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Genocide whistleblower begins campaign tour, calls on Canadians to boycott treasonous election and vote for Republic of Kanata - Republic passports to be issued September 8

Reverend Kevin D. Annett
Genocide whistleblower begins campaign tour, calls on Canadians to boycott treasonous election and vote for Republic of Kanata

Breaking News, August 30: Genocide whistleblower begins campaign tour, calls on Canadians to boycott "treasonous election" and vote for Republic of Kanata - Republic passports to be issued September 8 - see youtube and interview links and pdf

Breaking News Media Release: Monday, August 30, 2021

Genocide whistleblower and Republic convener begins campaign tour as Canadian election looms – Kevin Annett challenges Prime Minister Trudeau to public debate, calls on Canadians to boycott “treasonous election” and vote for Republic of Kanata – Republic Passports to be issued starting September 8



 Also see this exclusive TV interview with Kevin, August 27 (begins at 6:25) 



The man who exposed genocide in Canada and sparked the rise of a Republic in that country has begun a continent-wide campaign tour to “challenge the treason and tyranny” of the Trudeau regime and pull back the lid on ongoing Crimes against Humanity in Canada.

Kevin Annett, who campaigned under the banner of the Republic of Kanata during the 2019 federal election, began his tour with a live television interview in Toronto.

“To mark a ballot in a Canadian election is to commit treason” said Kevin on the air of That Channel TV.

“To vote on September 20 is to elect Members of Parliament who swear sole allegiance to a criminally convicted foreign monarch named Elizabeth Windsor. It is to endorse the treason of both Liberal and Conservative governments that have handed over Canada to China. It is to ratify the admitted genocide of a godless Canadian church and state that murdered over 60,000 indigenous children and continue their crimes and coverups today. I therefore call upon Justin Trudeau to debate me publicly concerning why he should not face immediate arrest as a war criminal and a treasonous agent of a foreign power.”

Kevin Annett, who has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and recently for the Order of Canada, is conducting his campaign tour under the auspices of the Republic of Kanata, a sovereign nation founded in 2015 and established lawfully at its first constitutional convention last July 1-4 in Vancouver. The Republic is the only movement in Canada to advocate and actively establish political independence from the British Crown and its puppet regime in Ottawa.

On September 8, the Republic will be issuing passports to its citizens. According to Kevin,

“We are citizens of a separate nation and jurisdiction, and Canada’s so-called ‘vaccine passports’ do not apply to us. Any attempt to impose them on us will be considered an act of war against our sovereign nation and its people and will be resisted accordingly.”

Kevin is also campaigning on behalf of the newly formed Canadian Genocide Tribunal, established by international jurists and indigenous elders to conduct independent excavations at mass graves of Indian residential school children, and bring criminal charges against those responsible.

Retired RCMP officer George Brown of the Nishga indigenous nation supports Kevin Annett and the Tribunal, and says,

“I was on the first RCMP Task Force into the residential schools in the 1990’s and we were told to never disclose anything about murder or anything that would implicate the government or the churches. It’s time for that kind of criminality at the top to end, and we can start by backing Kevin Annett and the independent Tribunal.”

Suzanne Holland of the traditional Chilcotin indigenous nation in central ‘British Columbia’ also endorses the campaign.

“We support Kevin and endorse the Republic of Kanata. We have ordered the genocidal churches and RCMP off our land. It is time whites and indigenous joined hands to end the colonial regime and police state called Canada.”

Kevin’s tour will see him speak on campuses, at public rallies and media events, and in indigenous communities. He will also hold training workshops and Republic Citizenship Schools in many communities across the continent.

“All true patriots should write ‘Republic of Kanata’ on their ballots on September 20 and become citizens in our new nation” said Kevin. 

“The only choice now is between self-governance or slavery.”


For more information on Kevin’s itinerary or to book a meeting or media interview with him, contact him at or or phone him at 236-380-4508. A biography of Kevin follows.

For background and for a list of Kevin’s publications and work, see and .

Issued August 30, 2021 by the National Council of the sovereign Republic of Kanata (



  Rev. Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div 


Award winning Canadian whistleblower, human rights leader and author

Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (2014) and the Order of Canada (2021); Recipient of the Prague Peace Award (2016)

Adopted into the Anishinabe-Ojibwe Indigenous Nation and given the name Eagle Strong Voice (2007)

Successfully led the quarter-century campaign to expose and prosecute Genocide in Canada

Co-founder of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State; Chief Advisor to the International Common Law Court of Justice (2010 to present)

Convicted the Vatican, the British Crown, Canada and its churches of Genocide (2013)

Co-founder and co-convener of the sovereign Constitutional Republic of Kanata (2015)

Convener of the Canadian Genocide Tribunal (2021)


B.A. (Anthropology), University of British Columbia, 1983

M.A. (Political Science), University of British Columbia, 1986

M.Div. (Theology), Vancouver School of Theology, 1990

Ordained as a Minister in the United Church of Canada, May 1990

Relevant History

January 1995-March 1997: Fired without cause and defrocked without due process after uncovering evidence of land theft and child murder on the west coast by his employer the United Church.

June 1998: Organized the first public Tribunal into crimes in Canadian Indian residential schools under the auspices of the United Nations affiliate IHRAAM.

February 2000: Convened the first permanent inquiry into these crimes, The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, and authored its first summary report, Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust.

May 2003: Initiated at the United Nations the first formal condemnation of Canada for genocide in collaboration with Mayan indigenous communities in Guatemala and Mexico, which issued a public “denuncia” against the Canadian government and churches.

April 15, 2005: Inaugurated the first Aboriginal Holocaust Memorial Day and launched the national organization Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD).

January 2007: Produced and released the first documentary film on Genocide in Indian residential schools, Unrepentant, garnering awards at the New York and Los Angeles Independent Film Festivals.

Spring 2007-2008: Led high-profile FRD protests and occupations of Catholic, Anglican and United churches in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto.

July 2008: Forced the Canadian government’s public “apology” for the residential school crimes.

Spring 2010: Invited to Europe by religious genocide survivors and co-founded The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS); led protests, press conferences and public exorcisms outside the Vatican.

Fall 2011: At the invitation and with the approval of Grand River Mohawk elders, conducted the first survey and excavation of a mass grave of children at the former Anglican residential school in Brantford, Ontario, discovering, identifying, and publicizing the remains of children; news of the discovery was censored by the world media.

July 2012-February 2013: Co-convened the first proceedings of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ), which charged the Vatican, the Crown, Canada and its churches with Crimes against Humanity. The trial successfully convicted and sentenced top church-state officials and compelled the resignation of Pope Benedict and three Cardinals named in the indictment.

January 2015: At a convention of 221 delegates in Winnipeg, jointly founded the sovereign Republic of Kanata in response to the legal disestablishment of the authority of the criminally convicted Crown of England in Canada.

January 2015-present: Published ten books on Genocide in Canada, the Republic, and Common Law Courts and launched a globally syndicated radio program, Here We Stand.

September 2017: Issued a global report to world leaders calling for Canada’s prosecution of Crimes against Humanity, “Report on the Continuity of Genocide in Canada”.

July 1, 2021: Co-convened the Canadian Genocide Tribunal with elders of nine indigenous nations, who expel the Catholic, Anglican and United churches from their territories across Canada.

Publications (a partial list, ordered on

Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust (2000)

Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada (2016)

Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion (2016)


Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual (2017)


At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada's West Coast (2017)


Truth Teller's Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers & Hell Raiser (2016)


Establishing Liberty: The Case for the Republic of Kanata (2018)


Memoirs of a Revolutionary: Understanding the Present Tyranny (2021)



See a time line of Kevin Annett’s work including media coverage at this link:


Contact Kevin at and 236-380-4508

and listen to his weekly blog radio show on Sundays at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern at

Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide by Rev. Kevin D. Annett
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