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Mass Graves of Children, then and now: The Evidence they want you to forget

Mass Graves of Children, then and now: The Evidence they want you to forget
Mass Graves of Children, then and now. The Evidence they want you to forget

Mass Graves of Children, then and now: The Evidence they want you to forget

Mass Graves of Children, then and now: The Evidence they want you to forget
Kevin Annett, who spearheaded the quarter-century battle to expose and prosecute the mass murder of indigenous children by Canadian Church and State, describes the link between past genocide and present tyranny. He recounts his involvement in the historic excavation of the first mass grave of Indian residential school children ever unearthed in Canada, at Brantford in 2011. The first in a series of educational videos on how and why to combat the criminal syndicate called Corporate Crown Canada. Posted September 11, 2021. See and .
Mass Graves of Children, then and now: The Evidence they want you to forget