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Say Yes to Life: 7 Keys to Living Full Out From Within

By Elliott Robertson

Start 2020 with a New Doorway to A Fully Enlivened Life-Replace Your Default Conditioning to Begin and End with Love

Find True Happiness

"To say Yes to life is to fall into your heart, to fall into the place within you where you are most fully human, most available to encountering the world with love."

So says Elliott Robertson, who has created a lyrical, soaring, small and intimate book, Say Yes to Life: 7 Keys to Living Full Out from Within, that guides you to a renewed commitment to love life without conditions. This charming guidebook provides you with a magically illuminated roadmap to living from the most authentic soul-driven part of you. It shows you the keys to building a foundation for building a life of happiness.

Importunes Robertson, a leading love and joy coach: "The time has come for us to dance, to sing, to join Life's song. The time has come for us to say I am willing to say Yes to who I am."

Starting with its stunning prologue which clearly illuminates the seeds of Robertson's personal commitment to Saying Yes to Life, the author recounts the 7 Keys he has identified-keys that will open the gateway to encounter the universal force of divinity in your daily life.

In each chapter, he offers new ways to counter our default conditioning; sweet original storytelling lessons using some of the characters from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's classic The Little Prince; exercises and insights to raise us beyond our walled-off hearts, limitations, judgments and self-recriminations-to a place of sheer joy!

Says Robertson: "Never before has humanity lived in an age so ripe for transformation, happiness, harmony and cooperation. Never before has the need for transformation been so apparent...The darkness and impurities within the systems in our world are more visible and palpable today because we have entered an era of greater light."

"This book is for those who long for the day when corruption will be replaced by the blossoming of goodness. It is written for those who want to see the flourishing of kindness throughout the world, through systems of commerce, governance and medicine.....This book is written for those who trust that a Benevolence is at the helm of humanity's ship even when the seas are choppy and storms rage. It is written for those who long to accept the presence of Divinity within them....for those that take joy in considering what their experience in the world might be like if they were to become more intimate with the Inner Knower."

This book is also for those who have tried to raise their level of happiness by using visions boards and visualizations to no avail.

Elliott Robertson, MA in psychology, author, love and joy coach, and workshop leader, begins from the premise that your happiness and joy are already alive within you, He guides you through the journey of releasing false narratives and directing your gaze toward the light, power, and unconditional gratitude within your heart. In short-he shows you the way to "Say Yes to Life!"

If you would like to book Elliott Robertson for a heart-opening interview, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details


Elliott Robertson is a Love and Joy Coach, an author, and a certified Happiness Workshop leader. Elliott is the author of Say Yes to Life: Seven Keys to Living Full Out from Within and he has written devotionals for Daily Word magazine as well as articles for Science of Mind and Wisdom Magazine. He holds a Master’s degree in psychology.

For years Elliott consistently squelched his desires the moment they emerged. His constant refrain was, “Yes, I’d like to be friends with this person, but I’m not good enough.” The belief that he was not good enough was pervasive. Whenever his heart voiced a desire, it was immediately ruled out, whether the desire was related to career advancement, relationships, or money. In college, he never asked out a woman who had captured his heart at first sight. After graduating, he worked at entry-level jobs for years. His low self-esteem led him to sabotage a relationship with man within a year of meeting him and falling in love.

Now he has compassion for the young man he used to be. He has gradually come to know that the cosmos is benevolent and majestic and creates only images of its own nature. This transformation has revealed to him his passion and purpose for supporting others in their journey of liberation from the misery and paralysis that come with low self-worth. Through the course of his journey, he has discovered keys to opening the doorway to the realm of day-to-day authentic happiness. He is committed to sharing these keys through his writing and coaching.

Say Yes To Life