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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 13 May 2021

You Bout Ready with Marty Ford

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Talk Show:
Show Host:
Marty Ford

YOU 'BOUT READY is the Finest Kind Talk Radio Show, POWERHOUSE, hosted by Marty Ford

Download FOR FREE, to LISTEN-LEARN-LAUGH about Leadership, Ethics, Empowerment, Veterans, Critical Thinking, Boredom (the enemy of us all), Role-Modeling, Obesity, Kids & Play, Humor, Awareness, Anger, Sports, Bullying, Recovery, Motivation, Inspiration,Fun and much more all presented with insight, intelligence and my own brand of silliness. You can access my shows from your mobile device by using the bbsradio's iPhone and Andriod "APPS". Send me your ideas, thoughts and input to

Marty Ford
Business Man, Educator, Athlete, Coach, Author, Military Veteran, Traveler, Volunteer, Graduate

Businessman - Educator - Athlete - Santa Claus - Husband - Father - Son - Coach - Listener - The guy who could only get in the game if I brought the ball!!! - Student - Author - Website owner - Military Veteran - Paperboy (in my youth, many years ago) - Traveler - Volunteer - College Graduate.

Tune into my show on BBS Radio every Tuesday at 6:00pm PT 9:00pm ET on Station 1! Power up your power, because the power is in you!

Feedback for BBS Radio Talk Show Programs


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thanks so much for the encouragement week after week and your amazing energy - can I take you home?  love your show!



Love your honesty and common sense! You're not afraid to explore the "human
condition" -  good and bad - sometimes I cringe as I see myself in your words
but it's still refreshing to hear as it makes me think! You're show is
very intertaining and empowering - thanks for the common sense Marty! And
encouraging me to get off the couch and move!!!


You left out Ballroom Dancing - its great exercise for
the mind and body!

Thanks for your unique outlook on life!


I want to thank you for your show on Tuesday evenings. I appreciate your thoughts and feelings that you share with us each week. A lot of what you say is basic common sense that comes from the heart. But many of us don't take the time during our busy lives to explore the ideas/feelings that you express on your show.

Once again thanks & I look forward to your next show!

Joe from warm & sunny CA.