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Republic of Kanata Election results, Reclaiming the Nation, and more

Republic of Kanata - Establish Liberty
Republic of Kanata Election results, Reclaiming the Nation, and more

Republic of Kanata Election Results, Reclaiming the Nation, and More!

Republic of Kanata Election Results, Reclaiming the Nation, and More!
On September 20, over 11,000 Canadians voted for the Republic of Kanata in

response to the fraudulent federal election. These votes are just a tip of the

iceberg of the 62% of recently polled Canadians who desire a Republic.

During the new year of 2022, a National Congress will be convened to replace the corrupt police state of Canada. This transfer of power has begun, as local Republic 
Assemblies in every region are nullifying the unlawful COVID regulations, withholding  taxes and seizing crown lands and properties in defiance of a tyrannical police state.  And formal treaties are being negotiated between the Republic and eight traditional  indigenous nations to share equally the lands and resources of the former “Dominion of Canada” in the interests of all the people.

All of these sweeping changes and more will be discussed this Sunday,

September 26 on the Voice of the Republic - Here We Stand at 3 pm

pacific, 6 pm eastern on , and in online

broadcasts this coming week to be posted under Breaking News at . Tune in, sign up for citizenship, and help

reclaim the nation for We the People!

This Sunday’s guests will include the Ambassador of the traditional

Chilcotin indigenous nation and your regular host Kevin Annett - Eagle

Strong Voice, a Co-Convener of the Republic.

The statistical result of our alternative balloting of September 20, 2021 from

the six Republic Regions is as follows:

Pacific Coast: 2,431 votes

Prairies: 3,774 votes

Ontario: 2,886 votes

Quebec: 1,333 votes

Atlantic Coast: 889 votes

The North: 344 votes
Total votes for the Republic of Kanata = 11,657

Affiliated endorsements have also been received from traditional elders of the

Squamish, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Chilcotin, Cree, Anishinabe, Ojibwe, Mohawk

and Miqmaq indigenous nations, encompassing over 250,000 original



Considering the (for now) limited resources of the Republic , this voter

response is truly remarkable and indicates the growing support for our new

Listen this Sunday and spread the word!