and make sure you keep your face mask on


keep it real

Goodwill Lawton okay

better call her JJ Smith

JJ Heller New Jersey

okay what's your comment

the first song with the whole thing about keeping your mask on and all that I could get that. That's that's a cool song You Know, had me kind of skeptical in the beginning but they have a meeting but that second song what the fuck was that I'm not I'm not trying to be funny

I caught some of the words can't remember all the words

any explosive trap open rapping like Daddy

something but I don't know what the hell that was being yourself we going to have to let you do something all right for you okay JJ thank you for calling continue to listen to the show we got some more knots and Hots coming

thank you for calling the next time we bout to play

It's called staying in My Own Lane by ralo

Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus

Lionel dear Jesus didn't go to jail again


all right

welcome to the low life

really good backing up the driveway noise from the back end of the driveway

going in Friday's off of Highway

stay in my own lane original saying true big dog status with the Griffins on places some chili learning life lessons no female weight

North Padre Highway

baby my whole life backing up the driveway

knowing it's Friday

staying in My Own Lane

how do you keep going off of Highway feeling good

Nordic Padres

they gave me my own

all right I could come and get it now with it


add a reminder

bright white

what is that what is that rappers named he be doing now he be on TV doing the car's in the shop with the car is being like that I'm not playing but I'll make a ride and you know puff 2 I mean I'm not 420 friendly myself but I'm just saying I'm just giving people I did alright icer

all right let's see let's see let's see let's see who we going to play next on here

oh okay so we going to play I think this is a female female by we going to play mr. Sandman by Kula bonfil

what's the West was she working with mr. Sandman don't be trying to put us to sleep

bum bum bum

come get some

he come home late from working harder world is on his shoulder, you make my heart sing

Queen with a hot plate

call me mrs.

does that give hugs and kisses

he call me mister

cuz that is so delicious

he call me Miss

she calls me Mister Sandman

Greek Freak

cuz I am a freak

Crash Time Alexa handle that one

not everybody else

the B was cool though I like the little sample of mr. Sandman

okay so move along

what is this song

Disney JJ Jersey

oh Jo you calling us back Jojo

yeah yeah yeah

I do I do with the song about a boy finding his own right now.

But the other song with old guy with the Sandman beat like a beat was fired I ain't no ain't about that but I don't know it's too many too many people has nowadays trying to be a whole lot of Nicki Minaj cardi B one of these irritating think she's otherwise I don't think she sounded like cardi b or Megan the stallion

I think she was trying to listen to it through the phone while I was waiting to pick up so

okay JJ so are you trying to say that I should stay in my Lane because it's too many female rap artists out there

now you see me

will talk to you later right now

call me baby

Houston time

it's time to make your move

Ashley Swain.

All right that was PJ Dakota just gay


why would somebody came to the wind fly on

no that was that was like no that was like a cute little party song I think that will be like a good little summertime I don't know but I'm but it was there's like a cute little like you little kid Bop music

alright we got to call her

we can hear you laughing it was like wigs I think she said Wheels AI oh yeah give us thumbs-up we don't have too much iron be out right now and everybody at some point skated so I think it's kind of cool who's on the phone she wants you to remix

keep it up

real hair wigs

I thought you just know me know me you know how do you write a letter let us know you're okay girl I think she just got to get somebody to get her a week so he's somebody I just sell bundles of something go to let us know and I do this song got to be real

okay this better be very upset by Alia Aurelia the name right Carolina chick save me a good song

okay so she giving me that Dej Loaf type sound exactly I don't have nothing bad to say about this song but she's going to be like I'm sorry I'm sure I'm chopping it up but that was a cute little song Carolina chick okay little song and YouTube PJ Dakota just skate we going to play that too but not without the wig falling off the wheels coming off don't don't just don't you don't do it song girl

okay so we still got a bunch of songs to get through so we can to keep it moving but I can't right now we're going to play a song called Hope by Twitty wiki wiki wiki I'm sorry give me a damn spell check

Greystone Gang Bakery

I like it okay so I was going to say it's wiki wiki twist Piece Wiki okay I'm sorry I'm right, you want to cry but you know I don't cry don't cry I'm not a crier so behind on the inside but check it out we got to call her call her line to what's your name and where you calling from

call is coming to the building

call probably drop what's going on you know right now but that's okay but I'm not going to cry for you I don't cry anyway

can you cry while your weight is going on

this next name I'm a I'm going to chop up really bad cuz I don't know how to say this name but the name of the song is called Holly or either Haley Haley or Holly maybe it's Haley the artist name is moon boy Epic on boy

boy boy I don't know whatever Haley the song called Haley the artist just to let on the encyclopedia

oh na na na na

Toby got enough of the unbelievable.

Okay so I'm on boy I don't know what the hell you saying but that song is dope

hit me up what you saying

Domino's on though I like it production The Melody of a song I didn't know what he was saying now I know it was it's Holly not Haley cuz I understood that were all Boom Beach

my name is John on Commerce in California

what time does okay you have a calming

okay so what do you think about the other song

the one before this one

I'm even watching a listening from the beginning

I'm sorry

okay what you think of the song that just went off I like that song

I like

I want to play that was a good song

I Don't Know

okay I get back to this review thank you so much for dropping information there will send you a gift thank you call light skin dark skin

Twilight Twilight Q

Kenne Bell Honda

that was too y'all light skin girl Miami of literally like the 80s no lie I did that was a

okay stupid that was technically

Hollywood Hills and you see how it went back and came back

now what was going on it reminded me of his invoice reminding me of what that guy's name Return of the Mack Macklemore songs to get to America better by Scribd your hoochie

tragically and unfortunately there is another America America has an extra baggage that comes template strand

Williamsburg VA gov the staff the struggle is real people can't deal 99% can barely pay their bills the living wage give me something I can feel that the radar no need to write a will there's nothing from nothing leaves nothing if I roll the wheel. I've been doing my work play Saturday but I still can't make it into the land of the free can tell that's got to feel the school is building more jail I don't get it I've been doing I was told to do the American dream is just a bunch of America great again I'll pads make America better

weather forecast

I have a driving school

our time is up people are time is it in the pan out tonight with one last song make sure you tune in this Friday where we will be interviewing Raheem Divine I would have a little bit of

something interesting so we going to take you guys out with Life by Scrappy group

Nicholas my life in every day structure and everyday struggle was an everyday Hudson pants Roxy is cuz you know which way to turn on when trying to get it bad to get it hurt my mama said she will be just as long as we don't understand cuz I'ma keep climbing. The line out the month and if you got the Beats at the top we can Rumble. No Niger company behind tank gorilla don't feed me, from the 50 I sprayed them to the hunted right back down on my mama you don't want it to make it stay dry and we keep growing your empty

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