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Cathryn McIntyre
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I am an “indie” author of two unusual memoirs, The Thoreau Whisperer: Channeling the Spirit of Henry David Thoreau (2018), and Honor in Concord: Seeking Spirit in Literary Concord (2008).  I am also a natural psychic and clairvoyant, a UFO experiencer and a sometime ghost investigator.  My blog about a ghostly experience in Maine led to my story being included in a book by Greg Latimer on Ghosts of the Boothbay Region (2015).  My UFO experiences led to my contact with a group of experiencers who worked closely with alien abduction investigator and author Dr. John Mack.  I am open, honest and more than willing to talk about my supernatural life.  I have appeared on many radio programs including: The Malliard Report, The Social Psychic, DreamVisions7, Awakening to the Unknown, and WBUM-Boston’s Commonwealth Journal.  Paranormal Underground Magazine featured an interview with me as the Psychic Spotlight in their October 2018 issue.  That article is a sample of just how straight-forward and honest I am when it comes to talking about topics that many are still reluctant to discuss, like communicating with those in spirit and encountering ghosts and aliens.  There is more to be uncovered, too, as I continue to receive information from spirit about my own soul origins and this unusual path I am on.  I have been told, for instance, that Lao Tsu was another of the spirits who was channeling through me.  I am currently writing a novel that is based on fact.  In it I explore the idea of walk-ins and soul braids while telling the story of a love affair that transcends physical death. 

Some additional info:

Has author Cathryn McIntyre made contact with the spirit of Henry David Thoreau?  If the story she tells in her newly released memoir, The Thoreau Whisperer is true then perhaps so.  After an encounter with her mentor, an eminent Thoreau scholar, eleven days after his death, McIntyre finds she must hone her psychic abilities, set her doubts aside and accept the role she was destined to play in a remarkable collaboration that allows the words of author Henry David Thoreau to be heard once again in our time. 

McIntyre’s communication with Thoreau began on a Sunday morning in November 2006 when the third-person narrative she was writing suddenly shifted into first and she typed out the words: “I am born David Henry Thoreau in this American town in this place called Concord.”  Their communication continued for the next few years as she recorded the words he conveyed to her.  Now she tells the story of her experience while sharing those words in The Thoreau Whisperer.  What are readers saying about this remarkable book?

  • “A book that challenges you to see beyond the physical and into something deeper and greater than ourselves.” S. Beecher, Indie Author Reviewer

  • “…beautifully written, heartfelt and wonderfully enlightening!” S. Decker, Indie Author Reviewer

  • “…an enlightening read that makes for an educational and spiritual journey into the afterlife.”  Deborah Beauvais, DreamVisions 7 Radio

McIntyre debuted The Thoreau Whisperer to a standing room only crowd at the Thoreau Farm Birthplace in Concord, MA in February 2018.  She later remarked, “reading the words that I believe originate with Thoreau in the very home where he was born was sheer magic to me.

ATTENTION: RADIO HOSTS & JOURNALISTS – Cathryn McIntyre would like to be a guest on your show or the subject of your next article.  She can be reached at: or via LinkedIn or Twitter @CathrynMcIntyre where she has a large and ever increasing following. 


Cathryn McIntyre is the author of two unusual memoirs, the recently published, The Thoreau Whisperer: Channeling the Spirit of Henry David Thoreau (2018), and Honor in Concord: Seeking Spirit in Literary Concord (2008), and the founder of The Concord Writer, a literary and publishing concern, dedicated to the words, wisdom and enduring spirit of Henry David Thoreau.  She is also a natural psychic and clairvoyant, a UFO experiencer and a sometime ghost investigator whose blog about a ghostly experience in Maine led to her story being included in a book by Greg Latimer entitled Ghosts of the Boothbay Region.  Her UFO experiences led to her connection with a group of experiencers who worked closely with alien abduction researcher, Dr. John Mack.  She has a large and ever-increasing following on Twitter and LinkedIn. 

McIntyre has studied the literary history of Concord, Massachusetts for over 25 years, both in university settings and independently.  She holds a B.A. in English literature from Michigan State University; has done graduate work at Harvard University’s Extension School and Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; and is a long-time member of The Thoreau Society.  She has lived in or near Concord, Massachusetts since 1984.

The Thoreau Whisperer by Cathryn McIntyre