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Originator and Opinionator Columns
Statement on the Obstruction of the “Kanata Rising” program at, and future plans - Issued by the Republic of Kanata and Kevin Annett
Kanata Rising: A new TV program by the Republic of Kanata, starting this Friday July 1 - learn more tomorrow on Here We Stand, June 26, 6 pm eastern at
Liberty Now and Forever! Coming Events of the Republic of Kanata in Southwest Ontario - Tune in this Sunday to Here We Stand for more!
What is the Republic of Kanata? A great introduction from a recent TV interview with Kevin Annett
The Great Canadian Whitewash of Mass Murder: Where did all those dead little Indians go? PLUS, A Closeup of a Coverup: The Murder of Maisie Shaw (see YouTube link and attached pdf for full document)
Global Media Release and Stop the Pope Coalition news, Monday, May 23, 2022: Indigenous elders reject Pope’s ‘apology’, vow to arrest him if he comes to Canada and seize church property; Protests will also disrupt Pope’s meeting with Chinese in Prince Rupert - see YouTube link and attached pdf documents incl. Arrest Warrant against Pope