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Guest Occupation: Founder, owner, and operator of Shooters Grill
Guest Biography:


Partial Biography below taken from:

Lauren Boebert is a Coloradoan living on the Western Slope who believes in personal freedom, citizen rights, and upholding the Constitution of the United States. She is the founder, owner, and operator of Shooters Grill, a restaurant that earned national notoriety for staff that proudly open carry as they serve their customers. She gained additional recognition in September 2019 by attending presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s rally to tell him directly: “Hell, no, you won’t take our guns.” When Colorado’s liberal state government voted for the state to join the National Popular Vote Compact and hand our votes for President of the United States to California, Lauren became the second-largest signature gatherer (over 229,000 signatures were gathered statewide), insuring that voters would have the opportunity to repeal NPV this fall. If repealed, it will be the first time since the 1930’s that a law was repealed via citizen petition. Lauren is active in her church and has spent years counseling at-risk women at the local jail, encouraging them to become self-sufficient and productive members of society who do not depend on government assistance. She is an avid supporter of President Trump and his policies to Make America Great Again.

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Guest Category: Business, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Talk Show host
Guest Biography:

Hosts a popular morning talk show on AM 710 KNUS. Peter Boyles began his radio career as a traffic reporter in the early 1970s,

Guest Category: Entertainment, News, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Biography:

From Wheat Ridge, Colorado

Guest Category: Entertainment, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Owner/Creative Director of 'Ask Aunt V- from the garden to the table - to the Community'
Guest Biography:

Veronica Porter was born and raised in Naperville when it was still considered a small farm town.  She caught the end of an era when you grew, gathered and prepared your own food.  It was a time that you learned from your elders, explored with your friends, and followed in the footsteps of time worn traditions. 


Veronica brings these values to modern times and shares her experiences by educating and strategizing for healthy, organic, heirloom gardening, farm to table food integrity, cooking, preservation and living life in a responsible, sustainable manner.  She is a third generation organic farmer, chef, and food educator for home and garden.


"My passion is to create community in all I do, from growing a garden, to preparing a meal, to educating, gathering and enjoying life's harvest."  Veronica Porter, Ask Aunt V 2014.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Anthropologist, CEO of Hydration Foundation, co- author 'Quench 5 Days to Hydration'
Guest Biography:

Named Real World Scholar, Gina researches, consults, and speaks on hydration strategies for health and agriculture. She founded Hydration to work with organizations, scientists and clinicians to promote optimal hydration for people, plants and soils. Her work advances structured water science, publicizing breakthrough findings of Dr. Gerald Pollack, renowned for his identification of the fourth phase of water. She convened the first ever TEDxNewYorkSalon event on structured water, featuring Dr. Pollack. Her own TEDxtalk, How to Grow Water: It's Not Only Blue, It's Green, identifies plants in hydration strategies around the globe.

She is co-author of QUENCH: A Five-Day Plan with Dr. Dana Cohen, MD and featured in the New York Times, O Magazine, NPR among others and is now in 6 languages. A breakthrough book with over 50 recipes, QUENCH shares the science of structured water, the newly identified phase of water with global implications. Her first book, The Art of Family: Rituals and Imagination was a Starbuck’s selection.


With a chorus of respected doctors and scientists, on Febraury 15-March 15, 2020 she launches the first ever, online HYDRATION SUMMIT, free to the public, it places hydration as the most potent, simple and effective health intervention we have. She is the originator of the You Tube Series: DOCTORS TALK HYDRATION. Her initiatives through the Hydration Foundation have accelerated research and practices in health and soil regeneration.

Among fav initiatives at the Hydration Foundation is our POP UP WATER MUSEUM: The Movement of Water, education through the artistry of Maxi Cohen; and Hydration Oasis at Ideal School, NYC. The Hydration Foundation is known for pilot projects which quickly turn into standard best practices.

Her chapter The Role of Hydration in Health and Wealth, A New Global Agenda, ed., D. Ayton-Shenker, serves as Policy Advising for UN SDGs, with Appendix on Agricultural Application of Structured Water.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Science, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Strategic Business Futurist, concentrating on relationship aspects of the future
Guest Biography:

BIOGRAPHY copied directly from:

Joyce Gioia is a Strategic Business Futurist concentrating on relationship aspects of the future. This arena includes workforce and workplace trends, as well as consumer, education, and business-to-business trends. Joyce is President of The Herman Group, a firm serving a wide range corporate, trade association and governmental clients on an international basis. Through consulting, speaking and training, Joyce helps clients position themselves for success in the future. Joyce has served clients on six continents and in 43 states.

Focusing on what will be most valuable for her clients and audiences, Joyce tailors her messages to what is most needed with an emphasis on take-home value, practical tactics and strategies that can be put to work right away.

To reach an even wider audience, Joyce has co-authored five books with her partner Roger Herman. These books are focused on what employers must do to attract, optimize, and hold onto their best employees. Joyce approaches Human Resources from an Internal Marketing perspective, taking external marketing concepts and strategies and applying them within the organization.

A respected professional speaker and trainer, Joyce has earned the designations Certified Management Consultant, the highest certification granted by The Institute of Management Consultants, and a Certified Speaking Professional, the highest certification granted by The National Speakers Association. She is also a Founding Member of the Association of Professional Futurists as well as being an active Professional Member of the National Speakers Association and The World Future Society. Joyce contributed a regular column to The Future Magazine, as well as Sky, Delta Airlines' award-winning in-flight magazine.

Joyce Gioia holds a bachelor's degree in languages and communications from The University of Denver and a masters in Business Administration (specializing in Marketing) from Fordham University. She also holds masters degrees in Theology and Counseling from The New Seminary. Joyce's career includes a wide variety of industries and fields, including hard goods, soft goods, wholesale, retail, and direct marketing. At the age of 28, she was the youngest magazine publisher in the country, publishing The Complete Buyers Guide to Stereo/Hi-Fi Equipment for Service Communications Ltd.

Often quoted in the national media, like Industry Week, The Christian Science Monitor, Entrepreneur Magazine, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, and on National Public Radio, Joyce is recognized as one who not only knows what's coming, but can communicate that future very effectively. She has also appeared on numerous radio and television talk shows and was featured in an episode of New Attitudes on the Lifetime Cable Network.

Joyce is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the East, and the International Who's Who of Business Executives.


Guest Category: Business, Investing and Finance, Marketing, Management, Education, Philosophy, Personal Development, Self Help, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Writer, Editor, Fashion Stylist, Creative Media Services, former Rocky Mountain News society columnist
Guest Biography:

Former Rocky Mountain News society columnist

Bio taken from LinkedIn Profile:

I majored in journalism at the University of Florida in Gainesville and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in fashion design from the International Fine Arts College in Miami, Florida. I have extensive experience working in journalism, fashion, and media and public relations. As founder and president of Clear Creativity, I specialize in three specific areas. I write and edit copy and produce editorial projects for lifestyle magazines, newspapers and online media sites. I produce contemporary, cutting-edge fashion shows and additional events for both non-profit and private clients. And I promote clients’ businesses through public and media relations and marketing strategies. 

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, News, Society and Culture, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Inspirational Speaker, TEDx Talker, Author and Founder of the Love Your Life To Death Movement
Guest Biography:

Inspirational Speaker, TEDx Talker, Author and Founder of the "Love Your Life To Death Movement"

Yvonne Heath is married to her best friend Geordie, has three amazing children and is loving life in beautiful Muskoka, Canada.

She has been a registered nurse since 1988, working in ten different hospitals in the US and Canada in many areas including emergency, intensive care, chemotherapy and hospice.

Yvonne became disheartened by our society’s reluctance to talk about, plan and prepare for grief and how it causes excessive suffering in life and at the end of life. She suffered too, not knowing how to do it differently.

So, in 2015, she took a leap of faith, left her nursing career and blazed a new trail. She shares her message with heart and humour as an Inspirational Speaker, with her book "Love Your Life to Death", online program, as a television and radio host and through social media.

Her TEDx Talk—Transforming Grief, by Just Showing Up—was launched in May 2019. She is sharing her message globally and helping great organizations along the way.

Yvonne leads the I Just Showed Up movement.

Have you ever said these things or felt this way, when someone was in crisis? Divorce, diagnosis, mental health issues, job loss, trauma, the death of a loved oneits all grief! Are you fearful you might do or say the wrong thing, so you avoid? Listen to her interview...


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Guest Category: Education, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture