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The Celeste Stein Show, September 21, 2024

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The Celeste Stein Show
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Guest, Jim Bramlett, Business Executive, Author, Dynamic Speaker

The Celeste Stein Show with Celeste Stein

Guest, Jim Bramlett, Business Executive, Author, Dynamic Speaker

Jim Bramlett, "The No Hassle King," is a distinguished business executive, author, and dynamic speaker. His books, "Stop The Hassle" and "The Unconventional Thinking of Dominant Companies," explore market leadership strategies. Bramlett's presentations, rooted in these principles, offer a unique and engaging approach to business success.

Known for his interactive and energetic speaking style, Bramlett combines humor with relevant, industry-specific examples to create memorable experiences for his audience. While his expertise lies in logistics and transportation, the universal appeal of his content makes him an ideal speaker for diverse business audiences.

Bramlett's unconventional approach and compelling subject matter position him as an effective keynote or motivational speaker, capable of inspiring and educating professionals across various sectors.

Jim's vision is to empower these leaders with the unconventional thinking and strategies outlined in his books, "Stop The Hassle" and "The Unconventional Thinking of Dominant Companies." Through engaging speaking engagements and personalized mentorship, Bramlett guides CEOs in scaling their businesses exponentially.

By fostering this elite group of business leaders, Bramlett aims to create a ripple effect of positive change. His vision extends beyond individual company success to encompass broader societal impact, believing that well-scaled, ethically-led businesses can be powerful forces for global improvement. Bramlett's unique approach combines business acumen with a passion for making the world a better place, one CEO at a time.

I understand how it feels to be deeply passionate about your company, but need more than passion to make it successful.

From my own “in the trenches” failures and successes, I finally cracked the code on how the big brands crush their competition. If you constantly stress over the marginal-to-little growth of your company. If you are worried about the growing number of competitors that your potential customers seem to be finding. I can take you from stressed and worried to confidence that your business is continually in high-growth mode, relieved that you no longer have to cut prices to attract the right type of customers, and encouraged that customers quickly understand that you are their best option.

Find out more about Jim at his website:

Guest, Jim Bramlett

Guest Name
Jim Bramlett
Jim Bramlett
Guest Occupation
Business Executive, Author, Dynamic Speaker
Guest Biography

Jim Bramlett, "The No Hassle King," is a distinguished business executive, author, and dynamic speaker. His books, "Stop The Hassle" and "The Unconventional Thinking of Dominant Companies," explore market leadership strategies. Bramlett's presentations, rooted in these principles, offer a unique and engaging approach to business success.

Known for his interactive and energetic speaking style, Bramlett combines humor with relevant, industry-specific examples to create memorable experiences for his audience. While his expertise lies in logistics and transportation, the universal appeal of his content makes him an ideal speaker for diverse business audiences.

Bramlett's unconventional approach and compelling subject matter position him as an effective keynote or motivational speaker, capable of inspiring and educating professionals across various sectors.

Jim's vision is to empower these leaders with the unconventional thinking and strategies outlined in his books, "Stop The Hassle" and "The Unconventional Thinking of Dominant Companies." Through engaging speaking engagements and personalized mentorship, Bramlett guides CEOs in scaling their businesses exponentially.

By fostering this elite group of business leaders, Bramlett aims to create a ripple effect of positive change. His vision extends beyond individual company success to encompass broader societal impact, believing that well-scaled, ethically-led businesses can be powerful forces for global improvement. Bramlett's unique approach combines business acumen with a passion for making the world a better place, one CEO at a time.

I understand how it feels to be deeply passionate about your company, but need more than passion to make it successful.

From my own “in the trenches” failures and successes, I finally cracked the code on how the big brands crush their competition. If you constantly stress over the marginal-to-little growth of your company. If you are worried about the growing number of competitors that your potential customers seem to be finding. I can take you from stressed and worried to confidence that your business is continually in high-growth mode, relieved that you no longer have to cut prices to attract the right type of customers, and encouraged that customers quickly understand that you are their best option.

The Celeste Stein Show

The Celeste Stein Show with Celeste Stein, MSJ PHD
Dr Celeste Stein, MSJ PHD

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Celeste Bishop Stein, MSJ, PhD is a seasoned talk show host, published author, and award winning journalist. Dr. Stein has worked in television and radio more than 15 years. She has primarily covered the police, education, finance, and consumer beats working for ABC affiliates out of Washington, DC, Lynchburg/Roanoke, Virginia, and Nashville, Tennessee.

Her very first talk show, the Caribbean Experience, aired on WHUR Radio in Washington, D.C.. She also hosted an entertainment program on WCLK Radio in Atlanta, Georgia, interviewing top entertainers in the music industry and political arenas.

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