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Defund and Disestablish the Church of Rome with these two weapons

Dethroning a Rogue Power
Defund and Disestablish the Church of Rome with these two weapons
Defund and disestablish the Church of Rome with these two weapons! "Dethroning a Rogue Power" booklet and a town council resolution to nullify church tax exemptions

 Defund and Disestablish the Church of Rome with these two weapons!
1. "Dethroning a Rogue Power": This booklet is circulating throughout the world and among United Nations delegations prior to a motion at the General Assembly in mid-September to expel the Vatican from all UN bodies. 
Protests, church and land occupations, and ceremonies by indigenous elders and others will commence Sunday September 11, 2022 in New York City and across the world. Be armed with this essential knowledge!
Download a free pdf copy from this email below. A paperback copy can be ordered here for $10:



City councils in a dozen communities across Canada and on indigenous lands are debating or have passed this motion, which cancels all tax exemptions for the Roman Catholic Church. 

Go to your next town council meeting and insist that its municipal government adopt this resolution and enforce the law by not subsidizing the genocidal Vatican

(People in other countries can adapt the resolution's language to their own situation)



Resolution to Nullify Tax Exemptions for the Roman Catholic Church

Submitted to the Municipal Government of _________________________

on the _______ day of ____________ in the year ____________


WHEREAS the Roman Catholic Church (hereafter called the “the Church”) is in gross violation of the terms of its tax-exempt status under Canadian law and the Income Tax Act by using its revenue for purposes other than the works of charity and the advancement of religion,


AND WHEREAS the Church has publicly admitted that it is responsible for genocide in the Indian Residential School system that was established and largely run by that Church for over a century, at the cost of tens of thousands of children’s lives,


AND WHEREAS thirteen traditional indigenous nations across Canada have recently banished the Church from their territories and are confiscating and  reclaiming the Church’s wealth, properties and lands as reparations for the Church’s self-admitted genocidal crimes,


AND WHEREAS the Church operates and is governed by a standing policy  called “Crimen Sollicitationas” that requires that all Catholics break the law and engage in a Criminal Conspiracy by concealing rape and other harm done to children in the Church and not informing the police of that harm,


AND WHEREAS the Church is actively engaged in the trafficking of in utero and newborn children through a “Baby for Adoption” (BFA) protocol with Catholic hospitals and adoption agencies across Canada and internationally,


AND WHEREAS the Church is unlawfully appropriating substantial revenue from Canadian taxpayers through a secret “Financial Concordat” agreement that has never been approved by Parliament or any court of law,


AND WHEREAS the Church is actively committing and concealing these crimes and is perpetrating a Criminal Conspiracy, assault, and fraud on the Canadian people in violation of Canadian sovereignty and the rule of law,


AND WHEREAS this Municipal Government and the people of its community are prohibited by law and morality from funding, aiding or abetting, or being an accessory to these wrongs, either intentionally or unintentionally, or by appearance, commission, or omission,


AND WHEREAS International Law and the laws of Canada prohibit the funding or the aiding and abetting of Transnational Criminal Organizations like the Church that engages in these and other crimes;


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with the rule of law, the Municipal Government of _________________________ hereby nullifies the tax exemptions and any privileges and considerations presently granted to the Roman Catholic Church within the boundaries of this municipality,


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Municipality considers that these actions and policies by the Roman Catholic Church constitute a real and present danger to the children of our community, and the funds raised by that Church to constitute criminal largesse, and that accordingly, the police and the public are ordered and encouraged to do everything in their lawful power to prevent this criminality by the Church and its officers and clergy,


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution and its accompanying evidence be immediately issued by this Municipality to the Roman Catholic Church and actively shared with the people and media of our community to educate them concerning this threat to children, public safety, and the law.


AND LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that if the Municipal Government of _________________________ refuses to pass this resolution and take action to implement these measures and prevent the aforenamed criminal actions by the Church, the members of this Municipal Government who refuse to do so be publicly charged as willing accessories to the aforenamed crimes and Criminal Conspiracy.


This resolution has been distributed and is being implemented in many municipalities across Canada and in indigenous communities. It is offered by the people and the voters of this community in conjunction with the sovereign Republic of Kanata and its allied indigenous nations.


For more information see and and contact




Supporting Evidence and Resources

1.   Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada (2016, (See , including “ITCCS Updates” for January 15 and August 7, 2022, and “ITCCS Archives”)

2.   The United Nations Transnational Criminal Organization Act (2000):

3.   Vatican standing policy of Crimen Sollicitationas (1929):

4.   Proclamation of Banishment and Confiscation issued against the Church of Rome by traditional indigenous elders - ( , “ITCCS Updates”, August 19, 2022)

5.   Dethroning a Rogue Power: Why the Vatican must be denied membership and presence at the United Nations and in the world community by Kevin Annett (2019) (Dethroning a Rogue Power_ (4) (1).pdf) (

6.   The Case of the Pope: Vatican Accountability for Human Rights Abuse by Geoffrey Robertson, QC (London: Penguin, 2010)

7.   Censored Truth: On the Nature of the Church of Rome (Oxford Union lecture) (



Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . The website of the Republic is www.republicofkanata.orgSee the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at and  and .