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Guest Occupation: Assistant Professor at UMASS Dartmouth - Specializes in Curriculum and Instruction, Language Policies, Literacy and Social Studies Education
Guest Biography:

Dr. Rosa is a member of Save Our Schools, United Opt-Out, and the Badass Teachers Association. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth, an activist, writer, and researcher working with youth. He serves on a number of boards and works with several organizations both locally and nationally whose work is ultimately concerned with the healing of humanity.

Ricardo Rosa's current research centers on emerging articulations of educational privatization and its effects on organizational behavior in educational settings and possibilities for transformative leadership. His research also focuses on curricular theory and praxis within and beyond the boundaries of normative schooling.

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: Professor of Literacy Studies at Hofstra University
Guest Biography:

Denny Taylor is Professor Emeritus of Literacy Studies at Hofstra University and founder of Garn Press. She began teaching in 1968 in the East End of London; there were 43 children in her first kindergarten class. She has been continuously engaged in ethnographic literacy research since 1977 and was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame in 2004. She has written thirteen books and published 40 articles and chapters on literacy in family, school and community settings.

Dr. Taylor regards art, literature and science inseparable. She is a lifelong activist and scholar committed to nurturing the imagination and human spirit.

Dr. Taylor is also the director of the International Center for Everybody’s Child at Hofstra University, which provides assistance to teachers and children in the aftermath of catastrophic events, supports international educational projects, and maintains an international network of teachers, doctors, social workers, and mental health professionals who can assist teachers working with children in crisis. Her ethnographic research focuses on the impact of catastrophic events on the lives of children and the social response of the educational community to mass trauma. Her field work includes research in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. She provided first response support in the Gulf Region in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. One of her most recent publications, The Kate Middleton Elementary School: Portraits of Hope and Courage, published by Scholastic, provides support for teachers who are first responders following a catastrophic event. 

Guest Category: Education, Science
Guest Occupation: Radio Host
Guest Biography:

LEN OSANIC - Host of Black Op Radio

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, Human Rights Activist, Speaker, Radio host, Humanitarian, Sexual Abuse Survivor, Civil War Survivor
Guest Biography:

…After miraculously surviving the most horrid-unimaginable- unenviable sexual abuse as a boy…

A native of Chalatenango, El Salvador, Perto left his village as a refugee and escaped to Guatemala and Mexico. Perto is now living in Houston, Texas in the U.S.

Perto has since worked in different types of jobs, and has volunteered as a red cross blood processor and health and safety bilingual instructor. in 1997 perto organized his own company Ph homecare mgmt, llc. provided caregivers training, caregivers services, and care case management. After successfully managing his own company for 15 years, Perto Herrera became an author and continued his calling to help needy people, especially victims of sexual abuse and/or trapped in poverty......

Perto himself is a survivor of severe sexual molestation and abuse, as a young boy raised in a poverty-stricken family in a small village in El Salvador. The personal lessons learned had led the author to fulltime writing, speaking, and philanthropic efforts to help sexual abuse victims and individuals trapped in poverty......

Three to four times a year Herrera travels to meet face-to-face with sexual abuse victims, parents and family members of victims, and men who are abusers. In 2010 on an early trip to El Salvador, Perto actually met two of the men who sexually abused him as a boy, talked with them, hugged them, and forgave them. His message to victims is how to survive and escape from abuse through courage, faith, and concerted action. His message to parents is to believe their children and protect them, among anything and anybody......

Perto also has paid the costs to send six children to college to escape poverty and enter professions such as law, business and teaching. He has pledged to spend 75 percent of the proceeds from his books and conferences to help needy and/or abused persons. Perto’s personal story of abuse is told in his first book, “The Invincible Flying Eagle” … “El Aguila Invencible Volando” Book One. This painful and shocking memoir tells the story of how Perto was abused by 11 people (nine men and two women) over a period of five years until the day his saving grace – in the form of an eagle, attacked his most dangerous abuser. The eagle, Perto believes to be a messenger from God, guided him toward a safer place and a new chance at life...... I believed and understood the message and the messenger Perto says.

After escaping from his village as a pre-teen, Perto was captured by guerrilla forces and forced to serve as a child warrior in the rebel army. When refusing to use a rifle to kill anyone, Perto was punished several times but ended up being a radio operator for the commanding general. Lying to a priest about wanting to become a priest, Perto was able to escape the Army with the help of monks and lived in two convents in Central America before fleeing to Mexico and then to the United States......

Summing up his mission, Herrera says: “I want the needy ones and victims of abuse to know that they are not alone anymore. I am here for them as they strive toward the pinnacles of personal recovery.”......

Guest Occupation: Opinion Polling Expert, Author, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Guest for Your Show

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating A Life You Love

By Alex Bratty

A soup-to-nuts guide for how to recognize why you're stuck, how to unstick it, and how to create a life you want - a life that works for you!

Amazon #1 Bestseller!

Alex Bratty was a superstar in the public-opinion polling field. One of the youngest partners ever in a prestigious Washington research firm, her job was to listen to people and find out what they think and how they feel. She tuned into their emotional responses to get deeply in touch with their "whys" in life.

The irony is that during the 15 years she was rising to the very top of her field, she wasn't listening to her own inner voice to discover her true emotions, to pay attention to her deepest desires and to understand why she was so miserably stuck in her own life!

Through tremendous trial and error, she finally found her way. And now she's giving other people the shortcut--through her remarkable book From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love--the essential quick-start guide to getting your life back on track.

Who amongst us hasn't felt stuck at one time or another? Maybe you're stuck right now! We all know that feeling of not knowing what to do next, or how to break out of the same old patterns of behavior, or listening to all that negative chatter that tells us we're not enough. As Alex puts it, when this happens, we keep ourselves running in place, playing small and safe.

Help is on the way! Like having a personal coach encouraging you, urging you gently and specifically, From Chaos to Clarity,  an #1 bestseller, gives you the tools to take back control of your life, to stop struggling and to focus on how to create a life you truly want, rather than one you think you should want.

Alex knows that empty feeling. She wasn't fulfilling her life's purpose and she felt trapped in a life that was like a hamster wheel she couldn't get off. In her quest to find the missing piece, she embarked on a personal development journey that helped her uncover the true essence of what she wanted: to help people and to be of service in a way that would contribute positively to the world. In the book, Alex shares her own struggle with being stuck and how she moved from a life that felt unfulfilled, constricted, and frustrated to one that is expansive and filled with love, abundance, and joy.

From Chaos to Clarity provides a step-by-step guide for clearing the gunk from your path and getting you moving with alacrity to the REAL life awaiting. Alex offers examples, charts to fill out and questions to ponder that lead you to the answers you may not have been able to discover on your own. Along the way, you will learn:

  • To understand what's really keeping you stuck (not always what it appears)
  • To reprogram your mind to dash those limiting and long-held beliefs about yourself and others
  • To connect with your true self and recognize you already have the answers to your burning questions
  • To release the past once and for all
  • To embrace the present and the future whilst being open to all possibilities
  • To clear your mind so you can find space and time to create
  • To identify what you really want, your calling, and your higher purpose

Alex's From Chaos to Clarity puts you back in the driver's seat of your life and reminds you that you can have a life you love! Each chapter provides the tools to get unstuck and to be a deliberate creator of your own life!

To book Alex Bratty for an empowering and dynamic interview that can get your listeners unstuck in their own lives, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

"From Chaos to Clarity is a step-by-step, soup-to-nuts guide to reclaiming freedom, joy, love and abundance in any area of your life where you are not creating the results you desire. Learn the art of getting unstuck, and you will forever have a reliable formula for transforming any challenge and manifesting any outcome you want to create."-- Christy Whitman, NY Times Best-Selling Author

"A powerful book that charts a clear course from the darkness of being stuck to the bright light of clarity and opportunity. Read this book and transform your life!"- Tom Bird, Renowned Book Whisperer & Best-Selling Author

"A profound renewal of self! With passion and enthusiasm, Alex gives us a step-by-step guide to reprogramming our belief system. It's Your Turn to leave burnout, depression, and exhaustion behind. You only have to read this book once to reach the richness and goodness that is within you. UNSTUCK is a personal transformation experience." - Tom Puetz, author of Secret Choices

"An inspiring call to self-action and betterment, packaged in an easily digestible and approachable form. This book will help to prepare, challenge and guide the reader to receiving the amazing life that awaits those willing to receive it, by re-calibrating from an outward to an inward focus in the personal search for answers and direction."-James "Mick" Andzulis, MBA, MSF, PhD, Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Integrative Recovery Coach, Mental Health Counseling, Spiritual Psychologist
Guest Biography:


Deanne Adamson, founder of Being True To You Integrative Recovery Coaching, is paving a new era of addiction recovery through revolutionary in-home recovery systems. Deanne trains and certifies Addiction Recovery Coaches to work one-on-one with clients in need allowing for a perfect coach-client match. Deanne mentors the coach-client relationship for many individuals and families. Deanne provides free lectures to the public about the new age of addiction recovery and the importance of continuity of care. Deanne illustrates how basic principles of life, individually refined and cultivated for thee, allow people to more naturally mature out of their addictions in their own way, with less struggle, for their own highest reasons.

Deanne has a Master’s in Mental Health Counseling, and an academic background relating mostly to spiritual psychology. Deanne started with psychotherapy and then transitioned pretty quickly to recovery coaching. The strategies of coaching felt in higher resonance with her passion to help others. Over the last five years Deanne has found her craft and mission to help people understand and transcend the limits of addiction. Deanne spends her days weaving recovery models into customizable yet scalable systems that can influence the masses. If you or someone you know needs help with addiction, one of the best things you can do is contact Deanne.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Singer/songwriter, actor, and activist
Guest Biography:


Dani Shay is a singer/songwriter, actor, and activist, who is most well known for her TV spots on America’s Got Talent (top 48) and The Glee Project 2 (top 12). She’s had multiple videos go viral on YouTube, and her latest, “One”, was premiered with the Grammy-Award winning band, FUN, and their LGBTQ organization: The Ally Coalition. She is a Founding Member of Be More Heroic, a proactive youth campaign, and travels to perform and speak at schools all around the US. Dani mixes vulnerability and humor in her music, which allows her to deliver deep messages in a clever way.

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Guest Category: Kids & Family, Music, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Coordinator of the Frogtown Rondo Action Network
Guest Biography:

Damone J Presley is the Coordinator of the Frogtown Rondo Action Network (FRAN). He was born and raised in the Rondo Community of Saint Paul, and is the proud father of ten children and grandfather of three. Damone is passionate about his involvement as the Community Founder and Director of Vision In Living Life (VILL) “Change is Possible”, a Building Healthy Lifestyle Leadership program. As part of this program, he developed a six-lesson curriculum that he teaches to youth ages 12-21.

Damone has seen many changes in the Rondo Community, both positive and negative, during his lifetime. The goal of FRAN is to get residents and community partners working together for the community to Strive, Thrive, and Prosper. In the VILL “Change is Possible” Building Healthy Lifestyle Leadership program, the Youth Leadership group, directed by Damone, has made great progress within the Rondo Community, including policy work that resulted in passing a bill for decreasing window signage.

Currently, he is working on policy change around tobacco sales that will prevent youth from getting access to tobacco products. Damone is a Public Speaker, Mentor, and Advocate for community issues that bring residents to the table to use their voices to better their community. He has worked with MPLS Urban League, Amicus , African American AIDS Task force, and Breaking Free. Damone has also worked in the health field and has a duel certification in training the trainer from the Saint Paul Red Cross.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Kids & Family, News, Self Help