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Guest Occupation: Attorney-at-Law specializing in human reproduction legal issues
Guest Biography:

Stephanie M. Caballero, Esq. has represented nearly 2,000 clients, including Intended Parents, Surrogates and Donors from all over the world through Surrogacy, Egg Donation, Sperm Donation, and Embryo Donation. Stephanie specializes exclusively in Family Formation and Reproductive Law and has appeared on various programs and print media including The Bakersfield Californian, The Examiner, the Creating a Family radio program, NPR, Fox News, The Los Angeles Times, The Union Tribune and the L.A. Daily Journal (and again on March 23rd, 2015).

Stephanie M. Caballero, Esq. is the founder of The Surrogacy Law Center and her firm is dedicated to helping you start your family using surrogacy, egg donation, embryo donation, and sperm donation.

Stephanie had her own journey through infertility, after eight years of treatments including having endured more than 10 artificial insemination procedures, three surgeries, three miscarriages, and 13 IVF procedures she finally realized her dream of having children when a surrogate carried her twins. Stephanie also had to adopt her twins because the state where they were born did not recognize surrogacy.

Stephanie is also a member of the American Fertility Association, American Bar Association, San Diego Bar Association, and American Society of Reproductive Medicine, serving on the board of its Legal Professional Group.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Sports Talk Host
Guest Biography:

Seattle sports talk show host "The Groz" is on middays on 710 ESPN Seattle.  Dave Grosby has been in the Seattle sports radio scene for more than two decades.  The Groz can be heard 12-3pm on "Bob, Groz, & Tom."  Grosby also is the radio play-by-play voice of the Seattle University Men's Basketball team.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Rap Artist & Promoter
Guest Biography:

A stalwart of the NZ music scene, Kapisi has spent the past 15 years travelling the world representing Kiwi music on an international stage.

He has performed at many festivals throughout the world including the largest Northern Hemisphere outdoor festival, Glastonbury (U.K) and the largest indie music industry event in the USA, SXSW (Austin, TX).

While putting the finishing touches on his fourth album, he has been working in partnership with an events company, where he managed the PR for the new events company including their next venture - touring the world famous Harlem Globetrotters after a successful tour throughout New Zealand and Australia. 

Kapisi's forthcoming album Hip Hop Lives Here is due for release late 2015. A project that has been in the making for over four years that will include the release of a book highlighting an exhibition of street art created by local and international artists based on the music of the album as well as the release of a Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc renamed Hip Hop Noir [TM] and Sauvignon Funk [TM] in partnership with a local winery.

The exhibition (and wine) will be touring with Kapisi as he releases his album in various cities around the world.

He has won many awards including APRA Songwriter of the Year (1999) for his song Reverse Resistance and an Honorable Mention in the Nashville International Song Writing Competition 2014 for his collaborative work with Philadelphia native King Britt on the track, Welcome Back.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College, Amateur
Guest Occupation: Transformational Consultant and Intuitive Coach
Guest Biography:

Justice Bartlett, LMP CHT, Transformational Consultant and Intuitive Coach. She helps people heal physically mentally and emotionally and live In-Heartened lives. Justice co-hosts with Jennifer Yost a bi-monthly podcast, Doubly Divine Radio.Com, for entertainment and energetic support of daily living. They also produce and present The One Gathering and create and teach Clear Heart Mastery, Workshops for In-Heartened Living (the next one is September 28th in in Seattle WA). Visit ClearHeartMastery.Com for details or contact Justice call 425-478-3456

Guest Occupation: President of the nonprofit The New Energy Movement
Guest Biography:

Joel Garbon serves as President of the nonprofit The New Energy Movement, which educates about breakthrough energy technologies and their implications for human society and our imperiled planet, while also serving as an advocate organization for inventors of these technologies. He is a founding member of New Energy Congress, a forum of technical professionals who investigate new energy technologies.

Garbon is the author of an historic legislative draft titled Energy Innovation Act of 2007 which serves as a template for new energy legislation on the federal, state, local, and international levels.  The legislation’s provisions call for urgent and serious public support for research and development of breakthrough energy technologies, and was presented to senators and representatives in the United States Congress.

Garbon received a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Science from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. He has worked for more than 30 years as an international industrial science consultant and educator within the chemical, pulp and paper, and water treatment industries. He is the inventor and developer of several successful commercial technologies used within these industries.

Garbon is co-author with investigative journalist Jeane Manning of the award-winning book BREAKTHROUGH POWER: How Quantum-Leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World which chronicles the challenges, opportunities, and progress in the new energy technology field. The authors make the appeal for a “tidal wave of wisdom” and the concurrent evolution of energy technology and human consciousness as foundations for a new era on planet Earth.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Free Energy
Guest Biography:

Haely Jardas a double major from American University (Theatre Performance, Broadcast Journalism) has previously worked as a teacher, actor, communications coordinator, and recreation specialist. Currently she works for the Office of Senator Paul Strauss (Shadow D-DC) to address the issue of D.C. Statehood. Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Fundraising: MentalHealthMattersDC.Org Facebook: Twitter: Miss DC: Haely is in preparation for the Miss District of Columbia Pageant, a preliminary to Miss America. As a contestant Haely has raised over $2000 (and counting) for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and is an advocate for mental health with her platform, Mental Health Matters. The competition takes place on Sunday, June 14th and the winner will compete at Miss America on September 13th in Atlantic City, NJ.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Professor, Education Activist, Public Education Advocate
Guest Biography:

This week on 'The War Report On Public Education' - VIVA LA RESISTANCE:  Dr. Jesse Turner and his friends on the meaning/message of walking to Washington, D.C.  The resistance to the privatization of education is alive, well and growing, and the resistance is coming to D.C. this summer 2015. We will NOT let our schools be ruined, our teachers demoralized, our children preyed upon and our democracy destroyed. WE WILL RESIST!!!!

Jesse ‘The Walking Man’ Turner is walking from Connecticut to Washington, D.C. this summer to protest the education malpractice that is demoralizing parents, teachers, and turning our children into human capital. He will start walking in June, time it to reach Washington DC for the BAT's National Congress July, (400 miles in 40 days) and will hold ‘Walking Man’ Events along the way in people's homes, libraries, coffee shops, churches, and on street corners, to gather evidence from parents, students, and teachers.

 People ask why walk?

1. Dr. Jesse Turner is a Professor of Literacy and has a PhD in Language, Reading, and Culture. He states “Everything I know professionally informs me what is happening to our children in the name of education reform is child abuse”.

2. Because Moses walked, because the Cherokee walked, because the Navajo walked, because Martin Luther King walked, and because Cesar Chavez walked. Walking may just be the most potent weapon human beings have against oppression.

Will you join Jesse in his historic walk? Tune in this Sunday, June 7 and find out how you can be part of the resistance.

Guest Category: Education, Kids & Family
Guest Biography:

dr. michael ryce is the founder and director of HeartLand, a self-healing center in the Ozark mountains. He is a world renowned lecturer and teacher on health and healing, with doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine and in Holistic Philosophy. The focus of his studies has combined bodymind principles, physics and ancient Aramaic studies into a unique body of pioneering work in the fields of self-healing, healing through relationships, anger and grief resolution, world peace and the inner process of Forgiveness.

His unique syntheses of information and tools is acclaimed, “a powerful blend of spiritual principles and intellectual clarity, guided by the heart!” His workshops explain, with profound simplicity, how the mind/body/emotion interaction affects health, every event in life, and impacts our relationships. In each self-contained workshop, effective tools are presented to assist in creating high-level wellness and eliminating upset, lack and conflict. His book, Why Is This Happening To Me . . . Again?!, is an international best seller.

In 2001 dr. ryce was appointed director of the Khabouris Manuscript foundation and is currently editing translation work from the Manuscript and writing a new book based on the Khabouris, "The End Of Suffering, Resurrecting The Original Aramaic Y'Shua".

The Khabouris (also spelled Khaburis) Codex is a copy of the oldest known Eastern Canon of the New Testament in its native, and the original language of the Scriptures, Aramaic. The physical manuscript has been carbon-dated at approximately 1000 AD plus or minus 50 years. The colophon bears the seal and signature of the Bishop at the Church at Nineveh, then capital of the Assyrian Empire located today in the present-day Iraqi city of Mosul. According to colophon it is a copy of a text from approximately 164 AD.

dr. ryce’s background includes electronics, business, and theology. He has a reputation among his peers as a teachers’ teacher and a healers’ healer. A dynamic speaker, he is much sought after for his skill in teaching the practical application of “self-help” tools. His work has been exposed, through private workshops and seminars and television and radio work, to approximately 500,000 people in the last thirty five years. michael has made a commitment to make the tools he has developed available to every mind on the planet and, as a result, his travel workshops are free so everyone, regardless of the ability to pay, will have access to the tools presented. Anyone with health, financial, career, or relationship problems can begin to turn their situations around immediately when they use the tools dr. ryce offers.