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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 17 May 2021

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless

His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless
Talk Show:
Show Host:
Dr Rick Hertless

Welcome Brothers & Sisters

Shine in the love of God's grace, every day.

At His Gospel Power, it's our mission to help you explore your relationship with God and improve those meaningful relationships in your family life. Join us each Sunday and experience the warmth of faith and the strength of the message of Jesus.

What Do We Teach?

We use both the Old and New Testaments as the foundation for our faith and the inspiration for our daily lives. We put those teachings into practice at home and at work.

What Are Our Core Values?

Just as Jesus said in the Beatitudes, blessed are the poor and the hungry. Our mission is not just to love one another, but to make sure we spread the love of the Gospels everywhere.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

There are False Teachers Among You, December 3, 2017 with Dr Rick Hertless
Listen to the Words of The Prophets, December 3, 2017 with Dr Rick Hertless
His Gospel Power , December 3, 2017 with Dr Rick Hertless
Witnesses to the Power of Jesus, December 3, 2017 with Dr Rick Hertless
Jesus Receives Honor from God the Father, December 3, 2017 with Dr Rick Hertless
Do Not Be Surprised That You Suffer, November 12, 2017 with Dr. Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
Offer hospitality and Serve Others, November 5, 2017 with Dr. Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
The End is Near, November 5, 2017 with Dr. Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
The Living and the Dead will be Judged, November 5, 2017 with Dr. Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
Arm Yourself with the Attitude of Christ, November 5, 2017 with Dr. Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
As It Was in the Days of Noah, November 5, 2017 with Dr. Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
Halloween and Holidays, October 31, 2017 with Dr. Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
Submit Yourselves to Your Masters , October 18, 2017 with Host, Dr Rick Hertless and Co-host, Ron Steudle
Live As Free Men, October 18, 2017 with Host, Dr Rick Hertless and Co-host, Ron Steudle
Submit Yourself to Authorities, October 15, 2017 with Host, Dr Rick Hertless and Co-host, Ron Steudle
You Are Aliens and Strangers, October 10, 2017 with Host, Dr Rick Hertless and Co-host, Ron Steudle
You Are a Royal Priesthood, October 10, 2017 with Host, Dr Rick Hertless and Co-host, Ron Steudle
The Stone the Builders Rejected, October 9, 2017 with Host, Dr Rick Hertless and Co-host, Ron Steudle
You Must Be Born Again, October 8, 2017 with Host, Dr Rick Hertless and Co-host, Ron Steudle
You Are Redeemed Imperishable, October 8, 2017 with Host, Dr Rick Hertless and Co-host, Ron Steudle
Dr. Rick Hertless
Author, singer, pastor and radio evangelist

Dr. Rick Hertless is and author, singer, pastor and radio evangelist who believes that it is imperative for the message of the Gospel of Jesus to be spread by what ever means necessary. Dr. Hertless has a successful radio broadcast of His Gospel Power which is heard around the world every Sunday. Lives are changed in both his evangelistic ministry and his pastorate. God uses him to give the truth to a world that is starving for answers in these last days.

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