ET First Contact Radio, January 15, 2015
ET-First Contact Radio with Martaan Horst and special guest Ron Head
Guest, Ron Head

When I began this blog, I had no idea it would ever be as popular as it has become. To everyone who reads these postings, I offer my heartfelt gratitude for your interest and my earnest prayers for your swift progress toward your dreams. Namaste.
Our purpose in starting this blog it to provide a place for healers and channelers to share things they discover and want to share with the community and to post news articles we find relevent to our interests. We encourage civilized discussion, but will immediately delete any comments that attack or disrespect anyone or anything posted here. Please respect that this is a personal blog, not a forum to promote anything. We have viewpoints which we espouse and as this is our blog, we do not intend to waste our time defending them. Courtesy being important at all times is one of those viewpoints. That being said, we appreciate your interest and time. Please enjoy what you find here
ET First Contact Radio

ET-First Contact Radio HOST MAARTEN HORST, Speaks every Thursday about the development of Disclosure, First Contact and the Changes that are taking place on Gaia to prepare us for the great Shift, leading us to Ascension. All related subjects like The Galactic Federation will be dealt with in depth.
Often Maarten will read and reflect on the messages from SaLuSa from Sirius (channeled by Mike Quinsey another host on BBS-RADIO) and the messages, including Sheldan Nidle.