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Featured Guest Interviews

Tantra Maat
April 19, 2014
Author, Mystic, Seer and Prophet
Tantra Maat is a mystic, a seer and a prophet. Her personal and universal…
Dr Michael Roizen
April 22, 2014
medical educator, physician
In keeping with the title of his bestselling book – Real Age: Are You as Young…
Eddie Crothers
April 22, 2014
equine analyst
All too often, a well trained horse that was once a wonderful riding partner…
Robbi Campbell
April 22, 2014
Doctor Healer
ROBBI CAMPBELL is a Native American born in Fairbanks, Alaska and grew up in…
Patrick Mccormick
April 23, 2014
Spiritual Teacher and Channeler
Kartron is an inter-dimensional being, here assisting humanity to embrace and…
Dolphin Kasper
May 07, 2014
Author, Facilitator and Inspired Speaker
Dolphin grew up in Vancouver BC.  For as long as he can remember he has…
Susan Kasper
May 07, 2014
Founder & CEO Evolve Now
Susan grew up in NYC, where she taught teens in a Brooklyn ghetto. She has been…
Patricia Cori
April 28, 2014
Shaman, World Traveler, Activist, Screenplay Writer, Healer, Intuitive, Lecturer, and Author
Patricia Cori, a native of the San Francisco Bay Area, is a world-renowned…
Carey Wedler
May 13, 2014
Blogger, Activist, Writer
CAREY WEDLER is the girl whose Youtube video went viral with near a million…
Ben Blum
May 20, 2014
Whistleblower and Documentary Filmmaker
BEN BLUM is a 13 year old documentary filmmaker who lives in San Rafael, CA. He…