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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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A Fireside Chat Guest, Vinny Eastwood February 08, 2014
Internet Radio Talk Show Host

The Vinny Eastwood Show is not here to wake people up, it's here to help the many who should have their stories told. 

With 1 rule, HAVE FUN!.
If they're having fun, the audience is having fun. Especially because you will hear talk about the most serious and in some cases positively horrifying realities of our world, from all sides. Agree or disagree the intention is to just hear someone out, simply let those who have already done the research, deliver their conclusions as only they can mostly because Vinny doesn't like researching, but instead talks to the researchers.

Not only on air but in the streets! Right alongside protest leaders, fearless truth, but ridiculously funny. Armed with a camera, Vinny aka MR NEWS sets out to give real issues, real politicians, real celebrities and researchers, the coverage they deserve. With a different point of view that the mainstream media will either ignore or cut into soundbites that never reflect the reality with real information.

The same things that are happening in the USA are happening in New Zealand, that's why it's called The New WORLD Order, because no one on Earth can hide from it. So we have to face it with a smile, some courage and a sense of duty to prevent worse things from happening!

The show is about unity, truth, fun, laughter and giving people a platform. 
They get archives published free online and on youtube. That way the next time someone asks them a question they can just send them a link! So it makes it easy to promote themselves. "Activists are generally quite modest people and would never go around shamelessly promoting themselves, fortunately I was born without a sense of shame and there's nothing shameful about shameless self promotion. 

If you support me and what I do, then you're simply supporting virtually any spectrum of research and activism that you could ever think of. Simply because it's the truth, simply because it's interesting, or simply because it's light hearted and occasionally laugh out loud fun, it's hard to not become a regular listener, resistance is futile!

Now through our joint-venture with American Freedom Radio we bring you A list researchers and activists from around the world 5 days a week!

As Vinny always says: 
"if the mainstream media won't do their job, don't fight, let's just replace them, because they're no longer relevant!" 

"we should come together on the points we agree and those we don't we can leave for another time."

Galactic Connection Guest, David Gibson February 11, 2014
Founder and dTalk Show Host, Director, Professional Recording Engineer, Teacher, Sound Healer, Author, Inventor, Music Theory Explorer, Globe Institute Founder, Visual Sound Applicatioirector of the Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco

As the Director of the only Institute in the Nation that offers an approved Associates Degree in Sound Healing, and co-creator of the World Sound Healing Conference, David Gibson has developed a unique perspective on everything going on in the field. David began as a Professional Recording Engineer. He has been teaching, engineering and producing groups in major studios since 1982. He has been studying esoteric systems of sound healing for over 15 years and has an in-depth understanding of the underlying physics of sound. David is also the author of the best selling book, "The Art of Mixing" that uses visuals to explain and show every style of mix in the world, which makes complex structures of mixes easily understandable. His second book, "The Art of Producing," uses the visual framework for displaying sounds to explain Music Theory. Gibson is also the inventor of the Patented, "Virtual Mixer," which uses 3D visuals of the mix to control mixing consoles and computerized mixers. He is currently working on a Virtual Reality system where you can step into an image of your own body and be able to place visuals inside the body in 3D. The visuals will then move sounds up and down in a Sound Table so you feel the sounds inside the body exactly where you are seeing the visuals. David Gibson is the Founder and Director of Globe Institute. David has a bi-weekly show, on Saturdays, on BBSRadio, Station 1, at 5pm PST. If you are interested in the power of sound and music for inspiration and healing, you will appreciate this interview with David Gibson, Founder and Director of the Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco and online. David offers classes and a State accredited associate’s degree program in sound healing therapy, and he’s author of the book, ‘The Complete Guide to Sound Healing’. He is also a top selling producer of sound healing music in many hospitals around the country, including Boston General and U.C. Medical Center, samples. Offering 15 types of sound healing treatments, David Gibson also runs the Sound Therapy Center at the Institute and online. David has produced 3 International Sound Healing Conferences and is also Founder of the Sound Healing Research Association, designed to help bring sound healing into the mainstream (homes & hospitals).

Angels Are Near Us Guest, Patricia G Joyce February 10, 2014
Author, Screenwriter, Poet

Patricia G. Joyce is a freelance writer, novelist, screenwriter, poet, song lyricist and a diverse visual artist. Author of "The Magic of Time".. a novel based on a true story, offers hope, healing insight and guidance towards a vast perspective, not only in our present time, but beyond death.  This existence we call “life” is not the end of the road for us in any way, shape or form.  There is much more to follow, just as there has been much more preceding our existence in the present lifetime.

Cosmic LOVE Guest, Christos Lightweaver February 08, 2014

Any global solution must naturally neutralize the psychopathic evil behind Gaza genocide, Ukraine conflict, Ebola bioterror and systemic "DUH" (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless).  See: The Cosmic LOVE solution.
     The last show on Cosmic Love I interviewed Stefan Vestappen on the subject of psychopathy as we've seen amply demonstrated in the Gaza holocaust and the world's response to it.  Since that show I've published four articles that reference the urgent global context for needed global solutions as you can read with embedded videos at: (1) Overcoming Evil for Global Healing, (2) Truth-tellers Versus Warmongers, (3) Take Heart: It's Darkest Before the Dawn, and (4) The Choice: Global Golden Age? Or Global Tyranny?
      Beyond the contagion of insensate violence, epitomized in Gaza, there is a global awakening to capabilities for interactive media solutions in 2014.  There's no security without social conscience purity in our ubiquitous social networks.
     Imagine what a Whole Systems Upgrade of Global TeLeComm will look like... and consider how Quantum Computing will reboot our collective conscience as the Family of Mankind in our All-Connected Global Village.
     Realize that world peace patriots now represent the Global Netizens of Earth Uniting!  And that our common enemy is willful ignorance and "cherished illusions" (BS in Belief Systems) that keep us divided and subservient to psychopaths who want WWIII with demoralizing in-our-face genocide in Gaza like a boot stomping on the face of our humanity, our sanity... our conscience.
     Dawning Reality: Global Enlightenment
     This show goes beyond faithless fear to fearless faith in the power of global humanity to wake up, wise up and rise up with social conscience in our global social networks.
     Discussing on the show:
     (1) Voting Solution:
What voting will look like; interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm with a universal interface for culturing conscience in one's personal and social network 'holodeck'.
     (2) Wisdom Solution: How 'Information's Ecology' will recycle knowledge in the way that empowers wisdom; organizing information IN FORMATION framed by the Constitution of Conscience.
     (3) Love Solution: Why heart coherence is a universal standard that resonates with the harmonic order of the holographic universe and right brain thinking when in your heart.
     (4) Healing Solution:  How the synergistic integration of the first three solutions naturally leads to Universal Self Care and a global TeLeComm process for involving and evolving our individual and collective conscience.
     Serious devotees of this peace process realize how global rEVOLUTION is optimized with a Cosmic LOVE Solution at: 'Our Choice'.

On the Double with The Double S Xpress Guest, Ephraim Salaam February 10, 2014
FOX Sports 1 Analyst

Ephraim Mateen Salaam (born June 19, 1976, Chicago, Illinois) is a former American football offensive tackle. He was drafted by the Atlanta Falcons in the seventh round (199th overall) of the 1998 NFL Draft. He played college football at San Diego State.

Salaam has played for the Atlanta Falcons, Denver Broncos, Jacksonville Jaguars, Detroit Lions, and Houston Texans.

Salaam played high school football at Florin High School in Sacramento, California.

Salaam appeared in Amazing Race 23.

Salaam is currently an analyst for FOX Sports 1.

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