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Affirmations For Living

Affirmations For Living with Dr Edwige Bingue, banner
Show Host
Dr Edwige Bingue

Each week you’re invited to join in on our upbeat discussion as we look deeper into spiritual based principles that can change your life. For it’s your birthright to live with passion and purpose, and to prosper! If you want to learn how to connect to your true authentic-self, and become aware of your Higher-Self, then this is the right place for you!

We have reached the dawning of a new day. What does life look like for you? Do you have the vision to create powerful moments each day in your life? Are you ready to stand up and be the change that you’ve been waiting for? Are you ready to go within, deep within to those places you’ve been hiding from? We will share the tools that will support the manifestation of your dreams and desires!

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Guest, Llenar Bragg

Guest Name
Llenar Bragg
Danita Llenar Bragg, Minister, Consultant, Trainer, Teacher, Educator, Workshop Facilitator, Team Builder, Computer Programmer, Senior Facilitator, Instructor, Course Developer, Consultant, Life Coach, Volunteer Literacy Tutor
Guest Occupation
Minister, Consultant, Trainer, Teacher, Educator, Workshop Facilitator, Team Builder, Computer Programmer, Senior Facilitator, Instructor, Course Developer, Consultant, Life Coach, Volunteer Literacy Tutor
Guest Biography

My birth name is Danita. I go by the name Llenar now – an 8 vibration. The Chinese say it’s lucky, especially for money.  In some numerology disciplines it’s said to be the “God” number, whole and complete.  Others say it represents infinity.

I am an ordained minister, consultant, trainer, teacher and educator with 20+ years experience working with individuals and groups, both nationally and internationally. My workshops/trainings have ranged in content from vision and mission statement creation; team building, leadership, change management, self-esteem and empowerment of teachers and students and computer programming.

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish. I am a Senior Facilitator of the International Black Summit, a Life Skills Coach, a certified “Why . . .” teacher, and a State of Illinois substitute teacher. I am also a recipient of the Chicago Urban League Excellence Award.

I’ve traveled around the US, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa. I’d like to visit Alaska and Australia.

I’ve worked as a laundry folder, typist, secretary, administrative assistant, 5th grade school teacher, computer programmer, computer programming instructor, course developer and trainer, partner in a t-shirt company, leadership training consultant, personal life coach and consultant.

I learned Computer Programming, through the Chicago Urban League Computer Training Program, to get a job,.  I was hired at Illinois Bell.  I was a programmer in their Payroll Dept. and then taught Computer Progamming in their computer lab. When PCs came about, Illinois Bell (which was then Ameritech) created a PC Lab.  I used to hang out there between students, before and after work.  I used the self-guided courses and learned DOS, word processing (remember WordPerfect?) and spreadsheets.  After leaving Ameritech and I put together a PC Basics course and taught bakers at Nabisco.

I’ve taught 5th graders general education, high schoolers Data Processing, PC hardware and software essentials; and grade school after-school Reading and Math.  I was also a volunteer Adult Literacy (reading) tutor for several years.

When my Dad retired in 1996 I gave him his first PC and taught him DOS.  He now has his own laptop and is on Facebook!  I’ve taught PC Basics to other seniors.

In the spiritual/metaphysical arena, since my early 20s, I’ve read books, attended seminars/workshops/trainings, listened to audios, watched videos and learned from Ernest Holmes, Wayne Dyer, Dr. Bruce Lipton, dr. michael ryce, Dan Millman, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, Dr. Hew Len, Mabel Katz, Brugh Joy, Byron Katie, Florence Scovell Schinn, Catherine Ponder, Eric Butterworth, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Neville Goddard, Abraham-Hicks, Ramtha, etc.  The concepts which resonated with me over the years are that:  no body “out there” is doing it to me; the source, perpetuation and remedy for whatever is going on in my life, is right here, within me; underneath a complaint is a commitment; and no one is to blame, not even me (yet there are consequences for my actions).