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Church Stoppers Manual

Issued by The Jesus Christ Liberation Front  with help from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) Coming Soon to a Temple near to you!
Church Stoppers Manual

Church Stoppers Manual: 25 Ways to Halt Crime in your Neighborhood and have Fun while you're Doing it! This is fun, but there's a more complete Manual on Church Actions on its way soon! Please share with other Temple Cleansing Jesus-types!


Church Stoppers Manual: 
25 Ways to Halt Crime in your Neighborhood and have Fun while you're Doing it!
The primary targets in your cross-hairs will be the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Churches, 
but feel free to use these methods against any church guilty of child trafficking, rape, murder or other crimes. 
And be sure to film and post online everything you do!
1. Thirty minutes prior to their regular services, picket and hold vigils at your local Roman Catholic, Anglican or United Church. Hand worshipers copies of a leaflet asking them not to fund their church as a criminally convicted body. (See attachment). Use a megaphone to tell the neighborhood what you are doing (from the safety of your own car if you like). Infiltrate the service and stick leaflets in the hymn and prayer books and talk to the parishioners about the contents. 
2. Post a sign on your local Anglican, Catholic and United Church that reads: “Closed for Moral Renovation. See". 
3. Find out where the local clergy live and knock on their door, armed with leaflets about the crimes of their churches. Film their reaction.
4. Visit your local politician and ask him or her on the record why the Catholic, Anglican and United Church are receiving tax exemptions even though they are convicted criminal bodies that are money laundering, trafficking and killing children. Ask them to sign a petition demanding that such tax exemptions by revoked. Record what they say and post it.
5. Present your local clergy persons with a Common Law Pledge Form for them to sign, requiring that they promise to protect all the children in their parish from child abusers, and to report the latter to the police. If they refuse to sign, tell them that under the law they are subject to arrest as an accessory to child trafficking. (see attachment)
6. Take some friends and camp out in the national or local offices of the Catholic, Anglican and United Churches. Invite in the press and announce that none of you are leaving until the church leaders a) open their secret archives on church crimes, and b) surrender themselves to the authorities for prosecution as child traffickers and killers. Better still, perform your own public Citizen's Arrests on the top church officers. (see #10) Film everything!
7. Wrap police tape stating "Crime Scene: Do Not Enter" across the front door of your local Catholic, Anglican and United churches. Do the same at the church head offices. Film the reaction of parishioners and church staff.
8. Hold your own memorial service for the children killed by these churches either on their front steps or inside their sanctuary during one of their services. Invite parishioners to join you.
9. During any church service, get up during the Announcements time and give a speech about the crimes and complicity of the church in question. Be sure to remind the parishioners that it is an indictable offense under the law to give money to a convicted criminal body like their church.
10. Identify and perform a Citizen's Arrest on convicted or suspected clergy or church members. Publicly banish the offenders from your community or turn them over to the police or to Common Law Sheriffs. Use the standing arrest warrants issued under Common Law. (see attachment)
11. Seize the church pulpit during the worship service and give a speech. It’s easy and fun!
12. Seize the funds out of the collection plate and give them to the poor whom you have gathered outside the church. When confronted, ask the church people why they haven't done the same thing themselves, like Jesus instructs them to do. Tell them, too, that the money of a criminal body like their church is forfeited under the law.
13. Do some research and find out what Insurance companies underwrite the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Churches. Then occupy the offices of those companies and accuse them of aiding and abetting child killers, and demand that they drop those churches as their clients. Invite in the public and the media!
14. Find out when the next big public events or conferences of these churches will occur and invade the event with placards, leaflets and megaphones. Announce to the participants that they are all associating with a criminal organization and must cease and desist immediately or face public prosecution.
15. Go to your police and say you want to report a crime. Then demand that they arrest local Roman Catholic clergy on the grounds that they are a part of a criminal conspiracy to protect child rapists known as Crimen Sollicitationas. Show them a copy of this policy and tell them if they don't act they are aiding and abetting that criminal conspiracy. (See , Appendix 4, for a copy of this policy)
16. Call the press and invite them to your next occupation of a Catholic, Anglican or United Church. When asked why you’re occupying the church, say you are obeying the law and preventing convicted criminal organizations from operating. Also ask the media how it is that churches that killed over 60,000 children in Canada alone are allowed to operate or be tax exempt under the law. Show them the proof at .
17. Place a thick padlock and chain around the entrance to the biggest Cathedral in town, or inject fast-drying epoxy glue in the locks of the church doors. If confronted, tell people you are obligated under international law to stop Trans-National Criminal Organizations like the Roman Catholic Church from operating.
18. Occupy the local Catholic, Anglican or United church building and open it to the homeless and the hungry. Invite the parishioners to help out. If the cops show up, say you’re performing a charitable service and so can’t be interfered with under the law.
19. Spray paint the walls and doors of these churches. Be creative! When accused of vandalism, remind people that churches are taxpayer-supported public buildings and you are exercising your freedom of expression while doing harm to no-one.
20. As the worship service begins, walk silently to the front of the sanctuary bearing a sign "Where are the Murdered Children?" or other slogans. Ask people to rise for three minutes of silence in memory of the victims of their church.
21. Go to the next church Board meeting and ask them to disclose how much money they are laundering for the Mafia, banks and corporations, and ask them to open their books.
22. Attend a Bible study class and ask participants to point out where Popes, Sacraments or the Trinity are mentioned anywhere in the Bible.
23. Show up at the next church dinner with loads of hungry poor people and dig right in. If the church folks object, tell them to read Matthew 25:31-46.
24. Get some bags of animal blood from your local slaughter house and publicly lob them at a Bishop or other high church official. Tell them the blood of children doesn't wash off.
25. Show up at the church with shovels and start digging on their property for the graves of children. Publicly announce who you're searching for and invite passersby to assist you.
For more ideas, especially regarding how to drive the money changers out of your nearest church, 
follow the advice of history’s Biggest Hell Raiser: Jesus himself.
Issued by The Jesus Christ Liberation Front 
with help from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Coming Soon to a Temple near to you!
For assistance write to 


See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at
 Kevin's books can be ordered here:

Murder by Decree - The Crime of Genocide in Canada:

Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion:

Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual

At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada's West Coast,

Truth Teller's Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers & Hell Raisers:

Establishing Liberty: The Case for the Republic of Kanata

Here We Stand: The Call of the New Protestant Reformation

Fallen - The Story of the Vancouver Four:

The Sacrifice - Of Family and Empire:

1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada or, The Caucasian Healing Fund:

Kevin's award-winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at See also an insightful personal interview "Who is Kevin Annett?" (2013) at:


Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at The website of the Republic is See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at and… and