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Relationship Help Show, October 4, 2017

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E12 - Recalibrating Your Relationships
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Guest: Filippo Voltaggio

Do you notice that you feel somehow obligated to meet the needs of other people? Why is that?

Today, we talk about that, and my guest, Filippo Voltaggio, talks about why some people find it so difficult to say "No." Recognizing that, as an adult, you can choose to change your mindsets and patterns, he talks about his work, The Recalibration.


Guest, Filippo Voltaggio

Guest Name
Filippo Voltaggio
Filippo Voltaggio, author of, The Little Dog That Could
Guest Occupation
Author, Public Speaker, Radio Show Host and Life Coach
Guest Biography


Certified Life Coach, Author, Host of The LIFE CHANGES Show, Certified Master Teacher of Energetic Alchemy, Certified Master Teacher: Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Time-Line Therapy, Recconective Healer, Scala Heart Connection, and Theta Healer

Filippo Voltaggio is an Author, Public Speaker, Radio Show Host and Life Coach.  Among the many life changes that have earned him the moniker “Master of Change,” Filippo started his professional career working his way up to Junior Management in a Fortune Top 3 Company.  After many Industry awards and accolades, he left to pursue his childhood love, music.

As a singer and entertainer, he has two CDs on the market, has appeared before Presidents and on PBS as a soloist with full orchestra, and has received many awards including several Sergio Franchi Awards and NIAF Grants.  He and his songs have been featured in several Hollywood films including “A Walk in The Clouds” with Keanu Reeves and “Noise” with Tim Robbins.

In yet another change, Filippo temporarily put his singing career on hold to pursue another of his loves, radio. After an initial foray into terrestrial radio broadcasting with his show, “Filippo and the Chef,” he landed on his current hit, as the host of “The LIFE CHANGES Show.”

In this new Industry he has already earned President Barack Obama’s Call to Service Award and the Master Award from the Save the World Foundation.

Filippo’s life long interests in the Esoteric Sciences have lead him to pursue and achieve certifications in Life Coaching, Energetic Alchemy Mastery, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing, and Theta Healing.

As a Life Coach and Group Leader he has created two courses of his own, “The Life IMPROVment Workshop” and “The Life Coaching Boot Camp” both a group and an on-line course.

Though Filippo has authored many magazine articles and though writings of his have been featured in books, in yet another life change, “The Little Dog That Could” is his first full-length book.  True to the underlying theme of his life the book is a true story full of life changing experiences between him and a little dog he came to know, Ciccina. Among many heart touching moments, the story offers the reader the opportunity for many life changes of their own.

Learn More About Filippo Voltaggio at the Following Links: and

 The Little Dog That Could

Synposis:  What do Yoda, Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother, James Bond’s Q, and Ciccina have in common? They are all mentors. Mentors train, motivate, plant ideas, bestow gifts, etc., and they appear when the student is ready. All these mentors did exactly that, but that is where the similarities end. Of all these mentors, Ciccina is the only one who isn’t a fictional character.

“The Little Dog That Could – When The Student Is Ready, The Teacher Appears” is the fantastically true story of a young man and a little dog, Ciccina, that came into his life as his mentor; to have him understand the world beyond his human senses and experience life, love and healing beyond his human understanding.

Ciccina and the book are both small in size and are very unassuming, but they are packed with eventful surprises, inspiring lessons, comical moments, and heart tugging experiences that are bound to leave the reader delighted and changed by the end of the adventure.

BOOK RELEASE:  NOVEMBER 19, 2015  Stay tuned at

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Photo of Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, the Relationship Help Doctor

The Relationship Help Show:  Handling Hijackal® Havoc offers the insights, strategies, and skills you need to recognize what's really going on in the crazy-making relationships in your life. Relentlessly difficult people and relationships in can cause you to constantly second-guess yourself and question your sanity.

Get relationship advice directly from Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor. Learn from her expert guests. Each one has a very unique voice on solving relationship problems with particularly difficult people 

Are these relationship issues on your mind?

  • Are you with a Hijackal?  Free ebook, How To Spot A Hijackal, 
  • Want to know how your relationship can shift and you can grow closer?
  • Or, need to know if it's time to leave? 
  • Need insights into troubling behavior patterns?
  • Want to deepen your emotional intimacy?
  • Need to distance yourself from toxic people?
  • Can't communicate...or someone won't?
  • Trying to figure out what's your problem and what is theirs? 
  • Does every conversation quickly become an argument?
  • Have you been discarded by a relentlessly difficult person, a Hijackal?
  • Are you with one? Or, leaving one? 

You will get help with those here!  

What is a Hijackal, exactly? 

A person who hijacks relationships–for their own purposes–while scavenging them for power, status, and control.

They make you question your sanity and second-guess yourself constantly. That’s their game…and, they are very good at it!

Every time you think of being near a Hijackal®, you get anxious. Why? Because the main purpose of Hijackal behavior is to win.

Recognizing chronically difficult people requires admitting that they not only like to win, they have to win. Yes, to win…and in all circumstances and at all times. Yes, they will give you the illusion of agreeing with you…but, only when it suits their purposes, or their longer “game.”

Know one? I’m thinking you must because you’ve found yourself here on this page with me. You’re ready to escape the Hijackal Trap.

It might be your partner, ex,  parent,  co-worker, or someone in any organization–family, workplace, government, court, church, community project, board, or association.

We have all had interaction - at some level, at some time - with a Hijackal... whether we knew it or not. They are unavoidable. AND being in a relationship with a Hijackal - whether at home, work or play - requires some insights and knowledge to navigate and keep yourself safe and sane. 

Those are the things we discuss a lot here. Join us. 

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