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LetterZ From the Pen, December 25, 2020

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LetterZ From the Pen
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Guest, Jonathan Coleman, Blacktopia

Letterz From the Pen with Nikia F. Hughes & Radiah Johnson and guest Jonathan Coleman,

LetterZ From the Pen

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee
RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

Letterz from the pen is a variety show touching base on new up and coming arts, entertainment, music, fashion, give relationship advice and analyze your letterz from the pen.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

I'm looking in the mirror I'm so afraid

I can have the world

hello and welcome to let us know the pain I am your host R&B singer Nakia and I and your house still her hello Mary thank you thank you for joining us on this Christmas Day for this lack Topia Christmas so we have a lot of surprises for you guys today and we're going to talk about a lot of Christmas things so how's your Christmas go because it was good I'm breathing so I can't complain

did you get anything special anything fun I didn't actually I was just happy to wake up and eat my good chicken

the macaroni and cheese macaroni and cheese you posted that you should have sent me a plate that's okay I made it home with the prize I put on top so I was happy about that so yeah I'm alright alright well I guess on New Year's you going to have to let us get a taste of that macaroni you have to make a special on itz 400 I'll try out I will see that that's a work week so we'll see if we have time for cooking citing a couple of Engagement announcements that I want to shut out some people that I know got engaged D rapper G herbo just got engaged today on Christmas congratulations

about the ceremony I just want to get the reception I want to be with the food and the drinks are that's where I want to be

the food images congratulations to the happy couple yes yes I'm waiting to see who this eligible bachelor is I'm wondering I'm wondering

so we're going to shout out some responses early on here so if you didn't get any for anybody for Christmas and you have some late giving to do you can head up for tography got next maybe get a certificate for some for some photographs he's here for all your photography needs Amor d r designs for all of your press knee that you shirts that you keychain had you name it they do it so if you need something at the last minute maybe for an enlarged something like that you can hit them up you can also hit up LHS Home Care

they do care for your loved ones I'm not at that to you know Christmas gift but it could be if someone needs to help jrc clean up for all your cleanup needs and no job is too small or too big stars pan and OG to entertainment so make sure you check all of them out on Facebook on the web and hit them up and mention that letters from the pain and you might you just might get a discount your might

yes I might you heard that first right here at my okay

dear letters from the pen

I've been seeing this man for 5 years ironically he lives around the house around the corner from my ex-husband my ex-husband is was seeing someone else's well we stay together only for the children but we both knew that we were in different relationship now that the 19 years old we have officially separated and moved out of the house from each other

now that we've moved out of the house I can openly and freely see my boyfriend and my ex-husband the same

however now that I can freely see my new boyfriend he's getting cold feet and all the plans that we made previously she does not want to go for he keeps putting me off but we were supposed to move in together he tells me all we can't move in together yet until I buy a house

I'm concerned that he may have another woman or he just changed his mind and he's afraid to tell me

please help me out with this sign confused

so what do you think

well I don't think she should be too confused cuz that's pretty apparent I you don't want you baby well I'm confused because so you're sleeping with this one for five years you're sleeping with her the whole time that she still living in a house with her ex-husband but now that she's a free candidate it's like I don't want you anymore or could it be that this just this man already has another woman that he's living with yes she probably was a side piece to begin with when she thought that you know she was having her cake and eat it too as well and there was no side pieces that's waiting around this Christmas you know to see you know the CEO and you'll be somebody else's man tomorrow you know for National Christmas side piece day 26th May 6th and the 15th of February so you guys get 2 days a year whoever you are but it sounds like you might need to just move on you know he's he's not Presley

I didn't say it's about to be a new year baby just keep it moving you know you know I think she's confused because this relationship thinking that for five years okay me and this man have been together and he's unsure feeding her whatever lies he was feeding her telling her whatever you was telling her that you know the things men do and I can almost guarantee you that she was probably given him money and everything and he was probably taking that money and spend on whatever one is living with

so mrs. come to use if you're out there you should call in and give us a little more clarity on the situation I mean have you been to this man's house does he have kids have you met his kids have you met anybody and family have you met friends I mean cuz I'm sure the signs are there a lot of times women just choose to ignore the red flags because some women feel like I do you know as Betty Wright would say having a piece of man is better than having no man at all but this is not the 80s to the 90s and I don't believe in that but she may or she may not so I mean really sister girl doesn't really confused about the only confusion should be why you're not leaving a while you're staying in a situation where

a man is not trying to commit to you if someone tells you shows you who they are believe them if he said oh you know what once you want to hear the way your divorce is final that we're going to be together so shame on you anyway to sleep with another man around the corner from your house while you were still married and your whether you would separate or not you're the worst was the final and shame on your ex-husband for sleeping with somebody else doing allowing all this nonsense to go on especially when you guys had young kids because of your kids are 18 and 19 now that means it was 14 and 15 at the time and shame on you shame on you and shame on you and shame on them and around the corner

shame on you sir

phone lines are open given the number * to call in 888-627-6008

let's get it you know you know that letter struck a nerve

I don't know why that just made me mad my anger and my mad level is at needles for this this up-and-coming Evolution this this new stuff I'm not even if they get me angry I need a check to come with it what what is your New Year's resolution speaking of which because we are almost in 2021 and reflecting on 20 20 20 20 has been a crazy Year from covid-19 elections to

people dying a lot of you know famous people dying you know big hits two communities I mean 20 20 has been I'm waiting I'm Still Waiting to Exhale yeah I think we all are I won't say I have a resolution I don't like to make them but I think going forward I just want to evolve and I think I should be everybody so just go higher than you were before Brian I'm in beast mode to myself so for me this year would that would be my biggest thing I wouldn't call the resolution but my goal is to like extra evolve and just come out on stop mold by Jack Brown's complaint there's a lot of sad people a lot of lost loved ones that we said I could do a Merry Christmas and going into the new year

make sure you guys stay tuned the whole show cuz we're going to be giving away some gifts and prizes and we're going to be dropping some information if you can enter in the last minute and $1,000 contest when and those tickets to Jamaica will be announcing the winners on January 1st right here on letters from the pan so you got to stay tuned on later later on in the show today we will again once again tell you how to enter the contest right now when I take a little bit of our first song called back home by Nikita

how do you clean a Vida mom and dad

what did you think she had on me begging you please

I really don't you do it

and we are back you guys I hope you like that one right there from the Kia right now that it has been back home back home I thought that was inappropriate song the play

based on the letter

cupshe want you to come back home to the homie I never had

but anyway

moving right along we have we have our special guest Jonathan Coleman from black Topia here tonight we want to give him a warm welcome and welcome him in and chop it up with him a little bit

welcome welcome

car wash

hello your phone is on mute

there we go now it's not thank you how's it going Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you all is well and it's been going so far you're always been cool just another day actually you know every day Christmas when you some guy named Jay I like that always in the spirit goes before we get into you know talking and stuff like that for those who don't know who you are and stress yourself to those out there in radioland blood for the panel and let them know you are some Jonathan Coleman aka some guy named Jada smart podcast blogger named you can check out some of the podcast on BlogTalkRadio. Com podcast on demand I'm also the creator of Black Topia and also PR specialist to Media blast PR and I know and you know I do a little bit of everything, everything is you know like you all are you

you do everything you know so I do the same to some questions what is black Topia Topia is more than just online community it's also a movement to be noted important economic empowerment to our people and also you know to bring black people together all Under One Roof and a showcase the talents and abilities of black people across the globe and that's what it's for and by listening go to Black Topia. Org that's the website go to the get the you can get the black Topia mobile app on iTunes if you have an Apple device and go on if you have an Android and go to the Facebook group black toe. Black utopian society

so what type of thing so far has black Topia accomplished within the African-American Community oh yeah other nonprofit organizations such as renewed inspiration You Know Tiffany Brown who's also a humanitarian and her organization thought we were you know we've done stuff like me would catch more kids just pretty much partnering up with other nonprofit organizations and helping them out butterfly business project other various organizations always help black owned businesses you know get more money for their businesses help them create more awareness for what they have promoting it

it also artist you know just kind of helping them brought their fan base and things like that so that's what we've been doing nothing too much on a big global scale yet but we're doing it you know just little bits and pieces of just helping people get to where they need to go at all so people within the group two things that they need you know we got connected tea with black Tobias connected people with people who need things do things like that so now when you say that you're teaching them about economic things give us an example in this is for the listeners out there because I'm sure they will give us an example of what type of economic economical Services you can offer or you can you can teach them and what is the basis of that

I basically have a baby have different themes in the group we have money Monday and that's one of us the theme for that that's big will that's the day for that and basically put information people that have the information I'm no expert you know I'm just you know but when I find useful information I just pop it into the group books to read information think about investment things like that and plus I'm a student in the game as well so I ask my own questions to people who may know things like that so I'll pop a question what do you know about index funds and somebody in the group knows something about it they'll comment on it and people are in that way as far as doing more with economic empowerment she just unfortunately with the black community we have this money is evil and money is bad and all that crap so we kind of got a lot of emotional investment of money and a lot of Hang-Ups when it comes to it and it'll just just trying to find a way to chip away at that because it's a lot of money is Just Energy like anything

power you know why you don't have to love it I'm not saying be in love with money or be obsessed with it or do anything illegal or or something with the lack of Integrity to get it but the black community needed the first thing we do when we start trying to reach out to politicians. We need to go go we talk about funding for stuff you know so that right there should tell you that money I mean it it's it's important we need it yeah we needed to do things in our community with it

okay so I personally think I mean I don't really like to talk politics are getting into politics but I personally think that in minority communities not even not only juice African American communities in minority communities

they're sometimes at a disadvantage education wise

and they're not teaching their children certain things that or certain skills that would be taught maybe in other communities that have more funding I mean why are we not teaching our children from the time they're young about about thinking at financing and investing like why are we why are we teaching them okay like you got a paycheck go buy a $300 pair of Jordans

I mean I would personally like to see on your platform something here towards children to teach them young you know to put them in that in that mindset start saving now when you're young so that way you can pay for some of your college even if your parents don't have the money and you're not you're not coming out of school with like thousands of dollars in debt exactly Ashley this Monday this past Monday positive thing in the group that things should be the things that should be taught in schools and that that goes along with that but yeah definitely reaching out to the children and their parents you know that they should also you know teach their kids be spanked do you know it seems like we're also teaching our kids to be just robot employees we don't teach him how to be entrepreneurs on teaching my bosses would teach him how to do you know following color in the lines and do what you told so you can get a job and work somebody else you know if you're not caught a lot of in and also in school

memorize think you're not actually thought the word so you got a lot of these kids who they know you know they can they know all kind of timetables and all kind of stuff but they don't just ain't got no sense a lot of them but they know how to memorize thing so I think you cuz you know they like they give kids worksheet so they fill out the stuff but they don't really know what they're they just know how to memorize you're not learning you know do you have kids but I know about what what do you think star

as far as you know the way Society has changed right now due to covid-19 and kids doing online learning opposed to learning in schools

I totally I think it's an epic fail coming from both ends being in the school myself and then watching my daughter struggle I think it's an epic fail but it's also up to the parents to kind of pick up the slack because it's either they going to fail we going to sit there and let them know we going to pick up the pieces what's the weather School can't do we can't send them back so I just I try to stay on her you know what are they saying what it is you getting emails and you know it is a mess and also that the children that are going to the school just like it's all kind of social dissing you got to go in a certain line and if you go out of the line you got to go all the way around the building just to go in the direction you need to go in and it's just it's not even it's not even a social atmosphere for the children the ones that actually do and I know we we got to be safe

but at the same time it's something else that you know so I can start establish when I taking that shot

yeah we're not going if we're not going to do that I'm not feeling too good about that

I don't want to just started the rest of the public in the rest of our lives and is but for me it's in them

I think it's a decision that everyone has to make herself so regardless if you hear us on here saying we're not going to take the shot that doesn't mean if you want to take it don't take it that doesn't mean take it not take it like you asked if you have to get all the information and be informed and make an informed decision you can't just go take the shot just because a doctors on on on TVs and take a shot or because they're they're saying I need the shot cancel made the shot I don't care if you're personally if you're black white blue and brown if I don't know what's in it I'm not taking it a historical problem with people who take vaccines and stuff you don't like they saying I'm here like she is coming out with autism and things like that because the mothers have been taken vaccines and stuff that I've always been kind of problem I mean of the medicine that we need is in nature you know we need to start growing on foods and and just doing stuff like that cuz we don't need I don't need this man made

chilling that we don't need it you know

that's what that's my opinion do you guys think that like this was created and and release for population control I mean China is famous for doing it

do you think America is doing the same thing

could be you know I know how it went when the pandemic first started a lot of people were saying that

could you could be I'm not really too much on whether you like these conspiracies and things but I don't I don't you talk to spirits the truth it always has the government trying to keep it on the hush

I think you could be it could be true so if it could be could not be it could have been the timing was perfect files I wonderful president but something like that to happen on his watch I think was perfect timing cuz it sounds just like him but I don't know I can't call it I did everybody stay safe thinking about these stimulus checks right now that everybody's going crazy going back and forth about 600 mm 1200 only what you guys think about that you are by yourself you can send it to let us at I think it's whatever they're going to do because honestly

this is not to put anybody down but a lot of people that are struggling they were already living from paycheck to paycheck they were already in the hole so this just put them further in the hole which is not to their fault but I really think that we should start to pay attention to our finances a little better if 20% of them to do nothing else if they didn't teach you anything else get the money right cuz that's that's where a lot of people laughing if they had a stacked up at 3 months that most Bank people tell you I'm you know Most accountants will tell you to have in your bank account 3 months worth of your paycheck should be in the hole just in case stuff like this happen and a lot of people didn't do that and I think it's if they had if we had then you know a lot of people would be a little bit better off it's nobody's fault that they lost their jobs is Nobody's Fault covid-19 happen however as people we should have been a little better prepared so yeah

check the guy that but I don't care I don't need it I understand that it's not their fault but I'mma tell you what did piss me off about the situation you got people out here are some legal some defrauding a system getting tens of thousands of dollars and he easy money right so you got all this money and what is the first thing they did when I got that the first overall stimulus check I was in Walmart buy milk okay I didn't get I didn't get it I didn't get a stimulus check but a gallon of milk in the lines were like so out of control and good guess what people are buying Electronics so my question is

when things like eviction dance stop and landlord can evict you and your so many months behind in rent is that TV that you bought with that stimulus check where you plug it in at outside in the tent I mean nobody nobody thought to their selves in their minds to think the tip to think ahead and forward $1,200 is not allowed the money by imagination however

better use could have been made of it and I mean I know people right now that are like stressed out because like this come December 31st who knows what's going to happen and evictions could be you know back on and it's like well you got all this money you got a stimulus check and you did nothing with it but you did something with it you went and bought marijuana you went and bought you get your Fendi Prada Gucci Birkin will not work and someone ended up getting the money back but I bought a whole every every pair of Jordans Air Force ones that you can find and guess what's going to happen now you have no money to save where you're living so you can have to take your Air Force Ones all your television all your sneakers and everything else you jewelry everything else you bought and you going to be outside

like children is not about them shoes and up and retired after a couple of years of working hard you know let's keep them at let's try not to take that $20 and spent it because your next $20 you got $40 and you want to know something whether it doesn't matter what your race is it doesn't matter if you're black if your wife in Chinese if your Spanish

we are at war with Society for our children because that's what Society is not the same anymore children are out here

no matter what no matter what race they are there out here and they're they're watching YouTube and they're watching Tik Tok and their online and they're getting this preconceived notion of what something is supposed to be and it's not what it's supposed to be so they're looking at like let's take out our young daughters for instance there looking at someone like Megan the stallion cardi B write any other ones that are out there oh I want to be just like that my body has to look like that but guess what their body doesn't look like that naturally they went and paid to get chop and cut up so now they're setting expectations that are not even real and children around here young girls are out here killing yourself to to live up to those standards which you're not even real standards

and parents have to understand especially now that kids are at home and they're online all the time is nothing else to do they can't go anywhere we really have to bother to this and we have to make sure our children understand the importance of individuality and the importance of them being who they are because that's who God made them or whoever anybody for a solenoid to get his religion but that's how you were made and everyone is special in their own kind of way and if God wanted everybody to look the same he would we would have just been made with a machine and we always just popped out the Same by me now a lot of the artists the same because they all go to the same doctors and they all walk around the same box space and even the male artist they got the same dread that got the same tattoos on their faces real you can't really tell him to tell them apart musically that

something you know and somebody was like spring on like a goatee and like you know what the hairline some edges and I was like oh this is crazy we got people are catfishing people and you know what is going to be good for someone else's somebody's going to get you want to go out someplace get drunk go home with somebody you going to wake up in the morning and you didn't realize you were on Facebook exactly the money Monday part of it you know we got a lot of these adult doing this dumb stuff in the past notes habits on to the children you know that it's the dumb things that they think about money teaching the kids they said they have this cycle is continuous you know

yeah phone lines open you guys if you want to give us a call +62-760-081-8886 to 76008 I laugh with mr. Johnson Coleman if you want to talk about the letter if you want to say anything to Jonathan if you're mad at us for talking about whoever whatever or as a matter of fact if you got a stimulus check or something eating calling calling so we can talk to you because I want to know what you did with your EDD money

and if you still got it let me let me give you some advice on what to do with it so you can make some more money exactly and that's that's a better idea cuz some advice and some nuggets bought you some front laces and edges and and Jordans and

I don't think I can tell us that take to get a new butt in a new titties in a liposuction but didn't pay no bills I want to know it but I did but I forgot the point though if you did something with the money and you're at your shame to what you did with it you probably should have did that way


if you still healing from your butt surgery in your butt injections call up here and let us know because in about 6 months you going to need to find some more money cuz they probably going to fall flat they probably pancakes

sure we could do a trivia question let me see them Monday question

if you can give us a call and tell us

how many members are in the black Topia group 18886 to 76008 that mean to find out if you're not already knew that you had over to all streaming platforms and pick up all eyes on me by Nakia and then you go and subscribe All Eyez on Me songs from the pin on Instagram subscribe to my YouTube channel and I Facebook Channel as well

and if you're riding you can always go to Pandora and stream the Keel on Pandora

so what's going on with yesterday night take Jonathan tell Georgia I'm actually going to reboot it it's going to be season 1 .53 show is like In Living Color satellite of MADtv all his stuff with his audio and although it's audio is not just a bunch of raw vocals do you know what's it's also got sound effects and ambient noise. Create the same and I'll ride is also one of the writers that we have feature that's giving us some pieces to perform to that we got a lot of different writers chameleons novelist playwrights and stuff like that who do given us scripts you know the playoff of and I we have 12 members in the cash I'm going to run them all down but you know it's 12 never cast

but we're going to drop the third episode either this week in December or the first week in January and moving forward we're going to we're going to reboot call season 1.5 + what to make the episode shorter and I know a lot of it should teach that we got from people we just kind of did it and kind of rearrange the show the kind of make everybody happy so you know that's what that's what it is but do you have any other projects coming up or doing different things we got more episodes of digital meet and greet with JT coming up

I can't think of any dates right now but got more digital meet and greet we just wrapped up the season finale of a love and sex Psychology 101 with Coach coach and Grandma Riri and I said oh yes it's a show about relationships and stuff like that they give relationship advice I'll forgive you no sex stuff you just told me the specs ologist wrap that up but you guys can check out the archives by going to 4/5 KS on the man you can also go to iTunes and then go to podcast on the man to check out the archives will the show Vlog talk radio

that you know I'm drawing a blank all of a sudden

play some PA hello thanks for calling

hey what's going on is Jonathan

Jonathan I'm calling about the question

okay question

yes sure 6.6.7 K members

6.7 K is that right. Athen that's correct

hey Jonathan hey Jonathan

Jonathan you're going to go to our website ww.w. Let us there's a question box there drop information in there and we will get your prize out to you

well thank you

you're welcome did you have any questions while you're on the

what about maybe Finance or anything for Jonathan about black topia

you know I'm just like I TuneIn from here and there you know so I'm pretty much trying to add you on every Tuesday I'm pretty much just added up on to the group on Facebook so I'm trying to get ahold of him myself so there's not that many questions I can ask Kiki Dee check Jonathan

oh yeah I did I actually did Spencer don't know a lot of strippers you know which others might think

yes I did and I enjoyed every minute of it I'm sorry I'm not going to lie to you guys I was never I wasn't great at being a lion guy so let me be let me let me see a little bit more nosy why you want to lie is your rent paid up today yes it is

Suz are all the rest are all the rest of your bills paid to like your light bill Cardinal like York today on Facebook that's good that you can do whatever you want easy money go live it up by you not give out any check even though I have broke bastard won't get out anyting but if you surely does I'll be spending

you know do some research and that's not something to you know make that money grow

yeah that's including poppers for your eyes only

yay right

yes thank you for calling be honest I got a tip for you to call yeah you can reinvest your money and I'll make sure you go to the website ww.w. Friday drop your information so we can send your gift out to you

another song right now we're going to listen to find a way by Armin ball yawn right here on letters from the Army

everything you need to know

Borneo Twisted Fantasy

can you take me to Simi Valley


nobody has been the same can't wait till Monday through Friday

my everything to nothing

the Jenkins girl

volume on find a way that's available on all platforms right now as well if you like that song you can go find that song on anywhere it streaming live

so Jonathan did you hear our letter that we were talking about yes I heard the letter you said what I was actually thinking to say when you said shame on you shame on that when you were talking I was like well damn she was cheating and then another guy around the corner but where's my I got to wait for your call I was just going to ask you what your constructive was from a man's perspective what you think about it here is here's what I was thinking since she knew what her husband was doing that she was doing her thing and I know a lot of people don't like you know to talk about those polyamory poly relationship but

might as well I mean you know me maybe I'm elated maybe not introduced that to the kids but just bring everybody in on it be on the same page and you know cuz everybody lose weight now so you can from my understanding right I have to do some research on this poly stuff so damned is all meeting each other that that's don't got nothing to do with Nepali you would you say poly that means they all form in a couple days. Hook up and get together no no not like swingers not like they just hooking up to hook up but just try to make it like a relationship where they was not like we sneak behind the other person's back that everybody's in on it it's like okay I'm going to go see my boyfriend telling isn't Charlie being honest with each other like this is what I'm trying to do not not just like some sex hook-up but just act like an honest so I can open relationship but it's but they're there is like their exclusive but they're not exclusive

with Jess each other their colleges with their tribe kinda with their the woman and her husband call me how many streets are wrong but it's not cheating that's why we're all want to talk about this. The man was cheating eat and then he know about her or her side piece didn't didn't even know the husband married couple married couple that were separated both know about each other's other boys because they were they were separated was still living in the same house for the kids which of our people do that may still stay just a phase for the kids and me personally I don't believe what's going on

and that she was actually stepping out with now it's like I don't know he doesn't want to move forward after he already sold her the dream yeah I was thinking about that it was going to say with that I was leading into that if they

yeah cuz it almost seems like he only wanted her while she was with somebody when she has them exactly as it says a lot of things but I think like you know like what star said he don't want us to just move on you know don't you know that there's your answer right there if he's not trying to make it happen you know anymore okay those for five years they were together okay County Wallace's charge it to the game or whatever and move on to the next to the next thing with the letter text saying he said he told her he said he was going to he's going to he's going right tell me anything so don't listen to so you got to go by what they do actions speak louder than words so lady don't worry about what

right let me ask you this Jonathan as a man from a man's perspective right you're messing with a woman for 5 years obviously the information wasn't given the proper way where there were no boundaries are guidelines that right so now hypothetical you're messing with a woman for 5 years she thinks it's serious you don't think it's serious because you have someone else and now after five years you're you're going to just tell her I'll just move on you think she's ugly she just like okay he said move on I'm going to move on

yeah I know but you know what this is this is what I if I was in his if I was the guy he's not even even though he was beside dude you still kind of have some Integrity about you know like let her know what this is or what you know what it is you know what it is and what it ain't in the beginning you know don't sell her dream and say we're going to do this and do that if that's not what you trying to do

that's her fault cuz you don't listen to anybody tell you like that you men will show you how they feel about you and is going to show you what he want and what type of man he is so you don't have to listen for all of that

yeah she should have known she should just see where this is not going

which a Twinkies like you can't be on your line of people just keep it real just you know looking for anything serious right now you know we could we could check it whatever and just give her the chance I will have found what I'm looking for good by and just keep it real baby open in the future but right now I just want to let you know I just wanted to have some fun just sprang shipping Baba blah you know that does not me old any try harder let me do this and throw on some panties that is that's not what that means that means exactly what he said I don't feel like it right now so he's going to come but we can help that a little bit but you're right

which we will be announcing on January 1st right here I'll buy some the pain is very simple and easy to enter all you have to do is go to our website ww.w. Let us know the pain. Com or send us an email at letters from the pen at letting us know why you feel like you're deserving of a shopping spree or some round trip tickets to Jamaica or if there's someone that you feel like a deserving send us a letter and let us know why


oh yeah

oh oh oh whoa what when you get when you guys ask for other projects I just thought of when I forgot to say that in 2020 I have a distribution deal call colossal distribution and I don't have anything released on it yet but that's what we're working on Tammy Thomas was also a member in the one of the admins in Black Topia she's releasing a spoken word project and it's going to be released through my distribution Clawson distribution I wish you were working on that together you know that Tammy Thomas project is going to be call the healing process and I will try to make history with this one is not going to be just a regular spoken word project where everybody's in a drum circle on his some old smooth know we going to go to the Moon with this is going to be something is going to make you go every time it is what we doing with this project is going to be something different than just a just a spoken word project but just more abstract more creative more

like whoa I didn't know you could just do that with poetry kind of project you know

what's have your body where they can find you find me you can get me on Instagram at j a y f o r n o w a j finale put the letter J in the number for J for now you can go to Black Topia. Org you can go to the media blast. Net you can email me at info at the media blast. Net you can check out yesterday night on Spotify iHeartRadio Deezer and something else we all go check out yes you're not Google it if you don't want to listen to it all speaker Sports podcast on demand and

yeah that's the last all the main ones all right if you're out there tonight and you're having any issues with domestic violence we speak up please you know there's resources out there my girl star is going to drop the number for anybody man or woman child that needs to reach out for help domestic violence is a real thing and it is not your fault so if you need help please reach out star drop that number 77233

got to send a huge Shout Out The Graces Arrow Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody out there everybody we hate yes we hope that your Christmas was as enjoyable as ours was and you know we just wish everybody the best make sure you do follow us on on Instagram on Facebook on YouTube on everything on there

yes please tell me for new year so we will see you guys later we're going to take you out with one of my songs Missing You by Nikia



what did I do today so bad

but I have to let you go

walking down this lonely road

do you do waiting for you

you're the only love

when they sting you


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