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A Fireside Chat, September 24, 2016

Diana Luppi ET:101 The Cosmic Instruction Manual
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A Fireside Chat with Lance White
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Guest Diana Luppi

Diana Luppi returns to talk about her underground classic, ET:101 The Cosmic Instruction Manual.  Written 25 years ago, the humor, wit and wisdom is as prescient today and even more welcomed in a world that has convulsed into unrecognizable chaos.  The seed planted by the "Intergalactic Council from Mission Control", is a harbinger of cosmic consciousness and global awakening.  Presently experiencing an international multi-lingual revival, Mission Control is handing us the manual that we forgot to read prior to our voyage on earth.  A tidal wave of awakening is hinted upon, as we access the treasure within.  This foreward by the Publisher offers a taste, a tidbit, to whet the appetite...

"Although you were warned to acquaint yourselves with the original manual before departing, a great number of you did not. "If you've seen one manual, you've seen them all" has proved to be a cavalier attitude that many of you have lived to regret, even though most of you are too stunned and dazed by the process to remember just exactly what it is you are regretting. Being four hundred light years from home and suddenly wondering "Did I forget my toothbrush?" is both annoying to Mission Control as well as useless to the mission.

So, for those of you who left your galaxy without it, an unprecedented reprinting of the manual has been authorized by the mission's governing councils. This is the remedial version of the original manual because you couldn't possibly handle the unexpurgated version at this time. This edition is the official American and Canadian translation, written in the vernacular and made current to your circumstances. It is the strong recommendation of the Councils, now that you have yourselves totally disassembled, why not take a moment to read the instructions? It is, after all, at your request that we had them written."

— The Intergalactic Council

On behalf of

The Confederated Interuniversal Councils, The United

Stellar Alliances, and The Greater Interdimensional Federation of Light 


Guest, Diana Luppi

Guest Name
Diana Luppi
Diana Luppi
Guest Occupation
Writer, Author of ET:101 The Cosmic Instruction Manual, Satirist, Cosmic Humorist
Guest Biography

Diana Luppi wrote the underground sensation, ET:101 The Cosmic Instruction Manual, over 25 years ago.  It has created an enormous ripple over the years, and is now making an international "comeback".  Translations in many languages are being prepared, as the "new wave" hits the shores.  

The first time I read it, I could hardly believe what I was reading - was it a "tongue-in-cheek" quasi-satiric poke at the human condition, from the viewpoint of our "Cosmic Family", who were reassuring us that they are here for us?  Those who have read it know the exquisite feeling of recognition and relief, knowing that in this whacked out, crazy hologram, there are others of like frequency, "out there"... you and I are not really crazy - or alone.  Funny, bordering on hilarious, this treasure of a read is always fresh and always enlightening!  

A vast Inter-Galactic Family knows what's happening here, and lets us know that the old paradigms are truly on their way out - for good!

A Fireside Chat

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Show Host
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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