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Eliyahu Jian
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When people like Madonna, Roseanne, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Giselle Bundchen, Guy Ritchie and Michael Strahan were at a crossroads in their lives or wanted to find more meaning, purpose or direction, they turned to Eliyahu Jian.

With a new non-profit organization that offers the previously secret wisdom of the Kabbalah and other spiritual disciplines free to anyone who wants to achieve greater success, happiness and purpose -- and a new book, he is back in the public spotlight!

Through the organization Vital Transformation and his book The Laughing Billionaire: How to Become Rich and Happy, Eliyahu is one again popularizing the profound life wisdom of the Kabbalah in a way that can help people transform their lives to find meaning and joy.

Says Eliyahu:"There are many millionaires and billionaires, but few are fulfilled. Few live the ultimate billionaire lifestyle. My aim with this book is to give you the tools for psychological, physical, and spiritual transformation. These tools, in turn, will enable you to lead a billionaire lifestyle-one in which all your soul's desires are met. You will become happy."

By this definition, being a billionaire is not just about money. It is a metaphor for living a meaningful, spiritually fulfilling and happy life,...that in turn removes the barriers from allowing the Creator to bring you whatever you desire in life-whether it is money or other rewards.

"This book is for those who are willing to transform the world by loving themselves, seeing the good in others, and having the certainty that all the good and bad events they have been through are gifts from the Creator," says Eliiyahu. "The only difference between bad and good gifts is that one is wrapped very beautifully and makes you feel good when you receive it; the other one looks and feels bad and therefore isn't a joy to receive. However, both can lead you to new and greater heights if you accept the lesson within. In other words, all experiences can take you higher if you only choose to rise to the occasion, meaning everything is a stepping stone on your path to happiness, or what I'd like to call the billionaire lifestyle. The conundrum? You have to make a conscious decision that's the way it is and rise to the occasion." 

According to Elijahu, there is a never-ending stream of gifts that the Creator desires to provide, and in changing our perception to acknowledge and receive them, and removing the resistance that we put forward in any number of ways, including addictive behaviors, they will continually "download" to us and enrich our lives. But a deep spiritual connection is required to clear the path, find the true essence of happiness and receive this abundance.

Through his private coaching, soul-readings, free course work offered though Vital Transformation and The Laughing Billionaire: How to Become Rich and Happy, Eliyahu is offering today's person a modern, accessible and practical way to absorb the guidance and wisdom of the ancient mystical text of the Kabbalah that has been passed down in secret by Kabbalists for centuries. 

Eliyahu, born in Israel, was raised in close proximity to a grandfather who was renowned for his own profound wisdom and psychic/intuitive gifts. At 16, Eliyau became drawn to astrology and palm reading to understand more deeply about himself and others, but he wanted more in life; he wanted to know why things happened. It was when he discovered the Kabbalah Centre in Tel Aviv that things began to make sense to him. The Kabbalah provided the "Why." From that point, he dedicated his life to this profound spiritual path and bringing its wisdom to those seeking deeper meaning and happiness. But he also draws on the teachings of many other spiritual traditions to bring additional perspectives to his guidance and wisdom. With an insightful and charming gift of communication, coupled with his continued use of astrology and his own intuitive skills, Eliyahu Jian has become the preeminent go-to figure in contemporary Kabbalism today on the North American continent-first in New York and subsequently in Los Angeles. Eliyahu's uniqueness is found in his talent to translate profound spiritual wisdom into practical advice that empowers people to live their happiest and most fulfilled existence.

In his book, he brings forth interpretations from the famous historic Kabbalists, stories from his clients, his own life experiences, short meditative prayers, and much more.

Some of the topics he can address with your listeners include:

  • How we claim Ownership of our Soul
  • The definition of True Freedom
  • The power of Certainty
  • The destructive influence of Shame
  • How important friendship is to our spiritual growth
  • And the way people can commit to empowering change

If you would like to introduce Eliyahu and the wisdom of The Kabbalah to your listeners, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling detailsInterviews available as early as next week with a digital version of the book. Softcover available later this month.


Eliyahu Jian is an author, life and spiritual coach, motivational speaker and advisor to people of all ages and backgrounds. Eliyahu empowers people to be the best version of themselves, create stronger relationships, achieve career success, and create healthier lifestyles by developing a spiritual connection. He has shared his vision and guidance with some of the most famous and influential people in the world, and most recently for everyone in his book: The Laughing Billionaire -- How to Become Rich and Happy. 

Through his studies and work, Eliyahu discovered that cultivating true inner happiness enables one’s success to increase, and that money does not mean happiness. Known for his keen sense of humor, contagious smile and natural ability to simplify complicated knowledge, Eliyahu uses a multitude of spiritual tools to teach. His primary teachings are based in Kabbalah. 

His lectures, one-on-one coaching sessions, seminars and soul-readings have taken him around the world. Eliyahu’s uniqueness is found in his talent to translate profound spiritual wisdom into practical advice that empowers people to live their happiest and most fulfilled existence.

Growing up in Israel, Eliyahu lived in a traditional Jewish home and began seeking spirituality at the age of 16. Eliyahu has spent recent decades studying with the world’s leading motivational and spiritual teachers, allowing him to connect with thousands of people around the world looking to improve their lives and the lives of others.

Eliyahu’s passion for spirituality, happiness and success continues today.  As a co-founder of Vital Transformation, Eliyahu touches the lives of thousands of people daily with free online classes devoted to helping people find their purpose in life and be their best.

For more information, visit and

The Laughing Billionaire: How to Become Rich and Happy