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LetterZ From the Pen, January 1, 2021

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LetterZ From the Pen
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Guest, G Terra, Singer and Song Writer

LetterZ From the Pen with Nikia F. Hughes & Radiah Johnson and guest music artist, singer and song writer G Terra

Guest, Reggae Dance Hall artist G-terra

Guest Name
Reggae Dance Hall artist G-terra
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Music Artist
Guest Biography

About G-Terra: Born in Spanish Town Jamaica, Son of Elise from Claremont, St Ann & Anthony From Guy’s Hill, Jamaica. Coming from Humble Beginnings G-Terra is very passionate about music and has done it for years achieving a new level of diversity with Different sounds & styles of writing. Starting out at an early age, Terra wrote songs & entered Talent shows all over Spanish Town. He Consistently focused on Music as a Young man until friends became very interested & started asking to hear songs on a daily basis. The Word quickly spread around St. Jago High School where he attended & did most of his early songwriting.

LetterZ From the Pen

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee
RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

Letterz from the pen is a variety show touching base on new up and coming arts, entertainment, music, fashion, give relationship advice and analyze your letterz from the pen.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

I'm looking in the mirror I'm so afraid

I can have the world

joining us on this New Year's Day live from letters from the pain as you can see

we are together

yeah we know how you like me now

play 21

Happy New Year. I'm sorry it is what it is a show called cooking with letter n which will be premiering in a couple of weeks and you guys will get to see it first here on

play Chopin on PBS radio

she can't cook that good so the only thing she know how to make his macaroni and cheese. Because of the other stuff

calm down Ramen & Pickle

when I have letters from the pin merch

anybody wants a letter from the pain man website

we have a super exciting letter tonight

stories about 3 for us

what the heck is always trying to eat

I see it right here this is how little a little yellow cab that she's making more idea anyway

we're going to get through this letter that someone has sent out to us and after reveal are you guys can call and let us know what you saying is give us some of your opinions I'm in the running to be chatting it up later about 20 20 house 20/20 when how it was for everyone some of the Milestones that start and I have hit it and want to know some of the Milestones that you guys have had in some of your plans for 2020 right now stars going to read this letter



who does a pregnant person is going on here are you pregnant

we are having a little bit of technical difficulties today you guys but you stay right here with us

okay hello ladies happy New Year I'm so glad that my letter was chosen to be read today I am a 35 year-old mother of two and I recently separated from my husband because I have feelings for women

I'm wondering if I should leave my husband or if I should even tell my husband about my dilemma we've been married for a very long time and have two children together he doesn't know about my bisexual feelings he just thinks that we are growing apart what should I do

do you want me to go at that if that's what you like go for it but me personally I don't do that but I'm not knocking anybody that does you got to be miserable if you stay with this man and you want something else and he's going to be miserable because you can't be giving him a hundred percent

that's not going to work like that so I suggest you tell him talk to the kids about it if they don't already know apparently you already experienced

questions I always ask questions though so the letter was so big so

you know I got to get your business that was in people's business but how long have you known about these feelings

have you been sleeping with girls I mean I mean what's happening like how how do you how long she been in this relationship okay yes so how long do you know about these feelings and how long do they live in Hawaii honey because you can't live life like that so if you feel like whether it's a man or woman who ever feel like you're not in love with someone that's in love with somebody like don't don't hang on like don't don't make a reason is you trying to beat me my hair with a candy cane you if you don't have feelings for someone don't hold on for no reason because that's not fair to yourself and that's not fair to the other person as well because that man could have been moved on and been happy with somebody who really wanted him and you could be happy with you know what someone that you want so do yourself live with your with your feelings don't like I always say don't let somebody else Pinterest story for you paint your own story you tell your own story so

if that's what you want then that's what you got to go do what you got to do what's going to make you happy and I also want to know how old your kids because that could also be that determines what step you should take because children would wear the people realize they're not children are really affected when parents break up or when they divorce and they're used to one routine is so don't just go jump out the window you have to weigh your pros and cons of where your options as well because you have other people to consider other minor people to consider

Superman honey honestly

you should have told him it's a lot of men out there that like to sleep with you women whether it be separately or together

one 867-6008 call

Quality Inn Tallahassee New Year's resolution you want to hear from you today

and it tells about this letter when should I stink ride

FM Radio on iHeartRadio CBS Radio

I can see you they can see you eating like a pig

play some music

when we going to wait wait don't wait for I guess before before we play the music but we want to set out to our sponsors or just want a man starts and LHS don't care for all your home care if you got next for all your photography got needs a more do yard signs for all your hot press needs

you know

operacija if you need one of those masks Arc clean up no job is too small or too big I mean hey mysterious letter lady you might be able to use yard clean-up to come clean out your house you know if you get thrown out or you know that the husband you know if you want to remove your stuff still still my significant other stuff at the house

one place too long to decide that you didn't like the end

you stupid today

I'm just curious

that's all the episodes that we have come in a few cuz she's going to be making fried bologna

yeah she pregnant she didn't want to tell nobody

okay weather radar sensor sensor this is what happens usually we're not going together

we're at war in separate states usually separate sides of the planet but for this new year special we're together because we're working on some new projects so she's a little antsy because you know we're here together doing the show

no I'm going to drop off for a trivia question while we're waiting for our guest

look at it look at it

how many people are in here

that's a terrible trivia question us

let's see where he is at

yep y'all can see him thank you just joined us for this New Year's special

today's trivia question

what planet is 93 million miles away from the Earth

I'll give you a $10 gift card real house

but that's easy and you should know that off the rent if you didn't in science class and if you know my know that because I'm a advisor

will go there one day


what 867-6008 call me and tell me what planet is 93 million miles away that she will give someone $10 to send her 93 million miles away after she said basically that's what she saying

that's what she saying

like it was everywhere

so why were waiting for a guy get his technical difficulties together so what were some of your last year and I was in in 2020

did I cook a sheet when he's when I already started so much stuff I think I was just kind of moving along with things or reservation heels I finished that was my project and that's really about it to be honest that right to the end of the new year was a nice opening nice segue to 2021

oh yeah

okay but just Evolution sounds like I hear

yeah I'm here I'm here I'm trying to get my man it's been tough for me over here my bad

do you have your video camera on but I have some issues like with the phone and the volume so I was at I had to restart it and everything that happened in 2020 and some of the different things that are going on so well first of all you've been here this is your second appearance on the show but tell us who you are again for those who are just kind of tuning in for the first time I don't know who you are well before I even saying I'm the first helmet safety Hollis Happy New Year I must blessings up on everything that y'all doing

shout out the star on the show that you're happy New Year blessings sterl

big of a mess of the world where a bit of lettuce from the pain so much loved everybody has mass and has them all the people that interview today I'm doing the interview late but you're my big O bless up everybody call thank you for coming back and sharing you know your new stuff with us so what was your 20/20 like what Milestone did you head like what struggles did you go through like just wrapped in a nutshell like what was recently 20

is like gift inaccuracy or I don't know I don't know what to call it because you need good people are you thankful for meeting good people then pretty much I'm having the the connections that you make along the way during the 2021 what about Compass make that's good you can look at it and say yeah it's a blessing to have all that but on the other side all these people dying from this virus thing

from from what I'm feeling you know it's kind of been a tough year but still it's been a decent your homies still though it's a struggle to say it with what it is it's kind of like you just got to be thankful for being alive and of course of course so what do you have what do you like what's ahead of you in 20 21

well right now I'm trying to finish up this album

and you know pretty much that's my main goal right now is fences album once I get out of the way my next move you know the focus on the next move so musically that's where I'm at you know otherwise family

I'll take care of it so we're going to play we're going to play your new song Single that you have that you just dropped you can go ahead and go to talk about it so go ahead and go ahead and announce your new center

is Beyonce a different organic upset

I can't wait to make him talk

let me know.


alright so who who did you work with on the song Organics we're getting ready for them to see what up

I'm pretty much produce to myself I wrote the song when I said you have freestyle it and I made it up just like really resent like pretty much two or three days ago sit here I spit it freestyle on the beaches made by Chimney Rock at chimney records out of Jamaica are Kingston Jamaica and so yeah you know right so here's your song organic by Doterra you heard it first here on lettuce in the pen

text Sharon machlis Sun Moon Star, flat stomach

Robin credit card Clinic Galaxy Star running a special know when I'm getting off the exit on the chroma Precision Robin chronic chronic chronic chronic

baby doll and the boy you know I'm going to write to Santa Monica may not want to message pharmacies about a Whitman and I'm not impressive Robin chronic chronic chronic chronic money

you're the first guy that was organic by G Sarah right here on letters from the pen

so tell us what that song is about

what song is this app out pretty much Flow lyrics and and production a lot of people got production works that's filled with some of the songs are are not really talk to me in my opinion I think some of the songs are like

the way they produce them is like mostly production there's like a limited or small amount of actual art what type of listening when it is like an organic being that this is a organic you so everything in it is all gone in the life the liquor store in patterns and everything I'm talking about is organic real

all right cool so we should be expecting a g Tara album in 2021

fully loaded

okay cat want to come down

so did you did you did you did you get a chance to to hear our letter to listen to the letter together and let me in the old one that I built so that's that was an issue I don't know what question how would you feel if your wife came home and said I don't wanna be with you no more I want to be with a woman


if that's your choice

if that's her choice well that's what it is you know I'm not going to fight but I'm going to do.

That's really her choice and I'm like really sit down and talk to her in a day passed by a woman I hear I ain't going to trip over

you imma be imma BPG tonight maybe I shouldn't but you won't even try to fight

yeah I would but like I said if it came down to the light. After all of the the speaking and really figuring out what's really good for any woman it doesn't matter I could be with the prettiest woman in the world if she tells me that's what she want to do and I questioned her a couple more time I see you acting all nice and and is she acting all do probably going already because guess what do you think the prettiest woman in the world

I think is the right thing to say the right thing and that's a lot of people don't really see because they're so focused on themselves so you don't really look like personality everything together

that's really where it's at for me

for you

if somebody was not so attractive but they they were had a very pretty personality you would date them

I'm actually done already that. You know people have thought less of like you know I can cuz I don't I don't see myself as bad anyway like I don't put myself on a pedestal I've never live like that I've always been kind of home but even in my greatest moments where I feel like I'm the shit are whatever you Eagle Rises up on you feel like whatever I still feel home but I always come back down to like y'all so this is really pretty people

I'm seeing star behind you around you like it's crazy how y'all do that are in the same room job do it like y'all got this thing figured out the way.

Resume expert Co

no I'm yeah I know I got it now I just figured that out at first I was wondering why I couldn't see you like when you're in your in your chair with your drink because I love you anyway

what kind of like challenges did you have in 2020 that you think

that you can go have in 2021

I don't think I'll have any Challenge from playing playing 21 exit deal with the cold with crap I think that's the only thing that's going to roll over for me because of my issues from last year and last year that it doesn't make sense to me like it ain't going in this here it's over it's it's back there in December or November I move on and I'm very good at that I'm moving on from so it's like this New Year blessings fresh like fresh blossoms at reason I'm a Capricorn to so I'm representing for my money right now

I'm bringing it right now

January baby we here


back to back to back to our letter really clear so

we did get someone else's perspective on the situation someone that we know is in a has been with his wife while they're in a in an open relationship relationship and that's been working for them

what is what is on like

can you repeat that last part for me that somebody started calling my wife in a whole new relationship

you may want to play V want some of this shit like not a nice time

what now

I know but that but that is a lifestyle that that a lot of people do live in it and it's it's it's it's it's a it's a type of relationship that works for a lot of people some people doesn't know a lot of people that works for them and sometimes.

I mean a few I know if you I know a few people I know a few couples that are open that letter have like an open marriage and I'm on top of that I know it's caused a lot of problems but I guess that's what happens when you have people that are really jealous

and then I know I know some people that it keeps a relationship fresh some men that want their wife she just be happy and experience it all so it happen

call my husband out there in Mississippi really really dope

couple and they might be looking for some for the third-party so you guys take care of that

so I can play in bulk over there

call Reggie eating like she's eating like she hasn't ate for two weeks and relax that's cool

I don't support that we not going to do but if you want to take a sip or drink you could do that get drunk when they can take the medical center show and I do not promote marijuana smoking for minor

y'all better keep calling me no matter what you keep telling me that I'm on an interview right now like I never hear from this person like that's a good question what would you do

so that's your question for me why does somebody keep calling your phone or actually do a small interview and have somebody that's cutting it off for a minute

I mean the time frame that you know it's not like I'm going to be out here all day I mean the time

how many Maps would you like to purchase we have black ones you have different styles how many you need

you sipping

yeah we shifted to make them


volume going crazy over there.

and it's blue like my man

what you doing

she got some Hennessy some Courvoisier some red wine. Disgusting nobody gets drunk off pickle juice

word up

the first of the month

like I said that woman no I'm not Will Smith so that's my answer for that question so

got that right now I mean

you know we have a moral I wear more loyal people to know where we come from people deal with them in the quiet and that's why a lot of other people don't know that it is a lot of mix-up shitted involved in that you know extra diseases and shit extra you got everything coming and you know especially now when is we got a virus I don't know what the fuck it is definitely know a woman if you want to go out

okay so with that being said we're good at working at we're going to play we're going to play One Night Stand that's a perfect song One Night Stand by Nikia

and you know what time it is

I don't know

Tennessee whiskey what time it is

I just want

I'm trying to be in your I just want to know why I don't want to do it, but please don't ask me to do you understand this one night stand was fun while it lasted

when you come to happy thank you what time it is

one night stand

go home I stand by you guys like on New Year's Day

Amazing Amazing Grace the ships


is down with that he wants his wife to experience the best of all worlds The Best of Both Worlds we should get done to come on in your comment really quick if you wanted to be sure can you hear absolutely I love you ladies you two are dogs bomb ladies. Talk about a dog how you how you liking it hasn't always been like that when I when when I met my wife I said look if I have to live under the state's jurisdiction under the way the world demands

I can't do it I want you to have a harem like me of a harem we can we can both have it all and be together and I want to be with you with no constraints non I mean absolutely not and somehow that work and we've been able to experience life Bliss on top together together

that works for me I mean I know that doesn't work for a lot of people and

I don't know why I honestly don't but if you can't set the Bird Free

completely I mean completely and that bird doesn't want to stay with you well I mean if it tells its own story so for me

there has to be absolute 100% freedom for me to be with my wife I have to know she wants to be with me regardless of all the wonderful opportunities out there and I want her to have the experience them and enjoy them but I want to know that at the end of the day

she's going to want to be with me and say hi Don here's what I experienced

got an OJ didn't do it because I want her to be that excited I want her to have that so that is how for me it works for it works that's what I wanted I laid it out that way before we got married

and we agreed upon that and it's only gotten better every it's weird every year I've been married the consecutive year has been better and better and better and you don't think it can get better

that is awesome do you ever have the fear that like one of you guys might fall in love with someone else happens I can only give her that

love you say God it is it if someone else gives you an experience and life that I can't give you you deserve it. Wow that's huge. That is a huge things to do that's a huge Spirit to have self-love it's really like you you know this you absolutely do it's self-love it's loving yourself so much

that you extend that the others

oh wow


it really is and to be human and be able to do that thank you and you ladies I love you ladies you're blessed to but yes in that respect I've seen the world I've been to the top of the mountain and it is good

I have seen that almost sound like Martin Luther King my eyes have seen the glory listen to a lot of people have to live that life but I really appreciate the other people can I'm actually intrigued by it so that's why I was so excited thank you thank you for letting me know thank you thank you question concern

want to say something to G Tara

call Lynn so we're going to give somebody when I give away some lunch if you can call and sing a couple of lines from Doterra then we will are you strapped a number *

okay we have a caller on line one

Ohana from Massachusetts

alright Ohana

icing one manga

that's all the words I don't know

play okay ladies OG weight

I think that was not our gang that's what's up message to build and shout out to my people at Massachusetts I got some cousins are they still out there


I thought that I thought that where you from originally like you got some neck on mixer where you like where you where your background as your background


Trinidad I was hoping I was going to ask you

well because she just connected but Ohana go to our website ww.w. Larsen drop your information and we're going to send you out to lunch so I don't know we've been announcing for the longest time since the first show about two people getting round trip tickets to Jamaica and today is the day that we are going to announce dad and to put the cherry on top when you go to Jamaica

GTR is going to be there to show you around

where you going to be

if I'm if I'm in the USA I'll get one of my good good people like my manager or somebody somebody that's a good

will you just make sure that they got somebody to show them around and they not just you know in Jamaica getting kidnapped and the movement is taking off on we just we plan on traveling to where you know that we talked about that type of stuff I like

get ready people

KJ buffen if you're out there you want around your ticket to Jamaica broken.

You already organic winner Organics

All Star

Patricia Mathis is the second one that we just pulled them



AJ. Patricia Mathis that's bigger

so you guys go to drop information we will send you your information for your tickets keep in mind these are open ticket so you can book anytime or any time so go against our website ww.w and information and we will get that information to you and hopefully we'll be there to show you around I will be here I'm hoping so I definitely look forward to so I'm proud of where we buy Trisha biggar bless up so ugly the show is coming to an end today not forever but today tell everybody where they can find you at 7:30 on Facebook g730 on IGG. T e r a on every music site you type that in on popping up you already know his Jeter represent in Spanish Town Jamaica

monday-friday are to know the deal they got Nikki a Big Star Bingo

Happy New Year to make sure you meet us over on Facebook live for keeping the party going on tonight

love you be back next week

3:30 p.m. Pacific time


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