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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Donna Seebo Show Guest, Mary Markovich October 10, 2013
Member of the National Academy of ELder Law Attorneys, Author, Speaker, Attorney

Mary M. Markovich received her undergraduate degree in Accounting from Mount Olive College in Mount Olive, North Carolina, her law degree at North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina, and her Financial Planning training and Decision Sciences training while earning a Masters of Business Administration at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. Ms. Markovich has been a guest lecturer at Duke University and is a frequent speaker at educational, fraternal, and social organizations. She teaches Estate Planning and Elder Law classes to her fellow attorneys and other professionals in Continuing Education classes.


Ms. Markovich believes clients are best served with a comprehensive range of multi-disciplinary services, either in-house or by outsourcing to a select group of providers chosen by the firm.  This one-stop, one relationship model is efficient and cost-effective for clients. The firm delivers high quality services at a lower total cost to the client by reducing overhead and transitions of information between independent providers.

Ms. Markovich was admitted to practice law in North Carolina and admitted to practice before the United States Federal Court, Eastern District of North Carolina in 1994. Mary Markovich is accredited by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and is admitted to practice before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. She regularly represents veterans with Nonservice-connected Pensions and Service-connected Compensation claims.She has been in solo practice in North Carolina since 1994. Ms. Markovich is committed to providing the most innovative and up-to-date legal services, and by networking with other attorneys and various professionals nationwide.

Ms. Markovich is a renowned expert on Medicaid planning and eligibility issues and guidelines forboth VA Pension, commonly called VA Aid and Attendance and VA Compensation benefits. She is a sought-after speaker on these issues and often speaks to groups offellow attorneys, financial planners, CPAs, and other professionals about the qualification of clients for both Medicaid and VA benefits.

Donna Seebo Show Guest, Jill Mattson October 08, 2013
Musician, Communicator, Educator

Jill Mattson has long made a study of sounds and their most basic components. She reasons that everything is vibrations, motions, noting that mystics as well as physicists and others who are attuned to the material world agree with that assessment. And because of this fact sounds which are vibrations can have a great influence on our lives. 

Jill Mattson is an author, artist, musician and widely recognized expert and composer in the emerging field of Sound Healing. She has written four books and produced six CD's that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD of 2012 – Silver Award).  The CD's consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.

Her cutting edge music includes: Frequencies of Flower Essences (emotional catharsis & virtue building), Celestial music with Tones from ancient Egypt and Celestial Bodies, Solfeggio/Reverse Solfeggio & Fibonacci tones, Sound Based Beauty Treatments, Binaural Beats & Meditative Music, Countering Negative Astrological Energies, Ascended Master & and Angelic Channeled Energies, Ancient Languages of Light and more! These multilayered, multidimensional, deep soulful works will uplift your heart - while offering a myriad of benefits.

Jill lectures throughout the North America on "Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing" taking followers on an exciting journey revealing the healing power of sound.  She unveils secrets from ancient cultures as well as the latest findings of the modern scientific community showing the incredible potential and healing capabilities of sound. Jill draws on her extensive research of modern research and Sound Healing, and over 20 year study of ancient civilizations and secret societies in her music, lectures, workshops and writings.

Please visit her websites where you can learn more about her in-depth studies and work.  Also available on the sites are additional free mp3's of her Sound Healing compositions, including healing and uplifting music with Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones.

Donna Seebo Show Guest, Manual L English October 07, 2013
Retired executive and former professor

About Manuel (Manny) L. English PhD - Author/Lecturer

Dr. Manuel (Manny) L. English, is a retired executive and former professor. He was born in East Texas, one of ten children of sharecropper parents. When he was five years old, he began working in the cotton and corn fields along with his brothers and sisters attending school only when there was no work. Poverty prevailed in all directions. From the age of ten there were many moves to Arkansas and several parts of Texas in search of farm work.

At sixteen, to escape the poverty of his childhood, Manny enlisted in the U.S. Marines Corps serving in Korea with the 1st Marine Division. Two weeks after returning to Camp Pendleton, he came down with Korean malaria spending 45 days in a military hospital. This near-death experience gave him the opportunity to realize that he wanted to make something out of his life. He left the marines in the fall of 1955.

Not quite ready to settle down, he joined the U.S. Army in 1957 spending six years serving in Berlin and at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Manny met Jeanette in Honolulu in February 1962 and they married six months later. Perhaps as a sign of his innateness, in the fall of 1963 while at Schofield, Manny spent 30 minutes using five magic markers and a 9X14 sheet of paper creating a piece of abstract art for submission to the fourth All Army Art Contest. His piece won second place all army Hawaii, second place all army Far East, and fourth place all U.S. Army.

In 1964, he elected to leave the army and attend university. Two months later, a U.S. Air Force recruiter came and asked him to join. With one child and one on the way, and with the promise of support in getting his university degree, he enlisted as a staff sergeant in the Air Force. Ten months later Manny was selected for the ‘Boot Strap’ program spending a full calendar year at the University of Omaha  earning his bachelor’s degree. He was then immediately promoted to second lieutenant. The Air Force continued its educational support enabling Manny to earn masters (U of Oklahoma) and doctorate (U of Manchester, England) degrees. Manny retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1976. He is proud to hold the title: Marine, Soldier, and Airman.

Manny went on to teach at several universities and serve as chief executive officer of a number of medical organizations including two teaching hospitals, one in Saudi Arabia. He has traveled to over 35 countries. He has published numerous articles on a variety of subjects. He now resides in the Seattle area and his interests include fictional and non-fictional writing.

Shamans Keep Guest, Ed McGaa October 05, 2013
Oglala Sioux Tribal Member, Sundancer, Fighter Pilot, Marine, Author, Lawyer

Ed McGaa (Eagle Man) is a registered tribal member of the Oglala Sioux OST 15287 and was born on the Pine Ridge reservation. He received his Bachelor's degree from St. John's University and earned a law degree from the University of South Dakota. He has studied under Chief Eagle Feather and Chief Fool's Crow, both influential Sioux holy men. He is honored by the Sioux for having participated six times in the Sun Dance ceremony. He also served as a fighter pilot in the Marine Corps in Vietnam, flying 110 combat missions in F-4 Phantoms, receiving 8 air medals and 2 Crosses of Gallantry, and was recommended for a Distinguished Flying Cross.

Ed is the author of the seven books: Red Cloud - Biography of an Indian Chief, Mother Earth Spirituality - Healing Ourselves and Our World, Rainbow Tribe - Ordinary People Journeying on the Red Road, Native Wisdom - Perceptions of the Natural Way, Eagle Vision - Return of the Hoop, Nature's Way - Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth, and most recently, Crazy Horse and Chief Red Cloud - History of the Sioux and its Warriors.

On the Double with The Double S Xpress Guest, Aaron Levine October 07, 2013
Sports Director at Q13 FOX in Seattle

Aaron Levine started working at Q13 FOX News in March 2007 and now, as the Q13 FOX Sports Director, Levine anchors the nightly sportscasts and hosts Q It Up Sports, Seahawks Saturday Night and Seahawks Gameday.

Before moving to Seattle, Levine worked at KBAK (CBS) in Bakersfield, Calif., where he spent 2-½ years as a sports anchor and reporter, covering five minor-league sports teams, 24 high schools, and Division I-bound Cal State Bakersfield. Levine was the national runner-up on ESPN’s “Dream Job” show in the 2003-2004 search to find the next SportsCenter anchor. Levine graduated from Stanford University.

Follow Aaron Levine on Twitter @AaronQ13Fox

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