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A good recent overview of the Great Canadian Coverup with Kevin Annett on Shaun Attwood's program

A good recent overview of the Great Canadian Coverup with Kevin Annett on Shaun Attwood's program

A good recent overview of the Great Canadian Coverup with Kevin Annett on Shaun Attwood's program: June 9, 2021

The Great Canadian Coverup of Ongoing Genocide - Kamloops and beyond:
Kevin Annett goes into fine detail about how and why mass murder in Canada is being concealed and what can be done to stop it.
Hi everyone. As good an interview as this is, Shaun interrupted me when I began speaking of the COVID situation and said they weren't "allowed" to make reference to it. While respecting Shaun's request, I don't believe in censorship, especially in this case: since the very techniques of mind control and social dictatorship being deployed against all of us now under the guise of the covid scare were first developed in the indian residential schools and hospitals. Genocide then has led to it today, so we must draw this link.
I will be discussing that and more on my own blog show this and every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT at . Please tune in!
Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . The website of the Republic is . See the evidence of genocide in Canada at and at and .
See the record of the International Common Law Court of Justice, The Case of Genocide in Canada, at these links: (Part Two)