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On the Double with The Double S Xpress

On the Double with The Double S Xpress with Shawn Walli and Sean Boyd
Shawn Walli and Sean Boyd

On the Double with The Double S Xpress sports talk show; Sports Broadcasting; Play-by-Play; Analysis; Commentary; Insight; Interviews; Public Address

Mission: To provide the best play-by-play & analysis of all sports in the broadcasting world.

Description: Shawn Walli & Sean Boyd; a dynamic duo on the microphone in the sports broadcasting world.

Information: The Double S Xpress was born in Tacoma, WA in 2005. Shawn Walli & Sean Boyd joined forces to call Tacoma Thunder IBL basketball games on 1180AM KLAY. Shawn & Sean freelance for the major sports networks like NBC Sports, ESPN, CBS Sports, & MLB Network to name a few.

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Guest, Kristal Clark

Guest Name
Kristal Clark
Guest Occupation
Rock Paper Scissors Founder
Guest Biography

Kristal Clark, founder of Rock Paper Scissors, is a vibrant entrepreneur who actively pursues positive change in the community prompted by her passion for people. This Portland native approaches life with vision, sophistication and confidence that inspires everyone she meets. As a licensed Real Estate agent and esthetician, Kristal exercises proficient communication and provides excellence in serving people. Although, she finds fulfillment in acts of service, she is most enriched by encouraging people from all walks of life. More than likely, you’ll find her at one of the largest Celebrate Recovery(CR) programs in Tacoma meeting, greeting and giving hope to everyone who walks through the door. This has become a venue for her values: promoting self-esteem and re-igniting self-worth in those who have experienced a loss of dignity and purpose. 

When it comes to a cause with the magnitude of one of the largest epidemics striking society, both locally and globally, Kristal has taken a solid stance of confronting this plague of Sexual abuse and Human Trafficking head on! Not only has she shed light on this dark practice of exploitation in our neighborhoods through fund raising, education and entrepreneurial enterprises, she has joined a team of leaders engaging in awareness campaigns to wake up our cities to hope and help for those being exploited through human trafficking. Kristal truly believes that fearful men and women have been silenced for much too long and Rock Paper Scissors (RPS), Kristal's newly founded organization, specializes in supporting those who have been physically, mentally and emotionally abused through providing a safe place to share, heal and spread awareness. Her walk is far greater than her talk as she challenges people with this theme 

"We can't do anything about the past, but we sure can do something about the future."