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Guest Name
Dr Angela Wilson
Guest Occupation
holistic mental health educator
Guest Biography

Mind Power Lady, Dr Angela Wilson is COVID-19 mind matrix and holistic mental health educator, consultant, trainer and coach, certified training provider, international speaker, author, and more.

 When most of us live in COVID 19 fear, the sense of uncertainty, she had led her hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find over forty years ago. Called as the authority of the unconscious mind, she shares her cutting-edge discovery of the easy path to liberate from mind prison that every leader, master, gurus, practitioner on personal development, healing, law of attraction, Neuro-linguistic program, meditation, cultivation, enlightenment are looking for but most are heading to the cliff edge and driving themselves to the end without awareness. Join me May 18th at 12Noon PS-Time as I have the pleasure to interview the Mind Power Lady herself Dr. Angela Wilson