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Guest Occupation: Special Effects Expert, Alternative Energy Researcher, Inventor
Guest Biography:

John D. Riley, Researcher of Alternative Energy/Science

With a diverse background in Top Secret military projects at Lockheed Aircraft to 20 years in the Motion Picture business with his own Special Effects company, working on some of the industry's top films, John Riley decided to take his knowledge and experience to a much higher level. Since the age of 8, John was fascinated by the energy systems developed by the early great inventors, such as Nikola Tesla and George Lakhovsky. He has been researching and studying these early discoveries and has re-discovered missing technology and lost meanings behind these origins of power. It is with great passion now that he has combined his expertise in the field of engineering and his understanding behind these early inventions to create his own Radiant Energy system, called the Lifestream Generator. Zero Point Research, John's research facility in Santa Monica, CA is also open to the public to receive Lifestream sessions by certified practitioners. Zero Point Research is where John goes down the rabbit hole daily.

Guest Category: Science, Technology, Tech News, Free Energy
Guest Occupation: Source Family Member, White House Aid, Family Archivist, Family Historian, Photographer
Guest Biography:

Charlene Peters left the D.C. social scene to become Isis Aquarian, a member of a California commune called the Source Family, where she became one of the 14 wives of a charismatic leader, Jim Baker (a.k.a. Father Yod and YaHoWha).

Isis Aquarian was probably the very first of the Source Family Members to actually find "Father" - as Jim Baker - while he  still owned the Old World Restaurant.  This was long before "The Source" days . . . or Father Yod.

Isis' name was Charlene Peters, and Jim was the husband of her friend, Dora.  He was a well-known man-about-town.  Charlene was born into an Air Force family in 1942, the eldest of 7 children.  She graduated from high school in Florida and moved  to Washington, DC, to work with Senator Gurney and then became a White house aid under President Johnson.   She moved to New York to work for Braniff Airlines and then on to LA - at the  height of the Hippie/Flower children movement - where she worked with, modeled for and later became engaged to Ron Raffaelli, a famous Rock Music photographer.

After Jim Baker had created the Source Restaurant - and begun to recognize himself as "Father" - she reconnected and just walked out of all that was her life and joined him and the nascent Source Communal Brotherhood on their Spiritual odyssey.  Isis, also affectionately known during Family days as "The Dragon Lady", was personally appointed by Father to be the Source Family’s archivist, historian and the “Keeper of the Temple”.  Besides being one of the leaders of the Family and a very active Member of the 13-woman Council (which Father appointed to handle Family business and issues), she was one of the most active photographers of Father and the Family and filmed, recorded audio (particularly each of Father’s morning “Classes”), maintained scrapbooks, helped take care of Family business and was one of Father’s 14 wives.

She has a daughter named Saturna, from the days of the Source Family, who is married, living in Hawaii and raising her first-born, Alana. 

Isis has remained Father/YaHoWha's wife, became the Aquarian Nun and now The Aquarian Crone.  Cronehood is the last stage of the Goddess Trinity ~ the Elder.   Isis remembers having visions and psychic experience from childhood.  She lives in Hawaii and travels as events dictate.


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Guest Category: History, News, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Grandmaster of Dragon Gate Sanctuary, Director of Gaguazhang, Healer, Acupuncturist, Teacher, Instructor, Spiritual Coach, Martial Artist
Guest Biography:

Sifu Christopher Lee Matsuo

Internal Martial Arts Research Institute

Director of Baguazhang

Grandmaster of Dragon Gate Sanctuary

In 1993 Sifu Chris moved to Honolulu and opened schools in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu, Yamabushi Ryu Shugendo, Hirai family Reiki (Hirai Shiki – the Hirai family were the last students of Usui Sensei), and Baguazhang.  He also started training with Wu Xiao Shr in the Wu family Arts of Wudang, Kunlun and Tibetan kung fu, shamanism and qiqong, and, the hard to acquire, Wudang Snake Bagua which is believed the original Baguazhang.

In 1995 he opened a school for Wudang Baguazhang and a school of healing drawing from Mikkyo, Hirai Shiki, Reijutsu, Jin Shin, Tibetan Bon, and Taoist medicine.  Currently, he is only training closed door students,  four apprentices in ancient Japanese Mikkyo healing , and his daughter.

Sifu Chris also has a successful acupuncture and Tibetan medicine practice and works at The Path Clinic for Women.  Periodically, he is a guest teacher for the Remington College Massage Program, gives private instruction and guidance in spiritual growth, and teaches at annual seminars at the Palmetta Jujitsu Academy and Healing Center in South Carolina, Vance Inouye’s branch school in Arizona, Melvin Tabilas’ branch school in Los Angeles, and Hasting Albo’s branch school in Texas.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Self Help, Spiritual, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Docter, Researcher, Outdoorsman, Businessman, Oncologist, Author, Scientist
Guest Biography:

Dr. Stephen J. Iacoboni is a dedicated doctor, an award-winning researcher, and an outdoorsman who finds solace and rejuvenation in nature.  He is a businessman, a father of grown sons, an oncologist who has fought the good fight beside his patients for three decades, and an author who has chronicled the spiritual journey on which his career has taken him in his book, The Undying Soul, a book for cancer patients.

In his own words, Stephen Iacoboni tells us:

As an oncologist, I fight cancer. But I have also found that more often than not, the close personal bonds I form with my patients are as important to them as their medication. Those bonds have certainly become a part of my life, reminding me that every patient deserves a healthy dose of humanity with whatever else we medical professionals prescribe.

My journey as a doctor has been both professionally rewarding and intensely spiritual. While I began my medical career as a scientist, patient by patient an evolution took place. My patient-guides have shown me that despite the power of medical science, it is often the strength of the soul we must call upon to help us heal — or to accept that we will not. More than my story, The Undying Soul book is meant as a tribute to these patients, a primer for people facing life’s last and greatest mystery — and for those who travel with them — and as solace and comfort for those taking this difficult journey.

I invite you to join me in my journey and in the journeys of a handful of my patients — to join us in celebrating The Undying Soul.

In a tribute to the power of faith, personal connection, and the belief that there is something more, Stephen Iacoboni, MD, reminds us what he so poignantly learned from his patients — that death is not an end, but a beckoning, and that wholeness of spirit and freedom from doubt open the way for all of us to The Undying Soul.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science
Guest Occupation: Minister, Journalist, Author, Moderator, Kabbalah Teacher, Bible Metaphysics Expert, Comedian
Guest Biography:

Maggy Whitehouse is a minister in an independent sacramental church and studied Kabbalah with Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi for sixteen years. She is a former BBC radio and television journalist, the author of 16 published books on Kabbalah and spirituality and papers on Kabbalah and Interfaith for Winchester University. Maggy is a guest tutor at the UK Interfaith seminary. She was moderator for the BBC's Religion and Ethics message boards during the last Iraq conflict.

Co-founders of an open faith foundation called La Convivencia.


* The first person in the world to bring a dog from the USA to England on Passports for Pets.

*  The author of sixteen published books (pretty well all of which have the Jesus guy in them—as a mentor, friend and supporter).

* An expert on interpreting ancient Kabbalah (including Biblical Kabbalah) in easy and accessible terms for the modern world.

* An expert on Bible metaphysics i.e. how to read this incredible book on four levels including the mystical and metaphysical and make sense of it in your own life.

* An expert on the lives of women in Biblical times including Mary Magdalene and the Old Testament Matriarchs and Heroines.

* I regularly teach Kabbalah in the Masonic Lodges in Washington DC.

* I use Kabbalah to help define the Biblical teachings on prosperity to help people recover from the belief that wealth is somehow wrong for the spiritual. This is a fabulously abundant world and it is our right and our spiritual duty to experience, enjoy and teach on the wonders of a prosperous life.

* A stand-up comedian. Yes that does seem rather at odds with the rest, but it’s my latest calling and I love it. Time perhaps to laugh about the sacred cows of religion that stop us making direct contact with the Divine.

Guest Category: Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Comparative Health Care Professor, Sociologist, Health Care Systems Analyst, Researcher, Health Care Industry Historian
Guest Biography:


Donald Light is a professor of comparative health care at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Osteopathic Medicine. He is an economic and organizational sociologist who compares health care systems and analyzes health care policies. He has written about the history and dynamics of health care markets and health care insurance, countervailing powers, the medical profession, immigrants and health care, and global justice.

As a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics, Light is concerned about the high prices of medicines and barriers to their access. His research aims to provide a demythologized, more realistic account of costs, relative effectiveness and harms, and innovation than is promoted by commercial interests and sponsored academics. He is concerned that current incentives, laws, and regulations encourage companies to develop many new drugs with few advantages, rather than focusing on really superior new drugs. In the long run, this does not serve the major companies or society well.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Author, Radio Executive, Print Model, Actress, Writer
Guest Biography:

In addition to Walking Through Illusion (published by O-Books, an imprint of John Hunt Publishing Ltd), Betsy Otter Thompson is the author of The Mirror Theory (published by Hampton Roads Publishing) and 4 self-published books through her own company, Ascension Publishing. The self-published books are now at of print except for LOVEPARENT, which is now available on Kindle and through Paypal.

   WALKING THROUGH ILLUSION: Jesus Speaks of the People who Shared his Journey (2010)
   THE MIRROR THEORY: The Way to Inner Peace, Resolution and Transformation (2005);
   The WHAT HAPPENS IF I...Book: How To Make Action/Reaction Work For You
   Instead Of Against You (1996).
   YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK: Make Your Thoughts Delicious (1993);
   LOVEHUMAN: How To Be Who You Love (1992);
   LOVEPARENT: How To Be The Parent You Hope To Be (1991);

Betsy's work has always gravitated toward the media. A native Philadelphian with a B.F.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, Betsy worked as an account executive for WFIL radio in Philadelphia, and from there went to radio stations WPEN and WFLN. After that, she became a commercial print model and acted in television commercials in New York and Philadelphia. For seventeen years, she worked in Los Angeles at the motion picture and television company Castle Rock Entertainment as the Assistant to the Chairman and CEO. In August '99, she followed her boss to Warner Bros. as he took a new position there as President and COO, and became his Executive Assistant. She is now writing full time. Betsy's writing began unexpectedly while going through an especially difficult time in her life. She believes that her books were the answer to her prayers.

Guest Category: Religion, Self Help, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Teacher, Devotee of Khakti-Yogi, Author, Wandering Ascetic, Krishna Consciousness Practitioner, Humanitarian
Guest Biography:

Radhanath Swami is a Vaishnava sanyassin (a monk in a Krishna-bhakti lineage) and teacher of the devotional path of Bhakti-yoga. He is author of The Journey Home, a memoir of his search for spiritual truth. His teachings draw from the sacred texts of India such as The Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, and Ramayana, and aim to reveal the practical application of the sacred traditions, while focusing on the shared essence which unites apparently disparate religious or spiritual paths.

Born Richard Slavin, on December 7, 1950, in his teens he came to confront a deep sense of alienation from suburban Chicago life and the civil injustices of mid-century America. At the age of nineteen, while on a summer trip to Europe, his internal struggles culminated in a commitment to search for God wherever it might lead him. Meditating on the Isle of Crete, he felt a supernatural calling and the next morning set off alone to find spiritual India. The Journey Home documents his odyssey as a penniless hitch-hiker though Greece, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and finally India. There he lived as a wandering ascetic, first amongst the forest dwelling Himalayan yogis and later amongst a wide variety of gurus and spiritual practitioners throughout India and Nepal. Ultimately, he was led to the holy town of Vrindavan, where he found his path amongst the Bhakti-yogis.

In Vrindavan he found the teacher he was searching for in A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977) the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), and representative of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, (the Krishna-bhakti tradition stemming from the 16th century mystic avatar Sri Chaitanya). In choosing Bhaktivedanta Swami, as his guru, Radhanath Swami felt compelled to shear his matted locks and reenter Western society with a mission to share the sacred wisdom he had received. This return exemplifies the form of devotional yoga which is at the heart of Radhanath Swami’s teachings, a spiritual practice expressed as tangible action meant to bring about personal fulfillment and benefit the world.

At the the age of 31 he took the monastic vows of a Vaishnava sanyassin and became known as Radhanath Swami.

Today Radhanath Swami travels regularly throughout India, Europe and North America, sharing the teachings of Bhakti-yoga. He resides much of the year at the Radha Gopinath Ashram in Chowpatty, Mumbai. For the past twenty-five years he has guided the community’s development and has directed a number of acclaimed social action projects including Midday Meals, which daily serves more than 260,000 plates of sanctified vegetarian food to the children of the slums of Mumbai. He has also worked to establish missionary hospitals and eye camps, eco-friendly farms, schools and ashrams, an orphanage, and a number of emergency relief programs throughout India.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Yoga, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual