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Be You Find Happy, December 9, 2020

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Be You Find Happy
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Guest, David Essel shares how to bring erotic passion back into long term monogamous relationships

Be You Find Happy with Michaela Johnson

Guest, David Essel shares how to bring erotic passion back into long term monogamous relationships

In David's new book which has been likened to a non-fiction road map to a real-life 50 Shades Of Grey. In this episode, David gets Michaela out of her comfort zone to chat the taboo topic of erotic passion in monogamous relationships and gives real-life advice for couples stuck in the "married too long boring zone."

The But Why question of the episode being, "Why do we feel shameful to tap into our existential guilty pleasures?"

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Guest, David Essel

Guest Name
David Essel
David Essel
Guest Occupation
Master Life Coach, Teacher, Addiction Recovery Coach, International Speaker and Radio/TV Host
Guest Biography
What we were taught in our life is perhaps totally WRONG...David was once a big advocate of "The Secret" -  and now reveals that he was totally WRONG about positive thinking...
In his groundbreaking #1 best-selling book, "Positive thinking will never change your life at this book will", counselor and master life coach David Essel explains that we have been duped into believing that such things like the law of attraction, which if followed correctly claims that we can attract millions of dollars into our life, the perfect body, the perfect lover… Just about the perfect anything by simply thinking a certain way.
The forward to David's ball, written by New York Times number one best-selling author Dr. Eldon Taylor, states that our thought process is not powerful enough to attract the very things that the law of attraction says that we should be able to attract.
David states throughout his book, by recalling interviews over the past 25 years with experts like Deepak Chopra, the late Wayne Dyer, financial guru Suze Orman and many more that not one of them ever stated that they attracted their success by thinking in a certain way. David Essel combines his 30 years of work in the field of personal growth along with stories from some of the top authors and success experts of our day, to shatter “the myth of the power of positive thinking.” David reveals that the real "Secret to success” requires much more than positive thinking, affirmations or vision boards, and that no one ever made a million dollars, got the perfect body or found their soulmate through positive thinking alone. There is a place beyond wishful thinking and fantastical affirmations. Let David take you there!
David Essel, M.S. is the author of 9 books, a Master Life Coach and Teacher, Business, Relationship and Addiction Recovery Coach, International Speaker and Radio/TV Host. From athlete to poet, he has been labeled a "21st century renaissance man".
“David Essel’s destiny is to help you become more alive in every area of your life.” ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"In this book, David Essel boldly flings open a hidden door of wisdom—a different perspective on the ‘positive’ that is the keystone to living our greatest self. As you read, you just want to hang out with him because you get that he knows who you are. David captivates us with stories and straight talk, elegantly clear, filled with profound knowledge derived from his own experiences and insight gleaned from thousands of interviews with luminaries at the pinnacle of success. His authenticity is impeccable, his insight is brilliant, and his style is irresistible.” Dianne Collins, 6-time Award Winning Author of the Bestseller, Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World.

Stories about deep love, and healthy relationships are part of his number one best-selling book positive thinking will never change your life but this book will!

Be You Find Happy

Be You Find Happy with Michaela Johnson
Show Host
Michaela Johnson

Do you want to know how to live happier now?

Do you want to feel empowered to create the life of your dreams?

Do you want to speak your truth with grace and live a courageous life of authenticity?

On this program I will share tools to reduce stress and anxiety; build self-confidence; silence negative self-talk, allowing you to challenge your fears; set boundaries; and find happiness. I will help you find your direction to happiness, regardless of your life circumstances, be it marriage troubles, past trauma, day-to-day exhaustion, or financial woes. The tools I share will help you become your authentic self and find happiness along the way.

This podcast inspires happiness by encouraging people to speak their truth with grace, and live a courageous life of authenticity. You have the right to change your mind when presented with new information, your job, your friends, how you see the world, it's not any one thing but every one thing that leads to your success. Michaela invites celebrity guests to share in real-life conversations and humorous, motivational experiences. Michaela Renee Johnson is a best-selling author, licensed psychotherapist, ever learner, Boho Mom and adventurer.

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