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KickAss Relationship Show

The Kickass Relationship Show with Midori Verity
Show Host
Midori Verity | Speaker, Author, Kickass Marriage Coach

Join renowned speaker, best-selling author, media personality, and marriage coach, Midori Verity on, The Kickass Relationship Show,' as she shares intimate secrets and modern advice for couples, to elevate your relationship to live sexier and happier, to have WAAAY more fun! Midori believes success in life is better when mixed with excitement and love.


  • Feel more appreciated

  • End the screaming and start the thriving!

  • Get Re-connected on a higher level with your partner

  • Create the blueprint for success in all aspects of your life

  • Have the relationship & life you’ve dreamed of!

​Then Tune into my KickAss Relationship Show, and learn strategic tools to quit the B.S. and feel connected, understood and loved, and regain control of your future as a couple! So you can live life to the fullest!

Just come open, and receptive, and enjoy the transformation!

• Love deeper

• Live happier

• Communicate better

• Stop the fighting & start the thriving!

With Midori Verity

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Broadcasting Date

Guest, Jacqui Olliver

Guest Name
Jacqui Olliver
Jacqui Olliver | End Anxiety So You Can Enjoy Sex Again
Guest Occupation
Sex Therapist | Expert at Ending Sex Problems
Guest Biography

Known as The Technique Modifier at End the Problem, Jacqui Olliver is considered by many to be a global expert in solving sexual dysfunctions and restoring emotional balance. In her breakthrough, Sex Mastery Programs for males and females, she provides relevant sex education answers to solve and prevent common sex problems. 

To find out more about working with Jacqui or to sign up for her 5 Crucial Rules of Sex please visit her website!