BBS Columnists - The Originators of Valuable Information
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Originator and Opinionator Columns
Republic of Kanata Election Results, Reclaiming the Nation, and More!
Breaking News, August 30: Genocide whistleblower begins campaign tour, calls on Canadians to boycott "treasonous election" and vote for Republic of Kanata - Republic passports to be issued September 8 - see youtube and interview links and pdf
Mass Graves of Children, then and now: The Evidence they want you to forget
An Open Letter and Appeal to American Academicians, Politicians and Citizens: In recognition of the unique scholarly, historical, and humanitarian importance of the work and witness of Kevin Annett, M.A., M.Div.
July 31, 2021: Special Update and Announcement from Kevin Annett and the sovereign Republic of Kanata (tune in this Sunday August 1 to at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern)
A good recent overview of the Great Canadian Coverup with Kevin Annett on Shaun Attwood's program: June 9, 2021
Now Available! Understand the present tyranny with Kevin Annett's latest book "Memoirs of a Revolutionary"
June 30-July 1: Genocidal Canadian Churches evicted and banished by nine indigenous nations
Beginning July 1! Genocidal Churches Evicted and Banished from Canada by nine indigenous nations - print the attached pdf notices and post them on churches and hand to clergy and officials - enforcement to follow!