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Guest Occupation: Holistic Coach and Healer, Personal Transformation Pioneer
Guest Biography:

Phillip Mountrose , with his wife and partner Jane, are coaches and energy-healing pioneers who help holistically-minded people tap into “the heart and soul of success” with holistic coaching and healing techniques. They include holistic EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), their signature GTT (Getting Thru Techniques) and Spiritual Kinesiology, a method they developed to heal and guide from the soul. They focus on helping people live fully, overcome blocks and reach their fullest potential. 

Co-Founder of the non-profit organization Awakenings Institute, he has devoted over two decades to exploring the fields of personal and spiritual development and helping thousands of people through his publications and trainings. His passion in life and greatest joy revolve around helping people to overcome personal challenges, discover their life purpose, and create tremendous success both personally and professionally.

Since 1992, Phillip has taught courses in holistic coaching and energy healing in California. He and Jane have written over a dozen books and manuals that are sold worldwide. These include the some of the most popular books on EFT, as well as books on Spiritual Kinesiology, manifestation and more.  They include Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT, Getting Thru to Your Soul, The Holistic Approach to Living Healthier Longer and The Holistic Life Coach "Get Started" Manual.  Their newest book is “The Ultimate Paradigm Shift: A Guidebook for Creating The Life You Were Born to Live.”

Phillip and Jane enjoy living in central coast California with their two dogs.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Guitarist, Singer and Songwriter
Guest Biography:


The Story Doesn't Have A Beginning…..

….as we experience the middle parts, we see that open doorways let us embrace the illusion of a new beginning……and that helps to make life fun.  Over and over again.  So open the door and BEGIN! 

My name is Colin.  I sometimes feel the need to BE AMAZING in life.  My head and my heart whisper things to me like “you can do anything you put your mind to” and “follow your dreams and never give up.”  And when I let my dreams form in my consciousness, they include music and community, family and compassion, Mother Earth and healthy people.  I grew up in the east of the United States near the Pennsylvania/Ohio/West Virginia area.  I’ve been with music my whole life and even chose to study it in university to further my understanding.  I have traveled the world through North and South America, Europe and Asia, always with a guitar on my shoulder or a saxophone slung around my neck.  

The journey has always been good to me and continues even on this day.  The consistent mystery of life tosses me into the wildest experiences.  Through those experiences I learn so many cool things that make me more prepared for this NOW MOMENT!  What am I doing now?  That’s what is important.  

Well I can tell you this, I am singing in my heart and paying attention to the world around me.  I have the responsibility to be amazing with my life.  Shining gratitude on all the wonderful blessings shown to me: my inclination toward music, my loving and patient family, my relationships, friends, collaborators, teachers, my girlfriend, my health and happiness and my ability to create and nurture those things every moment, is a practice every day.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Director of NJRope Paranormal
Guest Biography:

Frank is a New Jersey residence and has been attracted to the paranormal since a young age. His first opportunity to begin investigating the paranormal was under the guidance of Nancy Tursi and the now defunct Double Visions Paranormal Group located out of Palmyra, NJ. Dedicated and desiring to learn more, in early 2009 Frank founded and currently is the director of NJROPE, which operates throughout New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, and Delaware. NJROPE currently consists of approximately 30 members, all of whom share his desire to learn about the paranormal world, but more importantly to assist people who are having paranormal experiences in understanding and dealing with their given situations.

He has written several classes, which are part of the intense NJROPE training process, with variations offered to NJROPE clients and the public through lectures intended to increase education and awareness about the subject. Frank has completed over 300 paranormal investigations and consulted for dozens more. Frank has recently founded and is the owner of the Online store, NJROPE Depot. The store has been created to provide assistance to clients of NJROPE, NJROPE sister groups and the public with building and maintaining a positive environment.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Ghosts
Guest Occupation: Serial entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant, business strategist, social media influencer, former TV host, author, public speaker, and investor
Guest Biography:


Known as Mr. Blueprint, Richard Krawczyk is a serial entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant, business strategist, social media influencer, former TV host, author, public speaker, and investor.

He is the Co-Founder and CEO of the tech startup Zenith Data and CEO of the digital marketing agency Blueprint Digital Media.

As one of the Top 1% of social media influencers globally, Richard assisted the world-class social media team on behalf of Access Hollywood and the Vanity Fair Social Club in covering the 2015 Golden Globe Awards and the 2015 and 2016 Academy Awards. His timeline deliveries on Twitter exceeded 1.4 BILLION during Oscars Week, which included the 2016 Academy Awards. During that week, his reach was the equivalent of 10 Super Bowl ads – at a time when each Super Bowl ad ran $5.5 million dollars for each spot.

He also co-starred in a follow-up movie to The Secret called Pass It On.

Richard is an avid supporter of youth activities, such as drum & bugle corps, where he was fortunate to perform in The Cavaliers from Rosemont, IL in 1984 and 1985, where he honed his disciplined lifestyle. He is also a die-hard Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears fan.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Ani Anderson (MS, OT, LMT, CEMP, SBMC) knows that you were born a success and have the capacity to make a meaningful impact in the world, you just need the skills to be able to do it. She is the #1 Bestselling author of Find Your Soul’s Agenda, co-creator of Sensation-Based Mindset, and CEO of NEW Health Inc. 

Through her own intense personal trials and working closely with clients, Ani has developed systemized ways of teaching people how to identify and eliminate dysfunctional relationship patterns. Her clients are soulful women who know they were meant for more love in their relationships and careers, but have been unable to access it.

Ani lives in a log cabin in the woods, nestled between the foothills of the Adirondack mountains and Lake Champlain. She, her husband, and their blended family can often be found swimming in the lake, skiing, playing a board game, enjoying the amazing local food, or riding the ferry boat back and forth to school.

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Transformational Coach, International Speaker, Published Writer & Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:


Connie Costa is a Transformational Coach, International Speaker, Published Writer & Entrepreneur. She graduated from Antioch University with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with an Applied Community Psychology Specialization.

Connie was personally mentored and coached by legendary life-coach, inspirational speaker and best-selling author, Alan Cohen. She received her coaching certificate from the Foundation for Holistic Life Coaching. Her clients are mostly women, LGBT, and celebrities.

She produces inspirational/networking/foodie events and leads workshops and retreats in Beverly Hills, Ojai & Italy.  She is the author of, “I Give Myself Butterflies”, coming out in 2019. Join her on her next Exclusive & Unique Food Tour in Italy.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Biography:


Winner of the 2018 Guinness World Record

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Transformational Life Coach, Energy healer and Spiritual Guide
Guest Biography:


I’m a born and bred New Yorker, world traveler and Nature lover. I’m passionate about empowering people just like you to feel incredible and live a life you love!

Life is a grand adventure, especially when we live guided by our heart–I know this firsthand. The beautiful thing about life is that we can be ANYTHING we wish to be and create ANY life we desire. 

My journey in the healing arts began as a medical doctor. Degrees in Psychology, Nutrition, Chemistry and Medicine established my understanding of the human body and psyche, disease, health, life and death. 

By the time I was 25, I touched every continent except Antarctica. I worked with various healers, shamans and medicine people around the globe experiencing and learning about all kinds of healing modalities. Sometimes I found myself in pretty crazy situations, but the stories are well worth it! During this time my abilities as a natural born healer awakened. I discovered I trace back three generations to a lineage of healers from a native tribe in Colombia.

My time spent in foreign lands helped me understand that happiness means different things to different people. Ultimately it’s about discovering what happiness means to YOU and living authentically from this place. My work shows you how!

Based in Los Angeles I teach weekly classes and monthly workshops at Unplug Meditation in Santa Monica and at Ceremony Meditation in Venice. I also work one on one with people both in-person and online for coaching, mentoring and healing. My work is about healing AND optimizing the mind, body and spirit.

Many life experiences have prepared me for my work as a Transformational Life COach, Energy healer and Spiritual Guide, including:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Nutrition and Chemistry from New York University with Honors, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
  • Medical Degree from New York University School of Medicine
  • Medical Missions in remote parts of Honduras and Ecuador
  • Publications in Medical and Online Journals
  • Author of Raw Naked Truths–an inspirational E-book of wisdom for life.
  • 200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Certification
  • Vipassana–10 days of Silence and Meditation–Twice
  • Three month Monk preparation
  • Pioneer on the FOX Television show Utopia–social experiment about creating a new society where they named me #DrLove
  • Speaker at Events and Conferences including New York Times Travel Show, Further Future, East Meets West Fest
  • Wellness and Spiritual Blogger and Guide with features on various mediaoutlets
  • Part-Time Resident and Student at Damanhur Community and University since 2016
  • Pranotherapy Healer Certification from Damanhur University Spiritual Healer School
  • Reiki Energy Healer Level 1 + 2 Certified
  • Co-Creator of The Art of Ritual–a 6 week ritual based, women’s support group
  • Creator of The Initiation Program–a transformational online coaching program
  • Co-Founder/Designer of Ravela, a conscious lifestyle brand of organic cotton jumpsuits

My purpose is to help people like you optimize your mind, body and spirit so you feel GREAT and live the life you desire. 

I guide you in finding your happiness now and empower you to live a life you love because you deserve it!

TARGETing THE MIND, BODY, SPIRIT AND HEART provides lasting changes and MAXIMIZEs RESULTS. My work INCLUDes:

  • Intuitive Life Coaching
  • Health and Wellness Consulting
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Relationship Counseling
  • Meditation and Yoga Instruction
  • Nutrition Advice
  • Mentoring on your Spiritual Path
  • Conscious Living Guidance
  • Energy Healing

I love working one on one with people like you via online and in person sessions, as well as teaching and guiding groups around the world via my classes, workshops and retreats.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual